TableCardinality - sql

What does it means TableCardinality in execution plan?
I am looking at data base tuning performances

Cardinality is the number of UNIQUE values for a given table / column (so it's not surprising that is equal to the number of entries in the primary key index as that index is most likely clustered). The cardinality of the index or table is usefull to sql server as it allows the query optimiser to make educated guesses about the possible best plans to use when referencing that table.
When the optimiser has to take your sql code and work out what to do with it, it will consider alternative plans before settling on the one that it will use to actually retrieve the data. In most real world cases the number of possible plans is too large for sqlserver to calculate the absolute best plan via sampling all possibles so the optimiser will use statistical analysis to determin a "good enough" plan.
Cardinality is one of the metrics it uses to work out such a plan as it may use this to derermine which physical joins to use (hashmaps or loops for example)

From this article
SQL Server keeps track of table cardinality when the query plan is compiled. It does so because it will trigger an automatic recompile if the actual cardinality is substantially different from the compile time cardinality.
It would seem a reasonable guess that that is what the TableCardinality in the plan XML is (and shown in the properties window) but I haven't found anything to confirm that.

Table Cardinality, in the context of the Execution Plan, is normally the same as the number of rows in the table per the latest statistics on that table.
Source: see and search for "table cardinality" - you will see this note: "NOTE: In this strictest sense, SQL Server counts cardinality as the number of rows in the table."
Also, I checked a number of tables in various queries, and in each case, TableCardinality was equal to the number of rows in the table, or in some cases, the rowcnt value in sys.sysindexes for the primary key for that table.

Isn't it the same as Estimated Number of Rows?


How to set the right indexes on a sql table?

How can I identify the indexes that are worth to set on a sql table?
Take the following as an example:
select *
from products
where name = 'car'
and type = 'vehicle'
and availability > 3
and insertion_date > '2015-10-10'
order by price asc
limit 1
Imagine a database with a few million entries.
Would there be benefits if I set an index on the combination of all attributes that occur in the WHERE and ORDER BY clause?
For the example:
create index i_my_idx on products
(name, type, availability, insertion_date, price)
There are a few rules of thumb that can be useful when deciding which columns to index:
Make sure there's a unique index on the primary key - this is done automatically when you specify a PK in most RDBMSs including postgresql.
Add indexes for each foreign key. These are created automatically in some RDBMSs when you specify a FK but not in postgresql.
If a PK is a compound key, consider adding indexes on each FK making up the PK (except for the first, which is covered by the PK index). As in 2, some RDBMSs (e.g. MySQL with ISAM) add these indexes automatically when the FKs are specified.
Usually, but not always, table joins in queries will be PF to FK and by having indexes on both keys, the query optimizer of the RDBMS has flexibility in determining the optimum plan for maximum performance. This won't always be the best though, and experienced programmers will often format the SQL for a database query to influence the execution plan for best performance, or decide to omit indexes they know are not needed. It's worth noting that an SQL query that is optimal on one RDBMS is not necessarily optimal on another, or on future versions of the DB server, or as the database grows. The latter is important as in some RDBMSs such as postgres and Oracle, the query execution plans are dependent on the data in the tables (this is known as cost-based optimisation).
Once you've got these out of the way a lot comes down to experience and a knowledge of your data, and importantly, how the data is going to be accessed.
Generally you will be looking to index those columns which are best at filtering the data. In your query above, the obvious one is name. This might be enough to make that query run fast enough (unless all your products are cars).
Other than that it's worth making a list of the common ways the data is likely to be accessed e.g.
Get a list of products that are in a category - an index on category will probably help
However, get a list of products that are currently available - an index on availability will probably not help because a large proportion of products are likely to satisfy this condition.
Unless you are dealing with large amounts of data this can often be all you need to do, and it's not generally a good idea to add indexes "just in case" as there are overheads in maintaining them. But if your system does has performance issues, then it's worth considering how combinations of columns are being used in queries, reading up about the postgres query optimizer etc.
And to answer your last question - possibly, but it's far from the first thing to consider.
Well the way you are setting indexes is absolutely correct. Indexes has nothing to do with order by clause.
Some important points while designing SQL query
Always put the condition first in WHERE clause which will filter maximum rows for eg above query name ='car' will filter maximum records in products.
Do not use ">=" use ">" only because greater or equal to will always end up in checking greater first if failed equals as well which will reduce performance of query.
Create a single index in same order your where clause is arranged in.
Try minimizing IN clause use ANY instead.

Are SQL Execution Plans based on Schema or Data or both?

I hope this question is not too obvious...I have already found lots of good information on interpreting execution plans but there is one question I haven't found the answer to.
Is the plan (and more specifically the relative CPU cost) based on the schema only, or also the actual data currently in the database?
I am try to do some analysis of where indexes are needed in my product's database, but am working with my own test system which does not have close to the amount of data a product in the field would have. I am seeing some odd things like the estimated CPU cost actually going slightly UP after adding an index, and am wondering if this is because my data set is so small.
I am using SQL Server 2005 and Management Studio to do the plans
It will be based on both Schema and Data. The Schema tells it what indexes are available, the Data tells it which is better.
The answer can change in small degrees depending on the DBMS you are using (you have not stated), but they all maintain statistics against indexes to know whether an index will help. If an index breaks 1000 rows into 900 distinct values, it is a good index to use. If an index only results in 3 different values for 1000 rows, it is not really selective so it is not very useful.
SQL Server is 100% cost-based optimizer. Other RDBMS optimizers are usually a mix of cost-based and rules-based, but SQL Server, for better or worse, is entirely cost driven. A rules based optimizer would be one that can say, for example, the order of the tables in the FROM clause determines the driving table in a join. There are no such rules in SQL Server. See SQL Statement Processing:
The SQL Server query optimizer is a
cost-based optimizer. Each possible
execution plan has an associated cost
in terms of the amount of computing
resources used. The query optimizer
must analyze the possible plans and
choose the one with the lowest
estimated cost. Some complex SELECT
statements have thousands of possible
execution plans. In these cases, the
query optimizer does not analyze all
possible combinations. Instead, it
uses complex algorithms to find an
execution plan that has a cost
reasonably close to the minimum
possible cost.
The SQL Server query optimizer does
not choose only the execution plan
with the lowest resource cost; it
chooses the plan that returns results
to the user with a reasonable cost in
resources and that returns the results
the fastest. For example, processing a
query in parallel typically uses more
resources than processing it serially,
but completes the query faster. The
SQL Server optimizer will use a
parallel execution plan to return
results if the load on the server will
not be adversely affected.
The query optimizer relies on
distribution statistics when it
estimates the resource costs of
different methods for extracting
information from a table or index.
Distribution statistics are kept for
columns and indexes. They indicate the
selectivity of the values in a
particular index or column. For
example, in a table representing cars,
many cars have the same manufacturer,
but each car has a unique vehicle
identification number (VIN). An index
on the VIN is more selective than an
index on the manufacturer. If the
index statistics are not current, the
query optimizer may not make the best
choice for the current state of the
table. For more information about
keeping index statistics current, see
Using Statistics to Improve Query
Both schema and data.
It takes the statistics into account when building a query plan, using them to approximate the number of rows returned by each step in the query (as this can have an effect on the performance of different types of joins, etc).
A good example of this is the fact that it doesn't bother to use indexes on very small tables, as performing a table scan is faster in this situation.
I can't speak for all RDBMS systems, but Postgres specifically uses estimated table sizes as part of its efforts to construct query plans. As an example, if a table has two rows, it may choose a sequential table scan for the portion of the JOIN that uses that table, whereas if it has 10000+ rows, it may choose to use an index or hash scan (if either of those are available.) Incidentally, it used to be possible to trigger poor query plans in Postgres by joining VIEWs instead of actual tables, since there were no estimated sizes for VIEWs.
Part of how Postgres constructs its query plans depend on tunable parameters in its configuration file. More information on how Postgres constructs its query plans can be found on the Postgres website.
For SQL Server, there are many factors that contribute to the final execution plan. On a basic level, Statistics play a very large role but they are based on the data but not always all of the data. Statistics are also not always up to date. When creating or rebuilding an Index, the statistics should be based on a FULL / 100% sample of the data. However, the sample rate for automatic statistics refreshing is much lower than 100% so it is possible to sample a range that is in fact not representative of much of the data. Estimated number of rows for the operation also plays a role which can be based on the number of rows in the table or the statistics on a filtered operation. So out-of-date (or incomplete) Statistics can lead the optimizer to choose a less-than-optimal plan just as a few rows in a table can cause it to ignore indexes entirely (which can be more efficient).
As mentioned in another answer, the more unique (i.e. Selective) the data is the more useful the index will be. But keep in mind that the only guaranteed column to have statistics is the leading (or "left-most" or "first") column of the Index. SQL Server can, and does, collect statistics for other columns, even some not in any Indexes, but only if AutoCreateStatistics DB option is set (and it is by default).
Also, the existence of Foreign Keys can help the optimizer when those fields are in a query.
But one area not considered in the question is that of the Query itself. A query, slightly changed but still returning the same results, can have a radically different Execution Plan. It is also possible to invalidate the use of an Index by using:
LIKE '%' + field
or wrapping the field in a function, such as:
Now, keep in mind that read operations are (ideally) faster with Indexes but DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) are slower (taking more CPU and Disk I/O) as the Indexes need to be maintained.
Lastly, the "estimated" CPU, etc. values for cost are not always to be relied upon. A better test is to do:
run query
and focus on "logical reads". If you reduce Logical Reads then you should be improving performance.
You will, in the end, need a set of data that comes somewhat close to what you have in Production in order to performance tune with regards to both Indexes and the Queries themselves.
Oracle specifics:
The stated cost is actually an estimated execution time, but it is given in a somewhat arcane unit of measure that has to do with estimated time for block reads. It's important to realize that the calculated cost doesn't say much about the runtime anyway, unless each and every estimate made by the optimizer was 100% perfect (which is never the case).
The optimizer uses the schema for a lot of things when deciding what transformations/heuristics can be applied to the query. Some examples of schema things that matter a lot when evaluating xplans:
Foreign key constraints (can be used for table elimiation)
Partitioning (exclude entire ranges of data)
Unique constraints (index unique vs range scans for example)
Not null constraints (anti-joins are not available with not in() on nullable columns
Data types (type conversions, specialized date arithmetics)
Materialized views (for rewriting a query against an aggregate)
Dimension Hierarchies (to determine functional dependencies)
Check constraints (the constraint is injected if it lowers cost)
Index types (b-tree(?), bitmap, joined, function based)
Column order in index (a = 1 on {a,b} = range scan, {b,a} = skip scan or FFS)
The core of the estimates comes from using the statistics gathered on actual data (or cooked). Statistics are gathered for tables, columns, indexes, partitions and probably something else too.
The following information is gathered:
Nr of rows in table/partition
Average row/col length (important for costing full scans, hash joins, sorts, temp tables)
Number of nulls in col (is_president = 'Y' is pretty much unique)
Distinct values in col (last_name is not very unique)
Min/max value in col (helps unbounded range conditions like date > x) help estimate the nr of expected rows/bytes returned when filtering data. This information is used to determine what access paths and join mechanisms are available and suitable given the actual values from the SQL query compared to the statistics.
On top of all that, there is also the physical row order which affects how "good" or attractive an index become vs a full table scan. For indexes this is called "clustering factor" and is a measure of how much the row order matches the order of the index entries.

What aspects of a sql query are relatively costly to one another? Joins? Num of records? columns selected?

How costly would SELECT One, Two, Three be compared to SELECT One, Two, Three, ..... N-Column
If you have a sql query that has two or three tables joined together and is retrieving 100 rows of data, does performance have anything to say whether I should be selecting only the number of columns I need? Or should I write a query that just yanks all the columns..
If possible, could you help me understand what aspects of a query would be relatively costly compared to one another? Is it the joins? is it the large number of records pulled? is it the number of columns in the select statement?
Would 1 record vs 10 record vs 100 record matter?
As an extremely generalized version of ranking those factors you mention in terms of performance penalty and occurrence in the queries you write, I would say:
Joins - Especially when joining on tables with no indexes for the fields you're joining on and/or with tables that have a very large amount of data.
# of Rows / Amount of Data - Again, indexes mitigate this quite a bit, just make sure you have the right ones.
# of Fields - I would say the # of fields in the SELECT clause impact performance the least in most situations.
I would say any performance-driving property is always coupled with how much data you have - sure a join might be fast when your tables have 100 rows each, but when millions of rows are in the tables, you have to start thinking about more efficient design.
Several things impact the cost of a query.
First, are there appropriate indexes for it to use. Fields that are used in a join should almost always be indexed and foreign keys are not indexed by default, the designer of the database must create them. Fields used inthe the where clasues often need indexes as well.
Next, is the where clause sargable, in other words can it use the indexes even if you have the correct ones? A bad where clause can hurt a query far more than joins or extra columns. You can't get anything but a table scan if you use syntax that prevents the use of an index such as:
LIKE '%test'
Next, are you returning more data than you need? You should never return more columns than you need and you should not be using select * in production code as it has additional work to look up the columns as well as being very fragile and subject to create bad bugs as the structure changes with time.
Are you joining to tables you don't need to be joining to? If a table returns no columns in the select, is not used in the where and doesn't filter out any records if the join is removed, then you have an unnecessary join and it can be eliminated. Unnecessary joins are particularly prevalant when you use a lot of views, especially if you make the mistake of calling views from other views (which is a buig performance killer for may reasons) Sometimes if you trace through these views that call other views, you will see the same table joined to multiple times when it would not have been necessary if the query was written from scratch instead of using a view.
Not only does returning more data than you need cause the SQL Server to work harder, it causes the query to use up more of the network resources and more of the memory of the web server if you are holding the results in memory. It is an all arouns poor choice.
Finally are you using known poorly performing techniques when a better one is available. This would include the use of cursors when a set-based alternative is better, the use of correlated subqueries when a join would be better, the use of scalar User-defined functions, the use of views that call other views (especially if you nest more than one level. Most of these poor techniques involve processing row-by-agonizing-row which is generally the worst choice in a database. To properly query datbases you need to think in terms of data sets, not processing one row at a time.
There are plenty more things that affect performance of queries and the datbase, to truly get a grip onthis subject you need to read some books onthe subject. This is too complex a subject to fully discuss in a message board.
Or should I write a query that just yanks all the columns..
No. Just today there was another question about that.
If possible, could you help me understand what aspects of a query would be relatively costly compared to one another? Is it the joins? is it the large number of records pulled? is it the number of columns in the select statement?
Any useless join or data retrieval costs you time and should be avoided. Retrieving rows from a datastore is costly. Joins can be more or less costly depending on the context, amount of indexes defined... you can examine the query plan of each query to see the estimated cost for each step.
Selecting more columns/rows will have some performance impacts, but honestly why would you want to select more data than you are going to use anyway?
If possible, could you help me
understand what aspects of a query
would be relatively costly compared to
one another?
Build the query you need, THEN worry about optimizing it if the performance doesn't meet your expectations. You are putting the horse before the cart.
To answer the following:
How costly would SELECT One, Two,
Three be compared to SELECT One, Two,
Three, ..... N-Column
This is not a matter of the select performance but the amount of time it takes to fetch the data. Select * from Table and Select ID from Table preform the same but the fetch of the data will take longer. This goes hand in hand with the number of rows returned from a query.
As for understanding preformance here is a good link
Or google tsql Performance
Joins have the potential to be expensive. In the worst case scenario, when no indexes can be used, they require O(M*N) time, where M and N are the number of records in the tables. To speed things up, you can CREATE INDEX on columns that are part of the join condition.
The number of columns has little effect on the time required to find rows, but slows things down by requiring more data to be sent.
What others are saying is all true.
But typically, if you are working with tables that already have good indexes, what's most important for performance is what goes into the WHERE statement. There you have to worry more about using a field that has no index or using a statement that can't me optimized.
The difference between SELECT One, Two, Three FROM ... and SELECT One,...,N FROM ... could be like the difference between day and night. To understand the problem, you need to understand the concept of a covering index:
A covering index is a special case
where the index itself contains the
required data field(s) and can return
the data.
As you add more unnecessary columns to the projection list you are forcing the query optimizer to lookup the newly added columns in the 'table' (really in the clustered index or in the heap). This can change an execution plan from an efficient narrow index range scan or seek into a bloated clustered index scan, which can result in differences of times from sub-second to +hours, depending on your data. So projecting unnecessary columns is often the most impacting factor of a query.
The number of records pulled is a more subtle issue. With a large number, a query can hit the index tipping point and choose, again, a clustered index scan over narrower index range scan and lookup. Now the fact that lookups into the clustered index are necessary to start with means the narrow index is not covering, which ultimately may be caused by projecting unnecessary column.
And finally, joins. The question here is joins, as opposed to what else? If a join is required, there is no alternative, and that's all there is to say about this.
Ultimately, query performance is driven by one factor alone: amount of IO. And the amount of IO is driven ultimately by the access paths available to satisfy the query. In other words, by the indexing of your data. It is impossible to write efficient queries on bad indexes. It is possible to write bad queries on good indexes, but more often than not the optimizer can compensate and come up with a good plan. You should spend all your effort in better understanding index design:
Designing Indexes
SQL Server Optimization
Short answer: Dont select more fields then you need - Search for "*" in both your sourcecode and your stored procedures ;)
You allways have to consider what parts of the query will cause which costs.
If you have a good DB design, joining a few tables is usually not expensive. (Make sure you have correct indices).
The main issue with "select *" is that it will cause unpredictable behavior in your results. If you write a query like that, AND access the fields with the columnindex, you will be locked into the DB-Schema forever.
Another thing to consider is the amount of data you have to consider. You might think its trivial, but the Version2.0 of your application suddenly adds a ProfilePicture to the User table. And now the query that will select 100 Users will suddenly use up several Megabyte of bandwith.
The second thing you should consider is the number of rows you return. SQL is very powerfull at sorting and grouping, so let SQL do his job, and dont move it to the client. Limit the amount of records you return. In most applications it makes no sense to return more then 100 rows to a user at once. You might let the user choose to load more, but make it a choice he has to make.
Finally, monitor your SQL Server. Run a profiler against it, and try to find your worst queries. A SQL Query should not take longer then half a second, if it does, something is most likely messed up (Yes... there are operation that can take much longer, but those should have a reason)
Once you found the slow query, look at the execution plan... You will see which parts of the query are expensive, and which parts work well... The Optimizer is also a tool that can be used.
I suggest you consider your queries in terms of I/O first. Disk I/O on my SATA II system is 6Gb/sec. My DDR3 memory bandwidth is 12GB/sec. I can move items in memory 16 times faster than I can retrieve from disk. (Ref Wikipedia and Tom's hardware)
The difference between getting a few columns and all the columns for your 100 rows could be the dfference in getting a single 8K page from disk to getting two or more pages from disk. When the pages are finally in memory moving two columns or all columns to a hash table is faster than any measuring tool I have.
I value the advice of the others on this topic related to database design. The design of narrow indexes, using included columns to make covering indexes, avoiding table or index scans in favor of seeks by using an appropiate WHERE clause, narrow primary keys, etc is the diffenence between having a DBA title and being a DBA.

Same query uses different indexes?

Can a select query use different indexes if a change the value of a where condition?
The two following queries use different indexes and the only difference is the value of the
condition and typeenvoi='EXPORT' or and typeenvoi='MAIL'
select numenvoi,adrdest,nomdest,etat,nbessais,numappel,description,typeperiode,datedebut,datefin,codeetat,codecontrat,typeenvoi,dateentree,dateemission,typedoc,numdiffusion,nature,commentaire,criselcomp,crisite,criservice,chrono,codelangueetat,piecejointe, sujetmail, textemail
from v_envoiautomate
where etat=0 and typeenvoi='EXPORT'
and nbessais<1
select numenvoi,adrdest,nomdest,etat,nbessais,numappel,description,typeperiode,datedebut,datefin,codeetat,codecontrat,typeenvoi,dateentree,dateemission,typedoc,numdiffusion,nature,commentaire,criselcomp,crisite,criservice,chrono,codelangueetat,piecejointe, sujetmail, textemail
from v_envoiautomate
where etat=0 and typeenvoi='MAIL'
and nbessais<1
Can anyone give me an explanation?
Details on indexes are stored as statistics in a histogram-type dataset in SQL Server.
Each index is chunked into ranges, and each range contains a summary of the key values within that range, things like:
range High value
number of values in the range
number of distinct values in the range (cardinality)
number of values equal to the High value
...and so on.
You can view the statistics on a given index with:
DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS(<tablename>, <indexname>)
Each index has a couple of characteristics like density, and ultimately selectivity, that tell the query optimiser how unique each value in an index is likely to be, and how efficient this index is at quickly locating records.
As your query has three columns in the where clause, it's likely that any of these columns might have an index that could be useful to the optimiser. It's also likely that the primary key index will be considered, in the event of the selectivity of other indexes not being high enough.
Ultimately, it boils down to the optimiser making a quick judgement call on how many page reads will be necessary to read each your non-clustered indexes + bookmark lookups, with comparisons with the other values, vs. doing a table scan.
The statistics that these judgements are based on can vary wildly too; SQL Server, by default, only samples a small percentage of any significant table's rows, so the selectivity of that index might not be representative of the whole. This is particularly problematic where you have highly non-unique keys in the index.
In this specific case, I'm guessing your typeenvoi index is highly non-unique. This being so, the statistics gathered probably indicate to the optimiser that one of the values is rarer than the other, and the likelihood of that index being chosen is increased.
The query optimiser in SQL Server (as in most modern DBMS platforms) uses a methodology known as 'cost based optimisation.' In order to do this it uses statistics about the tables in the database to estimate the amount of I/O needed. The optimiser will consider a number of semantically equivalent query plans that it generates by transforming a basic query plan generated by parsing the statement.
Each plan is evaluated for cost by a heuristic based on the statistics maintained about the tables. The statistics come in various flavours:
Table and index row counts
Distributions histograms of the values in individual columns.
If the ocurrence of 'MAIL' vs. 'EXPORT' in the distribution histograms is significantly different the query optimiser can come up with different optimal plans. This is probably what happened.
Probably has to do with the "cardinality", I believe the word is, of the values in the table. If there are a lot more rows that match that clause, SQL Server may decide that one query will be more efficient using an index for a different column. This is an extreme case, but if there was one row that matched 'MAIL', it would likely use that index. If every other row in the table was 'EXPORT', but only half of those 'EXPORT' rows had an etat of 0, then it would probably use the index on that column.

Do indexes work with "IN" clause

If I have a query like:
Select EmployeeId
From Employee
Where EmployeeTypeId IN (1,2,3)
and I have an index on the EmployeeTypeId field, does SQL server still use that index?
Yeah, that's right. If your Employee table has 10,000 records, and only 5 records have EmployeeTypeId in (1,2,3), then it will most likely use the index to fetch the records. However, if it finds that 9,000 records have the EmployeeTypeId in (1,2,3), then it would most likely just do a table scan to get the corresponding EmployeeIds, as it's faster just to run through the whole table than to go to each branch of the index tree and look at the records individually.
SQL Server does a lot of stuff to try and optimize how the queries run. However, sometimes it doesn't get the right answer. If you know that SQL Server isn't using the index, by looking at the execution plan in query analyzer, you can tell the query engine to use a specific index with the following change to your query.
SELECT EmployeeId FROM Employee WITH (Index(Index_EmployeeTypeId )) WHERE EmployeeTypeId IN (1,2,3)
Assuming the index you have on the EmployeeTypeId field is named Index_EmployeeTypeId.
Usually it would, unless the IN clause covers too much of the table, and then it will do a table scan. Best way to find out in your specific case would be to run it in the query analyzer, and check out the execution plan.
Unless technology has improved in ways I can't imagine of late, the "IN" query shown will produce a result that's effectively the OR-ing of three result sets, one for each of the values in the "IN" list. The IN clause becomes an equality condition for each of the list and will use an index if appropriate. In the case of unique IDs and a large enough table then I'd expect the optimiser to use an index.
If the items in the list were to be non-unique however, and I guess in the example that a "TypeId" is a foreign key, then I'm more interested in the distribution. I'm wondering if the optimiser will check the stats for each value in the list? Say it checks the first value and finds it's in 20% of the rows (of a large enough table to matter). It'll probably table scan. But will the same query plan be used for the other two, even if they're unique?
It's probably moot - something like an Employee table is likely to be small enough that it will stay cached in memory and you probably wouldn't notice a difference between that and indexed retrieval anyway.
And lastly, while I'm preaching, beware the query in the IN clause: it's often a quick way to get something working and (for me at least) can be a good way to express the requirement, but it's almost always better restated as a join. Your optimiser may be smart enough to spot this, but then again it may not. If you don't currently performance-check against production data volumes, do so - in these days of cost-based optimisation you can't be certain of the query plan until you have a full load and representative statistics. If you can't, then be prepared for surprises in production...
So there's the potential for an "IN" clause to run a table scan, but the optimizer will
try and work out the best way to deal with it?
Whether an index is used doesn't so much vary on the type of query as much of the type and distribution of data in the table(s), how up-to-date your table statistics are, and the actual datatype of the column.
The other posters are correct that an index will be used over a table scan if:
The query won't access more than a certain percent of the rows indexed (say ~10% but should vary between DBMS's).
Alternatively, if there are a lot of rows, but relatively few unique values in the column, it also may be faster to do a table scan.
The other variable that might not be that obvious is making sure that the datatypes of the values being compared are the same. In PostgreSQL, I don't think that indexes will be used if you're filtering on a float but your column is made up of ints. There are also some operators that don't support index use (again, in PostgreSQL, the ILIKE operator is like this).
As noted though, always check the query analyser when in doubt and your DBMS's documentation is your friend.
#Mike: Thanks for the detailed analysis. There are definately some interesting points you make there. The example I posted is somewhat trivial but the basis of the question came from using NHibernate.
With NHibernate, you can write a clause like this:
int[] employeeIds = new int[]{1, 5, 23463, 32523};
NHibernate then generates a query which looks like
select * from employee where employeeid in (1, 5, 23463, 32523)
So as you and others have pointed out, it looks like there are going to be times where an index will be used or a table scan will happen, but you can't really determine that until runtime.
Select EmployeeId From Employee USE(INDEX(EmployeeTypeId))
This query will search using the index you have created. It works for me. Please do a try..