Help with events -

I have multiple textboxes which I want them to perform the same thing upon clicking them. By default I can use the handles for 1 single textbox as shown below but I am not sure how to do handle multiples of them. Of course I can write a handler for every single textbox but I have about 50 of them. I am sure there must be a more efficient way. Please advice. Thanks.
Sub TextBox1_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Click
If Button9.Text = "Make Changes" Then
If TextBox2.Text <> "" Then
MsgBox("Please check input!")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub

why don't you create a customizable textbox?

If Button9.Text = "Make Changes" Then
If TextBox2.Text <> "" Then
These two lines are going to be same for all those 50 buttons?
If yes, then I think you can assign same event handler to each of the button's click event.
Other way is, create one private method which takes one string as an argument and returns boolean value depending on whether your string is blank or not and call this method from all the 50 button's click event.

Thanks for all your advices, I am not sure if this is what you guys are suggesting but apparently it is how I wanted it to work:
Sub TextBoxs_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles TextBox2.Click, TextBox3.Click, TextBox4.Click 'This part is disturbing if I have 50 textboxes...
'For Each obj As Control In Panel2.Controls
If sender.GetType.ToString = "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox" Then
Dim txtbox As TextBox = sender
End If
End Sub
Sub textbox_verification(ByVal txtbox As TextBox)
If Button9.Text = "Make Changes" Then
If txtbox.Text <> "" Then
Frm_Cine1.chooseCine(ComboBox1.SelectedItem, "FILE1-->This should be a variable")
MsgBox("Please check timings input!")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub

If you indeed need to use the same click handler for multiple test boxes, you can use the AddHandler command to associate the click event of each test box with the handler routine, as shown:
AddHandler TextBoxX.Click AddressOf TextBox1_Click
You will need to add this statement to your program (maybe in the form load routine) once for each text box you want to handle. (Using the name of each text box in place of the "TextBoxX" in the above code.)


Unselect a listbox item if it contains a specific character (don't allow its selection)

I have a listbox1 with a list of items. If a user has to select an item with a single mouse click and if that selected list item has an equal sign in it, it must immediately display a message stating this and deselect the item.
I have looked at various solutions all of which does not work as I want it to:-
Below is my code which works ummmm most of the time but not when two or more items have already been previously selected. I need a always will work solution.
Private Sub ListBox1_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.MouseClick
For I = 0 To ListBox1.SelectedItems.Count - 1
If Not ListBox1.Items(I).ToString.Contains("=") Then
ListBox1.SetSelected(I, False)
' MsgBox("Please only select items that have = in description ! ! ! Edit item if you want to include . . .", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
End Sub
I think it's better using SelectedIndexChangedEvent:
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
With CType(sender, ListBox)
For i As Integer = .SelectedItems.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Not IsNothing(.SelectedItems(i)) AndAlso Not .SelectedItems(i).ToString.Contains("=") Then
MsgBox("Invalid selection.")
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
One solution for this problem is to get - in the SelectedIndexChanged event - the indices of the invalid selections if any to deselect them and show the message. Handling the SelectedIndexChanged event in particular is to make it work with the mouse and keyboard inputs.
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
With ListBox1
Dim invalidSel = .SelectedIndices.Cast(Of Integer).
Where(Function(i) Not .GetItemText(.Items(i)).Contains("="))
If invalidSel.Any() Then
RemoveHandler ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged,
AddressOf ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged
For Each i In invalidSel
.SetSelected(i, False)
AddHandler ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged,
AddressOf ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged
End If
End With
End Sub
Note, removing then adding the handler again is to avoid showing the message box repeatedly in the multi-selection modes. Without it, the event fires for each .SetSelected(i, False) call.

Cancel EnterCell event of spread farpoint

My program use spread farpoint as a 3rd-party control, it has a TextBox control and a Spread control for showing data. When user change active cell in spread, I want to validate that the TextBox must not empty. If the TextBox is empty, EnterCell event must be cancel and the TextBox must got focus, also active cell of spread must not change. I'm stuck here.
Currently I performed validation in LeaveCell event but it doesn't work. EnterCell event fired and spread still changed the active cell :(
If TextBox1.Text = String.Empty Then
MsgBox ("TextBox1 cannot blank")
'TextBox1.Focus() 'I have tried this function but still not working
End If
Please support me!
Thanks all.
As far as my knowledge, there's nothing we can do to "cancel" EnterCell event. However, I found out that we could do a little trick to achieve it.
Private Sub spread_LeaveCell(sender as Object, e as LeaveCellEventArgs) Handles sprSheet.LeaveCell
If TextBox1.Text = String.Empty Then
MsgBox ("TextBox1 cannot blank")
'This is the trick
e.NewColumn = e.Column
e.NewRow = e.Row
Exit Sub
End If
'Other leave cell proceses..
End Sub
Private Sub spread_EnterCell(sender as Object, e as EnterCellEventArgs) Handles sprSheet.EnterCell
If TextBox1.Text = String.Empty Then
End If
Exit Sub

mandatory field in VB and save Button

if somebody can help me in VB coding to show required field to be mandatory when I click save Button and the function of saving should not be work till all required field to be filled
(please visual basic codes not other )
You can use a simple If function that occurs when the button is pressed.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Or TextBox2.Text = "" Then
Msgbox("A field is missing")
Exit Sub 'To avoid saving, escape the procedure
' code to save goes here
End If
End Sub
Here, I assume that TextBox1 and TextBox2 are the fields you want and Button1 is the save button.

How to enable overwrite text in a textbox?

I'm making a program which requires a login system. What I want to do is have a textbox which contains the word 'Username' and when the user clicks it, the 'Username' text is overwritten. For example, Spotify use it on their login screen:
My question is, how do I do this?
Set the Text property of the TextBox that you are using for the username to the string "Username". Then, in the TextBox's Click event, change it to a blank string. Like so:
Private Sub TextBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Click
TextBox1.Text = ""
End Sub
As #LarsTech mentioned, this does not address if the user tabs into the TextBox. If you wanted to account for that too, use the TextBox's Enter event instead:
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Enter
TextBox1.Text = ""
End Sub
I agree, using Textbox1.Enter is the easiest solution. On top you can also catch the case of no text entered via TextBox1.Leave like that
Private Sub TextBoxLeaveHandle() Handles TextBox1.Leave
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
TextBox1.Text = "Username"
End If
End Sub
Sometimes it can also be useful to use the TextBox.SelectAll() function as it not immediately remove the entire text but (obviously from the name) select the entire text so you can overwrite it with your first keypress.

How to automate TextBox control for Enter key

I have to do the following for each textbox control.
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
End If
Should there be a For Next loop option, pls mention under which Sub Routine I should code the loop.
From what you're saying, I think this should be placed within the KeyPressed event within the text box you are trying to run this piece of code from. You can also integrate multiple events for many controls into a single method.
Hope this helps!
You can but your code inside a 'KeyUp' event and then alter the 'KeyUp' event of one textbox to handle more than one textbox keyups event, but only one code can be executed for all of them,
check this:
Private Sub ***TextBox1_KeyUp***(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) _
Handles TextBox1.KeyUp, ***TextBox2.KeyUp***, ***TextBox3.KeyUp***
'Write your code Here
End Sub
As others said, you can use only one method to handle multiple events.
Moreover, you can execute sender-customized code:
Sub MyEventHandler(sender as Object, e as Event) Handles obj.ev, obj2.ev, obj3.ev
'Use sender property (properly casted, if necessary)
'to run sender specific code
DirectCast(sender, TextBox).Text = "foo"
End Sub