Understanding functors in OCaml - module

I'm quite stuck with the following functor problem in OCaml. I paste some of the code just to let you understand. Basically
I defined these two modules in pctl.ml:
module type ProbPA = sig
include Hashtbl.HashedType
val next: t -> (t * float) list
val print: t -> float -> unit
module type M = sig
type s
val set_error: float -> unit
val check: s -> formula -> bool
val check_path: s -> path_formula -> float
val check_suite: s -> suite -> unit
and the following functor:
module Make(P: ProbPA): (M with type s = P.t) = struct
type s = P.t
(* implementation *)
Then to actually use these modules I defined a new module directly in a file called prism.ml:
type state = value array
type t = state
type value =
| VBOOL of bool
| VINT of int
| VFLOAT of float
(* all the functions required *)
From a third source (formulas.ml) I used the functor with Prism module:
module PrismPctl = Pctl.Make(Prism)
open PrismPctl
And finally from main.ml
open Formulas.PrismPctl
(* code to prepare the object *)
PrismPctl.check_suite s.sys_state suite (* error here *)
and compiles gives the following error
Error: This expression has type Prism.state = Prism.value array
but an expression was expected of type Formulas.PrismPctl.s
From what I can understand there a sort of bad aliasing of the names, they are the same (since value array is the type defined as t and it's used M with type s = P.t in the functor) but the type checker doesn't consider them the same.
I really don't understand where is the problem, can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance

(You post non-compilable code. That's a bad idea because it may make it harder for people to help you, and because reducing your problem down to a simple example is sometimes enough to solve it. But I think I see your difficulty anyway.)
Inside formulas.ml, Ocaml can see that PrismPctl.s = Pctl.Make(Prism).t = Prism.t; the first equality is from the definition of PrismPctl, and the second equality is from the signature of Pctl.Make (specifically the with type s = P.t bit).
If you don't write an mli file for Formulas, your code should compile. So the problem must be that the .mli file you wrote doesn't mention the right equality. You don't show your .mli files (you should, they're part of the problem), but presumably you wrote
module PrismPctl : Pctl.M
That's not enough: when the compiler compiles main.ml, it won't know anything about PrismPctl that's not specified in formulas.mli. You need to specify either
module PrismPctl : Pctl.M with type s = Prism.t
or, assuming you included with type s = P.t in the signature of Make in pctl.mli
module PrismPctl : Pctl.M with type s = Pctl.Make(Prism).s

This is a problem I ran into as well when learning more about these. When you create the functor you expose the signature of the functor, in this case M. It contains an abstract type s, parameterized by the functor, and anything more specific is not exposed to the outside. Thus, accessing any record element of s (as in sys_state) will result in a type error, as you've encountered.
The rest looks alright. It is definitely hard to get into using functors properly, but remember that you can only manipulate instances of the type parameterized by the functor through the interface/signature being exposed by the functor.


In OCaml using Base, how do you construct a set with elements of type `int * int`?

In F#, I'd simply do:
> let x = Set.empty;;
val x : Set<'a> when 'a : comparison
> Set.add (2,3) x;;
val it : Set<int * int> = set [(2, 3)]
I understand that in OCaml, when using Base, I have to supply a module with comparison functions, e.g., if my element type was string
let x = Set.empty (module String);;
val x : (string, String.comparator_witness) Set.t = <abstr>
Set.add x "foo";;
- : (string, String.comparator_witness) Set.t = <abstr>
But I don't know how to construct a module that has comparison functions for the type int * int. How do I construct/obtain such a module?
To create an ordered data structure, like Map, Set, etc, you have to provide a comparator. In Base, a comparator is a first-class module (a module packed into a value) that provides a comparison function and a type index that witnesses this function. Wait, what? Later on that, let us first define a comparator. If you already have a module that has type
module type Comparator_parameter = sig
type t (* the carrier type *)
(* the comparison function *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(* for introspection and debugging, use `sexp_of_opaque` if not needed *)
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
then you can just provide to the Base.Comparator.Make functor and build the comparator
module Lexicographical_order = struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair)
where the Pair module provides the compare function,
module Pair = struct
type t = int * int [##deriving compare, sexp_of]
Now, we can use the comparator to create ordered structures, e.g.,
let empty = Set.empty (module Lexicographical_order)
If you do not want to create a separate module for the order (for example because you can't come out with a good name for it), then you can use anonymous modules, like this
let empty' = Set.empty (module struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair)
Note, that the Pair module, passed to the Base.Comparator.Make functor has to be bound on the global scope, otherwise, the typechecker will complain. This is all about this witness value. So what this witness is about and what it witnesses.
The semantics of any ordered data structure, like Map or Set, depends on the order function. It is an error to compare two sets which was built with different orders, e.g., if you have two sets built from the same numbers, but one with the ascending order and another with the descending order they will be treated as different sets.
Ideally, such errors should be prevented by the type checker. For that we need to encode the order, used to build the set, in the set's type. And this is what Base is doing, let's look into the empty' type,
val empty' : (int * int, Comparator.Make(Pair).comparator_witness) Set.t
and the empty type
val empty : (Lexicographical_order.t, Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness) Set.t
Surprisingly, the compiler is able to see through the name differences (because modules have structural typing) and understand that Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness and Comparator.Make(Pair).comparator_witness are witnessing the same order, so we can even compare empty and empty',
# Set.equal empty empty';;
- : bool = true
To solidify our knowledge lets build a set of pairs in the reversed order,
module Reversed_lexicographical_order = struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair_reveresed_compare)
let empty_reveresed =
Set.empty (module Reversed_lexicographical_order)
(* the same, but with the anonyumous comparator *)
let empty_reveresed' = Set.empty (module struct
include Pair
include Base.Comparator.Make(Pair_reveresed_compare)
As before, we can compare different variants of reversed sets,
# Set.equal empty_reversed empty_reveresed';;
- : bool = true
But comparing sets with different orders is prohibited by the type checker,
# Set.equal empty empty_reveresed;;
Characters 16-31:
Set.equal empty empty_reveresed;;
Error: This expression has type
Reversed_lexicographical_order.comparator_witness) Set.t
but an expression was expected of type
(Lexicographical_order.t, Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness) Set.t
Reversed_lexicographical_order.comparator_witness =
is not compatible with type
Lexicographical_order.comparator_witness =
This is what comparator witnesses are for, they prevent very nasty errors. And yes, it requires a little bit of more typing than in F# but is totally worthwhile as it provides more typing from the type checker that is now able to detect real problems.
A couple of final notes. The word "comparator" is an evolving concept in Janestreet libraries and previously it used to mean a different thing. The interfaces are also changing, like the example that #glennsl provides is a little bit outdated, and uses the Comparable.Make module instead of the new and more versatile Base.Comparator.Make.
Also, sometimes the compiler will not be able to see the equalities between comparators when types are abstracted, in that case, you will need to provide sharing constraints in your mli file. You can take the Bitvec_order library as an example. It showcases, how comparators could be used to define various orders of the same data structure and how sharing constraints could be used. The library documentation also explains various terminology and gives a history of the terminology.
And finally, if you're wondering how to enable the deriving preprocessors, then
for dune, add (preprocess (pps ppx_jane)) stanza to your library/executable spec
for ocamlbuild add -pkg ppx_jane option;
for topelevel (e.g., ocaml or utop) use #require "ppx_jane";; (if require is not available, then do #use "topfind;;", and then repeat).
There are examples in the documentation for Map showing exactly this.
If you use their PPXs you can just do:
module IntPair = struct
module T = struct
type t = int * int [##deriving sexp_of, compare]
include T
include Comparable.Make(T)
otherwise the full implementation is:
module IntPair = struct
module T = struct
type t = int * int
let compare x y = Tuple2.compare Int.compare Int.compare
let sexp_of_t = Tuple2.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t
include T
include Comparable.Make(T)
Then you can create an empty set using this module:
let int_pair_set = Set.empty (module IntPair)

'How to use higher order functors properly?' or 'How to have serious fun with funsigs?'

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to use higher order functors in
SML/NJ to any practical end.
According to the
SML/NJ docs on the implementation's special features,
it should be possible to specify one functor as an argument to another by use of
the funsig keyword. Thus, given a signature
signature SIG = sig ... end
we should be able to specify a functor that will produce a module satisfying
SIG, when applied to a structure satisfying some signature SIG'. E.g.,
funsig Fn (S:SIG') = SIG
With Fn declared in this way, we should then (be able to define another
functor that takes this functor as an argument. I.e., we can define a module
that is parameterized over another parameterized module, and presumably use the
latter within the former; thus:
functor Fn' (functor Fn:SIG) =
structure S' = Fn (S:SIG')
It all looks good in theory, but I can't figure out how to actually make use of
this pattern.
Example Problems
Here are two instances where I've tried to use this pattern, only to find
it impracticable:
First attempt
For my first attempt, just playing around, I tried to make a functor that would
take a functor implementing an ordered set, and produce a module for dealing
with sets of integers (not really useful, but it would let you parameterize sets
of a given type over different set implementations). I can define the
following structures, and they will compile (using Standard ML of New Jersey
structure IntOrdKey : ORD_KEY
= struct
type ord_key = int
val compare = Int.compare
functor IntSetFn (functor SetFn:SET_FN) =
structure Set = SetFn (IntOrdKey)
But when I actually try to apply IntSetFn to a functor that should satisfy the
SET_FN funsig, it just doesn't parse:
- structure IntSet = IntSetFn (functor ListSetFn);
= ;
= ;;
stdIn:18.1-24.2 Error: syntax error: deleting RPAREN SEMICOLON SEMICOLON
- structure IntSet = IntSetFn (functor BinarySetFn) ;
= ;
= ;
stdIn:19.1-26.2 Error: syntax error: deleting RPAREN SEMICOLON SEMICOLON
Second attempt
My second attempt fails in two ways.
I have defined a structure of nested modules implementing polymorphic and
monomorphic stacks (the source file, for the curious). To
implement a monomorphic stack, you do
- structure IntStack = Collect.Stack.Mono (type elem = int);
structure IntStack : MONO_STACK?
- IntStack.push(1, IntStack.empty);
val it = - : IntStack.t
and so forth. It seems to work fine so far. Now, I want to define a module that
parameterizes over this functor. So I have defined a funsig for the
Collect.Stack.Mono functor (which can be seen in my repo). Then, following the
pattern indicated above, I tried to define the following test module:
(* load my little utility library *)
functor T (functor StackFn:MONO_STACK) =
structure S = StackFn (type elem = int)
val x = S.push (1, S.empty)
But this won't compile! I get a type error:
Error: operator and operand don't agree [overload conflict]
operator domain: S.elem * S.t
operand: [int ty] * S.t
in expression:
S.push (1,S.empty)
uncaught exception Error
raised at: ../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
Yet, inside functor T, I appear to be using the exact same instantiation
pattern that works perfectly at the top level. What am I missing?
Unfortunately, that's not the end of my mishaps. Now, I remove the line
causing the type error, leaving,
functor T (functor StackFn:MONO_STACK) =
structure S = StackFn (type elem = int)
This compiles fine:
[scanning ../../../utils/sources.cm]
val it = true : bool
[autoloading done]
functor T(<param>: sig functor StackFn : <fctsig> end) :
structure S : <sig>
val it = () : unit
But I cannot actually instantiate the module! Apparently the path access syntax
is unsupported for higher order functors?
- structure Test = T (functor Collect.Stack.Mono);
stdIn:43.36-43.43 Error: syntax error: deleting DOT ID DOT
I am at a lost.
I have three related questions:
Is there a basic principle of higher-order functors in SML/NJ that I'm
missing, or is it just an incompletely, awkwardly implemented feature of the
If the latter, where can I turn for more elegant and practicable higher order
functors? (Hopefully an SML, but I'll dip into OCaml if necessary.)
Is there perhaps a different approach I should taking to achieve these kinds
of effects that avoids higher order functors all together?
Many thanks in advance for any answers, hints, or followup questions!
Regarding your first attempt, the right syntax to apply your IntSetFn functor is:
structure IntSet = IntSetFn (functor SetFn = ListSetFn)
The same applies to your application of the Test functor in the second attempt:
structure Test = T (functor StackFn = Collect.Stack.Mono)
That should fix the syntax errors.
The type error you get when trying to use your stack structure S inside functor T has to do with the way you defined the MONO_STACK funsig:
This just says that it returns a MONO_STACK structure, with a fully abstract elem type. It does not say that its elem type is gonna be the same as E.elem. According to that, I would able to pass in a functor like
functor F (E : ELEM) = struct type elem = unit ... end
to your functor T. Hence, inside T, the type system is not allowed to assume that type S.elem = int, and consequently you get a type error.
To fix this, you need to refine the MONO_STACK funsig as follows:
funsig MONO_STACK (E:ELEM) = MONO_STACK where type elem = E.elem
That should eliminate the type error.
As for your questions:
Higher-order functors are a little awkward syntactically in SML/NJ because it tries to stay 100% compatible with plain SML, which separates the namespace of functors from that for structures. If that wasn't the case then there wouldn't be the need for funsigs as a separate namespace either (and other syntactic baroqueness), and the language of signatures could simply be extended to include functor types.
Moscow ML is another SML dialect with a higher-order module extension that resolves the compatibility issue somewhat more elegantly (and is more expressive). There also was (now mostly dead) ALice ML, yet another SML dialect with higher-order functors that simply dropped the awkward namespace separation. OCaml of course did not have this constraint in the first place, so its higher-order modules are also more regular syntactically.
The approach seems fine.

Non-abstract types redundancy in Signature/Functor pattern

With the Signature/Functor pattern, I refer to the style of Map.S / Map.Make in the OCaml standard library. This pattern is highly successful when you want to parameterize a large piece of code over some type without making it fully polymorphic. Basically, you introduce a parameterized module by providing a signature (usually called S) and a constructor (Make).
However, when you take a closer look, there is a lot of redundancy in the declaration:
First, both the signature and the functor have to be announced in the .mli file
Second, the signature has to be repeated completely in the .ml file (is there actually any legal way to differ from the .mli file here?)
Finally, the functor itself has to repeat all definitions again to actually implement the module type
Summa summarum, I get 3 definition sites for non-abstract types (e.g. when I want to allow pattern matching). This is completely ridiculous, and thus I assume there is some way around. So my question is two-fold:
Is there a way to repeat a module type from an .mli file in an .ml file, without having to write it manually? E.g. something like ppx_import for module signatures?
Is there a way to include a module type in a module inside an .ml file? E.g. when the module type has only one abstract type definition, define that type and just copy the non-abstract ones?
You can already use ppx_import for module signatures. You can even use it in a .ml to query the corresponding .mli.
If a module is composed only of module signatures, you can define the .mli alone, without any .ml. This way you can define a module, let's say Foo_sigs, containing the signature and use it everywhere else.
Repeating type and module type definitions can be avoided to move them to external .ml file. Let's see the following example:
module M : sig
(* m.mli *)
module type S = sig
type t
val x : t
module type Result = sig
type t
val xs : t list
module Make(A : S) : Result with type t = A.t
end = struct
(* m.ml *)
module type S = sig
type t
val x : t
module type Result = sig
type t
val xs : t list
module Make(A : S) = struct
type t = A.t
let xs = [A.x;A.x]
Instead of writing two files m.mli and m.ml, I used a module M with an explicit signature: this is equivalent to have the two files and you can try it on OCaml toplevel by copy-and-paste.
In M, things are duped in sig .. end and struct .. end. This is cumbersome if module types become bigger.
You can share these dupes by moving them to another .ml file. For example, like the following n_intf.ml:
module N_intf = struct
(* n_intf.ml *)
module type S = sig
type t
val x : t
module type Result = sig
type t
val xs : t list
module N : sig
(* n.mli *)
open N_intf
module Make(A : S) : Result with type t = A.t
end = struct
(* n.ml *)
open N_intf
module Make(A : S) = struct
type t = A.t
let xs = [A.x;A.x]
You can also use *_intf.mli instead of *_intf.ml, but I recommend using *_intf.ml, since:
Module packing does not take mli only modules into account therefore you have to copy *_intf.cmi at installation.
Code generation from type definitions such as ppx_deriving needs things defined in .ml. In this example, it is no the case since there is no type definition.
In that specific case, you can just skip the .mli part:
Your abstraction is specified by the .ml
Reading it makes it quite clear (as people know the pattern from the stdlib)
Everything that you'd put in the .mli is already in the .ml
If you work in a group that's requiring you to actually give a mli, just generate it automatically by using the ocamlc -i trick.
ocamlc -i m.ml >m.mli # automatically generate mli from ml
I know it doesn't exactly answer your question, but hey, it solves your problem.
I know that always putting a mli is considered to be best practice, but it's not mandatory, and that may be for some very good reasons.
As for your second question, I'm not sure I understood it well but I think this answers it:
module type ToCopy = sig type t val f : t -> unit end
module type Copy1 = sig include ToCopy with type t = int end
module type Copy2 = ToCopy with type t = int;;
Adding to camlspoter's answer and since the question mentions pattern matching, maybe you want to "re-export" the signatures and types with constructors declared in N_intf so they are accessible through N instead. In that case, you can replace the open's with include and module type of, i.e.:
module N_intf = struct
type t = One | Two
(* n_intf.ml *)
module type S = sig
type t
val x : t
module type Result = sig
type t
val xs : t list
module N : sig
(* n.mli *)
include module type of N_intf
module Make(A : S) : Result with type t = A.t
end = struct
(* n.ml *)
include N_intf
module Make(A : S) = struct
type t = A.t
let xs = [A.x;A.x]
Then you'll get the following signatures:
module N_intf :
type t = One | Two
module type S = sig type t val x : t end
module type Result = sig type t val xs : t list end
module N :
type t = One | Two
module type S = sig type t val x : t end
module type Result = sig type t val xs : t list end
module Make : functor (A : S) -> sig type t = A.t val xs : t list end
Now the constructors One and Two can be qualified by N instead of N_intf, so you can ignore N_intf in the rest of the program.

OCaml module types and separate compilation

I am reading through OCaml lead designer's 1994 paper on modules, types, and separate compilation. (kindly pointed to me by Norman Ramsey in another question ). I understand that the paper discusses the origins of OCaml's present module type / signature system. It it, the author proposes opaque interpretation of type declarations in signatures (to allow separate compilation) together with manifest type declarations (for expressiveness). Attempting to put together some examples of my own to demonstrate the kind of problems the OCaml module signature notation is trying to tackle I wrote the following code in two files:
In file ordering.ml (or .mli — I've tried both) (file A):
module type ORDERING = sig
type t
val isLess : t -> t -> bool
and in file useOrdering.ml (file B):
open Ordering
module StringOrdering : ORDERING
let main () =
Printf.printf "%b" StringOrdering.isLess "a" "b"
main ()
The idea being to expect the compiler to complain (when compiling the second file) that not enough type information is available on module StringOrdering to typecheck the StringOrdering.isLess application (and thus motivate the need for the with type syntax).
However, although file A compiles as expected, file B causes the 3.11.2 ocamlc to complain for a syntax error. I understood that signatures were meant to allow someone to write code based on the module signature, without access to the implementation (the module structure).
I confess that I am not sure about the syntax: module A : B which I encountered in this rather old paper on separate compilation but it makes me wonder whether such or similar syntax exists (without involving functors) to allow someone to write code based only on the module type, with the actual module structure provided at linking time, similar to how one can use *.h and *.c files in C/C++. Without such an ability it would seem to be that module types / signatures are basically for sealing / hiding the internals of modules or more explicit type checking / annotations but not for separate / independent compilation.
Actually, looking at the OCaml manual section on modules and separate compilation it seems that my analogy with C compilation units is broken because the OCaml manual defines the OCaml compilation unit to be the A.ml and A.mli duo, whereas in C/C++ the .h files are pasted to the compilation unit of any importing .c file.
The right way to do such a thing is to do the following:
In ordering.mli write:
(* This define the signature *)
module type ORDERING = sig
type t
val isLess : t -> t -> bool
(* This define a module having ORDERING as signature *)
module StringOrdering : ORDERING
Compile the file: ocamlc -c ordering.mli
In another file, refer to the compiled signature:
open Ordering
let main () =
Printf.printf "%b" (StringOrdering.isLess "a" "b")
let () = main ()
When you compile the file, you get the expected type error (ie. string is not compatible with Ordering.StringOrdering.t). If you want to remove the type error, you should add the with type t = string constraint to the definition of StringOrdering in ordering.mli.
So answer to you second question: yes, in bytecode mode the compiler just needs to know about the interfaces your are depending on, and you can choose which implementation to use at link time. By default, that's not true for native code compilation (because of inter-module optimizations) but you can disable it.
You are probably just confused by the relation between explicit module and signature definitions, and the implicit definition of modules through .ml/.mli files.
Basically, if you have a file a.ml and use it inside some other file, then it is as if you had written
module A =
(* content of file a.ml *)
If you also have a.mli, then it is as if you had written
module A :
(* content of file a.mli *)
end =
(* content of file a.ml *)
Note that this only defines a module named A, not a module type. A's signature cannot be given a name through this mechanism.
Another file using A can be compiled against a.mli alone, without providing a.ml at all. However, you want to make sure that all type information is made transparent where needed. For example, suppose you are to define a map over integers:
(* intMap.mli *)
type key = int
type 'a map
val empty : 'a map
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a map -> 'a map
val lookup : key -> 'a map -> 'a option
Here, key is made transparent, because any client code (of the module IntMap that this signature describes) needs to know what it is to be able to add something to the map. The map type itself, however, can (and should) be kept abstract, because a client shouldn't mess with its implementation details.
The relation to C header files is that those basically only allow transparent types. In Ocaml, you have the choice.
module StringOrdering : ORDERING is a module declaration. You can use this in a signature, to say that the signature contains a module field called StringOrdering and having the signature ORDERING. It doesn't make sense in a module.
You need to define a module somewhere that implements the operations you need. The module definition can be something like
module StringOrderingImplementation = struct
type t = string
let isLess x y = x <= y
If you want to hide the definition of the type t, you need to make a different module where the definition is abstract. The operation to make a new module out of an old one is called sealing, and is expressed through the : operator.
module StringOrderingAbstract = (StringOrdering : ORDERING)
Then StringOrderingImplementation.isLess "a" "b" is well-typed, whereas StringOrderingAbstract.isLess "a" "b" cannot be typed since StringOrderingAbstract.t is an abstract type, which is not compatible with string or any other preexisting type. In fact, it's impossible to build a value of type StringOrderingAbstract.t, since the module does not include any constructor.
When you have a compilation unit foo.ml, it is a module Foo, and the signature of this module is given by the interface file foo.mli. That is, the files foo.ml and foo.mli are equivalent to the module definition
module Foo = (struct (*…contents of foo.ml…*) end :
sig (*…contents of foo.mli…*) end)
When compiling a module that uses Foo, the compiler only looks at foo.mli (or rather the result of its compilation: foo.cmi), not at foo.ml¹. This is how interfaces and separate compilation fit together. C needs #include <foo.h> because it lacks any form of namespace; in OCaml, Foo.bar automatically refers to a bar defined in the compilation unit foo if there is no other module called Foo in scope.
¹ Actually, the native code compiler looks at the implementation of Foo to perform optimizations (inlining). The type checker never looks at anything but what is in the interface.

How can an OCaml module export a field defined in a dependent module?

I have a decomposition where module A defines a structure type, and exports a field of this type which is defined as a value in module B:
type t = {
x : int
let b = B.a
open A (* to avoid fully qualifying fields of a *)
let a : t = {
x = 1;
Circular dependence is avoided, since B only depends on type declarations (not values) in A.
type t = {
x : int
val b : t
As far as I know, this should be kosher. But the compiler errors out with this:
File "a.ml", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: The implementation a.ml does not match the interface a.cmi:
Values do not match: val b : A.t is not included in val b : t
This is all particularly obtuse, of course, because it is unclear which val b is interpreted as having type t and which has type A.t (and to which A--the interface definition or the module definition--this refers).
I'm assuming there is some arcane rule (along the lines of the "structure fields must be referenced by fully module-qualified name when the module is not opened" semantics which bite every OCaml neophyte at some point), but I am so far at a loss.
Modules in the microscope are more subtle than it appears
(If your eyes glaze over at some point, skip to the second section.)
Let's see what would happen if you put everything in the same file. This should be possible since separate computation units do not increase the power of the type system. (Note: use separate directories for this and for any test with files a.* and b.*, otherwise the compiler will see the compilation units A and B which may be confusing.)
module A = (struct
type t = { x : int }
let b = B.a
end : sig
type t = { x : int }
val b : t
module B = (struct
let a : A.t = { A.x = 1 }
end : sig
val a : A.t
Oh, well, this can't work. It's obvious that B is not defined here. We need to be more precise about the dependency chain: define the interface of A first, then the interface of B, then the implementations of B and A.
module type Asig = sig
type t = { x : int }
type u = int
val b : t
module B = (struct
let a : Asig.t = { Asig.x = 1 }
end : sig
val a : Asig.t
module A = (struct
type t = { x : int }
let b = B.a
end : Asig)
Well, no.
File "d.ml", line 7, characters 12-18:
Error: Unbound type constructor Asig.t
You see, Asig is a signature. A signature is a specification of a module, and no more; there is no calculus of signatures in Ocaml. You cannot refer to fields of a signature. You can only refer to fields of a module. When you write A.t, this refers to the type field named t of the module A.
In Ocaml, it is fairly rare for this subtlety to arise. But you tried poking at a corner of the language, and this is what's lurking there.
So what's going on then when there are two compilation units? A closer model is to see A as a functor which takes a module B as an argument. The required signature for B is the one described in the interface file b.mli. Similarly, B is a function which takes a module A whose signature is given in a.mli as an argument. Oh, wait, it's a bit more involved: A appears in the signature of B, so the interface of B is really defining a functor that takes an A and produces a B, so to speak.
module type Asig = sig
type t = { x : int }
type u = int
val b : t
module type Bsig = functor(A : Asig) -> sig
val a : A.t
module B = (functor(A : Asig) -> (struct
let a : A.t = { A.x = 1 }
end) : Bsig)
module A = functor(B : Bsig) -> (struct
type t = { x : int }
let b = B.a
end : Asig)
And here, when defining A, we run into a problem: we don't have an A yet, to pass as an argument to B. (Barring recursive modules, of course, but here we're trying to see why we can't get by without them.)
Defining a generative type is a side effect
The fundamental sticking point is that type t = {x : int} is a generative type definition. If this fragment appears twice in a program, two different types are defined. (Ocaml takes steps and forbids you to define two types with the same name in the same module, except at the toplevel.)
In fact, as we've seen above, type t = {x : int} in a module implementation is a generative type definition. It means “define a new type, called d, which is a record type with the fields …”. That same syntax can appear in a module interface, but there it has a different meaning: there, it means “the module defines a type t which is a record type …”.
Since defining a generative type twice creates two distinct types, the particular generative type that is defined by A cannot be fully described by the specification of the module A (its signature). Hence any part of the program that uses this generative type is really using the implementation of A and not just its specification.
When you get down to it, defining a generative type it is a form of side effect. This side effect happens at compile time or at program initialization time (the distinction between these two only appears when you start looking at functors, which I shall not do here.) So it is important to keep track of when this side effect happens: it happens when the module A is defined (compiled or loaded).
So, to express this more concretely: the type definition type t = {x : int} in the module A is compiled into “let t be type #1729, a fresh type which is a record type with a field …”. (A fresh type means one that is different from any type that has ever been defined before.). The definition of B defines a to have the type #1729.
Since the module B depends on the module A, A must be loaded before B. But the implementation of A clearly uses the implementation of B. The two are mutually recursive. Ocaml's error message is a little confusing, but you are indeed outstepping the bounds of the language.
(and to which A--the interface definition or the module definition--this refers).
A refers to the whole module A. With the normal build procedure it would refer to the implementation in a.ml contrained by signature in a.mli. But if you are playing tricks moving cmi's around and such - you are on your own :)
As far as I know, this should be kosher.
I personally qualify this issue as circular dependency and would stay strongly against structuring the code in such a way. IMHO it causes more problems and head-scratching, than solving real issues. E.g. moving shared type definitions to type.ml and be done with it is what comes first to mind. What is your original problem that leads to such structuring?