SQL Paramaters in FoxPro 2.6 DOS - sql

In FoxPro 2.6 for MS-DOS is there a way to use a variable in a SELECT command? For example, how can I write the following query:
Given that temp_no is a previously defined variable. I tried using "&temp_no" but this does not appear to be the correct syntax.

Your code looks correct, and you shouldn't need to macro it via the "&". What may be failing is due to data types. If your table "dbfile", column "ord_no" is numeric and your variable "temp_no" is a character string, that would fail due to a data type mismatch... make sure they are the same data type... again, REGARDLESS of using the "&" macro.
MyVarOrd_No = 23
select * from DBFile where Ord_No = MyVarOrd_No
or if a string/charcter based column, just change
MyVarOrd_No = "23"
However you may need to pad with spaces/justify if its being picky.

The microsoft line on using variables in foxpro.


SSRS - Number format expression not working

I have a table in my database called systemconfig which has some configs that I'll use on my reports. The idea is, instead of adjusting the 'number formats' directly in the textboxes properties of the report, I just change a value in this table, and then through a custom expression in the format property, it gets the value from this table
The query of the dataset 'ds_DecimalValues' is like this:
DECLARE #DecimalValue Nvarchar(500)
SELECT #DecimalValue =
( SELECT Value as 'DecimalValue' FROM SystemConfig WHERE Key = Decimal_Value )
DecimalValue = #DecimalValue
ok, the result of this query is ##
In the textbox properties I have this expression in the Format line:
=First(Fields!DecimalValue.Value, "ds_DecimalValue")
But the report is showing 2 decimal values instead of none. I'm not sure if the decimal values are correct on the systemconfig table, I assume that '##' is correct to show no decimal values but I'm not sure about it. Any ideas guys??
Would something like this work for you? Should round it to the nearest integer
=Floor(First(Fields!DecimalValue.Value, "ds_DecimalValue"))
When I have done this in the past I would typically use someting like f0 or n0 as the format code.
Try using this instead of ##.
If this does not work then a couple of things to debug.
Add a textbox that contains the same expression as you are using in your format property expression, make sure it is returning what you expect
Type the format code directly in and make sure that it formats as you expected.
remember that you don't need to use quotes when using codes like f0 etc.

parameterized query with long string

I have a parametrized SQL query that I want to execute from (local) R on Exasol database as described here:
with tab as
position(value in ?) as pos
from MY_TABLE t
select * from tab where pos > 0;
The value that is passed to ? is a (long) string. When this string is 2000 characters long or less, everything works fine. When I increase it to 2001 characters, I get an error:
Error in result_bind(res#ptr, as.list(params)) :
nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1587: 40001: [EXASOL][EXASolution driver]GlobalTransactionRollback
msg: data exception - string data, right truncation. (Session: 1640027176042911503)
I guess the source of the problem is that my parameter is recognized as CHAR and not as VARCHAR.
The Exasol User Manual states:
"The length of both types is limited to 2,000 characters (CHAR) and 2,000,000 characters (VARCHAR), respectively".
Is there any way to cast ? to VARCHAR?
If you establish your db connection via ODBC you could try having a look at these parameters:
Probably, if you set DEFAULTPARAMSIZE to a higher value in the odbc config:
The problem above has been present when I tried using the first suggested method for running parametrized queries described in tutorial here: https://db.rstudio.com/best-practices/run-queries-safely/. This first approach uses a combination of functions dbSendQuery() and dbBind().
My problem with long strings has been solved when I switched to the second (less safe) method which uses the sqlInterpolate() function.

VisualBasic OleDb accessing Excel spreadsheet, can't set column in query using parameter?

I'm working in Visual Basic and using OleDb to access an Excel spreadsheet. I'm importing the data from the sheet into my DataGridView, and that works fine, but now I'm working on filtering. For the most part it works great, but I'm trying to use parameters ("#p1" and so on), and I'm getting a very strange issue.
I can have the following (excluding a bunch of irrelevant stuff before, in between, and after)
query = query & "Project" & " LIKE #Gah1"
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Gah1", "%House%")
and it gives me the results I'm looking for. But I can't seem to get a parameter for the name of the column itself, for example
query = query & "#Gah1" & " LIKE #Gah2"
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Gah1", "Project")
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Gah2", "%House%")
does not work (and I've tried enclosing Project in different brackets and stuff in different ways, can't get it to work). I've found plenty of examples on using parameters, but none that use them to give the column name.
I'm guessing the parameter changes how the string is represented, seeing as you don't need to have the ' ' around string literals.
Is it not possible to give column names in parameter? If you can, what do I need to do?
Well it won't let me post comment, so here
a) Oops, no, I guess not
b) The string query that I end up sending in my test query here is
"select * from [Bid Summary$] where #Gah1 LIKE #Gah2"
I can post the procedure if absolutely need be, but it isn't the problem because the whole thing works perfectly fine if I replace #Gah1 with Project or [Project], so I just showed the lines that I change.
I'm very new to parameterized queries, can you explain how to avoid query strings using it? If there's a better way to do what I'm doing I'm happy to use it =)
And thanks for response and edit
I use combination of string methods and parameters, like this:
//replace field name in a query template
query = String.Format("select * from [Bid Summary$] where {0} LIKE ?", "#Gah1");
//set value (name is in OleDb parameter ignored, so it could be null)
MyCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(null, "%House%");
Note: There is possibility of a sql injection, so be sure about origin of field name (not from user input).

SSIS to handle SQL binary data type

I am strugling wiith handling a sql binary(8) data type.
No matter what I try to do with it inside the SSIS package, it always fails with an error of: "Invalid cast specification"
Let me describe what I am tying to do in details:
I have a single row that I am assigning to a variable in a SQL Task in the control flow.
select max(LastRowVersion as bigint) as MinRV from MyTable
LastRowVersion is of datatype binary(8).
2.Then I am assigning the result to variable - User::MaxRowVersion
If I configure MaxRowVersion to be of String or Object data type, then this part works fine.
3.Next I am opening a data flow task with the following select statement:
select fields
from AnotherTable
where LastRowVersion > ?
and assigning User::MaxRowVersion to the query.
Again LastRowVersion is of datatype binary(8) in the table - AnotherTable.
Here is where I am getting the error that I mentioned above.
I have tried various types of playing with the DT_BYTES cast type in the expression of the User::MaxRowVersion variable, but it is failing.
I have also read that there is a possibility to open a C# script task to handle it or that Dynamic SQL can help, but I would rather keep the solution as simple as possible with no scripting if possible.
Thanks for the help,
Have you tried this?
Keep MaxRowVersion as a Sting data type
Cast the variable reference in the SQL statement
SELECT my_field
FROM my_table
WHERE LastRowVersion > CAST('" + #[User::MaxRowVersion] + "' as MyDataType);

Convert String Variable to Datetime Returns Incorrect Value in SSIS

Following my question in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7387418/where-clause-using-date-taken-from-string-variable-sent-out-incorrect-return-in-s, this is the simplified version of the question:
The query used for the OLE DB Source is this, with a string type variable inside:
The query above works inside a Foreach Variable Enumerator, with the variable used is an array of string variable consisting of this: 13-09-2011,12-09-2011,11-09-2011,10-09-2011,09-09-2011,08-09-2011,07-09-2011,06-09-2011,05-09-2011,04-09-2011,03-09-2011,02-09-2011,01-09-2011
The condition for the problem is this: For example, there is a record in A with A_IN_DATETIME = 2011-09-12 (YYYY-MM-DD format) and A_OUT_DATETIME = NULL.
The correct result for the query above that it should have been only returning values for 13-09-2011 and the rest return 0 records, but in the execution, there was a result for 12-09-2011 to 10-09-2011 also. I don't know if the SSIS somehow mistaken the 12-09-2011, 11-09-2011, 10-09-2011 to 09-12-2011,09-11-2011,09-10-2011 (FYI, I've checked the parsing result and also the loop enumerator by printing it out in a message box generated from the script task, and it is still in its correct form).
Is there any solution for this problem?
Run Sql Profiler and see what query comes through to SQL Server. This will allow you to re-run the exact query in SSMS and see the results right there.
I don't believe conversion to DATETIME accepts a format, i.e. 105.Try this instead:
CONVERT(DATETIME, '9/13/2011 15:37:00')
Result is DATETIME - 2011-09-13 15:37:00.000