Selenium test in Internet Explorer always times out? - selenium

I'm trying to run a basic test in Internet Explorer via Selenium-RC/PHPUnit, and it always returns with
# phpunit c:\googletest.php
PHPUnit 3.4.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 35 seconds, Memory: 4.75Mb
There was 1 error:
1) Example::testMyTestCase
PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: Response from Selenium RC server for testComplete()
Timed out after 30000ms.
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1.
Paul#PAUL-TS-LAPTOP C:\xampp
The last command in command history is waitForPageToLoad(30000). The same test runs fine and completes in firefox. How can I get this test to run and complete in internet explorer?

There's an open bug in selenium that causes waitForPageToLoad to sometimes timeout on IE.
It's marked as occurring on IE6, but I'm experiencing the same error in at least IE9.
A workaround is to wait for e.g. a specific DOM-element on the page that is loading instead of using waitForPageToLoad. For example: waitForVisible('css=#header')

Try going into Internet Options and turn off Protected mode under the security tab. You may also want to decrease the security level for the Internet zone.

I've turned off protected mode and looks like it helped.

If it is acceptable to customize the client driver, here is the Python implementation for your refernece:
def open(self):
timeout = self.get_eval('this.defaultTimeout')
self.do_command("open", [url,ignoreResponseCode])
def wait_for_page_to_load(self,timeout):
# self.do_command("waitForPageToLoad", [timeout,])
import time
end = time.time() + int(float(timeout) / 1000)
while time.time() < end:
if self.get_eval('window.document.readyState') == 'complete': return
raise Exception('Time out after %sms' % timeout)
I just use DOM attribute document.readyState to determine if the page is fully loaded.
IE 9+ intermittently throws a timeout error even the page is fully loaded, for more details.


How to address urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=58408): Max retries exceeded with url

I am trying to scrape a few pages of a website with selenium and use the results but when I run the function twice
[WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'
Error appears for the 2nd function call.
Here's my approach :
import os
import re
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import Options
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
opts = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
opts.binary_location = os.environ.get('GOOGLE_CHROME_BIN', None)
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="CHROME_DRIVER PATH", options=opts)
lst =[]
def search(st):
for i in range(1,3):
url = "" + str(i)
req = browser.page_source
sou = soup(req, "html.parser")
title = sou.find('ul', class_ = "listing")
title = title.find_all("li")
for j in range(len(title)):
raise MaxRetryError(_pool, url, error or ResponseError(cause))
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=58408): Max retries exceeded with url: /session/4b3cb270d1b5b867257dcb1cee49b368/url (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x000001D5B378FA60>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'))
This error message...
raise MaxRetryError(_pool, url, error or ResponseError(cause))
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=58408): Max retries exceeded with url: /session/4b3cb270d1b5b867257dcb1cee49b368/url (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x000001D5B378FA60>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'))
...implies that the failed to establish a new connection raising MaxRetryError as no connection could be made.
A couple of things:
First and foremost as per the discussion max-retries-exceeded exceptions are confusing the traceback is somewhat misleading. Requests wraps the exception for the users convenience. The original exception is part of the message displayed.
Requests never retries (it sets the retries=0 for urllib3's HTTPConnectionPool), so the error would have been much more canonical without the MaxRetryError and HTTPConnectionPool keywords. So an ideal Traceback would have been:
ConnectionError(<class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 1111] Connection refused)
Root Cause and Solution
Once you have initiated the webdriver and web client session, next within def search(st) you are invoking get() o access an url and in the subsequent lines you are also invoking browser.quit() which is used to call the /shutdown endpoint and subsequently the webdriver & the web-client instances are destroyed completely closing all the pages/tabs/windows. Hence no more connection exists.
You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussion in:
PhantomJS web driver stays in memory
Selenium : How to stop geckodriver process impacting PC memory, without calling
In such a situation in the next iteration (due to the for loop) when browser.get() is invoked there are no active connections. hence you see the error.
So a simple solution would be to remove the line browser.quit() and invoke browser.get(url) within the same browsing context.
Once you upgrade to Selenium 3.14.1 you will be able to set the timeout and see canonical Tracebacks and would be able to take required action.
You can find a relevant detailed discussion in:
MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool: Max retries exceeded (Caused by ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', error(111, 'Connection refused')))
tl; dr
A couple of relevent discussions:
Adding max_retries as an argument
Removed the bundled charade and urllib3.
Third party libraries committed verbatim
The driver was asked to crawl the URL after being quit.
Make sure that you're not quitting the driver before getting the content.
Regarding your code, when executing search("a") , the driver retrieves the url, returns the content and after that it closes.
when serach() runs another time, the driver no longer exists so it is not able to proceed with the URL.
You need to remove the browser.quit() from the function and add it at the end of the script.
lst =[]
def search(st):
for i in range(1,3):
url = "" + str(i)
req = browser.page_source
sou = soup(req, "html.parser")
title = sou.find('ul', class_ = "listing")
title = title.find_all("li")
for j in range(len(title)):
I faced the same issue in Robot Framework.
MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='options=add_argument("--ignore-certificate-errors")', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /session (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x000001ABA3190F10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed')).
This issue got fixed once I updated all the libraries to their latest version in Pycharm and also I selected Intellibot#SeleniumLibrary.patched

selenium webdriver + chrome :: how to handle network connection failure?

$driver = RemoteWebDriver::create($seleniumUrl, DesiredCapabilities::chrome(), 60 * 1000, 60 * 1000);
$driver->get('http://unknown-domain/'); // chrome shows "This site can't be reached" error page
$driver->getTitle(); // command hangs for 60s and dies with "operation timed out after 60003 milliseconds" error
I do not want to wait 60s - its just a waste of time.
I want to get result as fast as possible: it can be an exception or it can be, for example, title of error page.
How can i do that?
Your timeout is too long. You need to reduce it. Change the 60*1000 to a smaller value.

Setting a timeout on webservice consumer built with org.apache.axis.client.Call and running on Domino

I'm maintaining an antedeluvian Notes application which connects to a SAP back-end via a manually done 'Webservice'
The server is running Domino Release 7.0.4FP2 HF97.
The Webservice is not the more recently Webservice Consumer, but a large Java agent which is using Apache soap.jar (org.apache.soap). Below an example of the calling code.
private Call setupSOAPCall() {
Call call = new Call();
SOAPHTTPConnection conn = new SOAPHTTPConnection();
There has been a change in the SAP system which is now taking 8 minutes to complete (verified by SAP Team).
I'm getting an error message as follows:
[SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=For input string: "906 "; targetException=java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "906 "]
I found a blog article describing the error message quite closely:
and I've come to the hypothesis that it is a timeout message that is returning to my Call object and that this timeout message is being incorrectly parsed, hence the NumberFormat Exception.
Looking at my logs I can see that there is a time difference of 62 seconds between my call and the response.
I recommended that the server setting in the server document, tab Internet Protocols/HTTP/Timeouts/Request timeouts be changed from 60 seconds to 600 seconds, and the http task restarted with
tell http restart
I've re-run the tests and I am getting the same error, and the time difference is still slightly more than 60 seconds, which is not what I was expecting.
I read Michael Rulnau's blog entry
which points to this APR
but I'm not convinced that this would apply in this case, since there is no way that IBM would know that my Java agent is in fact making a Soap call.
My current hypothesis is that I have to use either the setTimeout() method on
or on the org.apache.soap.transport.http.SOAPHTTPConnection
and that the timeout value is an apache default, not something that is controlled by the Domino server.
I'd be grateful for any help.
I understand your approach, and I hope this is the correct one to solve your problem.
Add a debug (console write would be fine) that display the default Timeout then try to increase it to 10 min.
SOAPHTTPConnection conn = new SOAPHTTPConnection();
System.out.println("time out is :" + conn.getTimeout());
conn.setTimeout(600000);//10 min in ms
System.out.println("after setting it, time out is :" + conn.getTimeout());
Now keep in mind that Dommino has also a Max LotusScript/Java execution time, check this value and (at least for a try) change it: (it's version 9 help but this part should be identical)
I've since discovered that it wasn't my code generating the error; the default timeout for the apache axis SOAPHTTPConnetion is 0, i.e. no timeout.

Selenium hanging with xvfb

I am attempting to run automated selenium headless tests, and I'm running into the issue where the tests hang for some inexplicable reason. The full snippet is on pastebin, but the relevant portion of the code is reproduced below:
# stress testing
i = 0
while True:
print i
d = webdriver.Remote(
print i, "started driver"
print i, "got fb"
print i, "quit"
i += 1
Sample output is
0 started driver
0 got fb
0 quit
11 <hang>
Which indicates that webdriver.Remote is refusing to properly initiate the driver. This also occurs when the driver instance is constructed directly with webdriver.Chrome (instead of running the ChromeDriver as a service).
After sending SIGINT to the hanging program, I get a stacktrace (pastebin) indicating a blocking socket read somewhere in the constructor.
ChromeDriver's log (dropcanvas) doesn't seem to indicate anything amiss, and I'm quite puzzled as to what is happening here.
Similar questions have been asked previously, the most relevant being Selenium Chromedriver Hangs?; however, I cannot reproduce the accepted solution (starting Xvfb anew for each instantiation of webdriver...). Here, the equivalent would be calling Xvfb.start immediately preceding d = webdriver.Remote... and calling Xvfb.stop at the end of the loop; I have tried this to no success.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: As indicated by the stacktrace, webdriver.Remote was hanging on some socket read function; I traced the request to be
POST '<chromedriver_port>/session'
with body
'{"desiredCapabilities": {"platform": "ANY", "browserName": "chrome", "version": "", "javascriptEnabled": true}}'
So it seems like ChromeDriver isn't responding for some reason. Will continue debugging.

Why Wait.until() doesn't work in Selenium WebDriver?

I have been using Selenium WebDriver. I want to wait until the element is present on the webpage, for which i am using:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, Long.parseLong(timeout));
but my test get stucks in the second line if the element I am looking for, is not present and even beyond the timeout. Pls Help. Thanks.
- the element is present, so no exception is thrown
- then gets stuck because you are not doing anything else afterwards
Try printing smt after the until call. My guess is it will get printed.
Otherwise maybe it's the timeout:
It must be in seconds, not milli seconds., long)
I got it worked. I changed the timeout from 60000 to 60 since it takes the second argument as seconds and not millisecs.