Can't connect IBOutlets in XCode Tab Bar Application - cocoa-touch

I started with a Tab Bar Application. I deleted the SecondViewController.xib and in Interface Builder I deleted the associated tab bar button. Then in XCode I created a SecondViewController and a ThirdViewController. I added two tab bar buttons in IB and made these view controllers the file owners for their respective buttons. Then in the third view I added some UITextFields and a UIButton.
I can run the program, change view, and see the things I made in each of those views. The problem is when I create IBOutlets and IBActions in ThirdViewController and go to IB to link them to the things in the third view, none of those show up, so I can't make the links to the things showing in the view. Why is that?

There might be several reasons, try these ones..
Select the FilesOwner in your interface builder and try Menu > Read Class Files, point it to your Header file(s). See if you can view the IB (Select the FilesOwner / Item -> Menu > Tools > Connections Inspector.
Or You might have unsaved Header files with IBOutlets and IBActions, first try saving those


How to connect dataSource outlet of a Page View Controller using Storyboard in Interface Builder

According to Apple's documentation here, we should be able to add a Page View Controller into the storyboard and then optionally set the data source by connecting the outlets.
Creating a Page View Controller Interface Using a Storyboard
The Page-Based Application Xcode template creates a new project with a page view controller as the initial scene.
To add a page view controller to an existing storyboard, do the following:
Drag a page view controller out of the library. Add a page view controller scene to your storyboard.
In the Attributes inspector, set up the appropriate options.
Optionally, set a delegate, a data source, or both by connecting the corresponding outlets.
Display it as the first view controller by selecting the option Is Initial View Controller in the Attributes inspector (or present the view controller in your user interface in another way.)
I then defined a UIPageViewController subclass like so
#interface DetailsPageViewController : UIPageViewController <UIPageViewControllerDataSource>
but then when I tried to connect the data source outlet, it does not highlight the controller or allow to connect it. I have also tried implementing UIPageViewControllerDataSource on other controllers but I have the same problem of not being able to connect the outlet.
Can anyone help?
I failed to find a way to do it in IB. Have to use the following instead:
Note that the Apple documentation states that UIPageViewController is not normally subclassed. Your UIPageViewControllerDataSource does not need to be a subclass of a View Controller. You can make it a subclass of NSObject.
Normally only things that appear on the storyboard, namely UI elements, are listed in the document outline that appears to the left of the storyboard (provided it has not been hidden). If your delegate/datasource is not already there, you can put it there, by dragging an 'Object' (yellow cube) into the document outline, in the appropriate scene.
Then click on the Object that you just added, and use the Identity Inspector pane to alter its concrete class to your data source class. It's then available to be used as the target of a connection in the normal way by dragging a line from the Connections inspector onto it.

How to resize view in XIB?

I'm trying to follow these instructions with Xcode 4, but am unable to resize the xib. Does anyone know how? ( The width and height cannot be clicked upon ) Also there is no UITableViewController so I just used UIViewController.
EDIT - My goal is actually not to use the popover controller, I simply want to create a modal login dialog following the example here: How to resize a UIModalPresentationFormSheet? and am trying to make the view controller 300x400
A popover controller has to have a
view controller inside of it. So we
need to create a new view controller.
Go to File > New File > Cocoa Touch
Classes > UIViewController >
UITableViewController subclass >> With
XIB for UI >> Targeted for iPad. Name
it OptionsViewController. Drag your
viewcontroller.h and viewcontroller.m
files into the classes group and the
new XIB into the resources group.
Open the XIB and go to the Size
inspector. Change the width and height
properties to 250 and 300. Save your
file and close interface builder.
It appears that in Xcode 4.5+, just to be annoying: Apple changed this again.
Instead, you now have to:
select the viewcontroler
select the "size" dropdown
set it to "Freeform"
...which removes their "block" on editing the size fields.
(this is pretty close to how I expected it to work in the first place, but I have to say it's not easy to find - you have to edit a different value on a different screen (with no help from Apple), in order to un-break the edit field on the correct screen. Not good design!)
Interface Builder (and the IB equivalent in Xcode 4) won't let you change the size (or autosizing attributes) of a top-level view when any Simulated User Interface Elements are enabled.
Select your view, and in the View Attributes inspector set Status Bar, Top Bar, and Bottom Bar to Unspecified. You should then be able to change the size.
In swift 4.2 interface builder won't let you change the size
click on the view and open the attribute inspector and change top, bottom bar to none and size to freeform. Now you are good to go for the change in size.

Showing UITabBar in a separate view

I'm new to Xcode/Cocoa/Objective-C, and I need a little help.
Essentially, I'm working on an app in which the first window has a couple of buttons; this is the Main Menu. When pressed, a button opens up a separate view that has a UITabBar and a Navigation Bar at the top that leads back to the Main Menu.
My two questions:
How do you make a UITabBar appear only in certain views?
How do you create a button to switch between nib files and not only views?
I've been using a RootViewController and TabBarController classes to be used by my RootView.xib (which is the main menu that holds the buttons) and a couple .xib files for the tab bar views (one nib file has each of the two views for the tab bars and nav bar).
I'd really appreciate any help with this!
present your view with buttons modaly in your appDelegate. When you dismiss this view set a view controller with setSelectedViewController: as rootController in your TabBarControllers array.
Hope this helps

Drawing an "NSView" to a Custom-View - How? Am I taking the right approach?

I'm using Objective-C and Cocoa, whilst developing for Mac OS X - so not the iPhone/Cocoa Touch. (That said, I'd be interested if it was the same procedure for the iPhone)
I'm working on a preferences window for a simple app. I have a NSWindow with a toolbar - there are 5 different items on the toolbar, all of which need to bring up a different set of options.
So I set the NSToolbar and its items in Interface Builder, and then placed a custom view underneath the menu - taking up the rest of the window. My plan is to work out the interface too each of the NSToolbarItems options, and then draw the corresponding view on to the custom view when the specified NSToolbarItem is clicked.
I'm guessing that I simply create a NSView sub-class for each view, an empty xib in Interface Builder - set the xib to my custom NSView, code it as usual... But here's a few problems;
1 - Just how can I get the xib file to appear on the custom-view then? I have looked around and most articles don't seem to have this situation, or a situation I can relate too.
2 - When the window comes up, I want the default view to appear on the custom view. Once again, I'm guessing I just write that in the initialisation code for the NSWindow - its no big deal. It just goes back to question 1 though - how do I draw my NSView to the custom-view specified in Interface Builder?
I'd be really grateful for any help!
Cheers in advance.
So I set the NSToolbar and its items in Interface Builder, and then placed a custom view underneath the menu - taking up the rest of the window.
You can't have a menu inside of a window. You can have a pop-up button, which has a menu, but not a menu directly. Did you mean “toolbar” here?
You don't need to create a custom view for this. Make a tab view and set it to be tabless. Give it as many tab view items as you have toolbar items. In your controller, write an action method for each of the toolbar items, and in each action method, switch the active tab of the tab view.
You can activate different tabs in IB to populate them with views in IB. The active tab is saved in the nib, so make sure you set it back to the first tab before saving, so that the first tab is the one that's initially active when your app runs.
Just how can I get the xib file to appear on the custom-view then?
That question doesn't make sense.
Once again, I'm guessing I just write that in the initialisation code for the NSWindow - its no big deal.
You would only be able to do that if you have your own initialization code for the window, which you would only have if you have subclassed NSWindow. There are very few reasons to do that; unless you're making the window itself look different (not making an Aqua or HUD window), you should move that initialization code elsewhere, probably to the aforementioned controller (which should be the File's Owner of the nib).
It just goes back to question 1 though - how do I draw my NSView to the custom-view specified in Interface Builder?
A custom view in Interface Builder is a plain NSView (unless you explicitly change it to a subclass of NSView you create). However, you do not need one for anything you have described in your question.

Setting Toolbar Items of UINavigationController

In iPhone OS 3.0, you can set the toolbar items of a UINavigationController using the setToolbarItems:animated: method. However, this requires you pass in an array of UIToolbarItems. While I could programmatically create these toolbar items, I'd rather create them in Interface Builder if possible.
With this in mind, I have created a UIToolbar in "MyGreatViewController.xib" and have populated it with the wanted toolbar items. Then, in "MyGreatViewController.m", I get the items from the toolbar and pass them to setToolbarItems:animated::
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[self setToolbarItems: [toolbar items]];
...where toolbar is an IBOutlet referring to the UIToolbar.
Is this a good approach? Is there a better way to accomplish this? Should I just create the items programmatically?
I don't know if this is documented anywhere, but I've found that in Interface Builder, if you enable the navigation controller's toolbar, you can drag bar items to your view controller, and they will automagically show up in the navigation controller's toolbar.
For example, here's what we can do (using Xcode 3.2 on Snow Leopard):
File->New Project.... Choose Navigation-based Application and create the project.
Open MainWindow.xib in Interface Builder.
Select the Navigation Controller, and in the Attributes inspector, check the "Shows Toolbar" box. This will cause a Toolbar object to appear.
Drag a Bar Button Item from the Library to the toolbar. It will appear in the toolbar. If you check the hierarchy in the NIB, you'll see that this new item is a child of the RootViewController.
It seems that any Bar Button Items added as children of the navigation item will show up in the navigation bar, and any Bar Button Items added as children of the view controller will show up in the toolbar.
(I stumbled on this by accident. If anyone can find documentation for this behavior, or any additional info, I'd like to hear about it.)
It's a perfectly acceptable way of doing it, but do bear in mind that loading xib files is quite expensive on the iPhone, and it may well be faster to create the toolbar items programatically in your viewDidLoad method.