ANTLR - Implicit AND Tokens In Tree - antlr

I’m trying to build a grammar that interprets user-entered text, search-engine style. It will support the AND, OR, NOT and ANDNOT Boolean operators. I have pretty much everything working, but I want to add a rule that two adjacent keywords outside of a quoted string implicitly are treated as in an AND clause. For example:
cheese and crackers = cheese AND crackers
(up and down) or (left and right) = (up AND down) OR (left AND right)
cat dog “potbelly pig” = cat AND dog AND “potbelly pig”
I’m having trouble with the last one, and I’m hoping somebody can point me in the right direction. Here’s my *.g file thus far, and please be nice, my ANTLR experience spans less than a work day:
grammar SearchEngine;
options { language = CSharp2; output = AST; }
#lexer::namespace { Demo.SearchEngine }
#parser::namespace { Demo.SearchEngine }
AND : ('A'|'a')('N'|'n')('D'|'d');
OR : ('O'|'o')('R'|'r');
ANDNOT : ('A'|'a')('N'|'n')('D'|'d')('N'|'n')('O'|'o')('T'|'t');
NOT : ('N'|'n')('O'|'o')('T'|'t');
fragment CHARACTER : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9');
fragment QUOTE : ('"');
fragment SPACE : (' '|'\n'|'\r'|'\t'|'\u000C');
WS : (SPACE) { $channel=HIDDEN; };
startExpression : andExpression;
andExpression : andnotExpression (AND^ andnotExpression)*;
andnotExpression : orExpression (ANDNOT^ orExpression)*;
orExpression : notExpression (OR^ notExpression)*;
notExpression : (NOT^)? atomicExpression;
atomicExpression : PHRASE | WORD | LPARENTHESIS! andExpression RPARENTHESIS!;

Since your AND-rule has the optional AND-keyword, you should create an imaginary AND-token and use a rewrite-rule to "inject" that token in your tree. In this case, you can't make use of ANTLR's short-hand ^ root-operator. You'll have to use the -> rewrite operator.
Your andExpression should look like:
: (andnotExpression -> andnotExpression)
(AND? a=andnotExpression -> ^(AndNode $andExpression $a))*
A detailed description of this (perhaps cryptic) notation is given in Chapter 7, section Rewrite Rules in Subrules, page 173-174 of The Definitive ANTLR Reference by Terence Parr.
I ran a quick test to see if the grammar produces the proper AST with the new andExpression rule. After parsing the string cat dog "potbelly and pig" and FOO, the generated parser produced the following AST:
alt text
Note that the AndNode and Root are imaginary tokens.
If you want to know how to create the AST picture above, see this thread: Visualizing an AST created with ANTLR (in a .Net environment)
When parsing both one two three and (one two) three, the following AST is created:
alt text
And when parsing (one two) OR three, the following AST is created:
alt text
which seems to be the proper way in all cases.


Ambiguous Lexer rules in Antlr

I have an antlr grammar with multiple lexer rules that match the same word. It can't be resolved during lexing, but with the grammar, it becomes unambiguous.
NUMBER: [0-9]+;
UNIT: 'in' | 'meters' | ......;
CONVERT: 'in';
Input: 1 in in meters
The word "in" matches the lexer rules UNIT and CONVERT.
How can this be solved while keeping the grammar file readable?
When an input matches two lexer rules, ANTLR chooses either the longest or the first, see disambiguate. With your grammar, in will be interpreted as UNIT, never CONVERT, and the rule
can't work because there are three UNIT tokens :
$ grun Question question -tokens -diagnostics input.txt
[#1,1:1=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:1]
[#3,4:4=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:4]
[#5,7:7=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:7]
Question last update 0159
line 1:5 missing 'in' at 'in'
line 1:8 mismatched input 'meters' expecting <EOF>
What you can do is to have only ID or TEXT tokens and distinguish them with a label, like this :
grammar Question;
#init {System.out.println("Question last update 0132");}
: conversion NL EOF
: NUMBER unit1=ID convert=ID unit2=ID
{System.out.println("Quantity " + $NUMBER.text + " " + $unit1.text +
" to convert " + $convert.text + " " + $unit2.text);}
ID : LETTER ( LETTER | DIGIT | '_' )* ; // or TEXT : LETTER+ ;
NL : [\r\n] ;
WS : [ \t] -> channel(HIDDEN) ; // -> skip ;
fragment LETTER : [a-zA-Z] ;
fragment DIGIT : [0-9] ;
Execution :
$ grun Question question -tokens -diagnostics input.txt
[#1,1:1=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:1]
[#3,4:4=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:4]
[#5,7:7=' ',<WS>,channel=1,1:7]
Question last update 0132
Quantity 1 in to convert in meters
Labels are available from the rule's context in the visitor, so it is easy to distinguish tokens of the same type.
Based on the info in your question, it's hard to say what the best solution would be - I don't know what your lexer rules are, for example - nor can I tell why you have lexer rules that are ambiguous at all.
In my experience with antlr, lexer rules don't generally carry any semantic meaning; they are just text that matches some kind of regular expression. So, instead of having VARIABLE, METHOD_NAME, etc, I'd just have IDENTIFIER, and then figure it out at a higher level.
In other words, it seems (from the little I can glean from your question) that you might benefit either from replacing UNIT and CONVERT with grammar rules, or just having a single rule:
and validating the text values in your ANTLR listener/tree-walker/etc.
Thanks for updating your question with lexer rules. It's clear now why it's failing - as BernardK points out, antlr will always choose the first matching lexer rule. This means it's impossible for the second of two ambiguous lexer rules to match, and makes your proposed design infeasible.
My opinion is that lexer rules are not the correct layer to do things like unit validation; they excel at structure, not content. Evaluating the parse tree will be much more practical than trying to contort an antlr grammar.
Finally, you might also do something with embedded actions on parse rules, like validating the value of an ID token against a known set of units. It could work, but would destroy the reusability of your grammar.

ANTLR trying to create a lexer rule that goes up to, but not including, some symbols

I'm using ANTLR4 to parse text adventure game dialogue files written in Yarn, so mostly free form text and loads of island grammars, and for the most part things are going smoothly but I am having an issue excluding certain text inside the Shortcut mode (when presenting options for the player to choose from).
Basically I need to write a rule to match anything except #, newline or <<. When it hits a << it needs to move into a new mode for handling expressions of various kinds or to just leave the current mode so that the << will get picked up by the already existing rules.
A cut down version of my lexer (ignoring rules for expressions):
lexer grammar YarnLexer;
NEWLINE : ('\n') -> skip;
CMD : '<<' -> pushMode(Command);
SHORTCUT : '->' -> pushMode(Shortcut);
HASHTAG : '#' ;
LINE_GOBBLE : . -> more, pushMode(Line);
mode Line;
LINE : ~('\n'|'#')* -> popMode;
mode Shortcut ;
TEXT : CHAR+ -> popMode;
fragment CHAR : ~('#'|'\n'|'<');
mode Command ;
CMD_EXIT : '>>' -> popMode;
CMD_TEXT : ~('>')+ ;
And the parser grammar (again ignoring all the rules for expressions):
parser grammar YarnParser;
options { tokenVocab=YarnLexer; }
dialogue: statement+ EOF;
statement : line_statement | shortcut_statement | command_statement ;
hashtag : HASHTAG LINE ;
line_statement : LINE hashtag? ;
shortcut_statement : SHORTCUT TEXT command_statement? hashtag?;
command_statement : CMD expression CMD_EXIT;
expression : CMD_TEXT ;
I have tested the Command mode when it is by itself and everything inside there is working fine, but when I try to parse my example input:
Where should we go?
-> the park
-> the zoo
-> Peter's house <<if $metPeter == true >>
ok shall we take the bus?
-> :<
-> ok
<<set $daySpent = true>>
my issue is the line:
-> Peter's house <<if $metPeter == true >>
gets matched completely as TEXT and the CMD rules just gets ignored in favour by far longer TEXT.
My first thought was to add < to the set but then I can't have text like:
-> :<
which should be perfectly valid. Any idea how to do this?
Adding a single left angle bracket to the exclusion list creates a single corner case that is easily handled:
CMD : '<<' -> pushMode(Command);
LAB : '<' -> type(TEXT) ;
fragment CHAR : ~('\n' | '#' | '<') ;

Why isn't antlr 4 breaking my tokens up as expected?

So I am fairly new to ANTLR 4. I have stripped down the grammar as much as I can to show the problem:
grammar DumbGrammar;
: expression (AND expression)*
: ID
AND: 'and';
LETTER: [a-zA-Z_];
DIGIT : [0-9];
WS : [ \r\n\t] + -> channel (HIDDEN);
If use this grammar, and use the sample text: abc and d I get a weird tree with unexpected structure as shown below(using IntelliJ and ANTLR4 plug in):
If I simply change the terminal rule AND: 'and'; to read AND: '&&'; and then submit abc && d as input I get the following tree, as expected:
I cannot figure out why it isn't parsing "and" correctly, but does parse '&&' correctly.
The input "and" is being tokenized as an ID token. Since both ID and AND match the input "and", ANTLR needs to make a decision which token to choose. It takes ID since it was defined before AND.
The solution: define AND before ID:
AND: 'and';

What is the ANTLR4 equivalent of a ! in a lexer rule?

I'm working on converting an old ANTLR 2 grammar to ANTLR 4, and I'm having trouble with the string rule.
~('\'' | '\\' | '\r' | '\n')
This creates a STRING token whose text contains the contents of the string, but does not contain the starting and ending quotes, because of the ! symbol after the quote literals.
ANTLR 4 chokes on the ! symbol, ('!' came as a complete surprise to me (AC0050)) but if I leave it off, I end up with tokens that contain the quotes, which is not what I want. What's the correct way to port this to ANTLR 4?
Antlr4 generally treats tokens as being immutable, at least in the sense that there is no support for a language neutral equivalent of !.
Perhaps the simplest way to accomplish the equivalent is:
string : str=STRING { Strings.unquote($str); } ;
STRING : SQuote ~[\r\n\\']* SQuote ;
fragment SQuote : '\'' ;
where Strings.unquote is:
public static void unquote(Token token) {
CommonToken ct = (CommonToken) token;
String text = ct.getText();
text = .... unquote it ....
The reason for using a parser rule is because attribute references are not (currently) supported in the lexer. Still, it could be done on the lexer rule - just would require a slight bit more effort to dig to the token.
An alternative to modifying the token text is to implement a custom token with custom fields and methods. See this answer if of interest.
I believe in ANTLR4 your problem can be solved using lexical modes and lexer commands.
Here is an example from there that I think does exactly what you need (although for double quotes but it's an easy fix):
lexer grammar Strings;
LQUOTE : '"' -> more, mode(STR) ;
WS : [ \r\t\n]+ -> skip ;
mode STR;
STRING : '"' -> mode(DEFAULT_MODE) ; // token we want parser to see
TEXT : . -> more ; // collect more text for string

How to read alternates in EBNF grammars

I have an EBNF grammar that has a few rules with this pattern:
sequence ::=
| item extra* sequence
Is the above equivalent to the following?
sequence ::=
item (extra* sequence)*
Due to some of you observing bugs or ambiguities in both sequences, I'll give a specific example. The SVG specification provides a grammar for path data. This grammar has several producers with this pattern:
| coordinate-pair comma-wsp? lineto-argument-sequence
Could the above be rewritten as the following?
coordinate-pair (comma-wsp? lineto-argument-sequence)*
Not really, they seem to have different bugs. The first sequence is ambiguous around "item" seeing that "extra" is optional. You could rewrite it as the following to remove ambiguity:
sequence3 ::=
item extra* sequence3
The second one is ambigous around "extra", seeing as it is basically two nested loops both starting with "extra". You could rewrite it as the following to remove ambiguity:
sequence4 ::=
item ((extra|item))*
Your first version will likely choke on an input sequence consisting of a single "item" (it depends on the parser implementation) because it won't disambiguate.
My rewrites assume you want to match a sequence starting with "item" and optionally followed by a series of (0 or more) "item" or "extra" in any order.
item extra
item extra item
item extra extra item
item item item item
item item item item extra
Without additional information I would be personally inclined towards the option I labled "sequence4" as all the other options are merely using recursion as an expensive loop construct. If you are willing to give me more information I may be able to give a better answer.
EDIT: based on Jorn's excellent observation (with a small mod).
If you rewrite "sequence3" to remove recursion you get the following:
sequence5 ::=
(item extra*)+
It think this will be my prefered version, not "sequence4".
I have to point out that all three versions above are functionally equivalent (as recognizers or generators). The parse trees for 3 would be different to 4 and 5, but I cannot think that that would affect anything other than perhaps performance.
Concerning the following:
| coordinate-pair comma-wsp? lineto-argument-sequence
What this production says is that a lineto-argument-sequence is composed of at least one coordinate-pair followed by zero or more coordinate-pairs seperated by optional white/comma. Any of the following would constitute a lineto-argument-sequence (read -> as 'becomes'):
1,2 -> (1, 2)
1.5.6 -> (1.5, 0.6)
1.5.06 -> (1.5, 0.06)
2 3 3 4 -> (2,3) (3,4)
2,3-3-4 -> (2,3) (-3,-4)
2 3 3 -> ERROR
So a coordinate-pair is really any 2 consecutive numbers.
I have mocked up a grammar in ANTLR that seems to work. Note the pattern used for lineto_argument_sequence is similar to the one Jorn and I recommended previously.
grammar SVG;
: coordinate_pair (COMMA_WSP? coordinate_pair)*
: coordinate COMMA_WSP? coordinate
: ( WS+|WS*','WS*) //{ $channel=HIDDEN; }
: '-'? (INT | FLOAT) ;
: '0'..'9'+ ;
: ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')* EXPONENT?
| '.' ('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT?
| ('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT
WS : ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ;
: ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ;
Given the following input:
2, 3 -3 -4
it produces this parse tree.
alt text
This rule would also be equivalent to sequence ::= (item extra*)*, thus removing the recursion on sequence.
Yes, those two grammars describe the same language.
But is that really EBNF? Wikipedia article on EBNF does not include the Kleene star operator.