approaches to WCF service version control - wcf

We are implementing numerous services in our company and running into versioning issues with data contracts. One of the problems we have is that our data contract are also used as the model of the actual application behind the service. I was wondering what approach others have taken in this kind of situation or just service versioning in general. I am aware of the microsoft best practices guide but wanted to see if anybody has any other ideas on how to version.

The first rule of Services, Business Object != Message Object. Basicly, never expose your business objects as data contracts. Or as I like to say, you can't fax a cat. You can send a facsimile of a cat, but you can't send a cat over the wire. Here's a great picture to remind you:
In more modern terms, it is really the MVVM pattern. The view of the model that the domain layer uses is not built for a client, so you have to create a separate model and view for the other layers. Yes it seems like a lot more work, but in the end it is a much easier and better way to build service oriented applications. Versioning is just one of the ways that it makes life easier. The other important thing is that you tend to build models that are geared around how it is going to be used, and you wind up with more explict code (less crazy branching).

The way that we have implemented this is to build a facade layer on top of the business layer.
The facade layer talks to the rest of the world using the objects defined in the data contracts.
The facade layer maps the objects to internal objects before sending the data into the business layer.
This isolates the internal functionality of your system from the objects used in the data contracts.


Is it good practice to seperate DataContract objects from my "Domain" objects in a WCF service?

I'm currently part of a project in which we host a WCF service to be accessed by certain clients. The WCF solution is split up into 4 different C# projects:
Upon joining this project, I immediately wondered why there was a separate project for "DataContract" objects and one for "Model" objects. The two projects basically contain duplicates of the same objects. For example, in the DataContract project, there is a Customer object with 4 properties, and the model project also has a Customer object with the same four properties... I noticed that there is A LOT of automapper (mapping) being used in the application code to map datacontact objects to model objects and then re-map model objects back to data-contract objects while flowing through our typical service-repository pattern. The number of mappings necessary to produce results in this service has become extremely annoying.
After asking some teammates about why this route was chosen, I was told that datacontracts should not contain domain logic and that they are strictly objects to be used to send over the wire (and that all domain logic should be done using the model version of the object).
I feel like this approach is a bit unnecessary. Couldn't we just do away with the datacontracts project and use our model objects for both domain logic on the service side and also as datacontracts?
Somebody enlighten me...
Couldn't we just do away with the datacontracts project and use our
model objects for both domain logic on the service side and also as
Yes it's physically possible for you to expose your domain objects out of your service, and it might save you a mapping or two.
However let's imagine in the future the domain model changes in response to business needs.
The existing consumers are happy with their contracts and don't want to have to change every time you release, so you are limited to a small non-breaking subset of possible changes you can make, or you have to wait until they're ready to release before you can.
One day another business consumer comes along who wants to leverage your domain capabilities. But they don't want the same contract as your existing consumers. How can you offer them what they want without breaking your existing consumers?
Another development team want to use your domain models in-process so you ship them an assembly, but their deployment server is .net 2.0 so it falls over trying to load System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
More generally, how can you evolve your domain capability when you're hard-wired to your external dependents?
If you think none of these situations apply to you and your service will always and forever be a simple facade on a repository for some ancient and unchanging business function then go for it.
The mappings you find irritating are there to protect you from inevitable change. As a consumer of a service, being coupled to that service's release schedule is a nightmare, and the same is true both ways. The mappings free you to be able to evolve your domain's business capability as you want to without having to worry about breaking anything. Want to rename a field? Do it. Tired of that massive single class? Refactor it into sub-types. The world is your oyster.
If you're worried about efficiency or performance, an in-process type mapping is several orders of magnitude faster than an out-of-process service call, as to be almost negligible.
So I'm going to have to say the advice your colleagues gave you:
datacontracts should not contain domain logic and that they are
strictly objects to be used to send over the wire
sounds pretty smart to me. Lots more here.
If you're finding the mappings tedious, I have used Omu ValueInjector before and it takes alot of the hassle out.

Should I use Datasets or Entity Framework to transfer data via WCF services?

I am working on a application design and investigating on passing data between WCF services and the ASP.NET web application. Options I am looking at are to either use "Datasets" or Entity Framework.
I have bunch of questions,
If I use Entity Framework to pass data, would it add more overhead to the WCF communication,
Is Datasets considered as "light weight" considering the communication overhead,
If i use Entity Framework, how can I maintain object models if I use stored procedures to return complex data?
Overall I need to figure out pros and cons of using these technologies.
Your question touches on the principles of service-oriented architecture (SOA). In SOA, a service should expose operations (methods) that apply to business objects through contracts. The business objects should be defined in a standard way which is why WCF uses WSDL and XML Schema to do this.
An SOA tenet is that business objects are shared through a schema and/or a contract but not as a specific implementation. By this priniciple, Dataset is a heavyweight, .NET specific, database-oriented object which should not be used to represent a business object. The Microsoft Patterns & Practices group apparently disregards SOA tenets since it shows how to use Dataset as Data Transfer Objects. Whether they're just promoting vendor lock-in or just trashing the whole concept of SOA is anybody's guess. If there is even the remotest chance your service will ever be consumed by a non-.NET client please do not use a Dataset.
If you decide on using the Entity Framework then I'd recommend using Code First to define the Entity Framework data model and just expose those "code first" business objects in your service. This SO question & answers provide a good discussion on using Entity Framework with WCF.
Are you really considering passing entire datasets up and down? This will destroy your object model and be more difficult to maintain, though I suppose you could implement the Repository pattern. Still, even just sending the changes you would need to do strange things like ensure you do not transfer the schema and perhaps using the compress option. But it is a very poor choice when compared to Entity Framework Code First with nice clean POCOs in a separate assembly and without any of the EF infrastructure polluting the DTOs.
EF should not add overhead as such but it depends how it is implemented and what data objects are being passed around. If you pass data into a context and use the correct option when SaveChanges is called such as SaveChangesOptions.ReplaceOnUpdate, only the changed entities will be updated. The queries executed are efficient so long as you are mindful not to lazy load stuff you don't need. You need to understand LINQ to entities well and batch your updates as you would any other potentially expensive method call. Run some tests with your database profiler running and try to improve the efficiency of your interactions with EF, monitor your IIS logs for data sizes and transmission times etc.
Datasets are not considered lightweight due to the need to encapsulate a schema and potentially somebody might make a mistake and send up a whole heap of data in multiple tables, including tables that are dependencies. These might need to be pulled in anyway either on the client or server - very messy! EF does support stored procedures in a sensible manner as they can be part of your model and get called when specific entities need to be saved. ORM will compliment your OO design and lead to cleaner code.
Also if you are doing something simple and only require CRUD without much in the way of business logic consider WCF Data Services.

Entity Framework POCO with WCF software design question

I am going to use Entity Framework and WCF in my application. The suggested practice, as I saw, is using POCO with Entity Framework and also using POCO classes as DataContracts. That is actually what POCO and Attributes are used for, -if I am not wrong.
However I am asked to use seperate classses for Entity Framework POCO's and WCF DataContracts. And to use a mapper between POCO's and DataContracts. Like, Foo and FooContract with same properties.
I am on the first approachs side but I wonder if the second approach (seperate classes approach) provides flexibility to the application or is it just a waste of effort.
I will be grateful if you can share your thoughts and experiences about using seperate classes for POCO and DataContracts, pros and cons about that.
Having separate classes for your POCOs and your Contracts will allow you to create Message Oriented services rather than RPC Style services.
Having Message Oriented services will allow your services to be more flexible, do more work, and be less tied to the objects that each service uses.
Message Based services also fall more in line with the spirit of Service Oriented Architectures. You can read more about Message Oriented services at Wikipedia.
I would also suggest picking up Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology & Design by Thomas Erl if you are interested in the principles behind good service design.
Having different data classes at persistence layer and contract level gives you the most flexibility. For example, you may not want to expose all your persistent fields over a contract or you may want to expose different hierarchy of data over a contract etc. It also allows to change both independently of each other.
It may seem at first that using different classes at both level is duplication - but over long term, efforts are not so much (compared to flexibility that you get). You may get tempted to use same classes and develop different one when need arises but issue with that approach is that within short time frame, your services get tightly coupled with data classes rather than information/data that services should be exposing/working with.
I agree with #JustinNiessner and the best guidance I have found for architecting .NET applications using SOLID principles is a series of posts by .Net Junkie and the associated codeplex project. Clearly stated and informative, well worth reading.

NHibernate classes as Data Contracts

I'm exposing some CRUD methods through WCF service, for some data objects persisted in a database through NHibernate. Is it a good approach to use NHibernate classes as data contracts, or is it better to wrap them or replace them with some other data contracts? What is your approach?
Our team just went through a good few months debating this design point, so I've got a lot of links to share ;-)
Short answer: You "should" translate from your NHibernate classes into a domain model.
Long answer: I think the answer to this is a matter of principle. If you ever want to be interoperable, you should not use Datasets as your DTOs (I love Hanselman's post on this). I'm not saying that it's never a good idea; clearly people have had success doing so. Just know that you are cutting corners and it's a risky proposition.
If you have complete control over the classes you are pushing the data into, you could build a nice domain model and just map the NHibernate data into those classes. You will more than likely have serious issues doing that, as IList<> (which a <bag> maps to) is not serializeable. You'd have to write your own serializer, or use something like NetDataContractSerializer, but you lose interoperability.
You will need to measure the amount of work involved in building some wrapper classes, and the translation between, but then you have complete flexibility in what your domain model will look like. Then, you're able to do things (as we have done) like code generation for your NHibernate maps and objects. Then, your data contracts serve as an abstraction from your data, as they should.
P.S. You might want to take a look at ADO.NET Data Services, which is a RESTful way to expose your data, which, at this point, seems to be the most interoperable choice to expose your data.
You would not want to expose your domain model directly, but map the domain to some kind of message as it hits the process boundary. You could leverage NHibernate to do the mapping work for you. In this case you would have 2 mappings, one for you domain model and another for your lightweight messages.
I don't have direct experience in doing this, but I have sent Datasets across via WCF before and that works just fine. I think your biggest issue in using NHibernete as data objects over WCF will be a lack of interoperability (as is also the case when using Datasets). Not only does the client have to use .NET, the client must also use NHibernate. This goes against SOA principles, but if you know for sure that you won't be reusing this component then there's not a great reason not to.
It's at least worth a try.

SOA architecture data access

In my SOA architecture, I have several WCF services.
All of my services need to access the database.
Should I create a specialized WCF service in charge of all the database access ?
Or is it ok if each of my services have their own database access ?
In one version, I have just one Entity layer instanced in one service, and all the other services depend on this service.
In the other one the Entity layer is duplicated in each of my services.
The main drawback of the first version is the coupling induced.
The drawback of the other version is the layer duplication, and maybe SOA bad practice ?
So, what do so think good people of Stack Overflow ?
Just my personal opinion, if you create a service for all database access then multiple services depend on ONE service which sort of defeats the point of SOA (i.e. Services are autonomous), as you have articulated. When you talk of layer duplication, if each service has its own data to deal with, is it really duplication. I realize that you probably have the same means of interacting with your relational databases or back from the OOA days you had a common class library that encapsulated data access for you. This is one of those things I struggle with myself, but I see no problem in each service having its own data layer. In fact, in Michele Bustamante's book (Chapter 1 - Page 8) - she actually depicts this and adds "Services encapsulate business components and data access". If you notice each service has a separate DALC layer. This is a good question.
It sounds as if you have several services but a single database.
If this is correct you do not really have a pure SOA architecture since the services are not independant. (There is nothing wrong with not having a pure SOA architecture, it can often be the correct choice)
Adding an extra WCF layer would just complicate and slow down your solution.
I would recommend that you create a single data access dll which contains all data access and is referenced by each WCF service. That way you do not have any duplication of code. Since you have a single database, any change in the database/datalayer would require a redeployment of all services in any case.
Why not just use a dependency injection framework, and, if they are currently using the same database, then just allow them to share the same code, and if these were in the same project then they would all use the same dll.
That way, later, if you need to put in some code that you don't want the others to share, you can make changes and just create a new DAO layer.
If there is a certain singleton that all will use, then you can just inject that in when you inject in the dao layer.
But, this will require that they use the same DI framework controller.
The real win that SOA brings is that it reduces the number of linkages between applications.
In the past I've worked with organizations who have done it a many different ways. Some data layers are integrated, and some are abstracted.
The way I've seen it most successfully done is when you create generic data-layer services for each app/database and you create the higher level services based on your newly created data layer.