How to display two pages in one scrollview page with zooming from PDF? - pdf

I want show per page pdf in portait mode and display two pages when rotate to landscape mode on ipad . I had search on internet and can't find any solution. I thought two possible way.
1.Using webview but I don't know how to display two page in one webview in a webview.
2.Using CGPDF API read from two page and merge to one pdf file. But I think this may be very slow and not sure if this could do it .
or any other way could solve this problem? Thanks!!

I don't think you will have much success with using a UIWebView there. There's however nothing stopping you from putting two CATiledLayers into a UIView and display them next to each other. In fact, that's exactly what I did in my iOS PDF parsing framework.
Just set the contentView as the containerView, that includes both tiled layers, and they work perfectly together. Keep an eye on your memory though, I wouldn't allow them both rendering pdf at the same time, that most likely crashes your app due to low memory. (Drawing a PDF is really resource intensive)


Printing multiple pages on one page in landscape orientation

I'm trying to print four landscape-oriented pages of a document in a grid on one page in landscape-orientation using VBA with:
ActiveDocument.PageSetup.Orientation = wdOrientationLandscape
ActiveDocument.PrintOut PrintZoomRow:=2, PrintZoomColumn:=2
This however is printing the four small landscape-oriented pages in a grid on a portrait-oriented page, which leaves them too small and with too much free space between them vertically.
I looked at the documentation for PrintOut, but didn't find anything concerning orientation.
I tried reversing the order of the PrintZooms.
I also tried manually configuring the width and height of the printed paper with PrintZoomPaperWidth and -Height, which lead to the small pages being cut off and the printing one still in portrait mode.
This just doesn't seem to be possible in the current version of Office (2019), neither with code nor the UI.
As a workaround, one could take screenshots, change the orientation to portrait and paste them in rotated 90° or use rotated textboxes in Word.
Alternatively and probably much easier, create a PDF and use a PDF reader capable of printing this way, e.g. Adobe Reader.

Best approach to load a PDF in canvas

Here, I have tried a various approach for loading a PDF to the canvas. First thing is I used the library PDF.JS to load the PDF in canvas. The problem I faced with PDF.JS is that when I try to zoom in to the PDF - [
I tried two approaches
Zooming in to the object and the canvas - which made browser crash in a certain point in scaling
Converting the image as a object and loading it to canvas using Fabric JS and zooming in to the object - which made the pixel to break while zooming in (scaling was not proper to a certain point while zooming in)]
So, suggest me some best way to upload a PDF in canvas with perfect scaling while zooming in without any crash to the browser when I upload some bigger size PDF.
Thanks In advance! :)
I don't know if you still need this, but I stumbled upon a tutorial a few days ago that exactly shows how to do your use case (if I understand it correctly and you're trying to zoom in). You can check it here:

Is there any best way to show pdf in iphone other than UIWebview in objective-c?

Can you please suggest me, best way to show pdf files in iphone since i had used UIWebview, it took 3 - 4 mins to render in webview. Also i faced _WebtryThreadLock error.
It sounds like you may have some large vector calculations going on in your PDF. You can try re-constructing your PDF with flat images instead of vectors.
Code-wise QLPreviewController should be able to do what you want with a PDF, however it may use a UIWebView underneath. UIDocumentInteractionController also has a preview mode, but I suspect that it is using a QLPreviewController itself for it's preview.
You can also use the low level PDF functions, though this will be more difficult to do. Look at CGPDFDocument and it's related APIs in apple's documentation for more here.

Unload image of UIImageView thats offscreen

I'm coding an application on Ipad, in a certain point of my application I present a ViewController with the presentModalViewController.
My ViewController is a UISScrollView who take the larger of the modalView and inside it I display some images, I allow pagingEnabled so I can see all my images inside the scrollView.
Sometimes I have to display more than 10 images inside the scrollView, so I have this error
RECEIVE MEMORY WARNING LEVEL=1 after this one RECEIVE MEMORY WARNING LEVEL=2 and finnaly the debugger exited due to signal 10 (Sigbus).
What can I do? is there a way to unload the image thats offscreen? or others things to do?
I guess you're adding all the images to the UIScrollView? Then the iPad has to keep all 10 images in memory. If they are full screen images, each of them will take up about 3 MB of memory, so you're using 30MB just to keep the 10 images in the scroll view.
You should only add the one or two images that are actually visible. Once they scroll out of sight, remove the UIImageView from your UIScrollView (and make sure you don't retain it anywhere else so it can be deallocated). When a new image scrolls into sight, add it to the UIScrollView only then.
In your UIScrollViewDelegate method -scrollViewDidScroll: get the current contentOffset and use that to calculate which images are visible.
Actually, this problem is even worse on the iPhone 3G, which can't even manage to display two full size photos (taken with it's own camera) at the same time.
If you can make the photos smaller ahead of time by resizing them (server side if you're snagging them from your own services, or client side if they're somehow generated on the device or retrieved from third party services), you should. They will load faster, and you can put more of them on the screen at once without running into memory issues.
The Three20 library has a really great photo-browsing control for the iPhone. I'm pretty sure they only have three photos around at any given time... the photo you're looking at, and the photos going forward or backwards.
I also think there is an iPad branch of the Three20 controls (at ./tree/ipad), although I don't know if they include the photo browser or not, and haven't tried them yet myself... maybe that's an option for you if you don't want to spend a lot of time on that particular feature of your application. If the iPad photo browser isn't done maybe you could just adapt the iPhone version to suit your needs (shouldn't be hard).
If you want to bake the feature yourself, I'd take some inspiration from the UITableViewController. Your controller should come with associated datasource and delegate protocols to retrieve photos and respond to user events. The controller base class itself should reuse three UIImageViews and should shuffle those around to create the illusion that the user is scrolling through a large list.

How do I render the scrollable regions of a canvas with IViewObject::Draw?

I've been trying to render the entire canvas in an IWebBrowser2 control to a bitmap. IViewObject::Draw seems to be the most promising approach, but I can't get it to render anything that would requires a scroll to show. While I could automate the scrolling and stitch the images together, this would look weird with any fixed position elements. Is this even doable?
Additionally, I've tried to set the controller's size to one that would allow the entire contents to display without needing to scroll, but Windows caps the max size to the current screen resolution, so that only gets me partially there.
Any help would be much appreciated. I'm currently doing this in the context of Win7 and IE8, but I don't think that should matter much.
Sorry it took so long for me to follow up with the answer to this.
I wrote up an article detailing how to trick Windows into allowing you to resize a window larger than the virtual screen resolution, allowing functions like PrintWindow or IViewObject::Draw to capture the entire client area (i.e., the browser canvas).
An actual implementation of the technique can be found in my SnapsIE repository on GitHub (username: nirvdrum). Unfortunately I don't have enough karma to post two hyperlinks. The repository is linked from the article though.
It is very likely an IE optimisation that avoid to draw more than required. You might be able to scroll the window and call IViewObject::Draw in a loop without any animation occuring ?
I'm surprised that Windows caps the max size to the current screen resolution. Are you sure about that ?