Any way to get Twitter user email? - api

Is there any way to get Twitter user email from Twitter API?
Facebook (FBQL) provides this data in the hashed form so that you can encrypt email and then compare to the hashed one.

I don't think so. If the user wants email from someone, they set that up through the DM settings. That's kind of the point.
You could setup a friendship, and set DMs to email the user.
Twitter API - Create Friendship


How to handle multiple social accounts with different emails?

I have an application that allows users to sign up with google and facebook. Both provides email information when sign in.
My problem is that facebook account is associated with an different email than google, so its creating two accounts to the "same" user.
How to solve this problem?
I was thinking about this flow:
User sign up with email and password
In user profile user can associate its account with facebook, google, etc..
From now on user can sign in with facebook, google, etc...
Is this the best way to solve the problem?
Yes, that is a good way to solve the problem.
You can also let him authorize with Google+ and Facebook before registration, check if the user is in the database already with that account (Facebook or Google+ ID), and if he is NOT in the database you redirect him to the registration form.

Sending notifications for website users signed via Facebook or Twitter. How?

Let's imagine that we have ecommerce website that suggests 3 way for user registration:
regular email
via facebook
via twitter
Now let's imagine that we have user signed via facebook/twitter account and we need send him notification about his order (order complete or s/t like that). How can we do this? It is absolutely clear for regular email users - we should just email them notification, but what about Facebook/Twitter users?
Thank you!
With Facebook when they authenticate with your application, you can request email permissions to be able to access the email address they have nominated to use with their facebook account. At the point of registeration you could then store this address in your database and all order flow could follow the existing email path.
You could probably re-use this methodology for twitter too.
I can understand the need to differentiate on registration processes however I think you want to streamline post order notification as much as possible for consistency across users.

Twitter doesn't provide email address for Rails integration

I've integrated social logins (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) with a Rails app using Devise and OAuth. The requests and callbacks all work great and users are able to authenticate the app and login efficiently.
My problem is this:
With Devise, my site has the user's email address as the username. So, whenever a user logs in through a social site for the first time, a 'connection' record is stored for their account to show which social sites they've logged in with. If they don't already have an account on my site, one is created with the email address from the callback array. The connection is then stored along with the returned tokens and secrets for later use (FB posts, tweets, etc.).
Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't provide the email address. To circumvent this, I'm asking first-time users that login with Twitter to simply provide an email address so an account can be created. However, I can't figure out what to do if they already have an account on my site. I can't check if they already do since I'm not given an email address to match up. This could ultimately cause a user to have multiple accounts.
So, I'm a bit at a loss, and if anyone has any suggestions, it would be extremely helpful.
Thanks! :)
You'll need to store some oauth provider info like {provider, twitter identifier} too to your database and then check twitter oauths based on that instead of the email ID.
The simplest thing to do would be to add a slightly different flow for if the login was via twitter. Ask a first time Twitter login user for the email ID. In your users table, add a column called tw_id and add the users twitter identifier. Next time, if the login is via Twitter, you check the tw_id instead of the provider email and proceed with the normal app flow.

Send an Email as the Currently Logged in User | Google API

Is it possible to send an email to join the site as the currently logged in user on your site to his/her contacts?
You can do that now with the GMail API. You will need the user's consent of course, and will need the Contacts API to retrieve the user's contacts.

is it possible to get the email of a user who logs in using open id providers?

i want to know if its possible to get the email of the people who are using open id to authenticate to my site [of course with the user knowing that i am getting their email]?
this email will be the user id of the user and i want the user to be able to loggin using any provider and then i will set this email as the user identity.
i need this information in order to design the structure of my site.
i am looking into the following open id providers.
Facebook Connect
Use open social API's...
OpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. With standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps that access a social network's friends and update feeds.
Refer to this link for more:-
Who says the OpenID provider has the user's e-mail to give to you? I can get an OpenID identity that's accessed only by my fingerprint.