How to send objects in NIB files to front/back? - objective-c

How can I adjust the "z"-positions of objects (e.g. sending UIImageViews to the front/back) in the integrated interface builder in Xcode?

Just to give a clean, up-to-date answer to this:
Select an interface object, then "Editor | Arrange | Send to back/front/etc", OR
Select the window object, then click on 'Window' above the interface editor and select the objects it contains
This pic shows where to click:
Or you can expand the object browser, use the disclosure triangle on the window object, and select from the list there:
If the option to send to front/back is greyed out, try double-clicking the object to select it.
Thanks to Bryce Thomas for this suggestion in the comments
Alternatively, the objects are listed from back to front in the order that they appear in the object browser list.
Drag an object in the list to the last slot in the list to bring it to the front, for example.

I know originally, this question was for Xcode 4, but it is linked from a Google search.
In Xcode 5, 6, and 7, you can still go to the Editor menu and select and move the items around.
But you can also rearrange by simply changing the order in the document outline.
They're in reverse z-index order: the top of the list is the back of the stack, the bottom of the list is the front. Simply drag your UI item to the bottom to bring it to the front.

Found it: Click on the object you want to move and in the menubar, select Editor > Arrangement

Also, click on the triangle (open) at the bottom of the column showing the view/objects/placeholder/window. Then you have the full hierarchy of objects, like from IB, and can rearrange by dragging.

Click on the item you want to send back. From the top menus choose: Editor -> Arrange -> Send to back/front.

You can also drag and drop view items in the left menu to change the order. The z-order matches the order of the items in the menu.


Unhide row in Database tool window

I am currently experimenting with the database tool window in PhpStorm.
When right clicking a row header and selecting "hide", the column disappears. But I cannot find a way to unhide it.
At the top right corner click on settings icon and choose Reset View from dropdown menu
The problem is that the options to hide and show the columns are in different places in the PhpStorm UI. But looking through several flaps I could finally find the option to show the columns.
After clicking on Hide column, we can reestablish this operation with Show column
Right click on some hidden/visible column
Click on hide/show column
We can also select the column and, type the space key to show it or hide it
On the configure button, select the Reset View option.

Assign value to property node

I starting using LabVIEW about 1 week ago. In a tutorial I watched this picture
I am wondering how can I assign the value "Disabled and Grayed out" to disabled property value of the button?
There are a couple of ways to create property nodes in LabVIEW. This method is the quickest and easiest and matches your picture.
Add the button to your front panel.
Right-Click and go to Create >> Property Node >> Disabled in the menus. Click on this.
LabVIEW will automatically switch to the block diagram and let you drop the property node.
By default it is a read node. Right-Click on the block where it says "Disabled" and select Change To Write in the menu (There is also Change All To Write if you have multiple properties.
Hover over the input so you get the wiring symbol. Right-Click and select Create Constant to create the correct Enum constant to write to it.
That is the basics and the way most people start out - a couple of extra tips:
The node is expandable hover at the bottom and you get the resize block, drag this down and you can set more than one property on the same node. These are set in order from top to bottom.
Left click on each property to change which property it is.
Right-Click and go to Link To... in the menu to change which button it applies to.

How to bring forward an element on the windows form so it appears ontop of another element

Basically (excuse the really bad pun) i want to bring forward a menu bar (not docked) so it is on top of a picutebox (docked on top of form) however i cant seem to achieve this.e.g. and as you can see i cant get the menu to appear on top.
In code you can use the .BringToFront method to change the Z order of controls. In the designer you can use the Format menu. Select the control and use Format->Order (rough translation from german) to change the Z-order.
There should also be icons in your toolbar:

Option Group frame: can I add text boxes that are part of the frame instead of rad button options?

Ok so this maybe a simple/silly question but I don't know so here goes:
In access let's say I want to have a frame control, so I click the option group button and add it to the desgin surface. However, I am not wanting to use this as a option group with radio button selection, instead I would like to add text boxes instead the frame, so that when I reference the frame, it references every control instead of it, hence the text boxes, cbo boxes, etc.....just as it would if they were radio option selections.
So can you do this?
I want whatever controls I add inside the frame to be easily referenced (i.e. make all controls visible just by using frameExample.visible = true) so that I can build my own tab control groupings.....
can this be done?
What I am trying to accomplish is having a form that includes a collection of controls (input controls - cbo boxes, text boxes, etc), that serve as the Main record information. These are saved to a table via an INSERT statement on button_click because this form is unbound.
Next I have 8 categories that are relative per each main record (and data that goes along with it). Each of these categories could have a sub form area and a button click that bring it's relative form into the sub form area. These sub forms would be unbound as well as I would just save data via SQL statement. So i know I could accomplish this by running the insert statement from the parent form, on the main collection control's data that would create the KeyID number, then run a SQL statement that would turn around and load that KeyID number right back onto the page in a hidden text box.
Then when I click one of the sub forms and load its relative collection of controls, I could then save that data along with KeyID for each of these sub-forms/tables.
I was wondering if instead you could define these controls as a collection so that you could hide and make visible all the ones you need on button clicks and avoid the need for additional forms (subs). I know that if a user enters data into a text box, and then somewhere along the way that box becomes hidden, the data still exists in it and still ends up in the SQL statement....
So I want all these controls to exist on the same form, but I thought what is I could encapsulate them into a frame like an option group, then I could call the frame and all the relative controls would be called up (made visible) as needed.
Sorry for the long explanation but I thought it would help.
I do not think you can do it with an Option Group, but what you are describing is pretty much a subform, yesno?
Some examples of hiding the tab control from an app that went live in March 1998:
Tab driven by transparent command buttons over labels styled to look like colored command buttons:
Same approach, more buttons:
In this case, fake colored command buttons don't drive the tab, but insted show/hide the tab and a subform. In this case, the tab is actually driven by the listbox:
A view of when the tab is hidden and the subform revealed. The listbox drives navigation within the subform, which has a visible tab on it:
So, there's a lot that can be done without showing the tab control.

Visual Basic & Context Menu

Is there a way to add a Header to the popup menu? I don't find a property for this.
You could also simulate a header on the context menu by putting the information you want to display in the header as the first item in the context menu. Put a separator (or perhaps two) underneath it and put no code behind it.
That visually separates the item and users will learn pretty quick that clicking the first item doesn't do anything.
This may not work in your situation, but whenever I needed to show a context menu off of a grid row that wasn't the current/highlighted row, I made that row the current row first, then showed the menu. That would eliminate the need for a header on the menu. I assume you're showing the context menu if the user right clicks on the row. Well before showing the context menu, make sure that row is current and highlighted.
Do as Corin says, but disable the first item as well. If you disable it, that should remove confusion entirely.