I was told that my program was not issuing a MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN when sending an email by the web hosting company we are connecting to.
Anyone know what this means and how I do it?
I am sending an email with SmtpClient and I have no problems with other clients.
Here is what I was told:
Thanks for the additional info, here
is what I found...
Aug 4 11:16:48 smtp1 sendmail[2729]:
[xx.xx.xx.xx] did not issue
MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection
Notice the time and the IP address
which is your static from Charter. Now
here is a good connection.
Aug 4 11:18:22 smtp1 sendmail[2745]:
STARTTLS=server, [xx.xx.xx.xx], version=TLSv1/SSLv3,
verify=NO, cipher=RC4-MD5,
bits=128/128 Aug 4 11:18:23 smtp1
sendmail[2745]: AUTH=server,
[xx.xx.xx.xx], authid=ronmid,
mech=LOGIN, bits=0
Since their email program did not
issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during
connection, my server would not
continue the transaction.
Any suggestions?

You app didn't issue any of those 4 commands after connecting. This could be because the server didn't respond correctly and so your app was waiting for that response until it timed out. You can check this by trying to send an email with a simple telnet connection as described here. After you connect and send the EHLO or HELO command (depending on what the server wants) you should get a 250 response.
If you do get the 250 response with telnet but your app still doesn't work, then maybe it's something in your application that tries to send an incorrect command. Maybe you've setup your application to use SSL or credentials, and the SMTP server don't support that or something similar?


Emails are added in queue but its not been send in otrs

I am using AWS SES to send emails from OTRS and emails are not working. Below is the error:
Mar 18 06:22:47 ip-10-210-28-141[30010]: [Error][Kernel::System::CommunicationLog::_LogError][Line:538]: CommunicationLog(ID:795,AccountType:-,AccountID:-,Direction:Outgoing,Transport:Email,ObjectLogType:Message,ObjectLogID:2233)::Kernel::System::MailQueue => Message could not be sent! Error message: Can't connect to !
I am able to telnet to
I am able to send emails using SES from the same server via command line but OTRS is not sending email.
It's hard to debug OTRS. In your case OTRS was not possible to create an mail object. The cause can have several issue.
Maybe you are using the wrong SMTP backend module, there are 3 different options, SMTP/SMTPS and SMTPTLS (see also
To get more verbose feedback from the CPAN SMTP module, set $Self->{Debug} = 3; at this place and check STDOUT what the problem is.

Problem in sending email with exim in cpanel to extern address

I noticed today that mails do not come through. Since several hours ago, all mails just get stuck in queue. I have tried to deliver them manually, by selecting one mail in WHM Mail Queue Manager and clicking on "Deliver Selected", but after few minutes I just get this error:
cwd=/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot 4 args: /usr/sbin/exim -v -M 1Tli6y-0002Xo-KW
delivering 1Tli6y-0002Xo-KW
Connecting to foobar.TLD [IP.ADDRESS]:25 ... failed: Connection timed out (timeout=5m)
foobar.TLD [IP.ADDRESS] Connection timed out
== info#foobar.TLD R=dkim_lookuphost T=dkim_remote_smtp defer (110): Connection timed out
I have searched on net, and I have found thread on this forum, similar error -
and there is proposed solution, but I am not sure should it work in my case. I can not risk loosing emails in queue, my clients would hang me :)
I can see your server is unable to connect remote server to send your mail. Because you are getting "25 ... failed: Connection timed out" error in logs. I think your mail server IP is blacklisted in anti-spam databases and maybe due to that you are getting this issues.
run command
exim -bt info#foobar.tld
Copy ip address and add your CSF white list.
Or turn of Firewall and retest.

FIX Protocol 4.4 Connection not responding to Login

To anyone who can help,
I am having a show stopping issue connecting to the test server.
My TCP/IP connection is established via:
Socket _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
I send the connection message to the server via:
where _txData is a byte[] _txData array initialized with the connection request message:
8=FIX.4.4\0019=121\00135=A\00149=NotRealSenderID\0 0156=NotRealTargetID\00134=1\00152=20140522-20:12:04.392\00198=0\001108=30\001554=NotRealPassw ord\00110=017\001 converted to a byte array.
I wait for the login success message via:
int responseCount = _socket.Receive(_rxBuffer);
but after a few seconds, the _socket.Receive unblocks and returns zero bytes suggesting unsuccessful connection.
What am I doing wrong?
Is my login message at fault? Is it the way I establish server connection? I am at a loss!
Currently, My default Windows 7 Firewall is disabled, and I attempted to telnet into the server, and the image below snapshots the outcome:
Any help will be appreciated, as this is a major show stopper for me.
I managed to resolve this issue. The problem was with the SOH character in my message.
I was using the literal SOH = "\001" converted to a byte, when I should have done this: SOH = (char) 0x1; DUH!!
For the record, I used the following tools to 'debug' this issue:
Wireshark with display filter and capture filter set to the host server's ip address, and MINI-FIX to generate and transmit FIX messages to the host server.
I then compared the output from my client to those produced by MINI-FIX via Wireshark. It didn't take me long to spot the error from there.
What is "the test server" ?
Can you ping it ?
From the look of that telnet session you haven't permission to make a connection, or there is nothing running at the destination.

Zend Mail is declared as Ratware

I'm using Zend_mail with SMTP in a wrapper class like this:
//$_config has all required and valid attributes to send a mail successfully.
$tmpconfig = Array('auth' => 'login',
'username' => $this->_config->MAIL_LOGIN,
'password' => $this->_config->MAIL_PASSWORT);
$this->_transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($this->_config->MAIL_SMTP,$tmpconfig);
$this->_mail = new Zend_Mail();
$this->_mail->setFrom($this->_config->MAIL_ADDRESS, $this->_config->MAIL_SENDER_NAME);
//$_data has already all required and valid fields and values...
$this->_mail->addTo($this->_data['maildata']['RecipientEmail'], $this->_data['maildata']['RecipientName']);
Scenario 1: I'm sending the Mail with a test account to a proprietary server to a test mailaddress from my testsystem. This mail will be received.
Scenario 2: I'm sending the Mail with another test account to another proprietary server to the same mailaddress, with two test systems. This mail is rejected as ratware. I've already talked to the server administrator, he said that the mail generation is incorrect. There is no valid EHLO greeting: "remote host used our name in HELO/EHLO greeting."
I don't really know if its a problem within the zend_mail class or the test systems.
1st Testsystem: PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14, Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
2nd Testsystem: PHP Version 5.3.1, Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) (Apache on Mac OS X)
I think your 2nd mail server is configured too strictly, or perhaps it's a problem with how you're configuring Zend_Mail. Zend_Mail works great for me, and I'm using it to send emails to multiple SMTP servers, including the ones at Gmail and also at a popular shared web hosting service.
If you're sending on port 25, I believe many mail servers are more likely to treat your message as Spam. Does your 2nd mail server support sending with alternate ports? Typical alternatives are 465 or 587. Also, have you tried sending via SSL or TLS? These might also help convince that server that your messages are legitimate.

Rails3: ECONNREFUSED Error in Mailer

I have a controller in a Rails 3 app that, after creating a new object of type WorkRequest, sends an e-mail to the requester. Works for all of my users except one. When she tries it I get the following in the server log.
Started POST "/work_requests" for at Mon Aug 08 14:42:53 -0400 2011
Processing by WorkRequestsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"commit"=>" Save ", "authenticity_token"=>"GhhZ6S0mBaju2zs5Fc7M+u5SoLCke5CRSdVCvLzMK1Q=", "utf8"=>"✓", "work_request"=>{"work_due_date"=>"2011-12-01", "person_id"=>"525", "status"=>"Pending", "last_request_date"=>"", "requester_id"=>"5", "pier_module_id"=>"223"}}
Rendered person_mailer/work_request_init_email.html.erb (2.4ms)
Rendered person_mailer/work_request_init_email.text.erb (1.8ms)
Sent mail to (409ms)
Completed in 548ms
Errno::ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused - connect(2)):
app/controllers/work_requests_controller.rb:57:in `create'
app/controllers/work_requests_controller.rb:54:in `create'
It appears to have sent the e-mail (she's left for the day so I can't ask if she received it) but the line it's failing on in the controller the line that invokes the mailer, so I'm not sure.
Can't seem to find any solid info on what ECONNREFUSED means. Is the mail server refusing the connect (in which case why does it appear the mail was sent?) or is the web server refusing to connect after the mail is sent.
What might cause either server to refuse a connection with this particular user?
Any help would be much appreciated. All the other users of the app seem to be working fine.
This generally is an error caused by a failed connection to the SMTP server. I'd say double check your settings in your environment files (production.rb most likely) and double check the email address. You might also check to see if there's a limit set by the SMTP server.