merge DLLs n .cs files - dll

A part of big project is a payment system, that I would like to reuse. I want to merge all the class files of this payment system into DLLs so that add them as a reference in all the other projects. The present payment system is also using namespaces from the DLLs of a commercial application (nsoftware-paypal n few others). I tried csc to compile the individual files into DLLs but couldnt make it work. I also tried the ILMerge but this doesnt seem to work either.
As the .cs files uses the namespaces from the DLLs of nsoftware-Paypal, I included DLL files along with .cs in csc command. it gives me an error saying "...nsoftware.InPayPal.dll is a binary file instead of a text file". When I try to compile without the paypal DLLs it throws an error saying 'The type or namespace named nsoftware is missing'.
ILMerge does not allow the .cs files either(as its not an assembly of course).
All I need to do is to generate the one(or more) DLLs for this whole system so that I can use it in other projects.

you need to compile your .cs files using csc, then use ILMerge to combine the 3rd party assemblies with your generated assembly.
fyi there is an open source gui for ILMerge that can make things a little easier (at least at first).
In regards to your compilation issues you might want to check out this tutorial
in order to compile your code with a dll do something like this
csc /out:out.exe /r:third_party_dll.dll program.cs

You need to use dllImport:
Take a look at this Example-Code:
Or this example:
If you need to pass structures:
And finaly the documentation for dllImport:


Minimum of MyProject Files needed

I am writing a very basic library in VB.NET
The library just contains classes and modules.
Now in built output I see this files
Since I've seen other libraries with only AssemblyInfo.vb file, I was wondering if I can delete the rest.
What is the minimum of files I need here for the lib to work correctly, since I don't have any ressource or setting?
All the files you listed are necessary for a library project. And these files are generated (in My Project folder) when the project created not the build output files. So you need to keep all the files you listed in order to develop and build your project locally.
And for the files of build output, you can add these files in .gitignore.
When you create a project in VS, you select a predefined template that dictates what gets created. People often become accustomed to seeing the superfluous objects that a given template creates and assume that those objects are mandatory and must be there, However, much of it is not needed.
There is also the Empty Project template (the exact name of this template varies depending on the VS version used).
In VS2017, selection of the template would look like this:
This is a bare-bones project and the Solution Explorer will look like this:
As you can see, there are no pre-loaded references. You will need to add them yourself. About the only thing defined in this template is that you are using the VB language; This project starts out as a WinForm type, so go to the Project Properties->Application tab and change the "Application type" to "Class Library" since you want to create a library.
You may find it useful to start with an Empty Project and add the stuff you normally use and then export the project as new template (in VS2017: Project Menu->Export Template). For more on creating termplates, see: Creating Project and Item Templates
Edit: I just realized that I did not answer your real question about deleting the unused items. I just did a test case and deleted the items under MyProject. I received an error on deletion, but doing a clean/rebuild allowed me to proceed without issues. I would recommend that you backup the project before attempting this on an existing project, but I saw no long term issues in deleting unneeded objects from MyProject.

How to replicate referenced dll functionality with distributing .dlls.

I have a application I'm looking to be able to distribute in the near future.
I'm not the original architect and the previous developer referenced a handful of .dll's that are under a GPL license.
All of the software that includes these dll's are freely available online, so my customer can go download and install them if they need that functionality. So I don't have to distribute the DLLs.
Currently they are referenced under the "Reference" part of the project file.
My question is, how do I resolve these dll's in a way similar to how the "references" dons it, but at runtime.
My plan is to search the registry for the location of these dll's and reference that location, but given the file location of the .dll, how do I "pull" that code into my project.
You may try this
Search for Dll on specified path for dll
Use reflection to load assembly or dll into you code at runtime
Create runtime object from the loaded dll
Call required functionality from the dll
Reflection is the key solution to your problem that you may use to plugin new functionality into your project without distributing the dlls
This is the only solution that works
also you can just start your migration with the following command
This will replicate dll changes like adding new column to a replicated table
You will also find that the column is automatically added to replicated articles > columns
No need to create a new snapshot nor set the sync to re-initialization ☺

Adding a two new phases to an Xcode framework project

I am building a project on Github written in Objective-C. It resolves MAC addresses down to manufacturer details. The lookup table is currently stored as text file manuf.txt (from the Wireshark project), which is parsed at run-time, which is costly. I would prefer to compile this down to archived objects at build-time, and load that instead.
I would like to amend the build phases such that I:
Build a simple compiler
Run the compiler, parsing manuf.txt and outputting archived objects
Build the framework
Copy the archived objects into the framwork
I am looking for wisdom on how to achieve steps 1 and 2 using Xcode v7.3 as Xcode provides only a Copy Files phase or a Run Script phase. An example of other projects achieving similar goals would be inspiring.
I suspect that what you are asking is possible, but tricky. The reason is that you will need to write a bunch of class files and then dynamically add them to the project.
Firstly you will need to employ a run script phase to run various tools from the command line to parse your file and generate a number of class files from it. I would suggest looking into various templating engines. For example appledoc uses moustache templates to generate API documentation files. You could use the same technique to generate header and implementation files.
Next, rather than generating archived objects an trying to import into a framework. I think you may be better off generating raw source code, adding it to a project and compiling into a framework. Probably simpler in the long run.
To automatically include the generated code I would look into (which means I haven't actually tried this :-) adding a folder reference to the project rather than an Xcode group. Folder references are an option in the 'Add files to ...' dialog.
Folder references refer to a directory and automatically add the entire contents of that directory to a project. So you can use one to point to the directory where you have generated the source code. This is a much better option than trying to manipulate the project or injecting things into an established framework.
I would prefer to parse the file at runtime. After launch you can look for an already existing output, otherwise parse it one time.
However, I have to do something similar at Objective-Cloud. I simply added a run script build phase and put the compiler call into it.

Merging two .IDL files or two .tlb files into one file

I have 2 .net dll's which I expose to COM using REGASM. In order to simplify referencing within a COM client I would like to make these into one file.
I have tried converting both files to IDL and then copying the contents of the Library section of one into the other and then compiling back to .tlb with MIDL. This works fine for the TypeDefs within the second IDL however it seems to fail when it comes to the interfaces I copied in. OLE/COM viewer can see the interface definitions but when I try and use the TLB via COM it cant find the interfaces that I copied in.
I wanted to make sure before I spend too much time on this, that it is actually possible to meagre IDL's in this way.
Could you use ILMerge to first combine the .NET assemblies and then use REGASM on the resulting assembly?
ILMerge is a utility for merging
multiple .NET assemblies into a single
.NET assembly. It works on executables
and DLLs alike and comes with several
options for controlling the processing
and format of the output.
I don't see an obvious way this would fail. You said you merged the library sections but you didn't say you copy-pasted the interface declarations from the other .idl. That would be an obvious, but unlikely, explanation.
One failure mode is when the client app uses the type library to marshal interface pointers across apartment boundaries or out-of-process. That however requires registry keys in HKCR\Interfaces. .NET doesn't create them, you'd have to do that yourself. You'd know if you did, not much of an explanation either.
Ok so it turns out that the issues I was experiencing were not related to merging the idl's.
If you wish to merge to idl's you can do so by simply copying the content of a library section in one idl into another. Then run midl on the merged file to turn it into a tlb.

Log4NET setting overwritten by AssemblyInfo Task

I have a project that uses log4net and works fine on the developer machines. When we build, a step in our build scripts calls the AssemblyInfo task to set version numbers and dates, etc. But the AssemblyInfo file also loses the line:
[assembly: XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)]
Is there any way to have the AssemblyInfo task not overwrite that line, or conversely, to have the AssemblyInfo task re-insert that line into the file (along with the appropriate using statement?
You can actually put the log4net [assembly: ...] line in any file that will be compiled into the assembly. A lot of times, we just put it in the .cs file that has the "main" method, and it works just fine.
Well, thinking a little differently, you don't have to have only one assembly info file.
This is how we do it for a solution, each project has 3 assembly info files:
AssemblyInfo.cs - Contains Guid, AssemblyTitle, AssemblyDescription, and any assembly specific attributes.
ProductAssemblyInfo.cs - Contains AssemblyProduct, AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion. This way all assemblies in a product/solution share the same version.
CompanyAssemblyInfo.cs - Contains AssemblyCompany, AssemblyCopyright, and any attributes we want all our assemblies to share.
Items 2 and 3 are referenced using "Add as link", this way they are shared from the single source code. Now, you may not want to adopt the same approach, but you could certainly use a similar structure and place your XmlConfigurator in a separate assembly info file from your assembly version details.