Suggested thresholds for some software metrics - code-analysis

I was searching the internet for some suggestions for thresholds for the following well-known software product metrics:
Lack of Cohesion in Methods (for the Henderson-Sellers variant of the metric)
Number of Inherited Methods in a Class
Number of Overriden Methods in a Class
Number of Newly Added Methods in a Class
However I failed to find any. I am particularly interested in the first one. Does anybody know something about this ?
Thanks in advance, Martin

NDepend suggests the following:

This reference gives for values for LCOM and LCOMHS. It says
LCOM = 1 – (sum(MF)/M*F)
LCOM HS = (M – sum(MF)/F)(M-1)
M is the number of methods in class (both static and instance
methods are counted, it includes also
constructors, properties
getters/setters, events add/remove
F is the number of instance fields in the class.
MF is the number of methods of the class accessing a particular
instance field.
Sum(MF) is the sum of MF over all instance fields of the class.
The underlying idea behind these
formulas can be stated as follow: a
class is utterly cohesive if all its
methods use all its instance fields
I'm not sure how well this measure works when dealing with a Java Bean, which could well have a large number of getters and setters each dealing with a single property.

Be aware that there is a lot of variability in the numbers produced by various tools for the "same" metric. Sometimes this is because the original source was imprecise and sometimes it is because the tool maker "improved" the metric. Most metric tools have a default threshold. I'd use that unless you have a strong reason not to.
I do a lot of cohesion measurement for large classes. I don't think I have ever seen an LCOM-HS measurement above 1.0, but I think you may see them for tiny classes (where you probably don't really care that much about cohesiveness). Personally, I use a threshold of 0.8, but that's arbitrary. I've read a lot of papers about cohesion, and I have seen very few thresholds mentioned. This includes the Henderson-Sellers papers that I've read.
djna is correct when he says that cohesion measures will give poor scores for JavaBeans and other "data storage" classes. Furthermore, many cohesion measurements, including LCOM-HS do not consider some things that may lead to misleadingly poor scores. For example, many implementations don't consider relationships with inherited members. LCOM-HS and many others also have an over-reliance on how methods access fields. For example, if you write a class where the methods mainly interact with "data" through their arguments, you will get what appears to be a highly non-cohesive class; whereas in reality, it may be well-designed.
In terms of the other metrics you mentioned, I've seen no recommendations. I've looked around, and the only recommendation I've seen pertaining to the number of XXX methods is a maximum of 20 per class (no detail as to instance vs. static, overridden, etc.).
Here is a list of some papers dealing with OO metrics, mostly cohesion.


Abstraction as a definition

I am trying to understand the basic OOP concept called abstraction. When I say "understand", I mean not just to learn a definition, but really have a deep understanding.
On the internet, I have seen many definitions such as:
Hiding the low level implementation and providing high level specification
focusing on essential qualities rather than specific examples.
I understand that the iPhone button is a great example of abstraction, since I, as a user, don't have to know how the screen is displayed, all I have to know is to press the button.
What do you think of the following conclusion, when it comes to abstraction:
Abstraction takes many specific instances of objects and extracts their common information and functions by providing a single, generalised concept.
So based on this, a class is actually an abstraction of many instances, right?
I disagree with both of your examples. An iPhone button is not an abstraction of the screen, it is an interface to use the phone. A class is also not an abstraction of its instances.
An abstraction can be thought of treating a specific concept as a form of a more general concept.
To repeat an overused example: all vehicles can move. Cars rotate wheels, airplanes use jets, trains run on tracks.
Given a collection of vehicles, instead of being burdened with knowing the specifics of each vehicles' inner workings, and having to:
we could treat these objects as the more abstract vehicle, and tell them to
In this case vehicle is an abstraction. It does not represent any specific object, but represents the common functionality of cars, airplanes and trains and allows us to interact with these specific objects without knowing anything about them except that they are a type of vehicle.
In the context of OOP, vehicle would most likely be a base class of the more specific types of vehicles.
IMHO there are actually 2 underlying concepts that needs to be understood here.
Abstraction: The idea of dealing only with "What" of something rather than "How" of something. For example: When you call an object method you only care about what the method does and not how it does what it does. There are layers of abstraction i.e the upper layer is only interested in what the below layer does and not how it does it. Another example: When you are writing assembly instruction you only care what a particular instruction does and not how the underlying circuit in the CPU execute the instruction.
Generalization: The idea of comparing a bunch of things (objects, functions, basically anything) and figure out the commonality between them and then extracting that commonality. A class with a bunch of properties is the generalization of the instances of the classes as all the instances have the same properties but different values for those properties.
The goal of object-oriented programming is to take the real-world thinking into software development as much as possible. That is, abstraction means what any dictionary may define.
For example, one of possible definitions of abstraction in Oxford Dictionary:
The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events.'s definition is even more eloquent:
the act of considering something as a general quality or characteristic, apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances.
In fact,'s one is one of possible definitions of abstraction and you should be surprised because it's not a programming explanation of abstraction.
Perhaps you want a more programming alike definition of abstraction, and I'll try to provide a good summary:
Abstraction is the process of turning concrete realities into object representations which could be used as archetypes. Usually, in most OOP languages, archetypes are represented by types which in turn could be defined by classes, structures and interfaces. Types may abstract data or behaviors.
One good example of abstraction would be that a chair made of oak wood is still a chair. That's the way our mind works. You learn that certain forms are the most basic definition of many things. Your brain doesn't see all details of a given chair, but it sees that it fulfills the requirements to consider something a chair. Object-oriented programming and abstraction just mirrors this.

CBO coupling between object

I don't understand what "CBO-Coupling between object classes" really means. The definition I found is so short that I think I'm missing something, so it would be great if you help me with an example.
Here is the definition I found:
"The coupling between object classes is a count of the number of other classes to which it is coupled."
Thanks in advance.
Coupling between objects (CBO) is a count of the number of classes that are coupled to a particular class i.e. where the methods of one class call the methods or access the variables of the other. These calls need to be counted in both directions so the CBO of class A is the size of the set of classes that class A references and those classes that reference class A. Since this is a set - each class is counted only once even if the reference operates in both directions i.e. if A references B and B references A, B is only counted once.
This is the definition given here -
There is some more detail in the link - as well as an interesting general discussion of the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics - CBO is a part of these metrics.
Here's an example with UML that complements the other answers:
CBO doesn't care about the direction of a dependency. D has a CBO of 1 because C depends on it, even though D depends on no other classes. B and C are similar cases.
Coupling can be via attributes (composition), associations, local variables, instanciations or injected dependencies (arguments to methods).
Coupling is when a class (A) depends (knows about, requires, uses) on another specific class(B). This means when you change a public member B that is used by A, you have to change A as well. You want low coupling between types, so that you can change classes without many side effects. Usually, coupling 'comes' together with bad encapsulation so you'll have A knowing information that should be private to B.
Some types are generic enough (like List in C#) and you can use them directly without fearing side effects. But whatever classes you define for your own app, you need to be aware that those might change. So in many situations, you are more interested in some behaviour (or attributes) of B, instead of A using the whole B. In those cases, it's better to extract an interface (to abstract the desired behaviour) and then A will know only about an abstraction, while B will implement it. This allows you to have more than one concrete implementation (useful every time you're dealing with things like databases, network, import/export etc) and A won't know about B.
Thus, A can unknowingly use any of B,C,D etc as long as they implement the interface and you can change things in B,C,D as long as this doesn't break the public contract (the interface).
While we usually want our classes to be decoupled, but cohesive (as in to work together), in many situations coupling won't really hurt you, as decoupling might require more effort than provide value. It's up to the developer to identify those situations and to make a proper decision. However, this comes with experience, so in the mean time, just try not to couple your classes too much.

How to design objects?

So there are many ways of structuring objects (I'm talking of OOP here). For the question, I will use the classic "Car" example of OOP. Basically, How do I know when to make the car an object, or the wheel of a car an object, when both program structures would accomplish the goal?
How do I classify and categorize the parts of an object to determine whether or not they are better suited as simple attributes or variables of an object, or if they really need to be an object themselves?
Well the first thing you have to realize is the OOAD ("Object-oriented analysis and design") is a tool and not a means to an end. What you get out of that process is a model, not a true representation of what you're modelling. That model makes certain assumptions. The purpose of that model is to solve a problem you have.
So how do you know how to design objects? How do you know if you've done it right? By the end result: has it solved your problem?
So, for the Car example, in some models a car count could simply be an integer count, for example the car traffic through an intersection in a traffic model. In such a model rarely do you care about the make, model or construction of cars, just the number. You might care about the type of vehicle to the point of is it a truck or car (for example). Do you model that as a Vehicle object with a type of Car or Truck? Or just separate carCount and truckCount tallies?
The short answer is: whichever works best.
The normal test for something being an object or not is does it have behaviour? Remember that ultimately objects = data + behaviour.
So you might say that cars have the following state:
of wheels;
Height of suspension;
Left or right drive;
of doors;
Whether it has a sunroof;
Whether it has a stereo, CD player, MP3 player and/or satnav;
Size of the petrol tank;
Number of cylinders;
of turbo charges and/or fuel injection;
Maximum torque;
Maximum brake-horsepower;
and so on.
Chances are you'll only care about a small subset of that: pick whatever is relevant. A racing game might go into more detail about the wheels, such as how hot they are, how worn, the width and tread type and so on. In such a case, a Wheel object could be said to be a collection of all that state (but little behaviour) because a Car has a number of Wheels and the Wheels are interchangeable.
So that brings up the second point about objects: an object can exist because of a relationship such that the object represents a complete set of data. So a Wheel could have tread, width, temperature and so on. You can't divide that up and say a Car has tread but no wheel width so it makes sense for Wheel to be an object since a Wheel in it's entirety is interchangeable.
But again, does that make sense for what're doing? That's the key question.
Don't start out by classifying things - seems like people are too eager to start building inheritance hierarchies.
write down a list of specific, concrete scenarios - what your app will do, step by step. An object model is only useful if it does what you need it to do - so start working back from the scenarios to see what common objects and behaviours you can shake out of each one.
identify the "roles" in your scenarios - not necessarily actual class names - just vague "roles" that turn up when you think through concrete scenarios for how your software will work. These roles might later become classes, interfaces, abstract classes - whatever you need - at the start they're just placeholders for doing a type of work.
Work out what each role "does". The key is having a bunch of named roles - that identify things that the objects will do. Thins is about distilling out a set of things each role can do - they might do the whole thing, or put together a bunch of other objects to do the work, or they might co-ordinate the work... it depends on your scenarios.
The most important thing in OOD/OOP - is OBJECTS DO THINGS - not what's inside them - what they do.
Don't think about inheritance early on - because it will tie you up in overcomplicated hierarchies and make you think in terms of SQL-oriented programming rather than object-oriented programming. Inheritance is just one way of sharing common code. There are lots of other ways - delegation, mixins, prototype-based programming...
Here are some guidelines I came up with to help with this:
What should be on a checklist that would help someone develop good OO software?
There are some good answers here, but possibly more than you were looking for. To address your specific questions briefly:
How do I know when to make the car an object, or the wheel of a car an object, when both program structures would accomplish the goal?
When you need to distinguish one instance from another, then you need an object. The key distinction of an object is: it has identity.
Extending this answer slightly to classes, when the behaviors and/or properties of two similar objects diverge, you need a new class.
So, if you're modeling a traffic simulation that counts wheels, a Vehicle class with a NumberOfWheels property may be sufficient. If you're modeling a racing simulation with detailed road-surface and wheel-torque physics, each wheel probably needs to be an independent object.
How do I classify and categorize the parts of an object to determine whether or not they are better suited as simple attributes or variables of an object, or if they really need to be an object themselves?
The key distinctions are identity and behavior. A part with unique existence is an object. A part with autonomous behavior requires its own class.
For example, if you're creating a very simple car-crash simulation, NumberOfPassengers and DamageResistance may be sufficient properties of a generic Vehicle class. This would be enough to tell you if the car was totalled and the passengers survived. If your simulation is much more detailed, perhaps you want to know how far each passenger was thrown in a head-on collision, then you would need a Passenger class and distinct Passenger objects in each Vehicle.
I like Wirfs-Brock's Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD) and also recommend this updated (free paper) Responsibility-Driven Modeling approach by Alistair Cockburn.
In over 15 years of OO development, whenever I've felt I'm getting lost in a software architecture, going back to the RDD basics always helps me clarify what the software is supposed to be doing and how.
If you like a test-driven approach, this article shows how to relate RDD to mocking objects and tests.
Attributes or variables are often "base" types of a language. The question is what you can sensibly abstract.
For example, you can reduce a Wheel to descriptors made up of base types like integers, floating-point values and strings, which represent characteristic attributes of any wheel: numberOfTreads, diameter, width, recommendedPressure, brand. Those attributes can all be expressed with base types to make a Wheel object.
Can you group some of those attributes into a more abstract arrangement that you can reuse, independent of a Wheel? I think so. Perhaps create a Dimensions object with the attributes diameter and width. Then your Wheel has a Dimensions object instance associated with it, instead of diameter and width. But you could think about using that Dimensions object with other objects, which may not necessarily be Wheel instances.
Going up the list, you can reduce a Car to be made up of base types, but also other objects, such as Wheel objects. It is sensible to do so, because other motor and non-motor vehicles (such as a Bicycle) also contain Wheel instances.
Abstracting Wheel and Dimensions lets you re-use these object types in different contexts you may not initially consider. It makes your life a little easier because you have less code to rewrite, in theory.
If you can create a hierarchy of objects, to the point where the deepest, lowest-level object is only made up of a few base types, that is probably a good place to start.
If it's true that "both program structures would accomplish the goal" equally well, then it doesn't matter which you pick.
If, however, the program does not have a single fixed "goal" but will evolve significantly over its lifetime, then pick either one for now, and refactor as necessary as future modifications dictate. We call it "software" for a reason.
Grow your classes bottom-up.
1) Class boundaries and semantics depend on context. Until you have a context, you don't have anything. (You may not even have a car in your example). Context is given by the user story (or use case).
2) Throw all the state and behavior suggested by the given context into one class (you could name this after the user story if you would like).
3) Use systematic Refactoring to tease this class apart into separate classes. While refactoring, use existing classes as reuse opportunities.
When you're done, you'll have a set of well-defined classes that are just enough to fulfill the needs of the given user story (and the user stories that came before).

OOP - How to choose a possible object candidate?

I 'm concern about what techniques should I use to choose the right object in OOP
Is there any must-read book about OOP in terms of how to choose objects?
Just write something that gets the job done, even if it's ugly, then refactor continuously:
eliminate duplicate code (don't repeat yourself)
increase cohesion
reduce coupling
don't over-engineer; keep it simple
don't write stuff you ain't gonna need
It's not a precise recipe, just some general guidelines. Keep practicing.
Code objects are not related to tangible real-life objects; they are just constructs that hold related information together.
Don't believe what the Java books/schools teach about objects; they're lying.
You probably mean "the right class", rather than "the right object". :-)
There are a few techniques, such as text analysis (a.k.a. underlining the nouns) and Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC).
With "underlining the nouns", you basically start with a written, natural language (i.e. plain English) description of the problem you want to solve and underline the nouns. That gives you a list of candidate classes. You will need to perform several passes to refine it into a list of classes to implement.
For CRC, check out the Wikipedia.
I suggest The OPEN Toolbox of Techniques for full reference.
Hope it helps.
I am assuming that there is understanding of what is sctruct, type, class, set, state, alphabet, scalar and vector and relationship.
Object is a noun, method is a verb. Object members can represent identity, state or scalar value per field. Relationships between objects usually are represented with references, where references are members of objects. In cases, when relationships are complex, multidirectional, have arity greater than 2, represent some sort of grouping or containment, then relationships can be expressed as objects.
For other, broader technical reasons objects are most likely the only way to represent any form of information in OOP languages.
I am adding a second answer due to demian's comment:
Sometimes the class is so obvious
because it's tangible, but other times
the concept of object it's to abstract
like a db connector.
That is true. My preferred approach is to perform a behavioural analysis of the system (using use cases, for example), and then derive system operations. Once you have a stable list of system operations (such as PrintDocument, SaveDocument, SpellCheck, MergeMail, etc. for a word processor) you need to assign each of them to a class. If you have developed a list of candidate classes with some of the techniques that I mentioned earlier, you will be able to allocate some of the operations. But some will remain unallocated. These will signal the need of more abstract or unintuitive classes, which you will need to make up, using your good judgment.
The whole method is documented in a white paper at
You should check out Domain-Driven Design, by Eric Evans. It provides very useful concepts in thinking about the objects in your model, what their function are in the domain, and how they could be organized to work together. It's not a cookbook, and probably not a beginner book - but then, I read it at different stages of my career, and every time I found something valuable in it...

Is a function an example of encapsulation?

By putting functionality into a function, does that alone constitute an example of encapsulation or do you need to use objects to have encapsulation?
I'm trying to understand the concept of encapsulation. What I thought was if I go from something like this:
n = n + 1
which is executed out in the wild as part of a big body of code and then I take that, and put it in a function such as this one, then I have encapsulated that addition logic in a method:
n = n + 1
return n
Or is it more the case that it is only encapsulation if I am hiding the details of addOne from the outside world - like if it is an object method and I use an access modifier of private/protected?
I will be the first to disagree with what seems to be the answer trend. Yes, a function encapsulates some amount of implementation. You don't need an object (which I think you use to mean a class).
See Meyers too.
Perhaps you are confusing abstraction with encapsulation, which is understood in the broader context of object orientation.
Encapsulation properly includes all three of the following:
Implementation Hiding
Division of Responsibility
Abstraction is only one component of encapsulation. In your example you have abstracted the adding functionality from the main body of code in which it once resided. You do this by identifying some commonality in the code - recognizing a concept (addition) over a specific case (adding the number one to the variable n). Because of this ability, abstraction makes an encapsulated component - a method or an object - reusable.
Equally important to the notion of encapsulation is the idea of implementation hiding. This is why encapsulation is discussed in the arena of object orientation. Implementation hiding protects an object from its users and vice versa. In OO, you do this by presenting an interface of public methods to the users of your object, while the implementation of the object takes place inside private methods.
This serves two benefits. First, by limiting access to your object, you avoid a situation where users of the object can leave the object in an invalid state. Second, from the user's perspective, when they use your object they are only loosely coupled to it - if you change your implementation later on, they are not impacted.
Finally, division of responsility - in the broader context of an OO design - is something that must be considered to address encapsulation properly. It's no use encapsulating a random collection of functions - responsibility needs to be cleanly and logically defined so that there is as little overlap or ambiguity as possible. For example, if we have a Toilet object we will want to wall off its domain of responsibilities from our Kitchen object.
In a limited sense, though, you are correct that a function, let's say, 'modularizes' some functionality by abstracting it. But, as I've said, 'encapsulation' as a term is understood in the broader context of object orientation to apply to a form of modularization that meets the three criteria listed above.
Sure it is.
For example, a method that operates only on its parameters would be considered "better encapsulated" than a method that operates on global static data.
Encapsulation has been around long before OOP :)
A method is no more an example of encapsulation than a car is an example of good driving. Encapsulation isn't about the synax, it is a logical design issue. Both objects and methods can exhibit good and bad encapsulation.
The simplest way to think about it is whether the code hides/abstracts the details from other parts of the code that don't have a need to know/care about the implementation.
Going back to the car example:
Automatic transmission offers good encapsulation: As a driver you care about forward/back and speed.
Manual Transmission is bad encapsulation: From the driver's perspective the specific gear required for low/high speeds is generally irrelevant to the intent of the driver.
No, objects aren't required for encapsulation. In the very broadest sense, "encapsulation" just means "hiding the details from view" and in that regard a method is encapsulating its implementation details.
That doesn't really mean you can go out and say your code is well-designed just because you divided it up into methods, though. A program consisting of 500 public methods isn't much better than that same program implemented in one 1000-line method.
In building a program, regardless of whether you're using object oriented techniques or not, you need to think about encapsulation at many different places: hiding the implementation details of a method, hiding data from code that doesn't need to know about it, simplifying interfaces to modules, etc.
Update: To answer your updated question, both "putting code in a method" and "using an access modifier" are different ways of encapsulating logic, but each one acts at a different level.
Putting code in a method hides the individual lines of code that make up that method so that callers don't need to care about what those lines are; they only worry about the signature of the method.
Flagging a method on a class as (say) "private" hides that method so that a consumer of the class doesn't need to worry about it; they only worry about the public methods (or properties) of your class.
The abstract concept of encapsulation means that you hide implementation details. Object-orientation is but one example of the use of ecnapsulation. Another example is the language called module-2 that uses (or used) implementation modules and definition modules. The definition modules hid the actual implementation and therefore provided encapsulation.
Encapsulation is used when you can consider something a black box. Objects are a black box. You know the methods they provide, but not how they are implemented.
As for the example in the updated question: it depends on how narrow or broad you define encapsulation. Your AddOne example does not hide anything I believe. It would be information hiding/encapsulation if your variable would be an array index and you would call your method moveNext and maybe have another function setValue and getValue. This would allow people (together maybe with some other functions) to navigate your structure and setting and getting variables with them being aware of you using an array. If you programming language would support other or richer concepts you could change the implementation of moveNext, setValue and getValue with changing the meaning and the interface. To me that is encapsulation.
It's a component-level thing
Check this out:
In computer science, Encapsulation is the hiding of the internal mechanisms and data structures of a software component behind a defined interface, in such a way that users of the component (other pieces of software) only need to know what the component does, and cannot make themselves dependent on the details of how it does it. The purpose is to achieve potential for change: the internal mechanisms of the component can be improved without impact on other components, or the component can be replaced with a different one that supports the same public interface.
(I don't quite understand your question, let me know if that link doesn't cover your doubts)
Let's simplify this somewhat with an analogy: you turn the key of your car and it starts up. You know that there's more to it than just the key, but you don't have to know what is going on in there. To you, key turn = motor start. The interface of the key (that is, e.g., the function call) hides the implementation of the starter motor spinning the engine, etc... (the implementation). That's encapsulation. You're spared from having to know what's going on under the hood, and you're happy for it.
If you created an artificial hand, say, to turn the key for you, that's not encapsulation. You're turning the key with additional middleman cruft without hiding anything. That's what your example reminds me of - it's not encapsulating implementation details, even though both are accomplished through function calls. In this example, anyone picking up your code will not thank you for it. They will, in fact, be more likely to club you with your artificial hand.
Any method you can think of to hide information (classes, functions, dynamic libraries, macros) can be used for encapsulation.
Encapsulation is a process in which attributes(data member) and behavior(member function) of a objects in combined together as a single entity refer as class.
The Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing - written by the International Organisation for Standardization - defines the following concepts:
Entity: Any concrete or abstract thing of interest.
Object: A model of an entity. An object is characterised by its behaviour and, dually, by its state.
Behaviour (of an object): A collection of actions with a set of constraints on when they may occur.
Interface: An abstraction of the behaviour of an object that consists of a subset of the interactions of that object together with a set of constraints on when they may occur.
Encapsulation: the property that the information contained in an object is accessible only through interactions at the interfaces supported by the object.
These, you will appreciate, are quite broad. Let us see, however, whether putting functionality within a function can logically be considered to constitute towards encapsulation in these terms.
Firstly, a function is clearly a model of a, 'Thing of interest,' in that it represents an algorithm you (presumably) desire executed and that algorithm pertains to some problem you are trying to solve (and thus is a model of it).
Does a function have behaviour? It certainly does: it contains a collection of actions (which could be any number of executable statements) that are executed under the constraint that the function must be called from somewhere before it can execute. A function may not spontaneously be called at any time, without causal factor. Sounds like legalese? You betcha. But let's plough on, nonetheless.
Does a function have an interface? It certainly does: it has a name and a collection of formal parameters, which in turn map to the executable statements contained in the function in that, once a function is called, the name and parameter list are understood to uniquely identify the collection of executable statements to be run without the calling party's specifying those actual statements.
Does a function have the property that the information contained in the function is accessible only through interactions at the interfaces supported by the object? Hmm, well, it can.
As some information is accessible via its interface, some information must be hidden and inaccessible within the function. (The property such information exhibits is called information hiding, which Parnas defined by arguing that modules should be designed to hide both difficult decisions and decisions that are likely to change.) So what information is hidden within a function?
To see this, we should first consider scale. It's easy to claim that, for example, Java classes can be encapsulated within a package: some of the classes will be public (and hence be the package's interface) and some will be package-private (and hence information-hidden within the package). In encapsulation theory, the classes form nodes and the packages form encapsulated regions, with the entirety forming an encapsulated graph; the graph of classes and packages is called the third graph.
It's also easy to claim that functions (or methods) themselves are encapsulated within classes. Again, some functions will be public (and hence be part of the class's interface) and some will be private (and hence information-hidden within the class). The graph of functions and classes is called the second graph.
Now we come to functions. If functions are to be a means of encapsulation themselves they they should contain some information public to other functions and some information that's information-hidden within the function. What could this information be?
One candidate is given to us by McCabe. In his landmark paper on cyclomatic complexity, Thomas McCabe describes source code where, 'Each node in the graph corresponds to a block of code in the program where the flow is sequential and the arcs correspond to branches taken in the program.'
Let us take the McCabian block of sequential execution as the unit of information that may be encapsulated within a function. As the first block within the function is always the first and only guaranteed block to be executed, we can consider the first block to be public, in that it may be called by other functions. All the other blocks within the function, however, cannot be called by other functions (except in languages that allow jumping into functions mid-flow) and so these blocks may be considered information-hidden within the function.
Taking these (perhaps slightly tenuous) definitions, then we may say yes: putting functionality within a function does constitute to encapsulation. The encapsulation of blocks within functions is the first graph.
There is a caveate, however. Would you consider a package whose every class was public to be encapsulated? According to the definitions above, it does pass the test, as you can say that the interface to the package (i.e., all the public classes) do indeed offer a subset of the package's behaviour to other packages. But the subset in this case is the entire package's behaviour, as no classes are information-hidden. So despite regorously satisfying the above definitions, we feel that it does not satisfy the spirit of the definitions, as surely something must be information-hidden for true encapsulation to be claimed.
The same is true for the exampe you give. We can certainly consider n = n + 1 to be a single McCabian block, as it (and the return statement) are a single, sequential flow of executions. But the function into which you put this thus contains only one block, and that block is the only public block of the function, and therefore there are no information-hidden blocks within your proposed function. So it may satisfy the definition of encapsulation, but I would say that it does not satisfy the spirit.
All this, of course, is academic unless you can prove a benefit such encapsulation.
There are two forces that motivate encapsulation: the semantic and the logical.
Semantic encapsulation merely means encapsulation based on the meaning of the nodes (to use the general term) encapsulated. So if I tell you that I have two packages, one called, 'animal,' and one called 'mineral,' and then give you three classes Dog, Cat and Goat and ask into which packages these classes should be encapsulated, then, given no other information, you would be perfectly right to claim that the semantics of the system would suggest that the three classes be encapsulated within the, 'animal,' package, rather than the, 'mineral.'
The other motivation for encapsulation, however, is logic.
The configuration of a system is the precise and exhaustive identification of each node of the system and the encapsulated region in which it resides; a particular configuration of a Java system is - at the third graph - to identify all the classes of the system and specify the package in which each class resides.
To logically encapsulate a system means to identify some mathematical property of the system that depends on its configuration and then to configure that system so that the property is mathematically minimised.
Encapsulation theory proposes that all encapsulated graphs express a maximum potential number of edges (MPE). In a Java system of classes and packages, for example, the MPE is the maximum potential number of source code dependencies that can exist between all the classes of that system. Two classes within the same package cannot be information-hidden from one another and so both may potentially form depdencies on one another. Two package-private classes in separate packages, however, may not form dependencies on one another.
Encapsulation theory tells us how many packages we should have for a given number of classes so that the MPE is minimised. This can be useful because the weak form of the Principle of Burden states that the maximum potential burden of transforming a collection of entities is a function of the maximum potential number of entities transformed - in other words, the more potential source code dependencies you have between your classes, the greater the potential cost of doing any particular update. Minimising the MPE thus minimises the maximum potential cost of updates.
Given n classes and a requirement of p public classes per package, encapsulation theory shows that the number of packages, r, we should have to minimise the MPE is given by the equation: r = sqrt(n/p).
This also applies to the number of functions you should have, given the total number, n, of McCabian blocks in your system. Functions always have just one public block, as we mentioned above, and so the equation for the number of functions, r, to have in your system simplifies to: r = sqrt(n).
Admittedly, few considered the total number of blocks in their system when practicing encapsulation, but it's readily done at the class/package level. And besides, minimising MPE is almost entirely entuitive: it's done by minimising the number of public classes and trying to uniformly distribute classes over packages (or at least avoid have most packages with, say, 30 classes, and one monster pacakge with 500 classes, in which case the internal MPE of the latter can easily overwhelm the MPE of all the others).
Encapsulation thus involves striking a balance between the semantic and the logical.
All great fun.
in strict object-oriented terminology, one might be tempted to say no, a "mere" function is not sufficiently powerful to be called encapsulation...but in the real world the obvious answer is "yes, a function encapsulates some code".
for the OO purists who bristle at this blasphemy, consider a static anonymous class with no state and a single method; if the AddOne() function is not encapsulation, then neither is this class!
and just to be pedantic, encapsulation is a form of abstraction, not vice-versa. ;-)
It's not normally very meaningful to speak of encapsulation without reference to properties rather than solely methods -- you can put access controls on methods, certainly, but it's difficult to see how that's going to be other than nonsensical without any data scoped to the encapsulated method. Probably you could make some argument validating it, but I suspect it would be tortuous.
So no, you're most likely not using encapsulation just because you put a method in a class rather than having it as a global function.