how to tell flunet-nhibernate to use the ID from a base class (which is abstract and ignored in the mapping) - fluent-nhibernate

i have an abstract class
public abstract class Document
public int DocumentID {get; set;}
and derived class
public class DoctorDocument : Document{
public string DoctorName {get;set;}
and I'm using Fluent Auto Mapping,
i need not to make a table for Document, but i need each derived class to get the DocumentID as Primary Key.
mappings.Setup(c=>c.FindIdentity = type.Name == type.DeclaringType.Name + "ID";);
but it still can't find the ID and tells me that DoctorDocument doesn't have an ID.
but when i made the following override it worked:
public class DoctorDocumentMap: IAutoMappingOverride<DoctorDocument>
public void Override(AutoMapping<DoctorDocument> mapping)
mapping.Id(x => x.Id, "DocumentID").GeneratedBy.Identity();
how can i tell the automapping to do that for all entities?? especially the GeneratedBy.Identity();

Overriding DefaultAutomappingConfiguration might help.
Something like this might work :
public class MyAppAutoConfiguration : DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
public override bool IsId(Member member)
return "DocumentID" == member.Name;
The configuration can be like this:
var cfg = new MyAppAutoConfiguration();
var autoPersistenceModel = AutoMap.AssemblyOf<Person>(cfg).IgnoreBase<Document>();
ISessionFactory sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(m =>


Fluent nHibernate: How to set up id convention so that override works on a table with a different id

Weird case with a legacy database:
Most tables have the same named field for the primary key, but I have one table that has a different primary key but also has that named field. When I override the automap for this table it uses the convention not the override unless I explicitly override the mapping for the name field.
public class IdConvention : IIdConvention, IIdConventionAcceptance,
public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IIdentityInspector> criteria)
criteria.Expect(x => x.Type == typeof(string));
public void Apply(IIdentityInstance instance)
if (instance.Name == "StandardId")
public class WierdCase
virtual int CustomId {get;set;}
virtual int StandardId {get;set;}
public class WierdCaseOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<WierdCase>
public void Override(AutoMapping<WierdCase> mapping)
mapping.Id(x => x.CustomId).GeneratedBy.Identity();
mapping.Map(x => x.StandardId , "FooBarThingyId");
public class CustomConfiguration : DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
public override bool IsId(Member member)
if (member.DeclaringType.GetProperty("StandardId") != null)
return member.Name == "StandardId";
return base.IsId(member);
Without the mapping.Map() line, this uses StandardId as the key, not CustomId. I would expect calling mapping.Id() to override the convention, but it does not seem to.
What am I missing here? As I'd rather fix the convention than have to explicitly override it for the exceptions.

Fluent Nhibernate Enum Mapping

I have some problem with enum mapping in fluent NHibernate. I know this question has been asked many times but I couldn't find any solution that worked for me. I'm newbie in NHibernate and it looks like I may have missed something simple and stupid. Here is my code.
public class DBPublication
public virtual int pub_id { get; set; }
public virtual PublicationStatuses status { get; set; }
public enum PublicationStatuses
public class DBPublicationMap : ClassMap<DBPublication>
public DBPublicationMap()
Id(x => x.pub_id).GeneratedBy.Sequence("content.pub_sq");
Map(x => x.status);
postgres enum type
CREATE TYPE content.enum_publication_status AS ENUM('on_moderation', 'active', ...);
but when I try to save, postgres throws this
column "status" is of type content.enum_publication_status but expression is of type text
any suggestion?
Here is a working sample of configuring nhibernate to store enum field.
public class Entity
public virtual int id { get; set; }
public virtual SomeEnum EnumField { get; set; }
public enum SomeEnum
class EntityMap : ClassMap<Entity>
public EntityMap()
Id(x =>;
Map(x => x.EnumField);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var factory = Fluently.Configure().Mappings(x => x.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<Entity>())
.ExposeConfiguration(config => new SchemaExport(config).Create(false, true))
.Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ConnectionString("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=nhtest;Integrated Security=True"))
using (var session = factory.OpenSession())
using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
var entity = new Entity();
entity.EnumField = SomeEnum.Value2;
In such case it is stored as strings in data base. If you want it be saved as integers, you need to change mapping for Enum field property to the following:
Map(x => x.EnumField).CustomType<int>();
Why are you creating enum types in progres? isn't this a maintenance-nightmare?
What does your configuration look like? Have you already tried using the conventions discribed here?
Looks like a simple casting error, so please consider using CustomType() / CustomSQLType() inside your mapping.
Simply add this class to your project:
public class PgEnumMapper<T> : NHibernate.Type.EnumStringType<T>
public override NHibernate.SqlTypes.SqlType SqlType
get { return new NHibernate.SqlTypes.SqlType(System.Data.DbType.Object); }
Then, you can use:
Map(x => x.status).CustomType<PgEnumMapper<PublicationStatuses>>();

Querying on the properties of a private reference

I have a class that is many-to-one with its parent. I'd like to expose the parent's properties through the child without exposing the parent directly. I'd also like to query on and order by those properties.
public class Organization
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual bool IsNonProfit { get; set; }
public class Contact
private Organization _organization;
public virtual string OrganizationName
{ get { return _organization.Name; } }
public virtual bool OrganizationIsNonProfit
{ get { return _organization.IsNonProfit; } }
public class OrganizationMap : ClassMap<Organization>
public OrganizationMap()
Map(x => x.Name);
Map(x => x.IsNonProfit);
public class ContactMap : ClassMap<Contact>
public ContactMap()
public class Example
private ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
public Example(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
_sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
public IEnumerable<Contact> DoQuery(int forPage, int rowsPerPage)
using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
return session.Query<Contact>().OrderBy(x => x.OrganizationName)
.Skip((forPage - 1) * rowsPerPage).Take(rowsPerPage);
The problem is that this results in a "Could not resolve property: OrganizationName" error. It looks like I could map those fields with a formula, but then I'd end up with a sub-select for each field on a table that's already joined into my query. Alternatively, I could wrap the Contact's organization with a public getter and change my query to OrderBy(x => x.Organization.Name). That leaves me with a Law of Demeter violation though.
Am I off track? How should I handle this?
edited to show paging
You can't use non-mapped properties in queries. How should NHibernate know how to create a SQL condition for it? In your case it might be easy, but what if you'd have a call to a method or some complicated logic in that property?
So yes, you need at least a public getter property.
Alternatively, do the sorting in memory (after NHibernate has executed the query).

FluentNHibernate: Automapping OneToMany relation using attribute and convention

This is very similar to my previous question: FluentNHibernate: How to translate HasMany(x => x.Addresses).KeyColumn("PersonId") into automapping
Say I have these models:
public class Person
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual ICollection<Address> Addresses { get; private set; }
public class Address
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual Person Owner { get; set; }
I want FluentNHibernate to create the following tables:
This can be easily achieved by using fluent mapping:
public class PersonMapping : ClassMap<Person>
public PersonMapping()
Id(x => x.Id).Column("PersonId");
HasMany(x => x.Addresses).KeyColumn("OwnerId");
public class AddressMapping : ClassMap<Address>
public AddressMapping()
Id(x => x.Id).Column("AddressId");
References(x => x.Person).Column("OwnerId");
I want to get the same result by using auto mapping. I tried the following conventions:
class PrimaryKeyNameConvention : IIdConvention
public void Apply(IIdentityInstance instance)
instance.Column(instance.EntityType.Name + "Id");
class ReferenceNameConvention : IReferenceConvention
public void Apply(IManyToOneInstance instance)
instance.Column(string.Format("{0}Id", instance.Name));
// Copied from #Fourth:
public class SimpleForeignKeyConvention : ForeignKeyConvention
protected override string GetKeyName(Member property, Type type)
if(property == null)
return type.Name + "Id";
return property.Name + "Id";
But it created the following tables:
PersonId // this column should not exist
So I added a AutoMappingOverride:
public class PersonMappingOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<Person>
public void Override(AutoMapping<Person> mapping)
mapping.HasMany(x => x.Addresses).KeyColumn("OwnerId");
This correctly solved the problem. But I want to get the same result using attribute & convention. I tried:
public class Person
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual ICollection<Address> Addresses { get; private set; }
class KeyColumnAttribute : Attribute
public readonly string Name;
public KeyColumnAttribute(string name)
Name = name;
class KeyColumnConvention: IHasManyConvention
public void Apply(IOneToManyCollectionInstance instance)
var keyColumnAttribute = (KeyColumnAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(instance.Member, typeof(KeyColumnAttribute));
if (keyColumnAttribute != null)
But it created these tables:
PersonId // this column should not exist
Below is the rest of my code:
ISessionFactory sessionFactory = Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(m =>
// .Add(typeof (PersonMapping))
// .Add(typeof (AddressMapping))
Any ideas? Thanks.
The test project can be downloaded from here.
Sigh... Learning NHibernate is really a hair pulling experience.
Anyway I think I finally figured out how to solve this problem: Just remove the SimpleForeignKeyConvention and everything will work fine.
It seems the SimpleForeignKeyConvention conflicts with both ReferenceKeyConvention & KeyColumnConvention. It has higher priority than KeyColumnConvention but lower priority than ReferenceKeyConvention.
public class SimpleForeignKeyConvention : ForeignKeyConvention
protected override string GetKeyName(Member property, Type type)
if(property == null)
// This line will disable `KeyColumnConvention`
return type.Name + "Id";
// This line has no effect when `ReferenceKeyConvention` is enabled.
return property.Name + "Id";
I've tested your classes with FHN's auto-mapping feature and it does not create that second PersonId on Address table.
I'm using FHN v1.2.0.721 from here

"No persister for" using Fluently mapping of Subclass in Fluent NHibernate

I'm doing a very basic thing with Fluent NHibernate. I found a lot of people with similar problems here in SO but none seemed to fix my problem.
I have 1 Class like:
public abstract class ParentClass
public virtual long Id { get; private set; }
public virtual DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }
public virtual int Type { get; set; }
And 1 Concrete classes like:
public class ChildClass : ParentClass
public virtual string PropertyX { get; set; }
public virtual int PropertyY{ get; set; }
So I made the mapping as follows:
public class ParentMap : ClassMap<ParentClass>
public ParentMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.CreateDate);
public class ChildMap : SubclassMap<ChildClass>
public ChildMap()
Map(x => x.PropertyX);
Map(x => x.PropertyY);
My legacy database has 2 tables, 1 that holds all the data from the ParentClass and another one that holds the data from the Child with a foreign key in the ID.
The idea is to have different tables for each different implementation of the ParentClass but having the ParentClass table as a single repository for "Ids" and "Create Dates".
I'm creating my SessionFactory as follows:
private static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
return Fluently.Configure()
.Database(MsSqlCeConfiguration.Standard.ConnectionString(cstr => cstr.FromConnectionStringWithKey("TheConnectionString")))
.Mappings(mappings => mappings.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<ParentClass>()
I'm doing just a basic test of storing things to the database as:
public void Store(ParentClass parent)
using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
But despite the method waits for a ParentClass variable, I'm passing a ChildClass instance for it (the method is actually a inheritance of an interface, that's why it expects a ParentClass).
And every time I it raises an error on "SaveOrUpdate" method saying "No persister for: ChildClass".
What am I doing wrong?
ps.: Another strange thing is that even with the "ExportTo" method on the SessionFactory creation, no mapping is being write on the folder.
.Mappings(mappings => mappings.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<ParentClass>()
.Mappings(mappings => mappings.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<ParentMap>()