jetty via apache mod_proxy - apache

Using an Apache virtualhost and mod_proxy I want to access a java application (myapp) available in a jetty instance on port 8080.
With ProxyPass / localhost:8080/ on my apache virtualhost configuration I can access the application running in jetty with but I want the application to be accessed from
Trying with ProxyPass / localhost:8080/myapp The application cannot be found because the request becomes
Then tried with:
<Location />
ProxyPass localhost:8080/myapp/
SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1
SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
I can access the application but just for the first request. Subsequent requests become
After reading many times and the apache mod_proxy docs the only way I managed to use the application properly from is with the following configuration:
<Location /myapp/>
ProxyPass localhost:8080/myapp/
SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1
SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
<Location />
ProxyPass localhost:8080/myapp/
SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1
SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
so the request is forwarded to the jetty application in both cases.
I am quite new to apache and jetty and I am pretty sure there is a better and more elegant way of achieving the same result.
In fact apache complains saying:
[warn] worker localhost:8080/myapp/ already used by another worker

The problem is that when you deploy your application in jetty with the context path /myapp, it will generate all links accordingly. Apache mod_proxy does all the rewriting at the HTTP level (headers) and won't do anything with the response body, keeping it as it is.
If you don't mind the /myapp sticking around, you can turn mod_rewrite on and include following two lines in your Location block:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/myapp/(.*)$ /$1 [P]
If you would like to get rid of /myapp for good, then the only option left (assuming you don't want to waste CPU power on mod_proxy_html) is to configure virtual hosts, and deploy applications on virtual hosts with context path of /.

If you want your webapp to be accessible at the root of your site, what you need is to deploy the web application into the root of container. Usually, this is done by calling the war file ROOT.war instead of myapp.war (although this ultimately depend on the configuration of your Jetty deployer, which may be more complex than the default).

Yes it works from the jetty root, but I would like to have more than one application running. The configuration for myapp is under jetty's contexts folder:
<Configure class="org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
<Set name="contextPath">/mvc-showcase</Set>
<Set name="war"><SystemProperty name="jetty.home"/>/webapps/mvc-showcase.war</Set>
my jetty version is 6.1.22


How to Use Apache to Proxy to Single Page Application on Weblogic Cluster

As part of upgrading a legacy Java application (hosted on Weblogic cluster), one section of this application will be replaced by a single page application (REACT), calling out over an API to various services that contain migrated backend functionality. For now until all UI dependencies are ported off the legacy application, the REACT SPA will still be hosted inside a JSP page (some common JSP code has not been ported, and so will be present on the JSP page hosting the react app).
The infrastructure hosting this setup is currently an Apache server, routing to the Weblogic cluster or newer services as needed. Proxying to the weblogic cluster was simple before, as all *.jsp pages were routed to the cluster with a simple weblogic plugin block:
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicCluster server1:port,server2:port
MatchExpression *.jsp
However with the new SPA, I also need a whole set of routes to proxy to a single .jsp page containing my SPA. If my goal was only to proxy by path, I could solve that easily with apache weblogic plugin:
<Location /newSection/>
WLSRequest On
WebLogicCluster server1:port,server2:port
PathTrim /newSection/
PathPrepend SPA.jsp
DefaultFileName SPA.jsp
However this only works for the base /newSection/ url, as a url like
gets proxied to
which is obviously not valid.
No amount of PathTrim, PathPrepend, or anything else I try for the weblogic plugin solves the problem that I am trying to proxy by path to a single URI (everything needs to proxy to http://host/SPA.jsp, SPA router handles the rest)
I am currently experimenting with just using mod_rewrite and mod_proxy instead, as RewriteRule [P] allows me to proxy to a single URI on the cluster (cluster IP coming from Proxy balancer). However this is much more complicated to set up (still trying), and I have to implement things like session stickiness myself.
A solution for how to use the mod_weblogic plugin to proxy to a particular URI would be great, but examples of how to use mod_rewrite, mod_proxy, and/or mod_proxy_balancer to achieve this proxying to a single URI on a weblogic cluster would be extremely helpful as well.
Turns out there was an apache feature (Passthrough) I was not aware of (or at least how exactly it works) that can bridge Apache rewrite rules to the weblogic plugin nicely.
RewriteRule /newSection/.*$ /SPA.jsp [PT,L]
The passthrough rewrites the URI to http://host/SPA.jsp WITHOUT doing a rewrite. The passthrough then explicitly passes that new URI back through the rule stack and other modules. At this point the original weblogic plugin rule I had that proxies by MIME type to the cluster (*.jsp) will pick up the URI and work nicely.
This way Apache takes care of rewriting a set of paths to a specific URI, and the weblogic plugin nicely takes care of the rest (proxying to cluster, load balancing, sticky sessions, etc.)
Here is how you use weblogic plugin to direct individual urls, feel free to change options as per your requirement:
Create a virtual host file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
SSLEngine on
ServerName fqdn
ServerAlias alias
ServerAdmin webmaster#localhost
Header always append X-Frame-Options DENY
DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs
<Directory /var/apache2/htdocs>
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
debug ERR
FileCaching on
WLIOTimeoutSecs 600
Idempotent ON
FileCaching ON
DynamicServerList ON
KeepAliveEnabled OFF
<Location /newsection>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster host1:port,host2:port
<Location /newsection/SPA.jsp>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster host3:port,host4:port
<Location /SPA.jsp>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicCluster host5:port,host6:port

Apache httpd as load balancer for jboss as well another Apache servers

I have an apache httpd server, say server1* (publicly exposed) that is acting as load balancer for some jboss servers(behind firewall) using mod_cluster. Now I want to install my static content (images/css/htmls) and probably some cg-scripts on a couple of apache servers, say **server2 and server3 (behind firewall).
Now I want server1 to act as load balancer for these server2 and server3 as well along with the jboss servers.
With this arrangement, any request for applications deployed on jboss need to be routed to jboss and any static content request should go to server2 or server3.
Here are the versions I am using
Linux Server
apache httpd - 2.2.22
What mechanism/configuration do I need to use in server1 to make it possible?
Please see if someone can help with this.
Well, you just add a ProxyPass setting. mod_cluster is compatible with ProxyPass, so you can use both.
For instance, if I would like gif images to be served by httpd, not by AS7, I can add:
ProxyPassMatch ^(/.*\.gif)$ !
Furthermore, if you set
CreateBalancers 1
mod_cluster won't create proxies for you and you have to do it yourself. This gives you an additional control. For instance:
ProxyPassMatch ^/static/ !
ProxyPass / balancer://qacluster stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=on
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://qacluster
ProxyPreserveHost on
In the aforementioned example, we proxy anything but /static/ content to the workers.
Note:If you encounter any cookies related issues, you might want to play with ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain and ProxyPassReverseCookiePath.
Note qacluster in my config. The default is mycluster, so for naming my balancer qacluster, I added this to mod_cluster config (outside VirtualHost):
ManagerBalancerName qacluster
If it is not clear, just reply and I can try to elaborate further.
I had the same issue where in we were using Apache HTTP server for static content and JBOSS AS 7 server for dynamic contents (the JSF web app).
So adding the below property at the end of Load modules tells
CreateBalancers 0
Tells to "0: Create in all VirtualHosts defined in httpd."
More at:
And the below config solved the issues of images and styel sheets not getting displayed.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/assests"
UseAlias 1
ProxyPassMatch ^(.*\.bmp)$ !
ProxyPassMatch ^(.*\.css)$ !
ProxyPassMatch ^(.*\.gif)$ !
ProxyPassMatch ^(.*\.jpg)$ !
ProxyPassMatch ^(.*\.js)$ !
ProxyPassMatch ^(.*\.png)$ !
<Directory /var/www/assests>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
All our assests for the web app was on HTTP server at
/var/www/assests and the url I was accessing was on port 80
So when it sees this ProxyPassMatch ^(.*.css)$ !
The webserver knows that the css files are local to the http server and we dont need to go to Jboss App server.
More info at

How to run PrimeFaces behind reverse proxy in a subdomain?

I have build an application with PrimeFaces and want to run that behind an apache reverse proxy.
My target url looks like this
I want to access the application via subdomain like this
I have configured a VirtualHost in apache:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
That works not so well. I can see the JSF page, but there is no CSS applied etc. I can see that the first request is redirected correctly, but the following requests (to load jQuery, CSS, etc.) are not.
They try to access an url like which is obviously wrong. They must not include the /myapplication/ path again, since the proxy redirects already to that path.
How can I solve this issue? Is this a PrimeFaces problem or a problem with my reverse proxy configuration?
Using (or not using) AJP has no bearing on resolving this specific issue.
Primefaces internally uses context path variable to include CSS and Javascript resources. Even using AJP you will end up with:
What you could do to resolve this add another proxy pass to handle the unwanted context. This may not be the best solution, but it works.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPass /myapplication/
ProxyPassReverse /myapplication/
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
The order of the pass matters.
This issue was also reported in the icefaces forum
It may be different depending on the application server but, as a main rule, you should use AJP for the proxying.
First step is to enable ajp modules depending on OS. Ubuntu looks like this.
sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_ajp
Step 2, change the proxy definition in the apache conf to something like:
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/myapplication
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/myapplication
Step 3 is to enable it on the application server. Again, it varies depending of the one you use. Tomcat has a commented out section in the server.xml. Glassfish has a check-box in the admin console and an asadmin command (but I can't remember it)
Consider using ProxyHTMLURLMap directive from mod_proxy_html module. This module manipulates output HTML links to be pointed to the right location. In your case all the links that tell need to be changed back to /, i.e.
This way you can modify any call-back links that are pointing to wrong location.
Answer of jjhavokk works but
for Graphics you need to reference them via request.contextPath
<img src="#{request.contextPath}/resources/yourfolder/yourpng.png" />
Place it in webapp/resources/yourfolder/yourpng.png
With my .css file this was not needed
h:outputStylesheet name="css/screen.css"
in webapp/resources/css

ProxyPassReverse to Tomcat adding path to URL

I'm running Railo 3 in Tomcat 6.0.32. The tomcat server is fronted by Apache 2.2.20. Tomcat and Apache are pre built binaries from openCSW. Railo is just the latest build war deployed in tomcat's autodeploy dir webapps.
Everything is working fine when I try to access railo and content on the tomcat server.
It fails however, when railo on tomcat redirects me to itself. Mostly, when a cfm script uses the CGI.script_name, it will be returned wrong.
On the Apache side, the content is available on Apache redirects the user to tomcat through AJP on
A script on tomcat (taken from open OAuth example) is available at:
When I access it and try to perform some action, it calls itself with a few parameters, but at that point, railo dumps out an error, complaining that the file can not be found:
Page /content/railo/content/oauth_test/examples/admin_consumers.cfm [/opt/csw/share/tomcat6/webapps/railo/content/railo/content/oauth_test/examples/admin_consumers.cfm] not found
As you can see railo added twice the relative path from tomcat: /railo/content/railo/content
This is my configuration for the virtual host in Apache:
<VirtualHost *:443>
DocumentRoot "/opt/www/hostname/htdocs/"
ProxyRequests Off
<proxy *="">
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass / ajp://
ProxyPassReverse /
I tried several variant for the ProxyPassReverse directive, but with no luck so far. Based on extensive searches on the web (The Mystery of ProxyPassReverse), I tried this for the proxypassreverse:
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://
ProxyPassReverse /
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8888/railo/content/
ProxyPassReverse /
The tomcat server also has a virtual host defined like this:
<Host name="">
<Context path="" docBase="/opt/csw/share/tomcat6/webapps/railo/content" />
But everytime, I always get the error from Railo.
Has anyone ever seen this problem with Railo, or CGI, and has an idea how to fix it?
You are specifying "/railo/content" twice. Once in your "docBase" attribute and again in your Proxy attributes. So, requests being proxied through Apache are going to have "railo/content/" twice in their request paths because you have it listed twice: once in Apache, another time in Tomcat.
Try leaving off the /railo/content/ in your ProxyPassReverse attribute:
ProxyPassReverse /
This will let the Tomcat config add the /railo/content/ bit all by itself.

How do I connect my tomcat app to apache 2 so the paths aren't lame?

I've got a tomcat instance with several apps running on it... I want the root of my new domain to go to one of these apps (context path of blah).. so I have the following set up:
<Location />
ProxyPass ajp://localhost:8025/blah
ProxyPassReverse ajp://localhost:8025/blah
it kinda works... going to works except the app still thinks it needs to add the /blah/ to everything like css and js.. is there something I can do without deploying the app to ROOT or changing the tomcat server config? I'd like to keep all this kind of thing on the apache side, if it's possible.
I'm thinking I may not be understanding the proxypassreverse directive..
If you're wanting to server the app the /, Tomcat expects the app to be mounted at /, and have the name of ROOT. At least that's how I've always handled the situation personally. Even if you just symlink the app into ROOT, that should mitigate your problems. If you have an app placed in ${tomcat_home}/webapps/newapp, then Tomcat deploys it with a context of /newapp. At least, that's been the case in my history. Also, not sure if it matters but I've always used:
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8025/blah
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8025/blah
it looks like this is kind of a pain in the rear.
apache is literally rewriting pages as it serves them...
I think I'll go a different route.
If you configure hosts on the Tomcat side as well then you can proxy to them and eliminate the context path for non-root webapps--in Tomcat server.xml:
<Host name="myhost">
<Context path="" docBase="/path/to/files" />
And on the Apache side:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName myhost
ProxyPass / ajp://myhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://myhost:8009/
Hope that helps.