.h generated from .h.in? - header

There are struct definitions in the .h file that my library creates after I build it.. but I cannot find these in the corresponding .h.in. Can somebody tell me how all this works and where it gets the extra info from?
To be specific: I am building pth, the userspace threading library. It has pth_p.h.in, which doesn't contain the struct definition I am looking for, yet when I build the library, a pth_p.h appears and it has the definition I need.
In fact, I have searched every single file in the library before it is built and cannot find where it is generating the struct definition.

Pth uses GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool. By running ./configure you'll be running a shell script which eventually runs m4 to detect the presence of a whole bunch of different system attributes and make changes to a number of files.
It looks like it boils down to ./configure generating Makefile from Makefile.in and then running something via make that triggers the shtool subcommand scpp:
pth_p.h: $(S)pth_p.h.in
$(SHTOOL) scpp -o pth_p.h -t $(S)pth_p.h.in -Dcpp -Cintern -M '==#==' $(HSRCS)
Obscure link, but here's an shtool-scpp manpage, which describes it as:
This command is an additional ANSI C
source file pre-processor for sharing
cpp(1) code segments, internal
variables and internal functions. The
intention for this comes from writing
libraries in ANSI C. Here a common
shared internal header file is usually
used for sharing information between
the library source files.
The operation is to parse special
constructs in files, generate a few
things out of these constructs and
insert them at position mark in tfile
by writing the output to ofile.
Additionally the files are never
touched or modified. Instead the
constructs are removed later by the
cpp(1) phase of the build process. The
only prerequisite is that every file
has a ``"#include ""ofile"""'' at the

.h.in is probably processed within a configure (generated from configure.ac) script, look out for
It replaces variables of the form #VAR# in the .in file with their values.
Edit: Just noticed if I'm right you should retag your question


Produce static libs from tensorflow_cc and tensorflow_framework

As far as I understand using bazel I can only produce libtensorflow_cc.so and libtensorflow_framework.so.
I need to produce static libs that are position independent (-fPIC) because I'll link them to a dynamic lib of my own later.
I found this answer which suggest the use of a Makefile included in the project.
I successfully used it to replace the libtensorflow_cc.so but what can I do to replace libtensorflow_framework.so?
Not an actual answer, but too long for a comment.
I managed to do something like what you mention using Bazel on Windows. In particular, I wanted to make a single wrapper DLL with one or two headers (limited in functionality) that I could move around easily. I'll write a summary of the things that I did; it's rather convoluted an customized for our needs, but maybe you find something useful.
I pass --config=monolithic to the bazel build command (besides any other option that you need). That will avoid modularizing the library and thus remove the dependency to a libtensorflow_framework.so (see
The goal that I build is not any of the ones in the TensorFlow repository. Instead, I add a very small program that uses my wrapper as a new Bazel target (a C++ file plus my headers headers and a BUILD file). So all of TensorFlow had to be compiled beforehand in order to compile this final dummy program.
When I get that done, I take advantage of the fact that Bazel does already compile every subgoal as a static library. I check a file under the bazel-bin directory generated for my dummy program goal with a name ending .params - there I find the path of all the static libraries that were used to compile it.
I copy all of these intermediate static libraries to somewhere else. Also, I copy a bunch of headers I will need to compile my final wrapper (TensorFlow own's, but also Eigen, Protobuf and Nsync now too). I put all of this in a build area I have prepared before.
I use NMake Makefile to produce my custom DLL, using the static libraries, the copied headers and my own thin wrapper.
And that's about it, I think. I have an ugly Bash script I run on MSYS2 that does everything for me. Usually with every new release I need to tweak one or two things (some option in the configure script, some additional headers I need to copy, etc.), but I do get it to work in the end. It's quite a lot of fiddling though, so I'm not necessarily saying you should use the same approach (but feel free to ask for details about any step if you want).
Using the -2.params files #jdehesa mentioned and bazel verbose output (-s switch), you can even create a link command to eventually statically link these intermediate static libraries. I automated this process for Windows/Linux/macOS and included it to the vcpkg package manager. To use it just run vcpkg install tensorflow:x64-windows-static. If you're interested in the sources, you'll find them here.

Get build command or all compiler flags that will be used to build a target

Is there a sensible way to get a CMake variable containing the build command or all the compiler flags that CMake will associate with a target?
It doesn't seem practical to try to gather and maintain a list of all properties that could add flags. Besides, CMake must have this info somewhere, since it has to eventually generate a build system.
From the CMake docs it looks like this feature once existed and was provided by calling build_command() but this was replaced:
Note In CMake versions prior to 3.0 this command returned a command
line that directly invokes the native build tool for the current
Is there a new command that gives the old behavior of build_command()?
Is there a sensible way to get a CMake variable containing the build command or all the compiler flags that CMake will associate with a target?
The answer is no (CMake 3.23 is latest at time of writing), not during the CMake configure step.
In general, such a thing is ill-defined, which is likely why it was removed from CMake and will likely not be re-added. The complications arising from generator expressions, multi-config generators, generators that don't construct command lines (like VS/msbuild), source-file-specific properties, and the simple fact that after the command is called, relevant state might change, all make such efforts quixotic.
Honestly, this is such an odd thing to want at configure time, I wonder if this isn't an XY problem. It's unlikely that one target depends on another in such a way that the entire eventual command line is needed (rather than a particular property) to create it.
I know this is many years later now, but what were you trying to do?
CMake provides many ways post-generation to get information about the compiler command lines.
There's the CMake File API, meant for IDE integration,
The CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS option that creates a Clang-compatible compile_commands.json, and then there's
The CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER variables that would let you instrument a full command line with a custom script while the build is running.
One of these might be useful. The latter is commonly used with ccache, but can be (ab)used with any arbitrary program as long as the output file is eventually generated.
Note that the latter two only work with the Makefile and Ninja generators.
If you want the final output of how the source files will actually be compiled you will want to look at the generated files. I don't really know a better way currently:
Here is an example output from Ninja Multi
This file will list all of the compile definitions, compiler flags, include directories, object directory, etc.
Under the path "cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/" you'll find a folder named as "TopFolderOfYourProject.dir", where the cmake generates all its build system files, including a file "build.make". In this file you can see something like this:
#$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --green --progress-dir=xxx\cmake-build-debug\CMakeFiles --progress-num=$(CMAKE_PROGRESS_1) "Building C object CMakeFiles/somepath/somesourcefile.c.obj"
Besides this, you can find extra info about the flags in the file "flags.make", it contains all extra compiler flags specified by developers.
And in "includes_C.rsp/includes_CXX.rsp" you can see the including path.
Build flags are, actually, associated with source files, because you can have differrent flags for different files. On the other hand, for the most cases these flags are equivalent.
Anyways, to get all build flags for a source file you can use COMPILE_FLAGS property:
get_source_file_property(RESULT file.cpp COMPILE_FLAGS)

Can CMakeLists.txt depend on a file parsed by a function?

I am rather new to CMake, starting off for the first time with a larger project consisting of many subprojects.
For particular reasons (described below for the curious) I already have a set of include files that contain info about the source files needed for each CMake target (lib or exe) – and, for now, I prefer to (re)use these files (reason also described below)
Writing a function to parse these files and add their content as source files to the targets was a surprisingly easy task.
But – now the Problem:
Obviously I want to have each targets CMakeLists.txt depend on the particular include file, that generates the list of source files, so that changes on the include file will be detected as if it were changes to CMakeLists.txt itself, but I simply can’t find any references on how to accomplish that.
N.B.: I found AddFileDependencies but that is for adding dependencies on source files, not the CMakeLists.txt. However, CMake itself can figure out dependencies to included .cmake file somehow, so I figured, it should be possible to do somehow.
Background for the curious:
For this project (quite a number of libraries used by quite a number of executable targets, all organized as subprojects) I was using QMake (without actually using Qt itself) for setting up makefiles. Doing so I was able to use Qt Creator while still being able to generate Visual Studio Solution/Project files automagically. We’re also still in progress of evaluating different IDEs and the choice has not been made yet. But the most important reason to use a generator like QMake / CMake was not being forced to set up the VS files for all these subprojects manually.
Although I needed to trick QMake sometimes to do what I wanted to, things went quite well - even for the VS solution - except for one thing: Visual Studio messes up dependencies on Flex/Bison and other files using custom build rules. It keeps recompiling the Flex/Bison/other files saying „command line changed“ – which I gave up trying to fix.
For this reason I thougt, I’d try CMake as a generator instead, which looks very promising so far – although not having builtin precompiled header support in CMake is somewhat ridiculous these days (off topic, I know).
Since Qt Creators CMake support is by far not as good as the support for QMake projects, I firgured, using the approach of parsing the .pri files containing the source file list would enable me using QMake and CMake side by side – especially since the remaining project settings are rather less complicated than on most open source projects.
There's a nice trick which does exactly what you need. It's based on the idea I found in the git-revision module of #rpavlik see this so question
This is the overall idea:
Create a dummy timestamp file
Add a custom command which touches the timestamp whenever the input .pri file changes
include the timestamp file in your CMakeLists.txt
A possible implementation:
set(input_pri_file <path-to-the-input-pri-file>)
set(timestamp_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/timestamp.cmake)
OUTPUT ${timestamp_file}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${timestamp_file}
MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${input_pri_file}
COMMENT "Updating timestamp.cmake"
if(NOT EXISTS "${timestamp_file}")
file(WRITE ${timestamp_file} "") # create initial empty file
# create the file list from input_pri_file
# use the file list
add_executable(main ${filelist})
Here's what happens when the .pri file changes:
the change triggers the execution of the custom command
which updates the timestamp
because the CMakeLists includes the timestamp it is dependent on it
so updating the timestamp triggers a re-configuration of the CMakeLists.txt
I use the configure_file() if I have some input that should retrigger CMake's configuration process. See e.g. How to make CMake reconfiguration depend on custom file? and configure_file()'s unit test
So in your case it would look something like:
configure_file(SomeInput.pri ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SomeInput.pri)
Then you use ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/SomeInput.pri to generate the sources. Just make sure you do not add COPYONLY, because then configuration won't retrigger on changes of SomeInput.pri.
EDIT: Alternatively use - a relative new addition - the CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS directory property.

Stop g++ compiler from including specific header files

As the title stated, I want my compiler to fail when I include some header files; for example, <cmath>
Is that possible with just compiler flags? Or do I have to actually delete those headers?
#include <cmath> has nothing to do with any library, and everything to do with a header file. Assuming that you really do mean that you want compilation to fail if you include a particular header file, you should be able to leverage GCC's support for specifying include directories through environment variables.
To do so, create or edit an appropriate environment file. If you are using GNU bash on Debian, for example, you can create a file /etc/profile.d/gcc-include-dirs. Everything readable in /etc/profile.d is sourced when a shell is launched, so it will apply to all shells started after that point. (To be absolutely certain, you may want to log out and back in once, then issue env | grep INCLUDE to confirm.) Create such a file with your favorite editor and add the following to it:
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include/fail:${C_INCLUDE_PATH}
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/include/fail:${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}
Make sure the file is readable by everyone (chmod 644 /etc/profile/gcc-include-dirs) and that it is owned by root (chown root:root /etc/profile/gcc-include-dirs).
You can also put the file elsewhere and simply source it when needed, if you only need this behavior at specific times. In that case, logging out from the shell in question and logging back in will restore GCC's normal behavior (you don't need to log out from the entire session, just that particular shell instance). Starting a subshell and sourcing the file from within that subshell will also work nicely in that case; just exit when you are done.
Then create a file /usr/local/include/fail/cmath with the following content:
#error "Failing because you included 'cmath'"
Make sure that file too is readable by everyone and owned by root. #error and its evil twin #warning emit a fatal error and a compilation warning, respectively, so whenever this file gets included, GCC will encounter a #error preprocessor directive resulting in the emission of a fatal error which causes the compilation to fail.
If you want to override this behavior for a single compilation, simply use gcc's -I parameter to specify the path to the directory where the real math.h lives. Since -I takes precedence over $C_INCLUDE_PATH and $CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH this means that you then include the C library's version. For example, cc -o mathprogram -I/usr/include mathprogram.c will use the math.h in /usr/include when you #include <math.h> regardless of what might be in /usr/local/include/fail, because it looks first in /usr/include.
Since this only affects compilation (and only compilation started through a shell), everything that is already on your system will be completely unaffected (unless they have some weird dependencies to those two environment variables).
For c* headers, you may need to also create the corresponding *.h header with content identical to the c* header. This is because e.g. cmath might simply map to math.h (the name of the same header in C). Simply make another file just like the one above, but complain about math.h instead. (GCC doesn't care, but it makes diagnostics easier.) You may also need to put files in other places (I'm not sure exactly what include directory structure GCC wants for C++ headers); in that case, find / -name cmath (or something similar) will give you an idea of the structure you need to replicate under /usr/local/include/fail.
Do note that this will not stop people simply copying the relevant parts of the header file into their own source code; there is nothing magical about the header files from the compiler's point of view. Depending on exactly what you are trying to protect against, this may be an issue.
What about simply using a pre-processor symbol to omit the library header(s)?
Compiling with the gcc option -DDONT_WANT_LIBS will fail due to the missing library declarations in the library header file.

How to reuse Fortran modules without copying source or creating libraries

I'm having trouble understanding if/how to share code among several Fortran projects without building libraries or duplicating source code.
I am using Eclipse/Photran with the Intel compiler (ifort) on a linux system, but I believe I'm having a bigger conceptual problem with modules than with the specific tools.
Here's a simple example: In ~/workspace/cow I have a source directory (src) containing cow.f90 (the PROGRAM) and two modules m_graze and m_moo in m_graze.f90 and m_moo.f90, respectively. This project builds and links properly to create the executable 'cow'. The executable and modules (m_graze.mod and m_moo.mod) are stored in ~/workspace/cow/Debug and object files are stored under ~/workspace/cow/Debug/src
Later, I create ~/workplace/sheep and have src/sheep.f90 as the program and src/m_baa.f90 as the module m_baa. I want to 'use m_graze, only: ruminate' in sheep.f90 to get access to the ruminate() subroutine. I could just copy m_graze.f90 but that could lead to code getting out of sync and doesn't take into account any dependencies m_graze might have. For these reasons, I'd rather leave m_graze in the cow project and compile and link sheep.f90 against it.
If I try to compile the sheep project, I'll get an error like:
error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [M_GRAZE]
Under Properties:Project References for sheep, I can select the cow project. Under Properties:Fortran Build:Settings:Intel Compiler:Preprocessor I can add ~/workspace/cow/Debug (location of the module files) to the list of include directories so the compiler now finds the cow modules and compiles sheep.f90. However the linker dies with something like:
Building target: sheep
Invoking: Intel(R) Fortran Linker
ifort -L/home/me/workspace/cow/Debug -o "sheep" ./src/sheep.o
./src/sheep.o: In function `sheep':
/home/me/workspace/sheep/src/sheep.f90:11: undefined reference to `m_graze_mp_ruminate_'
This would normally be solved by adding libraries and library paths to the linker settings except there are no appropriate libraries to link to (this is Fortran, not C.)
The cow project was perfectly capable of compiling and linking together cow.f90, m_graze.f90 and m_moo.f90 into an executable. Yet while the sheep project can compile sheep.f90 and m_baa.f90 and can find the module m_graze.mod, it can't seem to find the symbols for m_graze even though all the requisite information is present on the system for it to do so.
It would seem to be an easy matter of configuration to get the linker portion of ifort to find the missing pieces and put them together but I have no idea what magic words need to be entered where in the Photran UI to make this happen.
I confess an utter lack of interest and competence in C and the C build process and I'd rather avoid the diversion of creating libraries (.a or .so) unless that's the only way to make this work.
Ultimately, I'm looking for a pure Fortran solution to this problem so I can keep a single copy of the source code and don't have to manually maintain a pile of custom Makefiles.
So can this be done?
Apologies if this has already been documented somewhere; Google is only showing me simple build examples, how to create modules, and how to link with existing libraries. There don't seem to be (m)any examples of code reuse with modules that don't involve duplicating source code.
As respondents have pointed out, the .mod files are necessary but not sufficient; either object code (in the form of m_graze.o) or static or shared libraries must be specified during the linking phase. The .mod files describe the interface to the object code/library but both are necessary to build the final executable.
For an oversimplified toy problem such as this, that's sufficient to answer the question as posed.
In a larger project with more complex dependencies (in my case, 80+KLOC of F90 linking to the MKL version of LAPACK95), the IDE or toolchain may lack sufficient automatic or user-interface facilities to make sharing a single canonical set of source files a viable strategy. The choice seems to be between risking duplicate source files getting out of sync, giving up many of the benefits of an IDE (i.e. avoiding manual creation of make/CMake/SCons files), or, in all likelihood, both. While a revision control system and good code organization can help, it's clear that sharing a single canonical set of source files among projects is far from easy given the current state of Eclipse.
Some background which I suspect you already know: Typically (including ifort) compiling the source code for a Fortran module results in two outputs - a "mod" file that contains a description of the Fortran entities that the module defines that the compiler needs to find whenever it sees a USE statement for the module, and object code for the linker that implements the procedures and variable storage, etc., that the module defines.
Your first error (the one you solved) is because the compiler couldn't find the mod file.
The second error is because the linker hasn't been told about the object code that implements the stuff that was in the source file with the module. I'm not an Eclipse user by any means, but a brute force way of specifying that is just to add the object file (xxxxx/Debug/m_graze.o) as an additional linker option (Fortran Build > Settings, under Intel Fortran Linker > Command Line). (Other tool chains have explicit "additional object file" properties for their link stage - there may well be a better way of doing this for the Intel chain.)
For more involved examples you would typically create a library out of the shared code. That's not really C specific, the only Fortran aspect is that the libraries archive of object code needs to be provided alongside the mod files that the Fortran compiler generates.
Yes the object code must be provided. E.g., when you install libnetcdf-dev in Debian (apt-get install libnetcdf-dev), there is a /usr/include/netcdf.mod file that is included.
You can now use all netcdf routines in your Fortran code. E.g.,
program main
use netcdf
but you'll have link to the netcdf shared (or static) library, i.e.,
gfortran -I/usr/include/ main.f90 -lnetcdff
However, as user MSB mentioned the mod file can only be used by gfortran that comes with the distribution (apt-get install gfortran). If you want to use any other compiler (even a different version that you may have installed yourself) then you'll have to build netcdf yourself using that particular compiler.
So creating a library is not a bad solution.