Can maven-exec-plugin fail the build? - maven-2

I have a maven execution that runs a javascript compressor as a command line program, however, this tool also does some jslint checks as well.
If these jslint checks fail so should my build.
These errors are output as a parseable string to stdout.
If this maven plugin cannot solve this problem, I'm happy to use any other suggested.

To my knowledge, exec:exec will fail the build if the return code of the executed command is not 0 (or one of the configured successCodes). Maybe you can build something around this.
As an alternative, have a look at these plugins, they both can fail a build on problems:
the Jslint Maven Plugin
the YUI Compressor Maven Mojo
Depending on what you need exactly, there is also the Maven Javascript Plugin.
And also have a look at this Maven plugins for javascript question.


(Kotlin) Any workaround for annotation processing in Intellij IDEA

I've created a gradle modules main that contains main program logic and codegen that contains annotation definitions with processors. I found that:
Please note that kapt is still not supported for IntelliJ IDEA’s own build system. Launch the build from the “Maven Projects” toolbar whenever you want to re-run the annotation processing.
on kapt page ( but I really need it. May be there is some (may be ugly) workaround for that? Terminal background worker or prebuild tasks or something else?
This can appear as duplicate question but I really didn't found working solution at the moment
At the current project we have this problem as well; we use gradle and the work around is to run gradle classes testClasses from the commandline - either in an external terminal program or in IJ's terminal (alt-F12 on macOS). This triggers kapt as well, and when this is done I do a Build/Rebuild project from IJ's menu as well.
This is enough if the code that is processed by kapt does not change too often (we just use mapstruct and querydsl).
If you are using maven a mvn compile test-compile should work as well.
Finally I found that repository that does work in Intellij IDEA without any workarounds ( Taken from

What does maven auto build do exactly?

When I change some code I can see this pop into the console 'Maven Builder: AUTO_BUILD'. I would have expected my target folder to have been updated(re-built) but this does not seem to be the case.
The Maven Auto-Build step of the Maven Eclipse Plugin essentially executes the equivalent of mvn compile. It does not execute a clean or any lifecycle phases beyond compile. This means that a Maven Auto-Build will not generate any of the JAR files that the Maven project might be configured to generate.

How to avoid maven compiling testClass in normale compiling

I have a default maven project:
/src/test/java (include *
When I exeucte "mvn compile", maven also tries to compile the testClasses under /src/test/java. This fails, as of some dependencies such as JUnit are under "test"-scope. Changing the scope of e.g. JUnit to "provided" everything works fine.
How can I avoid maven to compile testClasses when compiling? In my understanding, I expect to maven to compile this files only when executing "testcompile".
I am using maven 2.2.1
I believe it is nothing to do with the scope of JUnit. Normally we set JUnit's scope to test (instead of provided) and everything is just fine.
src/test/java is compiled by Maven Compiler Plugin's testCompile goal. However, you don't need to explicitly run that goal. Please have a look in topics about Maven's Lifecycle. For example, if you run maven install, it is implicitly going through many phases (e.g. compile, compile test, generate resources etc), and many of them is bounded to a default plugin goal.
If you want to avoid test source from building, from Maven Compiler Plugin's usage page, compiler:testCompile will be skipped if you turn off testing by setting maven.test.skip=true
So, if your unit tests are not yet ready, just build with Maven, with -Dmaven.test.skip=true parameter.
Just to add, this is absolutely not a good practice to assume "unit test failing" being normal during development.
Just use the skip parameter for the maven-surefire-plugin which skip tests as well as compiling the test.
The pom.xml had defined "sourceDirectory" incorrectly. Removing it fixed the issue
Instead of command "maven clean compile" , use "mvn -B -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean compile". This parameter skips test.

How to add the target jar as a test resource of the same project?

I'm developing a Solr plugin and using the Solr test-framework I place a test SOLR_HOME dir under test/resources with /conf/ and /lib . Now the framework inistantiates a SolrCore and loads my plugin from /lib. Not an issue to output the jar of the plugin to /lib, but the issue is that the plugin is not yet available since it still needs to past the test (chicken and the egg).
How do you recommend solving this? I see those options:
Create another project for the tests with a dependency on the plugin, and in it run the tests. Simple enough, but how do I ensure that everytime the plugin is built also the tests of this other project is built? The point of the automated tests at every build is to having a new plugin jar which breaks the tests.
In dp4j pom.xml I build the project on 2 phases, in the 1st I <include> only the annotation processors while in the other I compile the tests which rely on the annotation processors compiled in the eariler phase.
I'm in favor of 2 since copy-pasting the configuration doesn't seem a bad option, and makes it seem less complicated than it probably is. I don't remember if I had asked about it here - what do you recommend? Any other case studies /working code to look at?
there's a 3rd. most probably best solution ~ do nothing!
I was under the impression that the Solr Testframework need to load my plugin from /lib but apparently it doesn't need to, it can load it from test-classes, all on its own!

How to display a list of available goals?

I'm rather new to Maven and I often find myself wanting to see what's actually there in terms of goals.
So, is there a command which lists all available goals for e.g. a given prefix?
Since Maven is an open system of plugins, the best answer is probably "Google" ;-). If you mean all build lifecycle phases, they are static, and can be found at and at other places.
Then, for a given plugin, the help plugin can be used to get the possible goals and all their parameters:
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins \
-DartifactId=maven-war-plugin \
But this doesn't really answer your question, especially the "for a given prefix" part. For this, the best solution might be to use **auto completion with BASH (**not sure it will be exhaustive though). See for example the Guide to Maven 2.x auto completion using BASH. To get bash completion working under Windows, you'll need CYGWIN. See Maven Tab Auto Completion in Bash for detailed setup steps (and a "better" working auto completion script).
A shorter way
As an alternative, you can also use the -Dplugin parameter to display the list of available goals.
mvn help:describe -Dplugin=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin\
See Maven help plugin.
More and more Maven plugins propose an help goal as alternative to the verbose
mvn help:describe command.
You can read from the Maven doc:
Recent Maven plugins have generally an help goal to have in the
command line the description of the plugin, with their parameters and
That is really more natural and pleasant to use.
It works of course for Maven core plugins.
Some examples :
to list goals of the dependency plugin :
mvn dependency:help
to have detail about the javadoc goal of the javadoc plugin :
mvn javadoc:help -Ddetail -Dgoal=javadoc
And it works also for third party plugins.
For example, to list goals of the spring-boot-maven-plugin :
mvn org.springframework.boot:spring-boot:help
[INFO] Spring Boot Maven Plugin 2.0.0.RELEASE Spring Boot Maven
This plugin has 6 goals:
Generate a file based the content of the
current MavenProject.
Display help information on spring-boot-maven-plugin. Call mvn
spring-boot:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal= to display
parameter details.
Repackages existing JAR and WAR archives so that they can be
executed from the command line using java -jar. With layout=NONE can
also be used simply to package a JAR with nested dependencies (and
no main class, so not executable).
Or to get detailed information about the build goal of the dockerfile-maven-plugin :
mvn com.spotify:dockerfile-maven-plugin:help -Ddetail -Dgoal=build
[INFO] Dockerfile Maven Plugin 1.3.6
Adds support for building Dockerfiles in Maven
Available parameters:
- archive
The archive configuration to use for the Docker info JAR. This can be used
to embed additional information in the JAR.
You could note that the syntax to get a detailed output of the help and to focus on a specific goal (-Ddetail -Dgoal=myGoal) is exactly the same as this used for the core maven plugins.
Of course some esoteric plugins may not provide the help goal but in most of well designed plugins this is present.