Importing real world models into a game engine - video-capture

What are the hardware and software tools required to import physical worlds into a game engine? Can i use a HD camera to do that? What do the popular game engines support?

As far as I know, there are no tools that take images of real-world objects and let you import them into game engines (certainly, no commercial tools that do that). Most game developers use tools like 3D Studio Max or Maya, along with teams of artists, to recreate physical objects in a form that the game engine can use.
There do exist tools that help the process. For example, motion capture can be used to capture animation data about how a person moves, but use of a motion capture studio is typically extremely expensive (thousands of dollars for just a few minutes of captured animation).


how can build single board computer like Raspberry Pi for run OS?

my question is : how can build single board computer like Raspberry Pi for run OS ?
user ARM micro processor and debian arm os , can use USB and etc.
like raspberry pi and other single board computer
i search but find nothing for help me !!! :(
The reason you can find nothing is probably because it is a specialist task undertaken by companies with appropriate resources in terms of expertise, equipment, tools and money.
High-end microprocessors capable of running an OS such as Linux use high-pin-density surface mount packages such as BGA or TQFP, these (especially BGA) require specialist equipment to manufacture and cannot reliably or realistically be assembled by hand. The pin count and density necessitates the use of multi-layer boards, these again require specialist manufacture.
What you would have to do if you wanted your own board, is to design your board, source the components, and then have it manufactured by a contract electronics assembly house. Short runs and one-off's will cost you may times that of just buying a COTS development or application board. It is only cost-effective if you are ultimately manufacturing a product that will sell in high volumes. It is only these volumes that make the RPi so inexpensive (and until recently Chinese manufacture).
Even if you designed and had your own board built, that in itself requires specialist knowledge and skill. The bus speeds on such processors require very specific layout to maintain signal integrity and timing and to avoid EMC problems. The cost of suitable schematic capture and board layout software might also be prohibitive, no doubt there are some reasonably capable open source tools - but you will have to find one that generates output your manufacturer can use to set-up their machinery.
Some lower-end 8 bit microcontrollers with low pin count are suitable for hand soldering or even DIP socketing, using a bread-board or prototyping board, but that is not what you are after.
[Further thoughts added 14 Sep 2012]
This is probably only worth doing if one or more of the following are true:
Your aim is to gain experience in board design, manufacture and bring-up as an academic or career development exercise and you have the necessary financial resources.
You envisage high production volumes where the economies of scale make it less expensive than a COTS board.
You have product requirements for specific features or form-factor not supported by COTS boards.
You have restricted product requirements where a custom board tailored to those and having no redundant features might, in sufficient volumes be cost-effective.
Note that COTS boards come in two types: Application modules intended for integration in a larger system or product, and development boards that tend to have a wide range of peripherals, switches, indicators and connectivity options and often a prototyping area for your own use.
I know this is an old question, but I've been looking into the same thing, possibly for different reasons, and it now comes up at the top of a google search providing more reasons not to ask or even look into it than it provides answers.
For an overview of what it takes to build a linux running board from scratch this link is incredibly useful:
It details:
The bare minimum you need in terms of hardware ( ARM processor, NAND flash etc )
The complexities of getting a board designed
The process of programming the new chip on the board to include bootloaders and then pointing them to a linux kernel for the chip to boot.
Whether the OP wishes to pursue every or just some of these challenges, it is useful to know what the challenges are.
And these won't be all of them, adding displays, graphics and other hardware and interfaces is not covered, but this is a start.
Single board computers(SBC) are expected to take more load than normal hobby board and so it has slightly complicated structure in terms of PCB and components. You should be ready to work with BGA packages. Almost all of processors in SBCs are BGA (no DIP/QAFP). Here is the best blogpost that I recently came across. Its very nicely designed and fabricated board running Linux on ARM processor. Author has really done a great job at designing as well as documenting the process. I hope it helps you to understand both hardware and software side of SBCs.
A lot of answers are discouraging. But, I would say you can do it, as I have done it already with imx233. Its not easy, its not a weekend project. My project link is MyIMX233.
It took me about 4-5months
It didn't cost me much, a small fine tip soldering iron is what I used.
The hard part is learning to design PCB.
Next task would be to find a PCB manufacturer with good enough precision, and prototyping price.
Next task would be to source components.
You may not get it right, I got the PCB right by my 3rd iteration. After that I was able to repeatedly produce 3 more boards all of which worked fine.
PCB Design - I used opensource KiCAD. You need to take care in doing impedance matching between RAM and processor buses, and some other high speed buses. I managed to do it in 2 layer board with 5mil/5mil trace space.
Component Sourcing - I got imx233 LQFP once via mouser, and once via element14.
RAM - 64MB tssop.
Soldering - I can say its easy to mess up here, but key is patience. And one caution don't use frying pan and solder past to do reflow soldering. I literally fried my first 2 processors like this. Even hot air soldering by a mobile repair shop was also not good enough.
Boot loading image - I didn't take much chance here, just went with Archlinux image by olimex.
If you want to skip the trouble of circuit designing between RAM & processor, skip imx233 and go for Allwinner V3S. In 2017/2018 this would be easiest approach.
Bottom line is I am a software engineer by profession, and if I can do it, then you can do it.
Why not using an FPGA board?
Something with Zynq like the Zybo board or from Altera like the DE0-Nano SoCKit.
There you already have the ARM core, memory, etc... plus the possibility to add the logic you miss.

What is an embedded system? Can Mobile be considered as an embedded product?

What is mean by embedded system?
If a system/machine or product which we are making is for multiple purposes, then can we consider it as an embedded system? Or is it that only a system dedicated for a particular task that is considered as an embedded system? Can a PC/mobile/laptop be considered as an embedded system or not?
Generally an embedded system is one placed into operation for a specific, narrow purpose, and lacking the kind of general purpose user interfaces you would find on an ordinary desktop/laptop.
That is not to say though that an embedded system cannot have these - I've seen test equipment such as network analyzers running desktop operating systems, with mouse/keyboard ports. One could probably hack one of those to use it for general purpose computing, but it would not be cost effective.
Going the other way, you can take a general purpose computer and shove it into an embedded application. However, systems optimized for embedded use may be more robust, support better real-world I/O (often retaining legacy ports), and use parts expected to be available over longer lifetimes than used in commodity PCs (if one fails, you want to be able to replace it with the exact same thing).
Often embedded systems are smaller - 8 bit processors (even 4-bit or serial-core historically) with limited memory; though 32 bit cores such as the arm family are now inexpensive and commonplace. Nor are tens to hundreds of megabytes of memory unknown.
Older cellphones would have a lot in common with embedded systems, but rather obviously contemporary smartphones are catching up in power and versatility, though still often constrained by user interface. Software wise some "think small" habits endure - for example, Android's compact bionic C library and toolbox shell have similar design goals to embedded C libraries and busybox. In other ways though, expansive resource-gobbling user experiences are now the norm on phones. Toss tablets based on the same processors and accessorized with keyboard into the mix, run a kernel designed originally for desktop computers on them, and the real difference is between UI software stacks designed to run segregated "apps" on a touch interface, vs one designed to run more traditional programs.
This is a question that even embedded systems experts often ask and discuss. There is as with many things a spectrum, and simple definitions are difficult.
My preferred definition is: a system containing one or more computing or processing element that is not a general purpose computer.
Some systems are inarguably embedded within that definition, and include such things as washing machine controllers, telephone switches, satellite navigation equipment, marine chart-plotters, automotive ECUs, laser printers etc.
Some are less easily categorised. A first generation digital mobile phone, is probably certainly an embedded system while more modern feature and smart phones however are somehow different. They can run apps chosen and installed by end-users allowing them to perform tasks not determined by the manufacturer. With increasing capabilities they are essentially hand-held computers and the range of apps sufficient to be able to regard them as "general purpose".
With these more ambiguous systems, it is useful to ask perhaps not what is an embedded system, but rather what is embedded systems development? For example, the manufacturer of your smart-phone deployed on it an operating system, the signal processing and communications stack required for it to operate as a telephone, all the device drivers and stacks for WiFi, USB, data storage etc., and this is certainly embedded systems development. However the guys writing apps for PlayStore or AppStore etc. are writing to a defined common platform abstracted by all that embedded code - that is not embedded systems development by any definition that I would accept, unless perhaps the application were for some bespoke vertical market application - like the delivery signature apps UPS drivers have on PDAs for example - in that environment the "general-purpose" device has been re-purposed as a "special-purpose" device.
With respect to a PC; a PC can be the embedded computing element in a system that is not a general purpose computer. Industrial PCs are commonly found embedded in manufacturing and packaging machinery, CNC machine tools, medical equipment etc. Although they share hardware architecture with desktop PCs they do not necessarily look like desktop PCs and come in many different form factors of both boards, and enclosures. Even within a desktop PC however, there are many examples of embedded computing elements, and embedded software such as the BIOS responsible for bootstrapping the system, the keyboard controller and disc drive controllers for example.
An embedded system is any electronic system that uses a CPU chip, but that is not a general-purpose workstation, desktop or laptop computer.
An embedded system is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform a dedicated function. Unlike a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer, an embedded system performs one or a few pre-defined tasks, usually with very specific requirements, and often includes task-specific hardware and mechanical parts not usually found in a general-purpose computer.
Read more:
Embedded system are devices that do some specific job not like our laptops which can play music, click pictures and format documents. They are devices like water filter , washing machines, vending machine etc.
They are programmed for some specific work and they do that work in a super loop depending on the user input.Like the vending machine always perform same thing when you opt for coffee in it with the help of button provided in it.
So in that way mobile phone is not an embedded system because it has no super loop and it can do various general purpose things just like a computer.
An embedded system has memory constrain, timing constrain and they do things in limited space.
Embedded system is any device that includes a programmable computer put it is not itself a general-purpose computer, so the mobile is not an embedded system because it has no super loop and it can do various general purpose things just like a computer, and an embedded system has memory constrain timing, constrain and they do things in limit space.
The embedded system is a microprocessed system in which a computer is attached to the system it controls. An embedded system can perform a set of tasks that have been predefined. The system is used for specific tasks, and thus, through engineering it is possible to optimize a given product and decrease the size, as well as the computational resources and its final value.
Embedded systems are all around us, and for that reason, we are not aware of their computational capacity, since we are so involved with such mechanisms. Embedded systems operate on machines that can work for several years without stopping, and which still, in some cases, have the ability to self-correct.
An excellent example of items that use embedded systems are the famous smartphones, which perform specific functions, and which have more limited mechanisms than computers.
Check below a list with some examples that receive the application of embedded systems:
Electronic ballot box
Video games
Hospital equipment
In vehicles
Some home appliances
Cellular apparatus
A definition that may help to get the difference.
An embedded system can be considered as a system with which another embedded system cannot be developed. So presently, using a mobile phone, one cannot develop an 'embedded system'. If it is possible by the mobile device, then it should be considered as a general purpose system.
An example of an "embedded system" is a chip that is inserted underneath a dog's skin for identification purposes. Words like "embedded system" have specific meanings that only specialists understand. Such ambiguities make understanding technical language difficult for ordinary people.
embedded (ɪmˈbɛdɪd)
fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding solid mass
constituting a permanent and noticeable feature of something
(Journalism & Publishing) journalism assigned to accompany an active military unit
(Grammar) grammar inserted into a sentence
(Computer Science) computing (of a piece of software) made an integral part of other software

Simulation framework

I am working on embedded software for an industrial System. The system consists of several stepper-motors, sensors, cameras, etc. Currently, the mechanics as well as the electronics are not available - only specification.
I've implemented the simulation for some parts of mechanics/elektronics, but it takes a consiredable amount of efort. So my question:
Are there good portable (Win/Linux) Hardware simulation frameworks? Easy to install/use and affordable in prise?
My basic requirements are:
Send command to stepper -get interrupt from light-barrier
recognize object with camera ( not necessary)
mechanical parts should move according to steppers but stop
on obstacles.
objects should fall, if there is no ground underneath
fluids should increase/decrease volume in bassins according to
physical laws
My Application is in C++/Qt, so it would be the best, if such a framework had C/C++ bindings.
Thank you for any advice!
I face the same problem as I have to develop systems to interface with several types of automation devices (robots, firmware devices, etc). I still want to provide unit test for my code, but after writing 3 or 4 simulated devices, I thought it got to be a better way.
Fortunately in my case, my code was all in C# and the final solution was to use Moq to create simple mocks of those devices. I'm not familiar with mocking frameworks for C++/Qt, but a simple search rendered a couple of results, including one made by google (googlemock).

How to demo examples of embeded systems?

It seems that a lot of small business people have a need for some customized embedded systems, but don't really know too much about the possibilities and cannot quite envisage them.
I had the same problem when trying to explain what Android could do; I was generally met with glazed eyes - and then I made a few demos. Somehow, being able to see something - to be able to touch it and play around with it – people have that cartoon lightbulb moment.
Even if it is not directly applicable to them, a demo starts them thinking about what could be useful to them.
The sort of person I am talking about may or may not be technical, but is certainly intelligent, having built from scratch a business which turns over millions.
Their needs are varied, from RFID or GPS asset & people tracking, to simple stock control systems, displays, communications, sometime satellite, sometimes VPN or LAN (wifi or RJ45). A lot of it needs a good back-end database with a web-site to display, query, data-mine …
So, to get to the question, I am looking for a simple project, or projects, which will cause that cartoon lightbulb moment. It need not be too complicated as those who need complicated solutions are generally tech-savvy, just something straightforward & showing what could be done to streamline their business and make it more profitable.
It would be nice it if could include some wifi/RJ45 comms, communicate across the internet (e.g not just a micro-controller attached to a single PC – that should then communicate with a server/web-site), an RFID reader would be nice, something actually happening (LEDs, sounds, etc), plus some database, database analysis/data-ming – something end-to-end, preferably in both directions.
A friend was suggesting a Rube Goldberg like contraption with a Lego Mindstorms attached to a local PC, but also controllable from a remote PC (representing head office) or web site. That would show remote control of devices. Maybe it could pick up some RFID tags and move them around (at random, or on command), representing stock control (or maybe employee/asset movement within a factory or warehouse (Location Based Services/GIS)), which cold then be shown on the web site, with some nice charts & graphs etc.
Any other ideas?
How best to implement it? One of those micro-controller starter kites like ? Maybe some Lego, or similar robot kit, a few cheap RFID readers … anything else?
And – the $409,600 question – what's a good, representative demo which demonstrate as many functionalities as possible, as impressively as possible, with the least effort? (keeping it modular and allowing for easy addition of features, since there is such a wide area to cover)
p.s a tie with an Adroid slate PC would be welcome too
Your customers might respond better to a solid looking R/C truck which seeks RFID tags than to a Lego robot. Lego is cool, but it has a bit of a slapped-together 'kiddie' feel.
What if you:
scatter some RFID tags across the conference room.
add a GPS & wifi transmitter to your truck.
drive the truck to the tag
(manually - unless you want to invest a lot of time in steering algorithms).
have a PC drawing a real-time track of the trucks path.
every the truck gets within range of the tag, add it to an inventory list on the screen, showing item id, location, time recorded, total units so far.
indicate the position of the item on the map.
I'd be impressed.
Is it 'least effort'? I don't know, but I'd hope that if this is the type of solution you are pitching, that you already have a good handle on how to read GPS and RFID devices, how to establish a TCP or UDP connection with wifi, how to send and decode packets. Add some simple graphics and database lookup, and you are set.
Regarding hardware, I don't have any first hand experience with any of these, but the GadgetPC Wi-Fi G Kit + a USB RFID reader + a USB GPS reciever looks like a nice platform for experimenting with this.
Many chip manufactures have off-the-shelf demo boards. Microchip has some great demo boards for TCP/IP communications on an embedded system. I haven't seen one yet for RFID. Showing potential customers some of these demos could get them thinking about what is possible.

What are some ideas for an embedded and/or robotics project?

I'd like to start messing around programming and building something with an Arduino board, but I can't think of any great ideas on what to build. Do you have any suggestions?
I show kids, who have never programmed, or done any electronics before, to make a simple 'Phototrope', a light sensitive robot, in about a day. It costs under £30 (GBP) including Arduino, electronics and off-the-shelf mechanics. If folks really get into mobile robots, the initial project can grow and grow (which I feel is part of the fun).
There are international robot competitions which require relatively simple mechanics to get started, e.g. in the UK
Ultimate performance require specially built machines (for lightness) , but folks would get creditable results with an Arduino Nano, the right electronics, and a couple of good motors.
A line following robot is the classic mobile robot project. The track can be as simple as electrical tape. Pololu have some fun videos about their near-Arduino 3PI robot. The sensors are about £1, and there are a bunch of simple motor+gearbox kits from lots of places for under £10. Add a few £ for motor control, and you have autonomous robot mechanics, in need of programming! Add an Infrared Remote receiver (about £1), and you can drive it around using your TV remote. Add a small solar cell, use an Arduino analogue input to measure voltage, and it can find the sun. With a bit more electronics, it can 'feed' itself. And so it gets more sophisticated. Each step might be no more than a few hours to a few days effort, and you'll find new problems to solve and learn from.
IMHO, the most interesting (low-cost) competitions are maze solving robots. The international competition rule require the robot to explore a walled maze, usually using Infrared sensors, and calculate their optimal route. The challenges include keeping track of current position to near-millimeter accuracy, dealing with real world's unpredictably noisy environment and optimising straight-line speed with shortest distance cornering.
All that in 16K of program, and 1K RAM, with real-time interrupt handling (as much as 100K interrupts/second for some motor systems), sensor sampling, motor speed control, and maze solving is an interesting programming challenge. (You might make it 'easy' with 32K of program, and 2K RAM :-)
I'm working on a 'constrained' robot challenge (based on Arduino) so that robot performance is mainly about programming rather than having a big budget.
Start small and build up to something more complex. Control servos. Blink LEDs. Debounce inputs. Read analog sensors. Display text on an LCD. Then put it together.
Despite the name, I like the "Evil Genius" book for PIC microcontrollers because of the small, easily digestible projects that tend to build on one another. It is, of course, aimed at PIC programmers rather than the Arduino, but the material covered will be useful no matter what you're developing on.
I know Arduino is trendy right now, but I also like the Teensy++ development board because of its low price-point ($24), breadboard-compatible PCB, relatively high pin count, Linux development environment, USB connectivity, and not needing a programmer. Worth considering for smaller projects.
If you come up with something cool, let me know. I need an excuse to do something fun :)
Bicycle-related ideas:
theft alarm (perhaps with radio link to a base station which is connected to a PC by Ethernet)
fancy trip computer (with reed switch or opto sensor on wheel)
integrate with a GPS telematics unit (trip logging) with Ethernet/USB download of logged data to PC. Also has an interesting PC programming component--integrate with Google Maps.
Other ideas:
Clock with automatic time sync from:
GPS receiver
FM radio signal with embedded RDS data with CT code
Digital radio (DAB+)
Mobile phone tower (would it require a subscription and SIM card for this receive-only operation?)
NTP server via:
ZigBee (with a ZigBee coordinator that gets its time from e.g. Ethernet or GPS)
Mains electricity smart meter via ZigBee (I'm interested now that smart meters are being introduced in Victoria, Australia; not sure if the smart meters broadcast the time info though, and whether it requires authentication)
Instrument tuner
This reverse-geocache puzzle box was an awesome Arduino project. You could take this to the next step, e.g. have a reverse-geocache box that gives out a clue only at a specific location, and then using physical clues found at that location coupled with the next clue from the box, determine where to go for the next step.
You could do one of the firefighting robot competitions. We built a robot in university for my bachelor's final project, but didn't have time to enter the competition. Plus the robot needed some polish anyway... :)
Video here.
Mind you, this was done with a Motorola HC12 and a C compiler, and most components outside the microcontroller board were made from scratch, so it took longer than it should. Should be much easier with prefab components.
Path finding/obstacle navigation is typically a good project to start with. If you want something practical, take a look at how iRobot vacuums the floor and come up with a better scheme.
Depends on your background and if you want practical or cool. On the practical side, a remote control could be a simple starting point. It's got buttons and lights but isn't too demanding.
For a cool project maybe a Simon-style memory game or anything with lights & noises (thinking theremin-style).
I don't have suggestions or perhaps something like a line follower robot. I could help you with some links for inspiration
Arduino tutorials
Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web
20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects
I'm currently developing plans to automate my 30 year old model train layout.
A POV device could be fun to build (just google for POV Arduino). POV means persistence of vision.