I have an editor mask in flash that displays it's movement without hitting enter key - flash-cs4

I made a circular mask in 3dsMax, imported into flash as an swf, used it to mask a movieclip. The thing is that when i drag the movieclip to the stage, the mask animates without hitting enter key consuming a lot of ide resources, anyone has an idea of why is this happening? Using Flash CS4

Well, in Flash CS5 it works perfectly. Anyway we found the solution, the mask was a movieclip, we selected all the frames and converted to a symbol and it works!


Blender VSE imported audio and video out of sync

I'm working on a short video with blender, and the first few strips I imported were fine. I then imported another strip(and tried re-recording it and importing that). For the new strip, the video is much shorter than the audio.
In fact, I did a quick calculation, and the video is exactly 8 times shorter.(And faster)
I have looked it up, and it says to match up the framerate in the settings, but then it messes up the sync of the other strips.
I was having the same issue. When you change the framerate, it seems to align everything with the same framerate but throw the others off sync. However, if you add a speed control effect to the video strip, turn on 'Stretch to input strip length' in that effect, and stretch the video strip to match the audio strip, they align. This person explains it better than I do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MZ4VXgEdzo

Light problems nwjs and threejs

I'm having problems with the lighting in my proyect, I'm just using normal direct light.
light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xfefffe);
But the problem is that with the 0.12.3 version of nwjs the objects in the scene are black (like if there was no lights) and sometimes the start flickering in red, black and green.
If I change the original libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll with the ones in the 0.13.0 version of nwjs it works fine but only in some hardware... I don't know whtas going on, what can I do to make everything work just fine?
So, this is what hardware limitation it seems. I used PowerVr device driver *.dll ( EGL and opengles ) for solution. Curious to know this problem happen on ubuntu/linux devices?
Since you are creating material which take light vector as input check on the basic material and see the result.
Plus try to make the custom material shader which has (ambient,specular, (diffused optional) ) and then see result on machine.
Since the dll contains the implemenation of gles stuff onto window machine I believe you see this issue on window itself.
Black only comes when it require light vec into fragment shader and it is not been passed so texture2D result with light of undefined give you blackish output

Animated gif stops for a moment before restarting in adobe photoshop

I am trying to create a loading animated GIF img, but whenever it completes its one cycle it stops for a little moment and then restart,which means it doesn't have the same continuity.I dont want this little blinking thing. kindly help.
I am creating it in adobe Photoshop CC.
Normally, this problem happens when the first and the last frame are the same, try removing one. Without more information is the only thing I can think of.

Camera constraints on Verold

There is a problem that multiple users of my model have noticed, namely that when you right click the model (here), the movements are hypersensitive. Orbit and zoom are fine and steady, but pan now more often than not results on the model rapidly shooting off into the distance. I've been playing with the camera controls to no avail and I don't want to simply remove the pan option for the client.
Also, is there any way to transition between cameras without a fade, just a movement of the camera?
Also, Verold not working on Internet Explorer 11... any news?
Solved: problem was the focal point (white lined sphere). Had been set off accidentally far off into the distance (can be easily done without noticing and there is no undo). Just brought it back to the object.

libgdx tiledmap flicker with Nearest filtering

I am having strange artifacts on a tiledmap while scrolling with the camera clamped on the player (who is a box2d-Body).
Before getting this issue i used the linear filter for the tiledmap which prevents those strange artifacts from happening but results in Texture bleeding (i loaded the tiledmap straight from a .tmx file without padding the tiles).
However now i am using the Nearest filter instead which gets rid of the bleeding but when scrolling the map (by walking the character with the cam clamped on him) it seams like a lot of pixel are flickering around. The flickering results can get better or worse depending on the cameras zoom value.
But when I use the "OrthoCamController" class from the libgdx-Utilities which allows to scroll the map by panning with the mouse/finger i don't get these artifacts at all.
I assume that the flickering might be caused by bad camera-position values received by the box2d-Body's position.
One more thing i should add here: The game instance runs in 1280*720 display mode while my gamecam renders only 800*480. Wen i change the gamecam's rendersolution to 1280*720 i don't get those artifacts but then the tiles are way too tiny.
Has anyone experienced this issue or knows how to fix that? :)
I had a similar problem with this, and found it was due to having too small a decimal value for the camera position.
I think what may be happening is some sort of rounding with certain tile columns/rows in the tilemap renderer.
I fixed this by rounding to a set accuracy, like so:
camera.position.x = Math.round(player.entity.getX() * scalePosition) / scalePosition;
Experiment with various values, but I got it working by using the tile size as the scalePosition value.
About tilesets, I posted a solution here: Getting gaps between tiled textures with libgdx
I've been using that method with Tiled itself. You will have to adjust "margin" and "spacing" when importing tilesets in Tiled to get the effect working.
It's 100% working for me :)