Easy, automated, efficient testing methods/environments for Codeigniter and/or CakePHP? - testing

I've been playing with Symfony's testing methods. They give you the results in the command line (for instance, green text is for OK and red text is for NOT OK). It also tells you the cause of the error.
Is there something similar to this in CodeIgniter and CakePHP?

The best tool out there that I've seen for codeigniter is a library for SimpleTest see http://codeigniter.com/wiki/SimpleTester_-_Unit_testing_library/

With cakephp, you can use e.g. simpletest as a plugin (installation a download/renaming). In fact all the cake-core tests work with it. In cake, once you have written the tests, you can run them in a one-click manner via your browser (yes, you get your green bars, too :-) ).
If I remember correctly, you can run the tests from the shell, too. If not you can create your own cake-shell as it is easy to extend.


Clear Cursive REPL state before each test run

I'm new to Cursive and Clojure in general and am having some difficulty getting a decent TDD workflow.
My problem is that subsequent test runs depend on state in the REPL. For example suppose that you have the code below.
(def sayHello "hello")
(deftest test-repl-state
(testing "testing state in the repl"
(is (= "hello" sayHello))))
If you run this with "Tools->REPL->Run tests in current ns in REPL" it will pass.
If you then refactor the code like this
(def getGreeting "hello")
(deftest test-repl-state
(testing "testing state in the repl"
(is (= "hello" sayHello))))
If you run this with "Tools->REPL->Run tests in current ns in REPL" it will still pass (because the def of sayHello still exists in the repl). However, the tests should fail because the code is currently in a failing state (sayHello is not defined anywhere in the code).
I've tried toggling the "locals will be cleared" button in the REPL window but this does not seem to fix the issue.
If there is a way to run the tests outside of the REPL (or in a new REPL for each test run) I'd be fine with that as a solution.
All I want is that there is a 1 to 1 correspondence between the source code under test and the result of the test.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Yes, it's annoying to have old defs available. I don't even create tests usually (whoops), but this bites me during normal development. If I create a function, then rename it, then change it, then accidentally refer to the first function name, I get odd results since it's referring to the old function. I'm still looking for a good way around this that doesn't involve killing and restarting the REPL.
For your particular case though, there's a couple easy, poor workarounds:
Open IntelliJ's terminal (button at bottom left of the window) and run lein test. This will execute all the project's tests and report the results.
Similarly to the above, you can, outside of IntelliJ, open a command window in the project directory and run lein test, and it will run all found tests.
You can also specify which namespace to test using lein test <ns here> (such as lein test beings-retry.core-test), or a specific test in a namespace using :only (such as lein test :only beings-retry.core-test/a-test; where a-test is a deftest). Unfortunately, this doesn't happen in the REPL, so it kind of breaks workflow.
The only REPL-based workaround I know of, as mentioned above, is to just kill the REPL:
"Stop REPL" (Ctrl+F2)
"Reconnect" (Ctrl+F5).
Of course though, this is slow, and an awful solution if you're doing this constantly. I'm interested to see if anyone else has any better solutions.
You could use Built-in test narrowing (test selector) feature of test-refresh lein plugin. It allows to test only those tests that have been marked with ^:test-refresh/focus meta every time you save a file.
The usual solution for this kind of problem is either stuartsierra/component or tolitius/mount.
A complete description would be out of place here, but the general idea is to have some system to manage state in a way that allows to cleanly reload the application state. This helps keeping close to the code that is saved in your source files while interactively working on the running system.
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I'm posting my own answer to this problem because I've found a way forward that works for me and I'm not sure that any of the above were quite what I was looking for.
I have come to the conclusion that the clojure REPL, although useful, is not where I will run tests. This basically came down to a choice between either running a command to clean the repl between each test run (like the very useful refresh function in tools.namespace https://github.com/clojure/tools.namespace) or not running tests in the REPL.
I chose the latter option because.
It is one less step to do (and reloading is not always perfect)
CI tests do not run in a REPL so running them directly in dev is one step closer to the CI environment.
The code in production does not run in a REPL either so running tests outside the repl is closer to the way that production code runs.
It's actually a pretty simple thing to configure a run configuration in IntelliJ to run either a single test or all tests in your application as a normal clojure application. You can even have a REPL running at the same time if you like and use it however you want. The fact that the tooling leans so heavily towards running things in the REPL blinded me to this option to some extent.
I'm pretty inexperienced with Clojure and also a stubborn old goat that is set in his TDD ways but at least some others agree with me about this https://github.com/cursive-ide/cursive/issues/247.
Also if anyone is interested, there is a great talk on how the REPL holds on to state and how this causes all sorts of weird behaviour here https://youtu.be/-RaFcpNiYCo. It turns out that the problem I was seeing with re-defining functions was just the tip of the iceberg.
One option that may help, especially if you're bundling several assertions, or have repeating tests is let. The name-value binding has a known scope, and can save you from re-typing a lot.
Here's an example:
(deftest my-bundled-and-scoped-test
(let [TDD "My expected result"
helper (some-function :data)]
(testing "TDD-1: Testing state in the repl"
(is (= TDD "MY expected result")))
(testing "TDD-2: Reusing state in the repl"
(is (= TDD helper)))))
Once my-bundled-and-scoped test finishes executing, you'll no longer be in the let binding. An added benefit is that the result of some-function will be reusable too, which is handy for testing multiple assertions or properties of the same function/input pair.
While on the subject, I'd also recommend using Leiningen to run your tests, as there are plenty of plugins that can help you test more efficiently. I'd checkout test-refresh, speclj, and cloverage.

running grails unit tests in vim

Im trying to find a way to run my grails unit/integration tests in vim without having to leave my editor. Is there a good plugin for that? I took a lot of tips from here http://www.objectpartners.com/2012/02/21/using-vim-as-your-grails-ide-part-1-navigating-your-project/ but I dont want to have to switch to just see the output.
I tried it with a keymap but grails has to start up each time. Any ideas? How do you guys do this?
I also found this https://github.com/hoffoo/vim-grails-console but couldn't get it set up properly.
I've started to use Tim Pope's vim-dispatch plugin to execute tests in a shell and then report the results back to vim. You can see my version of executing a grails test in my dotfiles repo, specifically, in grailsScripts
In order for the plugin to report back to vim, you need to set an errorformat. I've battled with vim's errorformat for quite awhile and ultimately landed on using a combination of reformatting the output with a groovy script and using errorformat to highlight file paths. The result is that you see the entire grails output in the error list, but can hit enter on lines with file paths and go to the line in question. It's not perfect, but it works.
If you are interested in using that method, you'll want to also get the following files from my dotfiles:
Note that these scripts work in my setup, but I haven't made them into a plugin yet, so your mileage may vary. I hope it helps!

All the tests of the same category show up as only one test result w/ TestNG in Intellij and I'd like it not to happen. How?

I have been developing a project which contains a TestLauncher class that'll read a given directory and for each file it contains, run it against my tool and yield the results.
So, when coding in Eclipse, it would show up one result for each test (as expected). Today I've been toying with Intellij, and I've decided to try to run and code a bit of this project in Intellij.
When trying to run the tests, though, it seems to be only showing up 2 results instead of the 100+ it should. Although I am sure it is running the full suite, it seems to be folding all the results of a given category in a single result. That means that if I have at least one failing test in each category, it shows up as a "failed test".
I guess this must not be a bug, but rather some configuration that I am not aware about and that is on by default in Intellij but not in Eclipse. Could anyone explain what might be going on?
Edit: I am using the latest Intellij (downloaded one of these days).
What you're seeing is simply a difference in the way the Eclipse and IDEA plug-ins are implemented. I implemented the Eclipse plug-in to be pretty clever in its display, so it will show different things depending on various factors such as the presence of a toString() method in your test class or whether your test class implements org.testng.ITest.
I suggest you ask this question on the IDEA forums and if you don't get any response, feel free to email the testng-users list and I can put you in touch with the JetBrains engineer in charge of the TestNG plug-in.
The IntelliJ-IDEA TestNG Plugin has a filter symbol called "Hide Passed" above the output Test Results. You can toggle that to display all tests, including the passed ones.

Existing solutions to test a NSIS script

Does anyone know of an existing solution to help write tests for a NSIS script?
The motivation is the benefit of knowing whether modifying an existing installation script breaks it or has undesired side effects.
Unfortunately, I think the answer to your question depends at least partially on what you need to verify.
If all you are worried about is that the installation copies the right file(s) to the right places, sets the correct registry information etc., then almost any unit testing tool would probably meet your needs. I'd probably use something like RSpec2, or Cucumber, but that's because I am somewhat familiar with Ruby and like the fact that it would be an xcopy deployment if the scripts needed to be run on another machine. I also like the idea of using a BDD-based solution because the use of a domain-specific language that is very close to readable text would mean that others could more easily understand, and if necessary modify, the test specification when necessary.
If, however you are concerned about the user experience (what progress messages are shown, etc.) then I'm not sure that the tests you would need could be as easily expressed... or at least not without a certain level of pain.
Good Luck! Don't forget to let other people here know when/if you find a solution you like.
Check out Pavonis.
With Pavonis you can compile your NSIS script and get the output of any errors and warnings.
Another solution would be AutoIT.
You can compile your install using Jenkins and the NSIS command line compiler, set up an AutoIT test script and have Jenkins run the test.

TestCase scripting framework

For our webapp testing environment we're currently using watin with a bunch of unit tests, and we're looking to move to selenium and use more frameworks.
We're currently looking at Selenium2 + Gallio + Xunit.net,
However one of the things we're really looking to get around is compiled testcases. Ideally we want testcases that can be edited in VS with intellisense, but don't require re-compilling the assembly every single time we make a small change,
Are there any frameworks likely to help with this issue?
Are there any nice UI tools to help manage massive ammount of testcases?
Ideally we want the testcase writing process to be simple so that more testers can aid in writing them.
You can write them in a language like ruby (e.g., IronRuby) or python which doesnt have an explicit compile step of such a manner.
If you're using a compiled a compiled language, it needs to be compiled. Make the assemblies a reasonable size and a quick Shift F6 (I rewire it to shift Ins) will compile your current project. (Shift Ctrl-B will typically do lots of redundant stuff). Then get NUnit to auto-re-run the tests when it detects the assembly change (or go vote on http://xunit.codeplex.com/workitem/8832 and get it into the xunit GUI runner).
You may also find that CR, R# and/or TD.NET have stuff to offer you in speeding up your flow. e.g., I believe CR detects which tests have changed and does stuff around that (at the moment it doesnt support the more advanced xunit.net testing styles so I dont use it day to day)
You wont get around compiling test frameworks if you add new tests..
However there are a few possibilities.
You could develop a native language like i did in xml or similar format. It would look something like this:
action name="OpenProfile"
parameter name="Username" value="TestUser"
After you have this your could simply take an interpreter and serialize this xml into an object. Then with reflection you could call the appropriate function in the corresponding class. After you have a lot of actions implemented of course perfectly moduled and carefully designed structure ( like every page has its own object and a base object that every page inherits from ), you will be able to add xml based tests on your own without the need of rebuilding the framework it self.
You see you have actions like, login, go to profile, go to edit profile, change password, save, check email etcetc. Then you could have tests like: login change password, login edit profile username... and so on and so fort. And you only would be creating new xmls.
You could look for frameworks supporting similar behavior and there are a few out there. The best of them are cucumber and fitnesse. These all support high level test case writing and low level functionality building.
So basically once you have your framework ready all your have to do is writing tests.
Hope that helped.