Objective-C, how can i hook up a method in another class - objective-c

Objective-C keeps all its methods in a huge hashtable - so shouldn't it possible to patch this table and replace an existing method with my own patched method (which then calls the original)?
I need a way to hook up the NSWindow KeyUp method in a window which i can't subclass cause it's already created.
I need some code or at least some keywords i can use for further searching.

You should NOT swizzle methods for this. This is deprecated behavior. This will affect ALL windows in your app not just the one you wanted to change. However, what you should do instead is to subclass NSWindow already and then change the class of that window at runtime. This can be done using this runtime function:
Class object_setClass(id object, Class cls)
Reference is here: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ObjCRuntimeRef/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001418-CH1g-SW12
Your code should then look like this:
object_setClass(theWindow, [MyWindowSubclass class]);
On problem you might experience is that window already being a subclass of NSWindow. If that's the case there are more complicated ways to achieve this. You can construct a class dynamically at runtime. Here's some more code. Given that window is the target window:
Class newWindowClass = objc_allocateClassPair([window class], "MyHackyWindowSubclass", 0);
Method upMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(newWindowClass, #selector(keyUp:));
method_setImplementation(upMethod, new_NSWindow_keyUp_);
object_setClass(window, newWindowClass);
I'm not totally sure this does not change the implementation of the superclass. The documentation is a bit unspecific about it. However, you should still try it. If it does not work, replace the second and third line by this one:
class_replaceMethod(newWindowClass, #selector(keyUp:), new_NSWindow_keyUp_, "v#:#");
In any case you need to define the new Method implementation. It could look like that (partially by KennyTM):
void new_NSWindow_keyUp_(NSWindow* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent* evt) {
[super keyUp: evt];
... // do your changes

Of course it is possible. In fact, you don't even need to look into the hash table — there's standard API for this.
For example:
typedef void (*NSWindow_keyUp__IMP)(NSWindow* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent* evt);
static NSWindow_keyUp__IMP original_NSWindow_keyUp_;
void replaced_NSWindow_keyUp_(NSWindow* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent* evt) {
NSLog(#"Entering keyUp:. self = %#, event = %#", self, evt);
original_NSWindow_keyUp_(self, _cmd, evt);
NSLog(#"Leaving keyUp:. self = %#, event = %#", self, evt);
Method m = class_getInstanceMethod([NSWindow class], #selector(keyUp:));
original_NSWindow_keyUp_ = method_setImplementation(m, replaced_NSWindow_keyUp_);


Calling original function from swizzled function

I am messing around with method swizzling and would like to call the original function after performing a method_exchangeImplementations. I have two projects I have setup for this.
The first project is the main project for the application. This project includes all of the logic for the application. Notice that originalMethodName is called when the view loads.
#implementation ViewController
- (void)originalMethodName
NSLog(#"REAL %s", __func__);
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSLog(#"REAL %s", __func__);
[self originalMethodName];
The second project includes only the code for swizzling. I have a method swizzle_originalMethodName which includes the code I want to inject into the main application with the originalMethodName function is called.
#implementation swizzle_ViewController
- (void)swizzle_originalMethodName
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
__attribute__((constructor)) static void initializer(void)
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
Class c1 = objc_getClass("ViewController");
Class c2 = [swizzle_ViewController class];
Method m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(c1, #selector(originalMethodName));
Method m2 = class_getInstanceMethod(c2, #selector(swizzle_originalMethodName));
method_exchangeImplementations(m1, m2);
The swizzle is working just fine (as seen in the output below), but now I want to be able to call originalMethodName from the swizzle_originalMethodName
2016-08-17 14:18:51.765 testMacOS[7295:1297055] FAKE initializer
2016-08-17 14:18:51.822 testMacOS[7295:1297055] REAL -[ViewController viewDidLoad]
2016-08-17 14:18:51.822 testMacOS[7295:1297055] FAKE -[swizzle_ViewController swizzle_originalMethodName]
I have tried to use NSInvocation but am not having any luck. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Class c1 = objc_getClass("ViewController");
Method m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(c1, #selector(originalMethodName));
NSMethodSignature *methodSignature = [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:method_getTypeEncoding( m1)];
NSInvocation *originalInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:methodSignature];
[originalInvocation invoke];
If you are swizzling within a class hierarchy, e.g. you have a subclass which swizzles one of its ancestors methods with one of its own, then you simply have the swizzled-in method apparently call itself – that call will actually call the swizzled-out method as the methods have been swapped. In your case you would have:
- (void)swizzle_originalMethodName
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
[self swizzle_originalMethodName]; // call original
This does not work in your case as you are cross-class swizzling, so self doesn't reference the class with the swizzled-out method. And you don't have an instance of the swizzling class you can call the swizzled-out method on...
Here is one easy way to fix this, what your swizzle-in method needs to be able to do is call the original implementation, and you can get that when you setup the swizzling.
In Objective-C a method is implemented by a function whose first two arguments are the object reference the method is being called on and the selector and the remaining arguments are those of the method. For example the NSString method:
- (NSRange)rangeOfString:(NSString *)aString
is implemented by a function something like:
NSRange rangeOfStringImp(NSString *self, SEL cmd, NSString *aString)
You can obtain a function pointer to this implementation function using method_getImplementation.
To your code, first in your swizzle_ViewController declare a type for the implementation function of the method you are swizzling, and a global to store the function pointer:
typedef void (*OriginalImpType)(id self, SEL selector);
static OriginalImpType originalImp;
Now in your initializer method you need to save the method implementation, you can do this by adding the line shown:
Method m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(c1, #selector(originalMethodName));
originalImp = (OriginalImpType)method_getImplementation(m1); // save the IMP of originalMethodName
Finally have your swizzled-in method call the saved implementation:
- (void)swizzle_originalMethodName
NSLog(#"FAKE %s", __func__);
originalImp(self, #selector(originalMethodName)); // call the original IMP with the correct self & selector
Optional: The above works correctly, however it does a little more than is required – the method implementations are both exchanged and one is stored in a global variable, all you really need to do is save the original implementation of m1 and then set its implementation to that of m2. You can address this by replacing the call to method_exchangeImplementations with:
method_setImplementation(m1, method_getImplementation(m2));
It is a little more typing, but somewhat clearer as to what actually needs to be done.
There is a slightly easier option to call the original implementation that doesn't require you to store the method implementation directly. When you exchange implementations of the methods, the original implementation will be stored in the swizzler class. You can fetch the swizzled out implementation using the class_getMethodImplementation function. Here is a playground sample:
import Cocoa
let fooSelector = Selector("fooWithArg:")
let swizzledFooSelector = Selector("swizzled_fooWithArg:")
class A: NSObject {
#objc dynamic func foo(arg: String) {
print("Foo \(arg) in A")
class B: NSObject {
private typealias FooFunc = #convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, String) -> Void
#objc func swizzled_foo(arg: String) {
print("Swizzled_foo \(arg) in B")
class_getMethodImplementation(B.self, swizzledFooSelector),
to: FooFunc.self
)(self, fooSelector, arg)
class_getInstanceMethod(A.self, fooSelector)!,
class_getInstanceMethod(B.self, swizzledFooSelector)!
A().foo(arg: "bar")

Proper way of method swizzling in objective-C

Currently experimenting with method swizzling in Objective-C and I have a question. I am trying to understand the proper way to method swizzle and after researching online I stumbled upon this NSHipster post:
In the post the author has some method swizzling sample code. I am looking for someone to better explain to me what the author is doing.. In particular I am confused on the didAddMethod logic. Why is the author not just directly swapping/exchanging method implementations? My only theory on this is maybe there is some off chance that viewWillAppear: is not added to UIViewController's method dispatch_table yet. Particularly if maybe the category is loaded into memory first before UIViewController... Is this the reason why? It seems rather odd? Just looking for some more insight/clarity, thanks :)
In particular I am confused on the didAddMethod logic. Why is the author not just directly swapping/exchanging method implementations?
Your confusion is understandable as this logic is not explained clearly.
First ignore the fact that the example is a category on the specific class UIViewController and just consider the logic as though the category was on some arbitrary class, let's call that class TargetClass.
We'll call the existing method we wish to replace existingMethod.
The category, being on TargetClass, adds the swizzling method, which we'll call swizzlingMethod, to TargetClass.
Important: Note that the function to get an method, class_getInstanceMethod, will find the method in the supplied class or any of its superclasses. However the functions class_addMethod and class_replaceMethod only add/replace methods in the supplied class.
Now there are two cases to consider:
TargetClass itself directly contains an implementation of existingMethod. This is the easy case, all that needs to be done is exchange the implementations of existingMethod and swizzlingMethod, which can be done with method_exchangeImplementations. In the article the call to class_addMethod will fail, as there is already and existingMethod directly in TargetClass and the logic results in a call to method_exchangeImplementations.
TargetClass does not directly contain an implementation of existingMethod, rather that method is provided through inheritance from one of the ancestor classes of TargetClass. This is the trickier case. If you simply exchange the implementations of existingMethod and swizzlingMethod then you would be effecting (instances of) the ancestor class (and in a way which could cause a crash - why is left as an exercise). By calling class_addMethod the article's code makes sure there is an existingMethod in TargetClass - the implementation of which is the original implementation of swizzlingMethod. The logic then replaces the implementation of swizzlingMethod with the implementation of the ancestor's existingMethod (which has no effect on the ancestor).
Still here? I hope that makes sense and hasn't simply sent you cross-eyed!
Another exercise if you're terminally curious: Now you might ask what happens if the ancestor's existingMethod implementation contains a call to super... if the implementation is now also attached to swizzlingMethod in TargetClass where will that call to super end up? Will it be to implementation in ancestor, which would see the same method implementation executed twice, or to the ancestor's ancestor, as originally intended?
load is called when a class is added in obj-c runtime.
So let's say if a UIViewController gets added in obj-c runtime which already contains viewWillAppear: but you want it to be replaced by another implementation. So first you add a new method xxxWillAppear:.
Now once xxxWillAppear: has been added in ViewController class, only then you can replace it.
But the author also said :
For example, let’s say we wanted to track how many times each view controller is presented to a user in an iOS app
so he is trying to demonstrate a case where an app might have many view controllers but you do not want to keep replacing for each ViewController the viewWillAppear: implementation. Once the point of viewWillAppear: has been replaced, then instead of adding, only the exchange will need to be done.
Perhaps source code of Objective C runtime might help :
* addMethod
* fixme
* Locking: runtimeLock must be held by the caller
static IMP
addMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp, const char *types, BOOL replace)
IMP result = nil;
method_t *m;
if ((m = getMethodNoSuper_nolock(cls, name))) {
// already exists
if (!replace) {
result = _method_getImplementation(m);
} else {
result = _method_setImplementation(cls, m, imp);
} else {
// fixme optimize
method_list_t *newlist;
newlist = (method_list_t *)_calloc_internal(sizeof(*newlist), 1);
newlist->entsize_NEVER_USE = (uint32_t)sizeof(method_t) | fixed_up_method_list;
newlist->count = 1;
newlist->first.name = name;
newlist->first.types = strdup(types);
if (!ignoreSelector(name)) {
newlist->first.imp = imp;
} else {
newlist->first.imp = (IMP)&_objc_ignored_method;
attachMethodLists(cls, &newlist, 1, NO, NO, YES);
result = nil;
return result;
class_addMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp, const char *types)
if (!cls) return NO;
IMP old = addMethod(cls, name, imp, types ?: "", NO);
return old ? NO : YES;
class_replaceMethod(Class cls, SEL name, IMP imp, const char *types)
if (!cls) return nil;
IMP old = addMethod(cls, name, imp, types ?: "", YES);
return old;
You can dig more if you want:

How to add a category to a "hidden" class

Is there a way to add a category to a class whose header file you can't access?
For testing purposes, I want to add a category to UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl, but the class is (as far as I can tell) part of a private framework.
How can I do that?
Elaboration (per mihirios's request):
I am trying to extend the Frank testing framework to simulate tapping the confirmation button (the big red "Delete" button) that appears when you try to delete a UITableViewCell. Frank adds a tap method to UIControl. For some reason, Frank's usual way of tapping a control does not work for the UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl class (which subclasses UIControl).
I've create a workaround. I added a category to UITableViewCell, with the following method.
- (BOOL)confirmDeletion {
if (![self showingDeleteConfirmation]) {
return NO;
UITableView *tableView = (UITableView *)[self superview];
id <UITableViewDataSource> dataSource = [tableView dataSource];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [tableView indexPathForCell:self];
[dataSource tableView:tableView
return YES;
This finds the table's data source and invokes its tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath: method, which (according to the documentation for UITableView) is what the system does when the user taps the confirmation button.
This works, but I would prefer to make UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl appear to be a tappable button by adding a tap method to it, overriding Frank's default one. The tap method would find the cell that contains the confirmation button, then invoke [cell confirmDeletion].
When I try to declare a category for UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl, the compiler complains that it "can't resolve interface 'UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl'."
When I try to use the header file that someone generated using class-dump, the linker complains that it can't find the symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl.
For testing purposes, you can always get the class object using NSClassFromString and then use the class_replaceMethod runtime method to do whatever you need. See the Objective-C Runtime Reference for details.
As far as i know you can not use a Category, but you could add the methods manually during runtime.
A Possible way to do this is, to create a new class, implement the methods you want to, and send this methods to UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl using the appropriate objc-runtime functions. There are some things to take care of, like storing the original functions for later use in case of overloading, also in your 'category'-class you have to pay attention when you want to call super, as this will not work, you have to use objc-runtime function objc_msgSendSuper instead.
As Long as you don't need to call super this will do fine:
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
void implementInstanceMethods(Class src, Class dest) {
unsigned int count;
Method *methods = class_copyMethodList(src, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
IMP imp = method_getImplementation(methods[i]);
SEL selector = method_getName(methods[i]);
NSString *selectorName = NSStringFromSelector(selector);
const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding(methods[i]);
class_replaceMethod(dest, selector, imp, types);
a good point to call the method is in main.m, for example:
#autoreleasepool {
implementInstanceMethods([MyCategory class], NSClassFromString(#"UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationControl"));
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([YourAppDelegate class]));
But i don't know why you not just move the confirmation handling in the controller-class.
As long as the compiler can (eventually) link to the class in question you can create a category for it. The more important question will be how to design the category since it seems you do not have access to the source for the original class.

Dynamic method creation in Objective-C

In the book The Pragmatic Programmer, the authors suggest that all method inputs should be validated. This allows problems with a method to be caught early and their sources traced easily.
In my Mac application, I accomplished this by creating an Assert class. This class has several class methods. These methods determine if some precondition is met, and if it is not, then an exception is thrown. A typical assertion might looks something like this:
-(void) setWidth: (int) theWidth {
[Assert integer: width isGreaterThanInteger: 0];
width = theWidth;
This works really well, and significantly reduced the amount of time I've spend bug hunting. However, I've noticed lately some of the assertion methods are very useful as predicates. For example, my integer:isGreaterThanInteger:andLessThanInteger: and my stringIsNotEmpty: methods are equally useful. To this end, I created a second class Predicate, which I filled with several of my more useful predicate methods. So I took the logic from the assert methods, and moved it into Predicate, and then rewrote my Assert methods like the following:
if ![Predicate predicateMethod]
throw exception
This has turned into a maintenance nightmare. If I change the name of a method name in Predicate, I must also change it in Assert to stay consistent. If I update the documentation of an Assert method, then I must do the same to a Predicate method.
Ideally, I would like the reconstruct the Assert class so that when any method is called on it, it intercepts the selector. The Predicate class can then be checked to see if it responds to the selector, and if it does, the method is called on Predicatewith the same arguments that were passed into the Assert method. If the Predicate method returns false, then an exception is thrown.
Is there a way to do this in Objective-C?
You could use -forwardingTargetForSelector: to simply forward the method to another object, but if you want advanced behavior (like checking the return value to see if it's false), you may need to use -forwardInvocation:. (However, note that the documentation says this is "much more expensive" than the former option.)
If you're using pure Objective-C, you should see the "Forwarding" discussion here. It basically describes how to do exactly what you want, including example code.
If you're using Cocoa then you might have to use forwardInvocation: instead.
I ended up overriding resolveClassMethod:. While overriding forwardInvocation might have worked (I would have had to figure out some way to override it for the class object), resolveClassMethod: seems like it's the easier and more efficient method. Here's what my final implementation ended up looking like:
#import "Assert.h"
#import "Predicate.h"
#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>
void handlePredicateSelector(id self, SEL _cmd, ...);
#implementation Assert
+(void) failWithMessage: (NSString *) message
NSLog(#"%#", message);
[NSException raise:#"ASSERTION FAILURE" format:message];
+(void) fail
[Assert failWithMessage:#"An unconditional failure has been detected."];
+(BOOL) resolveClassMethod: (SEL) selector
if ([(id) [Predicate class] respondsToSelector:selector])
The meta class fix was taken from here: http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2008/08/dynamically-adding-class-objects.html
//get the method properties from the Predicate class
Class predicateMetaClass = objc_getMetaClass([[Predicate className] UTF8String]);
Method predicateMethod = class_getClassMethod(predicateMetaClass, selector);
const char *encoding = method_getTypeEncoding(predicateMethod);
Class selfMetaClass = objc_getMetaClass([[self className] UTF8String]);
class_addMethod(selfMetaClass, selector, (IMP) handlePredicateSelector, "B#:?");
return YES;
return [super resolveClassMethod:selector];
void handlePredicateSelector(id self, SEL _cmd, ...)
//get the number of arguments minus the self and _cmd arguments
NSMethodSignature *predicateMethodSignature = [(id) [Predicate class] methodSignatureForSelector:_cmd];
NSUInteger numberOfArguments = [predicateMethodSignature numberOfArguments] - 2;
NSInvocation *predicateInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:predicateMethodSignature];
[predicateInvocation setTarget:[Predicate class]];
[predicateInvocation setSelector:_cmd];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, _cmd);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArguments; i++)
void *arg = va_arg(ap, void *);
[predicateInvocation setArgument:&arg atIndex:i+2];
BOOL returnValue;
[predicateInvocation invoke];
[predicateInvocation getReturnValue:&returnValue];
//determine if the assertion is true
if (!returnValue)
[Assert failWithMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"The following assertion failed: %#", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]];
The only thing I couldn't really figure out was how to get the type encoding from the method signature. It didn't seem to affect the output of the methods, but I would like to fix it if I can.

Objective C run-time parameter binding

I'd like (at runtime) to bind a parameter to a function as you can do in boost::bind - a little like the following:
-(void)myFuncWithParameter:(NSString*)param {
-(void)init {
UIButton *helloButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[helloButton addTarget:self action:#selector(myFuncWithParameter:#"hello") forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
So... I'm dynamically binding (at runtime) the value #"hello" to a parameter.
Obviously the above isn't the correct Syntax. Does anyone know if this is possible and the correct syntax?
The short answer is no, or at least not at that level.
The long answer is that it is technically possible to build something akin to using NSInvocations (and/or forwardInvocation:), doing something clever in methodForSelector: and or by dynamically registering method implementations, but it is very tricky, especially if you care at all about speed.
If I had some code where building curried methods like that was really worthwhile, what I would do is something like this (written in this comment, untested);
//FIXME: In a real implementation you would do some mangling, this code will get confused if you have _s in the curried selector, and thus could be exploitable
//This method makes a unique selector by mangling the arguments
- (SEL) selectorForSelector:(SEL)bindSel withString:(NSString *)bindString {
NSString *mangle = [NSString *stringWithFormat:#"LGBind_%#_%#"], NSStringFromSelector(bindSel), bindString];
SEL retval = NSSelectorFromString(mangle);
//Register the imp. You probably want to check if it is already reg
if (![self respondsToSelector:retval]) {
class_addMethod([self class], retval, LGBind_IMP, "v#:")l
//Generic dispatcher imp
void LGBind_IMP(id self, SEL _cmd) {
NSString *selectorName = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);
NSArray *array [selectorName componentsSeparatedByString:#"_"];
//Skip index 0; it is #"LGBind"
NSString *originalSelectorString = [array objectAtIndex:1];
NSString *originalArgString = [array objectAtIndex:2];
//Get our the SEL and the IMP
SEL originalSEL = NSSelectorFromString(originalSelectorString);
IMP originalIMP = [self methodForSelector:originalSEL];
//call the original imp
originalIMP([self class], originalSEL, originalArgString);
Obviously depending on your exact needs you could do things somewhere differently, for instance you could lazily by the imps in forwardInvocation, or stash data about the managled selector in a dict in the instance instead of just managling it into the selector name.
The general answer is that the target-action mechanism only allows for a target, a sender and a message that takes the sender; therefore, if you need to access data, you must get it from the target or the sender.
One option would be to create a class that represents the binding of a parameter value, a method and an object. This class would have an action that invokes the method on the object, passing the value. Use an instance of this class as the target. Here's a simplistic example:
#interface UnaryBinder : NSObject {
id target;
SEL selector;
id parameter;
#property id target;
#property SEL selector;
#property (retain) id parameter;
-(id)initWithTarget:(id)anObject selector:(SEL)aSelector param:(id)aParameter;
#implementation UnaryBinder
-(void)action:(id)sender {
[target performSelector:selector withObject:parameter];
If you want to support an arbitrary number of parameters, you'd need to use NSInvocation (as Louis mentions) rather than performSelector:withObject. Of course, controls don't retain their targets, so you need some way of keeping the UnaryBinder around. At that point, you might as well skip the special class and just store the data in the control, as you mention in your comment about using KVP. Alternatively, factor out the action into a controller class and use an instance of that as the target. UnaryBinder and its ilk doesn't really offer any advantages when it comes to target-action. For related topics, google "higher order messaging".