MonoDevelop and AjaxControlToolkit: Register Server Tag in Mono - mono

I know that Mono supports the AjaxControlToolkit but I don't know how to integrate it into MonoDevelop. I added AjaxControlToolkit.dll, System.Web.Extensions.dll and System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll as References in the project but when I build the project I get the warning:
/Users/user1/Projects/FirstProject/Default.aspx(1,1): Warning: Parser failed with error The tag type 'ajaxToolkit:TabContainer' has not been registered.. CodeBehind members for this file will not be added. (FirstProject)
and I when I deploy it I get the error: Unknown server tag 'ajaxToolkit:TabContainer'.
How do I register the server tag in MonoDevelop?

You can use either the <%#Register directive, or add some lines to your Web.config. See here for instructions on either approach.
Using the Web.config mechanism has the advantage that you don't need to add a directive to every page where you want to use the controls.


Out of process server in VOIP

I found voip example on github for UWP. Now I'm trying to create my voip app, and I want to use VoipHost project in my app. I added existing project, edited package manifest file. When I want to deploy the app to the device I get error:
Severity Code
Description Project
File Line
Suppression State Error
DEP6701 : Bootstrapping failed with unexpected error: 'The ID value is not specified. Parameter name: id'.
And one warning:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\AppxPackage\Microsoft.AppXPackage.Targets(1930,5): warning APPX1708: The executable 'VoipHost.exe' is specified as the implementation for the .winmd file. Only in-process servers are supported for generating registration information in the app manifest. You must specify the out-of-process server registration information in the app manifest.
Any advices?
Many thanks.
I had a similar issue deploying a headless application with Windows IoT running in a Raspberry pi 3. I solved the problem giving an "Assembly Identity" in the project properties.
You can do that following the next steps: Rigth Click to project --> Properties --> Manifest Tool --> General.
Fill the field "Assembly Identity" with any number. After that compiles, run and works like a charm.

WSO2 Identity / How to Register XACML PIP Java Extension and its Claims

Scanning through the WSO2 documentation and several blogs, I found three different type of registry mechanisms to add new claims to a Java PIP module:
By use of setup file and by adding of Java static properties for each variable as described in the
sample case from the WSO2 manual, see: Writing a Custom Policy Info Point;
By use of supportedAttributesIds.add as described in link How to write a PIP point for WSO2 IS;
By use of a setter method: public Set getSupportedIds() { Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(); ids.add(""); return ids; } as described in the Stackoverflow post How To Add User Defined Attribute in PIP Attribute User Store
Please instruct which of the three options is the updated and recommended solution for adding new fields produced by the lookup of external data sources executed by the Balana PIP as an extension of the "AttributeFinderModule" class.
I've also tested the code posted in this example and compiled it with Java 6 JDK, see source reference
How To Add User Defined Attribute in PIP Attribute User Store
After the restart, the WSO2 server continues to display the following error:
Error while loading entitlement policies. Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getAllPolicies
The following error details are available. Please refer logs for more details.
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getAllPolicies
at org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.ui.client.EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.handleException(
at org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.ui.client.EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.getAllPolicies(
at org.apache.jsp.entitlement.index_jsp._jspService(org.apache.jsp.entitlement.index_jsp:183)
when adding the extended AttributeFinder Java extension. Is this a known bug in the WSO2 server?
The first way is configurable, you don't need to rebuild and deploy the PIP when you want to add new attibute. You just have to add them to file. and restart the IS.
In other two ways, you have to rebuild the PIP module for each attribute changes.
But, If you are going to add and attribute, you have to implement the logic for that too, so in that case going for last two ways also make sense.
I've replaced the KmarketPIPAttributeFinder program module by the latest version from the svn source repository (see link below) and compiled it. This solved the problem under WSO2 Identity Server Version 5 and the routine started to register the PIP attributes, now visible at the PDP extensions.
Download the latest code from:

Reflexil deobfustication error

I'm trying to modify a .net application and I'm new to this. First step is attempting to deobfuscate the code using reflexil and I get the following error:
Reflexil is unable to clean this assembly: Member 'System.RuntimeTypeHandle "bunch of obfustatcated jibberish"(System.Int32)' is declared in another module and needs to be imported
The application comes with a bunch of dll's that it certainly uses, so I assume the declaration is in one of those files. How do I import this module?
In case it's helpful, reflexil says it was obfuscated with .NET Reactor 4.1
I decided to try de4not to deobfuscate and it worked without this issue.

Predefined type CallSite is defined in multiple locations

I get errors from both build and website precompile on App Harbor that seem to originate from multiple versions of the C# dynamic assemblies. They both start with warnings that look like:
2>CSC : warning CS1685: The predefined type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite' is defined in multiple assemblies in the global alias; using definition from 'd:\temp\qb3ydb5o.xoq\input\packages\IronJS.Core.\lib\net40\Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll' [D:\temp\qb3ydb5o.xoq\input\...csproj]
The build passes, but website precompile has these warnings but fails:
(0): error CS0656: Missing compiler required member 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder.InvokeMember'
d:\temp\qb3ydb5o.xoq\output\_PublishedWebsites\...cshtml(4): error CS1969: One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are you missing a reference?
I wonder if it has anything to do with how IronJS is packaged? Can someone help me troubleshoot this error?
I fixed this by removing references to Microsoft.Scripting.Core and Microsoft.Scripting.ExtensionAttribute. These were added by the IronJS NuGet package. I still have AppHarbor build errors, but those are because AppHarbor isn't doing a clean build (different problem).
Edit: I submitted an issue with IronJS:

Team Build sends error when trying to compile a Structuremap method

I'm getting a strange error when trying to compile a solution that is using StructureMap on Team Build.
When I try to compile the solution locally on Visual Studio it works fine, but when trying to queue a new build in Team Build I get the following error:
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Use' can be called with these arguments:
The line of code that gets this error is the second one:
ForSingletonOf(Of ISessionFactory)().Use(NHibernateSessionFactory.SessionFactory)
Me.For(Of ISession)().lifecycleIs(New HybridLifecycle()).Use(Function(x) x.GetInstance(Of ISessionFactory)().OpenSession())
It's a standard registration for the NHibernate session, so I don't really get why this error pops up.
Thanks in advance for the clues.
Make sure you have the correct version of NHibernate on the build server, and that your hint paths are all appropriately set in your project file. We haven't had this specific issue (as we're not using NHibernate), but we've had weird issues like that being related to version mismatches of "infrastructure" DLLs between local and build.