Appending a message to a buffer from a Vim script - scripting

What's the best way to append the content of a string variable from a Vim script?

If variable contains no newlines, then use
call append(line('$'), [variable])
, you can also do
call append(line('$'), split(variable, "\n"))
execute "normal! Go".variable
, or
execute "normal! Go\<C-r>\<C-r>=variable\<CR>"

You could also put the variable into a register like this:
let #a = variable
normal! G
execute "put a"
This works with or without carriage returns.


Oracle SQL if statement based on parameter passed in via .sh script

I have a shell script which calls some SQL like so
sqlplus system/$password#$instance #./oracle/mysqlfile.sql $var1 $var2 $var3
Then in mysqlfile.sql, I define properties like this:
DEFINE var1=&1
DEFINE var2=&3
DEFINE var3=&3
Later in the file, I call another SQL script:
// i wish to wrap this in a if statement - pseudo-code
if(var3="true") do the following
#./oracle/myOthersqlfile.sql &&varA &&varB
I am not sure how to implement this though, any suggestions appreciated
You could (ab)use substitution variables:
set termout off
column var3_path new_value var3_path
select case
when '&var3' = 'true' then './oracle/myOthersqlfile.sql &&varA &&varB'
else '/dev/null'
end as var3_path
from dual;
set termout on
The query between the set termout commands - which just hide the output of the query - uses a case expression to pick either your real file path or a dummy file; I've used /dev/null, but you could have a 'no-op' file of your own that does nothing if that's clearer. The query gives the result of that the alias var3_path. The new_value line before it turns that into a substitution variable. The # then expands that variable.
So if var3 is 'true' then that runs:
#./oracle/myOthersqlfile.sql &&varA &&varB
(or, actually, with the varA and varB variables already replaced with their actual values) and if it is false it runs:
which does nothing, silently.
You can set verify on around that code to see when and where substitution is happening.
You can't implement procedural logic into sqlplus. You have these options :
Implement the IF-THEN-ELSE logic inside the shell script that is running the sqlplus.
Use PL/SQL, but then your SQL Script should be called as a process inside an anonymous block, not like an external script.
In your case the easiest way is to change your shell script.
# load environment Oracle variables
sqlplus system/$password#$instance #./oracle/mysqlfile.sql $var1 $var2 $var3
# if then
if [ $var3 == "true" ]
sqlplus system/$password#$instance #./oracle/myOthersqlfile.sql
You should realise that sqlplus is just a CLI ( Command Line Interface ). So you can't apply procedural logic to it.
I have no idea what you do in those sql scripts ( running DMLs, creating files, etc ), but the best approach would be to convert them to PL/SQL, then you can apply whatever logic you need to.

save receveid message to variable with telegram-cli lua script

im trying to send the message content in a variable to an sh script, to trigger this i start the telegram message with the word "test"
i have this in my lua script that i run with telegram on my odroid
-- TEST:
action, variable=msg.text:match("+ %b %s")
if (action=='test' or action=='Test') then
os.execute(string.format("/home/scripts/ \"%s\" &",variable))
if i send: "test i want this text in the variable"
via telegram to the odroid, it does nothing.
i have tried a lot of variations on ("+ %b %s") however it does not work
any idea what im doing wrong?
ps. the trigger word "test" must not be saved to the variable
The standard way to pass a string as command line parameter is the following:
variable = msg.text:match"^[Tt]est%s*(.*)$"
if variable then
os.execute("/home/scripts/ '"..variable:gsub("'", "'\\''").."'&")
How does processing the string? The problem of disappearing spaces might be there.

Command in expect for grep keyword

Expect script query:
In one of my expect script I have to pick keyword from output of send command and store in a file, could some one help me.
send "me\n"
output :
EM/X Nmis Ssh Session/2; Userid =
Impact = ; Scope = ; CustomerId = 0
Here I want to pick keyword : Nmis Ssh Session/2
and my target is to create new command in expect script is :
send "set Nmis Ssh Session/2 \n"
so this value : Nmis Ssh Session/2 should store in a variable. Could some one help me.
I'm not quite sure exactly what information is produced by which side, but maybe something like this will do:
expect -re {EM/X ([^;]+);}
set theVariable $expect_out(1,string)
The key is that we use the -re option to pass a regular expression to the expect command. That makes the text that matches what is in the parentheses (a sequence of non-semicolon characters) be stored in the variable expect_out(1,string) (there are many other things stored in the expect_out array; see the documentation). Copying it from there to a named variable for the purpose of storage and further manipulation is trivial.
I do not know if the RE is the right one; there's something of an art in choosing the right one, and it takes quite a lot of knowledge about what the possible output of the other side could be.

Concatenating Substition variables with strings

I am modyfying a SQLplus script that creates a user, connects to the user and creates tables and puts values in those tables. This script had a set username and password for user like the below
CONNECT store/store_password#test
However I want to replace store_password with a variable v_store_password which I have put at the start:
ACCEPT v_store_password CHAR PROMPT 'Please type in store password: ' HIDE
Basically what I tried was this:
CONNECT store/&v_store_password || #test;
The above unfortunately does not work. I read some where that a "." can be used but it doesn't work.
How to concatenate or add to Substition variables?
Also how to add numbers to these variables?
/*make a file called file.connection.txt and enter username#password#tnsname#*//* write below code into batch file*/CLSECHO TITLE Database test script (ORACLE)#echo offclsfor /f "tokens=1-5 delims=#" %%a in (file_connection.txt) do (sqlplus -l "%%a/%%b#%%c " #test.sql)
I actually dicovered that I have not included the & in front of variable like below
CREATE USER store IDENTIFIED BY v_store_password;
and the "." is varables concatenation character which ends them so the solution is:
CONNECT store/&v_store_password.#test;

How to store a result to a variable in HP OpenVMS DCL?

I want to save the output of a program to a variable.
I use the following approach ,but fail.
$ x = f$logical("VALUE")
I got an error:%DCL-W-MAXPARM, too many parameters - reenter command with fewer parameters
reference :
How to assign the output of a program to a variable in a DCL com script on VMS?
The usual way to do this is to write the output to a file and read from the file and put that into a DCL symbol (or logical). Although not obvious, you can do this with the PIPE command was well:
$ pipe r 2words
hello world
$ pipe r 2words |(read sys$pipe line ; line=""""+line+"""" ; def/job value &line )
$ sh log value
"VALUE" = "hello world" (LNM$JOB_85AB4440)
IF you are able to change the program, add some code to it to write the required values into symbols or logicals (see LIB$ routines)
If you can modify the program, using LIB$SET_SYMBOL in the program defines a DCL symbol (what you are calling a variable) for DCL. That's the cleanest way to do this. If it really needs to be a logical, then there are system calls that define logicals.