Custom common target to build a solution - msbuild

I created a custom common target "RealClean" which remove every files in the output and "intermediate output" directory. I put it in the Microsoft.Common.targets file.
When I run MsBuild on my csproj everything is fine.
But when I run MsBuild on my sln (which just references a list of csproj) I have the following error
error MSB4057: The target "RealClean" does not exist in the project.
Here is the command line I enter to run MsBuild
C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\Framework\v3.5\MsBuild.exe /p:Configuration="Release";OutputPath="..\..\MSBuild.Referentiel.net35";nowarn="1591,1573" /t:RealClean mySolution.sln
Any hint?

I had the same issue but didn't want to modify things outside of the source tree in order to get this to work. Adding files to C:\Program Files... means that you have to do this manually on every dev machine to get the same behavior.
I did three things:
1) Created a Custom targets file which I import into every C# and/or VB/F# project in my solution by adding the following to each proj file:
<!-- Rest of project file -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(SolutionDir)' == '' or '$(SolutionDir)' == '*undefined*'">
<!-- Relative path to containing solution folder -->
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)CommonSettings.targets" />
2) Added a clean target which gets called after the real Clean (using the AfterTargets attribute from MSBuild 4.0):
<Target Name="CleanCs" AfterTargets="Clean">
<Message Text="Deep cleaning C# project..." />
<CreateItem Include="$(OutDir)**\*.*; $(ProjectDir)\obj\**\*.*; $(IntermediateOutputPath)**\*.*"
Exclude="**\bin\**\*.vshost.exe; $(IntermediateOutputPath)**\*.log">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="AfterClean_FilesToDelete"/>
<Delete Files="#(AfterClean_FilesToDelete)" />
<CreateItem Include="$(ProjectDir)\obj\" >
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="AfterClean_DirectoriesToDelete" />
<CreateItem Include ="$(ProjectDir)\bin\" Condition="'$(TargetExt)' != '.exe'" >
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="AfterClean_DirectoriesToDelete"/>
<RemoveDir ContinueOnError="true" Directories="#(AfterClean_DirectoriesToDelete)" />
3) In my continuous integration MSBuild project I check and make sure that all proj files have #1:
<!-- Exclude viewer acceptance tests as they must compile as x86 -->
<CheckProjects_CsProjects Include="**\*.csproj" />
<Target Name="CheckProjects">
Look for C# projects that don't import CommonSettingsCs.targets
<XmlRead XPath="//n:Project[count(n:Import[#Project[contains(string(), 'CommonSettingsCs.targets')]]) = 0]/n:PropertyGroup/n:AssemblyName/text() "
Prefix="n" >
<Output TaskParameter="Value" ItemName="CheckProjects_CsMissingImports"/>
<Error Text="Project missing CommonSettingsCs.targets: %(CheckProjects_CsMissingImports.Identity)"
Condition="'%(CheckProjects_CsMissingImports.Identity)' != ''" />
This prevents developers from forgetting to add #1. You could create your own project template to ensure that al new projects have this by default.
The advantage to this approach is setting up a new source tree enlistment doesn't involve anything more than getting the current source tree. The downside is that you have to edit the project files once when you create them.

To work on solution file, MSBuild creates a temporary MSBuild project file containing only some targets like Build and Clean. So you can't call your custom target on a solution file.

Madgnome is probably right. But I wanted to add that you should not be editing the Microsoft.common.targets files. If you do so you risk having a different build process on that machine versus what everybody else has. In your case you could have created a new MSBuild file with just the RealClean target and placed it at
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\v4.0\Custom.After.Microsoft.Common.targets
or for 32 bit
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\v4.0\Custom.After.Microsoft.Common.targets
and essentially that would be the same as putting that file inside of Microsoft.Common.targets, except you don't have to modify that file.


How to order the harvesting of file before compilation?

I use the _PublishedApplications to generate the structure in the TFS Build Server. After this, I use the <HeatDirectory> in the WiX project to correctly harvest the content of _PublishedApplications folder. But my problem is the order during build.
If I use the <HeatDirectory> inside <Target Name="BeforeBuild"> it doesn't include the binaries copied to the _PublishedApplications, as the harvesting is executed before the publish (file copy).
If I change the target to BeforeCompile the compilation doesn't succeed because there is no file in first place. Here is the code for the WiX project (the relevant part of it):
<Compile Include="Product.wxs" />
<Compile Include="Autogenerated.wxs" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\SimpleProject\SimpleProject.csproj">
<Import Project="$(WixTargetsPath)" />
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<HeatDirectory OutputFile="Autogenerated.wxs" Directory="$(Sources)"
AutogenerateGuids="true" SuppressRegistry="true"
ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)" DirectoryRefId="INSTALLFOLDER"
SuppressRootDirectory="true" />
How can I execute the harvesting after the binaries are copied to _PublishedApplications?
I build my solution using the following command:
msbuild SimpleInstaller.sln /p:OutDir=C:\Temp\Output\ /v:diag > C:\Temp\Log.txt
This will output all log to a text file. You can use the MSBuild logger instead.
Then I found when you build a C# project, the target Compile in file Microsoft.Common.targets is invoked. This target has an attribute DependsOnTarget which contains a reference to target BeforeCompile.
I can override this target BeforeCompile in my own C# project, just by adding the following code at the end of it (file .csproj):
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<!-- custom action. -->
But the problem is my WiX project cannot override the BeforeCompile target because this target isn't defined for WiX projects. You can check this in the wix2010.targets file. The target Compile only has dependence upon targets PrepareForBuild, ResolveWixExtensionReferences and GenerateCompileWithObjectPath.
My solution was to identify an alternative to BeforeCompile which is the Harvest target. My WiX project (.wixproj) has the following target now:
<Target Name="Harvest">
<HeatDirectory OutputFile="Autogenerated.wxs" Directory="$(Sources)"
AutogenerateGuids="true" SuppressRegistry="true"
ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)" DirectoryRefId="INSTALLFOLDER"
SuppressRootDirectory="true" />
All this problem occurred because my first project in the solution was the WiX project and only then I added the C# projects. For this reason the BeforeBuild was being executed before everything else.
Another solution to solve this issue is to edit the solution file (.sln) and move the WiX project declaration in the beginning of the solution file to the end of all project declarations (not the end of the solution file). Then the BeforeBuild of the WiX project will be executed after the _PublishedApplications folder is created by the C# project.
This manual edit is required because if you change the Project Build Order you are actually changing the project references (at least in the solution file), but the target BeforeBuild is called anyway before the ResolveProjectReferences which is the responsible for invoking the build of any references.
This is the project declaration that should be after all others:
Project("GUID") = "SimpleInstaller", "SimpleInstaller\SimpleInstaller.wixproj", "GUID"
My recommendation is still to use Harvest target as it is independent of any changes in the solution file.
The first thing you need to do is add a project reference from your installer project to your application project. This will force the application to build and be available for your installer project.
You can verify the build sequence of the projects if you right click your solution under VisualStudio and click the "Project Build Order...", if you need to change the order you need to configure the Project dependencies.
Then do something like this in your installer project:
<RootDir>{PATH TO _PublishedApplications FOLDER}</RootDir>
<Import Project="$(WixTargetsPath)" />
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<HarvestDirectory Include="$(RootDir)">
SuppressRegistry="%(HarvestDirectory.SuppressRegistry)" />
I generated this code based on the documentation of the HeatDirectory Task and I use it in real projects.

Issue with using MSBuild to build and copy all outputs to a common folder

We are trying to write a msbuild script that will build the solution and copy over all the compiled binaries and dependencies over to a specific output folder. While the build script that we have does build and copy over the binaries to a common folder, but we are not getting the dependencies copied.
This probably has to do with the way we have used the msbuild task to build the solution and we are accepting the targetoutputs of the task into an itemgroup and iterating over the item group to copy all the compiled dlls and exes over to a common folder. But this is not including the dependency dlls which gets placed into the individual bin folder of each project.
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<ParentSolutionFile />
<Assemblies Include="*.dll, *.exe" />
<Target Name="BuildAll">
<CombinePath BasePath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" Paths="Source\Solutions\xxx.sln">
<Output TaskParameter="CombinedPaths" PropertyName="ParentSolutionFile" />
<Message Text="$(ParentSolutionFile)" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(ParentSolutionFile)">
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="Assemblies" />
<Message Text="%(Assemblies.Identity)" />
<Copy SourceFiles="%(Assemblies.Identity)" DestinationFolder="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Binary" OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="True" SkipUnchangedFiles="True" />
What will be the preferred way to copy over all the binaries along with the necessary dependencies to a common output folder?
Does not overriding OutputPath do the trick alone?
<MSBuild Projects="$(ParentSolutionFile)" Properties="OutputPath=$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Binary">
<Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="Assemblies" />
And leave out the copy task alltogether?
The build process will place the final result in the directory represented by OutputPath - at least if you are building c# projects. For C/C++ the internal structure and variable names are completely different.
Thus, in theory, you could pass the OutputPath in the MsBuild-task that builds the solution.
<MsBuild Projects="$(ParentSolutionFile)"
However, the csproj-files will overwrite that value unconditionally with the following code:
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
I have solved this by injecting my own build system in each and every csproj-file.
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Import Project="..\..\..\build\buildsystem.targets" />
The path is relative to the csproj-file. An absolute path is fine too, or a variable. The trick is to make it work on all dev machines as well as the build agents.
Now, in buildsystem.targets, simply redefine OutputPath as much as you like. Again, the trick is to ensure you get the same - or at least a well defined - location regardless of who builds it (dev, build agent) and regardless how the build was initiated (VS, command line).
A simple way of handling the differences is to import conditionally.
<Import Project="..\..\..\build\buildsystem.targets"
That will give you no changes if initiating the build from VS and whatever changes you code for if you build from command line.

How to read property value from external file?

I have AssemblyInfo.cs file automatically generated during build. Here's part of .csproj file:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<SvnVersion LocalPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" ToolPath="C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin">
<Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Revision" />
<AssemblyInfo CodeLanguage="CS"
But I don't know how to specify Major and Minor properties outside .csproj file so I don't have to unload project every time I want to change version. I need either to load them from special text file inside project or to somehow set them in project properties dialog. Any suggestions?
Used ReadLinesFromFile to make version in separate file:
<ReadLinesFromFile File="Properties\Version.txt">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="Ver" />
<SvnVersion LocalPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" ToolPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin">
<Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Revision" />
<Message Text="Version: #(Ver).$(Revision)" />
It is possible to do this using the ability of PropertyFunctions to call certain .NET functions directly. Essentially, you can call File.ReadAllText() when setting a property value.
<SvnVersion LocalPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)" ToolPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin">
<Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Revision" />
<Message Text="Version: $(Version).$(Revision)" />
The Version.txt file would just contain the first three version numbers, i.e. "1.2.3" or whatever.
I'm not sure exactly when this was added to MSBuild, but it was probably after this question was asked and answered.
Use property pages, so you could set these properties on the project property sheets dialogs.
You will need to create a properties file and edit your project file (only once) to add an import directive to your properties file. Here is an example.
You can use your external tools
<Exec Command="newversion incMinor AssemblyInfo.cs > newversion.log" />
If it's locking of the csproj files by VS that's your concern, my answer to this question - How to turn off caching of build definitions in Visual studio might help you.
You could move the content of your BeforeBuild task (including the version propertygroup) into a separate proj file and invoke it with an MSBuild task (using a random filename generated by the example in the linked answer above). This would allow you to manually edit your version number properties without having to unload/load your csproj file.

How do I implicitly use a Target to generate an Included file?

I'm a make(1) guy by nature. What I want to do is the equivalent of this make fragment:
FILES = generated.cs
app.exe : $(FILES)
csc -out:$# $(FILES)
generated.cs :
echo "// generated file" > $#
That is, $(FILES) contains a list of files, some of which may be generated by other targets within the Makefile. This Just Works.
I would like to do the ~same thing with MSBuild. Unfortunately, my attempt has failed:
<Target Name="BuildGenerated"
Lines="// generated file"
<Compile Include="Generated.cs" />
That is, use <Compile/> to include a generated file and have MSBuild deduce that since Generated.cs doesn't exist, it should find some <Target/> which will generate that file and then execute it.
It looks like the only way to do something like this is to add pre-build steps, but that seems like a hack. Are pre-build steps the only way to do this? Or is there some way to make MSBuild act like it has a brain?
Update 1: For reference, this would be the pre-build incantation needed to make it work, and (again) this is something I'd rather avoid if possible:
This would need to occur after the <Import Project="..." /> element(s) defining <CompileDependsOn/>.
The problem is that your file is a generated one and MsBuild parses the item and property group only once (at the beginning of your build). Thus, when MsBuild tries to include the generated.cs file, it is not created yet and MsBuild does include nothing at all.
A correct way of doing it would be to do the include part inside the BuildGenerated target which would cause it to be dynamically evaluated.
<Target Name="BuildGenerated"
Lines="// generated file"
<Compile Include="Generated.cs" />
More information in my answer to this question : Bin folder not being copied with MSBuild, Teamcity
Sorry, I did not read correctly your question. in your makefile, in the app.exe target (the default one) you explicitely call your generated.cs target. You can do the same with MsBuild.
By default, MsBuild search for the Build target (the 'all' in makefile), if your main target is "app.exe" you have to call BuildGenerated target within with one of the following option :
<Target Name="app.exe" DependsOnTargets="BuildGenerated>
<!-- Stuff here -->
<Target Name="app.exe">
<CallTarget Targets="BuildGenerated"/>
<!-- Stuff here -->
If you don't set a default target, you can do it either via commandline with the /t parameter or in the project declaration :
<Project xmlns="" DefaultTargets="app.exe">

MSBuild ITaskItem array is out of date

I'm creating a custom ITask for MSBuild which uploads the output files of my build. I'm using a web deployment project to publish my app and hooking in to the AfterBuild target to do my custom work.
If I add a file to my web application, the first time I do a build, my custom task is not recognizing the recently added file. In order for that file to show up in my array of ITaskItems, I have to first do a build with my 'AfterBuild' target removed and then start the build again with my 'AfterBuild' target in place.
Here is what my build file looks like:
<PublishContent Include="$(OutputPath)\**" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<UploadTask FilesToPublish="#(PublishContent)" />
The list in #(PublishContent) seems to be initialized at the beginning of the build instead of reflecting any changes that might have taken place by the build process itself.
Any ideas?
Your ItemGroup is going to get evaluated when the project file first loads (when you first open Visual Studio or you 'unload' and 'reload' the project in Solution Explorer).
What you probably need is to create an ItemGroup as a task in your 'AfterBuild' target. Example:
<CreateItem Include="$(OutputPath)\**">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="OutputFiles"/>
followed by:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<UploadTask FilesToPublish="#(OutputFiles)" />