Should stored procedures check for potential issues when executing? - sql

Let me explain this question a bit :)
I'm writing a bunch of stored procedures for a new product.
They will only ever be called by the c# application, written by the developers who are following the same tech spec I've been given.
I cant go into the real tech spec, so I'll give an close enough example:
In the tech spec, we're having to store file data in a couple of proprietary zip files, with a database storing the names and locations of each file within a zip (eg, one database for each zip file)
Now, lets say that this tech spec states that, to perform "Operation A", the following steps must be done:
1: Calculate the space requirements of the file to be added
2: Get a list of zip files and their database connection strings (call stored proc "GetZips")
2: Find a suitable location within the zip file to store the file (call stored proc "GetSuitableFileLocation" against each database connection, until a suitable one is found)
3: In step 2, you will be provided with a start/end point within the zip to add your file.
Call the "AllocateLocationToFile" stored proc, passing in these values, then add your file to the zip.
OK - so the question is, should "AllocateLocationToFile" re-check the specified start/end points are still "free", and if not, raise an exception?
There was a bit of a discussion about this in the office, and whilst I believe it should check and raise, others believe that it should not, as there is no need due to the developer calling "GetSuitableFileLocation" immediately beforehand.
Can I ask for some valued oppinions?

Generally, it is better to be as safe as possible. A calling code should never rely on an external code (the sps are kind of external). The idea is that you can not predict what would happen in the future. New guys come to the company... the sps are given to another team and so on...
Personally, the fact that B() is right after A() doesn't guarantee anything. To change this for whatever reason is not something to be considered impossible.
A team should never take decisions based on "we are going to maintain this, no problem at all" because they might get fired, the company may sell the product and so on..
My suggestion is to do the checking, profile the code and if it is really a bottleneck to remove it, but write somewhere that THIS CAN BREAK!.

Given that you're manipulating files, with all the potential havoc this can create, I'd say in this scenario the risk (damage component) is high enough to be cautious.
And Svetlozar's right: what if great success does cause re-use, or other added-on applications? Not everyone may be as well-behaved as your team is right now.

One reason why it might be a good idea would involve race conditions. Is it possible two users could call the process at the same time and get the same values? Please at least test this scenario with the currently designed process.


How to quickly analyse the impact of a program change?

Lately I need to do an impact analysis on changing a DB column definition of a widely used table (like PRODUCT, USER, etc). I find it is a very time consuming, boring and difficult task. I would like to ask if there is any known methodology to do so?
The question also apply to changes on application, file system, search engine, etc. At first, I thought this kind of functional relationship should be pre-documented or some how keep tracked, but then I realize that everything can have changes, it would be impossible to do so.
I don't even know what should be tagged to this question, please help.
Sorry for my poor English.
Sure. One can technically at least know what code touches the DB column (reads or writes it), by determining program slices.
Methodology: Find all SQL code elements in your sources. Determine which ones touch the column in question. (Careful: SELECT ALL may touch your column, so you need to know the schema). Determine which variables read or write that column. Follow those variables wherever they go, and determine the code and variables they affect; follow all those variables too. (This amounts to computing a forward slice). Likewise, find the sources of the variables used to fill the column; follow them back to their code and sources, and follow those variables too. (This amounts to computing a backward slice).
All the elements of the slice are potentially affecting/affected by a change. There may be conditions in the slice-selected code that are clearly outside the conditions expected by your new use case, and you can eliminate that code from consideration. Everything else in the slices you may have inspect/modify to make your change.
Now, your change may affect some other code (e.g., a new place to use the DB column, or combine the value from the DB column with some other value). You'll want to inspect up and downstream slices on the code you change too.
You can apply this process for any change you might make to the code base, not just DB columns.
Manually this is not easy to do in a big code base, and it certainly isn't quick. There is some automation to do for C and C++ code, but not much for other languages.
You can get a bad approximation by running test cases that involve you desired variable or action, and inspecting the test coverage. (Your approximation gets better if you run test cases you are sure does NOT cover your desired variable or action, and eliminating all the code it covers).
Eventually this task cannot be automated or reduced to an algorithm, otherwise there would be a tool to preview refactored changes. The better you wrote code in the beginning, the easier the task.
Let me explain how to reach the answer: isolation is the key. Mapping everything to object properties can help you automate your review.
I can give you an example. If you can manage to map your specific case to the below, it will save your life.
The OR/M change pattern
Like Hibernate or Entity Framework...
A change to a database column may be simply previewed by analysing what code uses a certain object's property. Since all DB columns are mapped to object properties, and assuming no code uses pure SQL, you are good to go for your estimations
This is a very simple pattern for change management.
In order to reduce a file system/network or data file issue to the above pattern you need other software patterns implemented. I mean, if you can reduce a complex scenario to a change in your objects' properties, you can leverage your IDE to detect the changes for you, including code that needs a slight modification to compile or needs to be rewritten at all.
If you want to manage a change in a remote service when you initially write your software, wrap that service in an interface. So you will only have to modify its implementation
If you want to manage a possible change in a data file format (e.g. length of field change in positional format, column reordering), write a service that maps that file to object (like using BeanIO parser)
If you want to manage a possible change in file system paths, design your application to use more runtime variables
If you want to manage a possible change in cryptography algorithms, wrap them in services (e.g. HashService, CryptoService, SignService)
If you do the above, your manual requirements review will be easier. Because the overall task is manual, but can be aided with automated tools. You can try to change the name of a class's property and see its side effects in the compiler
Worst case
Obviously if you need to change the name, type and length of a specific column in a database in a software with plain SQL hardcoded and shattered in multiple places around the code, and worse many tables present similar column namings, plus without project documentation (did I write worst case, right?) of a total of 10000+ classes, you have no other way than manually exploring your project, using find tools but not relying on them.
And if you don't have a test plan, which is the document from which you can hope to originate a software test suite, it will be time to make one.
Just adding my 2 cents. I'm assuming you're working in a production environment so there's got to be some form of unit tests, integration tests and system tests already written.
If yes, then a good way to validate your changes is to run all these tests again and create any new tests which might be necessary.
And to state the obvious, do not integrate your code changes into the main production code base without running these tests.
Yet again changes which worked fine in a test environment may not work in a production environment.
Have some form of source code configuration management system like Subversion, GitHub, CVS etc.
This enables you to roll back your changes

Is it good practice to count on the file system as a database?

I'm working on an web application that uses SQL as a database back-end. One issue that I have is that it sometimes takes a while to get my DBA to create or modify tables in the database which under no circumstance am I allowed to modify on my own.
Here is something that I do is when I expect users to upload files with their data.
Suppose the user uploads a new record for a table called Student_Records. The user uploads a record with fname Bob and lname Smith. The record is assigned primary key 123 The user also uploads two files: attendance_record.pdf and homework_record.pdf. Let's suppose that I have a network share: \\foo\bar where the files are saved.
One way of handling this situtation would be to have a table Student_Records_Files that associates the key 123 with Bob Smith. However, since I have trouble getting tables created, I've gone and done something different: When I save the files on the server, I call them 123_attendance_record.pdf and 123_homework_record.pdf. That way, I can easily identify what table record each file is associated with without having to create a new SQL table. I am, in essence, using the file system itself as a join table (Obviously, the file system is a type of database).
In my code for retrieving the files, I scan the directory \\foo\bar and look for files that begin with each primary key number from Student_Records.
It seems to work very well, but is it good practice?
There is nothing wrong with using the file system to store files. It's what it is used for.
There are a few things to keep in mind though.
I would consider a better method of storing the files - perhaps a directory for each user, rather than simply appending the user id to the filename.
Ensure that the file store is resilient and backed up with the same regularity as your database. If your database is configured to give you a backup every 10 minutes, but your file store only does a backup every day (or worse week) then you might be in for a world of pain.
Also consider what would happen if the user uploads two documents that are the same name.
First of all, I think it's a bad practice, in general, to design your architecture based on how responsive your DBA is. Any given compromise based on this approach may or may not be a big deal, but over time it will result in a poorly designed system.
Second, making the file name this critical seems dangerous to me; there's no protection against a person or application modifying the filename without realizing its importance.
Third, one of the advantages of having a table to maintain the join between the person and the file is that you can add additional data, such as: when was the file uploaded, what is the MIME type, has the file been read by anyone through the system, is this file a newer version of a previous file, etc. etc. Metadata can be very powerful, and the filesystem offers only limited ways to store it.
There are really two questions here. One is, given that for administrative reasons you cannot get changes made to the database schema, is it acceptable to devise some workaround. To that I'd have to say yes. What else can you do? In theory, if it takes two weeks to get the DBA to make a schema change for you, then this two weeks should be added to any deadline that you are given. In practice, this almost never happens. I've often worked places where some paperwork or whatever required two weeks before I could even begin work, and then I'd be given two weeks and one day to do the project. Sometimes you just have to put it together with rubber bands and bandaids.
Two is, is it a good idea to build a naming convention into file names and use this to identify files and their relationship to other data. I've done this at times and it's generally worked for me, though I have a perhaps irrational emotional feeling that it's not a good idea.
On the plus side, (a) By building information into a file name, you make it easy for both the computer and a human being to identify file associations. (Human readable as long as the naming convention is straightforward enough, anyway.) (b) By eliminating the separate storage of a link, you eliminate the possibility of a bad link. A file with the appropriate name may not exist, of course, but a database record with appropriate keys may not exist, or the file reference in such a record may be null or invalid. So it seems to solve one problem there without creating any new problems.
Potential minuses are: (a) You may have characters in the key that are not legal in file names. You may be able to just strip such characters out, or this may cause duplicates. The only safe thing to do is to escape them in some way, which is a pain. (b) You may exceed the legal length of a file name. Not as much of an issue as it was in the bad old 8.3 days. (c) You can't share files. If a database record points to a file, then two db records could point to the same file. If you must make two copies of a file, not only does this waste disk space, but it also means that if the file is updated, you must be sure to update all copies. If in your application it would make no sense to share files, than this isn't an issue.
You have to manage the files in some way, but you had to do that anyway.
I really can't think of any over-riding minuses. As I say, I've done this on occassion and didn't run into any particular problems. I'm interested in seeing others' responses.
I think it is not good practice because you are making your working application very dependent on specific implementation details and it would make it pretty hard to work with in the future to maintain, or if other people later needed access to your code/api.
Now weather you should do this or not is a whole different question. If you are really taking that much of a performance hit and it is significantly easier to work with how you have it, then I would say go ahead and break the rules. Ideally its good to follow best practice methods, but sometimes you have to bend the rules a little to make things work.
First, why is this a table change as opposed to a data change? Once you have the tables set up you should only need to update rows in that table every time that a user adds new files. If you have to put up with this one-time, two-week delay then bite the bullet and just get it done right.
Second, instead of trying to work around the problem why don't you try to fix the problem? Why is the process of implementing table changes so slow? Are you at least able to work on a development database (in which you have control to test and try out these changes)? Even if it's your own laptop you can at least continue on with development. Work with your manager, the DBA, and whoever else you need to, in order to improve the process. Would it help to speed things up if your scripts went through a formal testing process before you handed them off to the DBA so that he doesn't need to test the scripts, etc. himself?
Third, if this is a production database then you should probably be building in this two-week delay into your development cycle. You know that it takes two weeks for the DBA to review and implement changes in production, so make sure that if you have a deadline for releasing functionality that you have enough lead time for it.
Building this kind of "data" into a filename has inherent problems as others have pointed out. You have no relational integrity guarantees and the "data" can be changed without knowledge of the rest of the application/database.
It's best to keep everything in the database.
Network file I/O is spotty at best. In addition, its slower than the DB I/O.
If the DBA is difficult in getting small changes into the database, you
may be dealing with:
A political control issue. Maybe he just knows DB stuff and is threatened
when he perceives others moving in on his turf. Whatever his reasons, you need
to GET WORK DONE. Period. Document all the extra time / communication / work
you need to do for each small change and take that up with the management.
If the first level of management is unwilling to see things your way,
(it does not matter what their reasons are), escalate the issue
to the next level of management. In the past, I've gotten results this way.
It was more of a political territory problem than a technical problem.
The DBA eventually gave up and gave me full access to the TEST system BUT
he also stipulated that I would need to learn his testing process,
naming convention, his DB standards and practices, his way of testing, etc.
I was game.
I would also need to fix any database problems arising from changes I introduced.
This was fair and I got to wear the DBA hat in addition to the developer hat.
I got the freedom I needed and he got one less thing to worry about.
A process issue. Maybe the DBA needs to put every small DB change you submit
through a gauntlet of testing and performance analysis. Maybe he has a highly
normalized DB schema and because he has the big picture, he needs to normalize or
denormalize your requested DB changes to fit into the existing schema.
Ask to work with him. Ask him for a full DB design diagram.
Get a good sense of his DB design philosophy. Implement your DB changes with
his DB design philosophy in mind. Show that you understand that he's trying
to keep the DB in good order (understand normalization, relational constraints,
check constraints) Give him less to worry about. He needs to trust that you
will not muck up his database.
Accumulate all the small changes into a lengthy script and submit them to the DBA.
This way, you won't have to wait for each small change to go through all of his
process / testing. In addition, you're giving him a bigger picture view of your
development planning (that is in step with his DB design philosophy) instead of
just the play by play.

Serialization or SQlite?

I'm making a patient database program using Visual C#. It will have forms and will consist of 3 tabs with information about the patient. It will also have add, save, previous, next buttons and a search function. The most important thing is each record will have like 60 items/columns/attributes per record and the records could reach to 50k-100k or more.
Now my question is, which is better for my program? Should I use SQlite or Serialization/Deserialization?
The "database" word in the question strongly suggests that just serialization/deserialization isn't enough. Of course if you can fit all of your data into memory and you're happy to perform all the querying yourself, it could work - but you'll need to consider the cost of potentially reading everything into memory on startup, and possibly writing everything out whenever you change anything.
A database does sound like a better fit to me, to be honest. Whether SQLite is the most appropriate database for you or not is a different question though.
Having said all of this, for the C# in Depth website I keep all the information about comments / errata in a simple XML file, which is loaded lazily and saved every time I make a change. It works well, it's easy to manage, and the file is human readable in source control when I want it. However, I have vastly fewer records than you, and they're much simpler too. I don't have any search requirements - I just need to list everything and fetch by ID. My guess is that your needs are rather more complex, hence my recommendation to use a database.

OK for this to be a SQL Server job?

I have a folder that contains images for use badges. I have another folder that contains renamed versions of the images (this folder is on another machine).
I need to create a process that will copy and rename any new images found. The mapping between the names is in a SQL Server DB.
Would it be a bad idea to create this as a SQL Server job and use xp_cmdshell to copy the files? This was my first instinct, but I haven't done this before so I was curious if there were any gottchas i should know about...
Considering most simple questions on SO are answered in seconds, and you
asked this one 53 minutes ago (at the time I'm writing this) and have no answers suggests nobody has done it, or nobody has any strong feelings one way or the other.
In my own experience I have sometimes found myself considering this, and always chosen against it. The reason always turns out the same, the operation in question becomes more complicated over time, and is better handled in application code. So it turns out to be easier to handle it in app code, and to just store the result in the database.
Some years ago I stopped thinking about it and crossed this option off the list of regular practice, owing to that pattern.
EDIT: One more thing (Remember I said I never think about it anymore?), which I remembered in answering your other question. It's because the shell is executing with the server's permissions. You often have to give the server privileges it would not normally have, which is bad practice.

Programmatically check for Access database corruption?

Is there a way to programmatically check for database object corruption in Access 2003?
My development project has gotten complex enough that it's hard to manually check all the objects after a day of programming to see if some small control, form, report, query, or code object has been corrupted somehow. I already have the data split off into a separate SQL Database stored on another machine, and this project is merely a front-end application to work with the data.
Mostly an academic musing, as I just don't want to get so far - then have corruption put me back several weeks because some seldom used object got corrupted way back when.
Any ideas out there? Thanks in advance for any pointers!
EDITED 12/03/2009 # 11:51
Sadly, I can only accept one answer - though I got a few very good ones, thank you for all the pointers!
You might like to look at: Is it possible to programmatically detect corrupt Access 2007 database tables?
I am inclined to keep a copy of important databases at each compact & repair and to compare the new database against the previous one. You can also check for non-standard characters.
Neither Compact/Repair nor Decompile/Recompile catches all corruption problems, although you should be doing this anyway.
I use a function to export all Container Docs (and QueryDefs) using SaveAsText into a date/time stamped folder, and use it regularly throughout the day. If I suspect any corruption, I create a new mdb, and use LoadFromText to recreate the objects.
Proper compilation practices will prevent corruption of the VBA project (which is what you're talking about here).
That entails:
use OPTION EXPLICIT in all modules.
turn off COMPILE ON DEMAND in the VBE options.
compile your code regularly, while working.
periodically (e.g., once a day after a full day of coding) decompile and recompile the code.
If you do this, you'll never encounter corruption in the first place so you won't need to test for it (which is impossible in the first place).