Master database DB STARTUP problem - sql

I have a SQL Server 2008 database and I have a problem with this database that I don't understand.
The steps that caused the problems are:
I ran a SQL query to update a table called authors from another table called authorAff
The authors table is 123,385,300 records and the authorsAff table is 139,036,077
The query took about 7 days executing but it didn't finish
I decided to cancel the query to do it another way.
The connection on which I was running the query disconnected suddenly so the database became in recovery until the query cancels
The server was shut down many times afterwards because of some electricity problems
The database took about two days and then recovered.
Now when I run this query
It executes and returns the results but when I remove WITH(READUNCOMMITTED) hint it gets locked by a process running on the master database that appears only on the Activity Monitor with Command [DB STARTUP] and no results show up.
so what is the DB STARTUP command and if it's a problem, how can I solve it?
Thank you in advance.

I suspect that your user database is still trying to rollback the transaction that you canceled. A general rule of thumb indicates that it will take about the same amount of time, or more, for an aborted transaction to rollback as it has taken to run.
The rollback can't be avoided even with the SQL Server stops and starts you had.
The reason you can run a query WITH(READUNCOMMITTED) is because it's ignoring the locks associated with transaction that is rolling back. Your query results are considered unreliable, but ironically, the results are probably what you want to see since the blocking process is a rollback.
The best solution is to wait it out, if you can afford to do so. You may be able to find ways to kill the blocking process, but then you should be concerned with database integrity.


Any non-SELECT queries don't run in Oracle

So, I can successfully run any SELECT statement, but doing any UPDATE statements just hang until they eventually time out. This occurs with trying to execute any stored procedures as well. Other users that connect to the database can run anything without running into this problem.
Is there a cache per user that I can dump or something along those lines? I usually get sick of waiting and cancel the operation, so I don't know if that has contributed to the problem or not.
Just for reference, it's things as simple as these:
But this works:
SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE; -- various WHERE clauses don't cause any problems.
Probably a little disappointing for anyone who came here looking for an answer to a similar problem, but the issue ended up being twofold: The DBA didn't think it was important to give me many details, but there were limitations on the Oracle server that were intentionally set for procedures in general (temp space issues, and things of that ilk). And second, there was an update to the procedure that I wasn't aware of that'd run a sub-query for every record that's pulled in the query (thousands of records). That was removed and now it's running as expected.
In my experience this happens most often because there is another uncommitted operation on the table. For example: User 1 successfully issues an update but does not commit it or roll it back. User 2 (or even another session of User 1) issues another update which just hangs until the other pending update is committed or rolled back. You say that "other users" don't have the same problem, which makes me wonder if they are committing their changes. And if so, if they are updating the same table or a different one.

Is it ok to KILL this DELETE query?

I ran a query to delete around 4 million rows from my database. It ran for about 12 hours before my laptop lost the network connection. At that point, I decided to take a look at the status of the query in the database. I found that it was in the suspended state. Specifically:
Start Time SPID Database Executing SQL Status command wait_type wait_time wait_resource last_wait_type
2018/08/15 11:28:39.490 115 RingClone *see below suspended DELETE PAGEIOLATCH_EX 41 5:1:1116111 PAGEIOLATCH_EX
*Here is the sql query in question:
After reading this;
I realize I probably should have broken this up into smaller pieces to delete them (or even delete them one-by-one). But now I just want to know if it is "safe" for me to KILL this query, as the answer in that post suggests. One thing the selected answer states is that "you may run into data consistency problems" if you KILL a query while it's executing. If it causes some issues with the data I am trying to delete, I'm not that concerned. However, I'm more concerned about this causing some issues with other data, or with the table structure itself.
Is it safe to KILL this query?
If you ran the delete from your laptop over the network and it lost connection with the server, you can either kill the spid or wait when it will disappear by itself. Depending on the ##version of your SQL Server instance, in particular how well it's patched, the latter might require instance restart.
Regarding the consistency issues, you seem to misunderstand it. It is possible only if you had multiple statements run in a single batch without being wrapped with a transaction. As I understand, you had a single statement; if that's the case, don't worry about consistency, SQL Server wouldn't have become what it is now if it would be so easy to corrupt its data.
I would have rewritten the query however, if T_INDEX.INDEXRAWDATAID column has NULLs then you can run into issues. It's better to rewrite it via join, also adding batch splitting:
while 1=1 begin
DELETE top (10000) t
WHERE i.OWNERID = '1486836020';
if ##rowcount = 0
It definitely will not be any slower, but it can boost performance, depending on your schema, data and the state of any indices the tables have.

db2 V9.1 deadlocks

I have 4 different services in my application which SELECT and UPDATE on the same table in my database (db2 v9.1) on AIX 6.1, not big table around 300,000 records.The 4 services work execute in parallel way, and each service execute in sequential way (not parallel).
The issue that everyday I face horrible deadlock problem, the db hangs for about 5 to 10 minutes then it get back to its normal performance.
My services are synchronized in a way which make them never SELECT or UPDATE on the same row so I believe even if a deadlock occurred it supposed to be on a row level not table level, RIGHT?
Also, in my SELECT queries I use "ONLY FOR FETCH WITH UR", in db2 v9.1 that means not to lock the row as its only for read purpose and there will be no update (UR = uncommitted read).
Any Ideas about whats happening and why?
Firstly, these are certainly not deadlocks: a deadlock would be resolved by DB2 within few seconds by rolling back one of the conflicting transactions. What you are experiencing are most likely lock waits.
As to what's happening, you will need to monitor locks as they occur. You can use the db2pd utility, e.g.
db2pd -d mydb -locks showlocks
db2pd -d mydb -locks wait
You can also use the snapshot monitor:
db2 update monitor switches using statement on lock on
db2 get snapshot for locks on mydb
or the snapshot views:
select * from sysibmadm.locks_held
select * from sysibmadm.lockwaits

Stopping the Delete Operation in SQL Server

I wanted to delete massive amount of data on a SQL Server 2005 table (about 80 millions of records). Without stating begin tran, I wrote my delete query like
Delete from myTable
where columnA > X'
where columnA is not the table's primary key. It has been started since 4 hours ago and still not finished. I've tested in a similar scenario with similar number of rows and similar condition and the operation was done in about 70 minutes but meanwhile the main server is more powerful but it is not stopping after 4 hours being spent. The database has been configured to provide Full recovery model.
I want to know if I can stop this never ending operation by killing the SPID of the corresponding process, and If I done so, what happens? Will sql server start to rollback the operation? will the database gets suspended? What is the solution?
Yes, server will roll back the delete operation,
such a rollbacks usually take more time to finish, than time previously spent to operation.
DB will not be suspended, but lock on the table will be held until rollback finishes.

Is a commit needed on a select query in DB2?

I have a vendor reporting product executing queries to pull report data, no inserts, no updates just reading data.
We have double our heap size 3 times and are now at 1024 4k pages, The app will run fine for a week then we will begin to see DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -954, SQLSTATE: 57011 indicating the transaction log is not able to accomodate the request.
Its not the size of the reports since they run fine after a recycle. I spoke with another DBA on this. He believe the problem was in a difference between ORACLE and DB2 in that the vendor code is crappy and not issuing commits on the selects. This is causing the references to not be cleaned up and is slowly accumulating as garbage in the heap.
I wanted to know if this is accurate as I thought only inserts and updates needed to have commits included. Is there any IBM documentation on this?
We are currently recycling on a weekly basis to alleviate the problem but I would like to have a good handle on the issue before going back to the vendor asking them to alter their code.
Any transaction needs to be properly terminated -- why did you think that only applies to inserts and updates? Consider running transactionally a "select a from b where c > 12" and then "select a from b where c <= 12"; within a transaction the DB has to guarantee that every a gets returned exactly once either from the first or second select, not both (assuming c is never null;-). Without transactionality, some a's might fall between the cracks or be returned twice if their corresponding c was changed by a different transaction, and that's just not ACID!-)
So when you do not need separate SELECT queries to be transactional wrt each other, tell the DB! And the way you tell, is by terminating the transaction after each select (normally commit is what you use for the purpose, though I guess you could, indifferently, choose to use rollback here;-).
Per Alex's response, the first SQL activity after any CONNECT, COMMIT, or ROLLBACK initiates a transaction.
To get a handle on your resource issue (transaction logs full), you should investigate your application that issues the reports - ensure that transactions are being closed out explicitly in code. I've seen cases where application developers rely upon the Garbage Collector to clean up database objects - while those objects are waiting for cleanup, the database resources (transactions) are held open.
It's always good practice to explicitly COMMIT or ROLLBACK your transactions as soon as you are done with the data - regardless of the programming methodology you use.
I get this error when committing transaction on a SELECT query, but despite the error it does return a Result-Set that include queried data.
error [hy011] [ibm] cli0126e the operation is invalid sqlstate=hy011
I changed my code to tran.Rollback(); and the error disapered.
Can anyone explain this behavior?