Office2007 Setupstyle with WIX - wix

any idea, how to make a setup which looks like Office2007-Setup? For example the blue buttons which become golden on hover etc.?

This would take A LOT of work because Office 2007 isn't using native/internal MSI UI capabilities. It is instead implementing a custom external UI handler.
Beyond the Native Windows Installer User Interface


Wix Installer v3 - Embed Browser

I have been searching for this for days, and I can't seem to find anything that would solve this.
I have a requirement to show a web browser control in a Wix installer dialog that shows the application's Terms of Service web page.
We DON'T want to use the standard EULA page, which simply displays a compiled in RTF file, because the terms can change from time to time and we don't want to have to rebuild the installer each time just for that.
From what I can see, there are options for creating custom dialogs, but that seems like a lot of work for changing one thing. We really don't want to have to redesign the whole installer.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
No, it is not possible.
Windows installer can only show RTF or plain text, that is included in the package. It cannot show a web site, and you cannot define a custom page that would support a custom control, such as an embedded web browser because custom controls are not supported.
This is not less work but you can create a bundle in WiX and a custom BootstrapperApplication to implement whatever UI you want.

Designing Win 8 Wire frames in Blend for VS 2012

I am trying to create wireframes for Win 8 and i am using Blend so as to make wireframes as close to actual app as possible.
IS there any short quickstart guide which i can read to start designing the UI in Blend?
I did google online but most of them very vague in description on how to design UI.
Normally you would use something as sketchflow to create your wireframes, but that's not available for Windows Store.
Only for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone (phone req. download from codeplex).
To create wireframes you would need to use something else like Microsoft Powerpoint. Please note though, to do this you one of the following versions of Visual Studio to create wireframes in Powerpoint:
Visual Studio Ultimate
Visual Studio Premium
Visual Studio Test Professional.
If you want to use PowerPoint for wireframing; check this Microsoft guide out
Hint: if using Powerpoint: If you search the Visual Studio Gallery for “storyboard”, you’ll find that the lots of shapes there. The link to the gallery and search is here.
You can still use Blend to create some mock ups. You just need to drag the controls onto the screen and start laying out your app. However this isn't wireframing, this is actually building a prototype of the app rather than doing your wireframes, which is a different thing.
You can still create your content in only using Blend and the Properties Panel on the right side of the screen.
There's a ton to material available here on the general design portal for Windows Store apps:
If you want wireframes looking as close as possible to the real deal, without actually building it, I recommend doing the wireframes in either Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop.
There a lot of assets available for designing screens here

VB.Net form as part of desktop

I've spent a while searching around and I can't find a solution to this:
I have a transparent, borderless form that displays a clock. I can load this just fine, but I want the clock to be part of the desktop, so it cannot take focus, is behind other applications, and is not hidden with Win+D (similar to applications like RainMeter).
I need the solution to work with VB.Net (I'm using 2010)
Thanks in anticipation
Take a look at the following codeproject article:
Application Desktop Toolbars
It seems to do what you require.
This article is about Application Desktop Toolbars, which are
applications that can align to the screen much like the taskbar. The
article will develop a base class for developing such apps.

Change the window area in Windows

I have an application (chat) that I am developing for our company (special requirements). We are mostly using WinXP computers. I want it to be topmost and docked to the right, the problem is, I don't want it to overlap other windows that people are working on.
Is there a way to change the default area that other programs can maximize to? Basically, I want it to look something like this:
Is something like this possible? I'm using so all .net answers are accepted.
Take a look at the following codeproject article:
Application Desktop Toolbars
It seems to do what you require.
This article is about Application Desktop Toolbars, which are
applications that can align to the screen much like the taskbar. The
article will develop a base class for developing such apps.

how to create custom UI for MSI in Wix?

I want to enhance my UI dialog of MSI using Wix. Can you point out me the best tool which provides an option to create such UI? Also, is there possible to show animated GIF image in MSI wizard
You want to look into "Embedded UI" (also sometimes called "External UI"). But once you go down this path, you have to provide the entire UI, and nothing in InstallUISequence gets run (like Costing).
There is a sample Embedded UI in Wix that demos a WPF UI and a prgress bar that reacts to what is going on in the MSI installation.
A middle-ground option is to create some Custom Actions that display a UI. I do this to accomplish things like looking up a user in AD, search for SQL Servers on the network, browsing for databases in a SQL Server, and browsing for SSL Certificates. You can then trigger these custom actions through a push button.
As far as animated GIFs go - as far as I know they are not supported.
You could look at using burn