How can a stored procedure return ROWCOUNT? - clrstoredprocedure

I have written stored procedure which has 2 Insert queries and 1 Update query inside it. Of all these,either insert queries or update query are executed at a time. Now my problem is to get ROWCOUNT in each case. Say suppose if insert operations are executed,then I want stored procedure to return ##ROWCOUNT to the calling application, so that the application will be aware of whether the required operations executed correctly or not. Can anyone suggest/tell me how can I get the rows affected from the stored procedure?

Use Output parameters in your stored procedures to return the RowCount of your inserts / updates.
Refer MSDN link for more information on how to use Output params
You can have multiple output params so you can have 2 different output params one each for your insert and the 3rd for your update statement.
#employeeID INT,
#managerID INT **OUTPUT**
Additionally, you can always concatenate the rowcounts of your 2 Inserts / Update using delimiters and return them as one value eg: "10;0" - However that is the old fashioned and "I would not recommend" approach.
Also, you could create a table variable and return the table with rows = number of Inserts / updates and the value of the column = RowCount affected.


Update from stored procedure return

I have a stored procedure that I want to run on every row in a table that matches a where clause, the procedure already exists on the server and is used in other places so it cannot be modified for these changes.
The stored procedure returns a scalar value, I need to store this value in a column in the table, I've tried using the update:
UPDATE tbl SET tbl.Quantity =
EXEC checkQuantity #ProductID = tbl.ProductID, #Quantity = tbl.Quantity
FROM orders tbl WHERE orderNumber = #orderNumber
But this of course doesn't work, is there a way to do this without multiple queries, reading the line info, running the proc in a loop then updating the original line?
No there is no way to do this without multiple queries. This is one of the few scenarios where a cursor or loop is necessary.
Unless you can replace your stored procedure with a user-defined function, which can be run in the context of a single query.

Get a specific column from a returned result of SP?

I have a stored procedure that returns a result, let's say it return rows of products. But each product status is not in our hand(can't get it). Our DBA just gave us another stored procedure to get the status of a product. We need to get individual product status by calling their SP. Let's say we have Product table,
Name NVARCHAR(100)
SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS; -- Yes Too Much simplified
-- Create cursor and set additional status in #TEMPTABLE
EXEC GetStatus #ProductId; -- SP That need to get status
The problem is that GetStatus is only way to get the status and this sp sometimes return 2 columns, sometimes 4 and sometimes 8. The return columns will always include Status column for sure.
If columns names is fixed then there is no problem. Is there is a way to create dynamic table at the time of executing SP.
Tried this but not working,
WITH DynamicTable AS
EXEC GetStatus
The answer to your question is no. There is no good way to get the value of a specific column returned by a stored procedure that can return a dynamic set of columns.
I say no "good" way, because of course there's a WAY. You can write an INSERT EXEC statement for every possible set of columns that the procedure can return and wrap each one in a TRY..CATCH block. If the first one errors, try the next one. As soon as you hit one that doesn't error, get the Status from it, and skip the rest.
That's the answer to your question. The solution to your problem, however, is to replace the GetStatus stored procedure with a Table-valued function. Then you can select from it, join to it, etc. I think the function would have to always return a consistent number of columns, but that would be better anyway, and the columns that aren't needed in a specific case could just be left empty or NULL.

How to get row count of a stored procedure?

I have a stored procedure which accepts a Client number and returns certain data. I have another stored procedure which internally calls the first one and needs to use the Row count from the first stored procedure.
Is there anywhere I can achieve this without using a temporary table (to get the result set) or using an OUT parameter in the first stored procedure.Thanks.
Since you already calling your stored procedure from first one, you already have ability to get number of rows returned by using ##ROWCOUNT function. Below is example of using `##RowCount
FROM sys.tables
EXEC Test1
EXEC Test2
In my example I just printed that value out, but you can just as simply assign that to a variable in second procedure and use it for something else.

Insert into table stored procedure results plus variable

I need to insert into a table the results of a stored procedure(SP) plus a couple of other variables.
I know how to insert the SP results but not the variables as well. Is there a way I can do this without having to write a separate update query or pass/return the variable into the SP.
INSERT INTO contacttable(name, address, telnum)
EXEC GetContactDetails #ContactId
UPDATE contacttable SET linkId = #LinkId where id = #ContactId
Can I pass the #linkId variable into the INSERT in anyway rather than having to do the separate update?
You can't do this the way you explain your current scenario is.
You either modify the proc to receive the extra parameter and you return it from there so that the insert statements already has this parameter, or you continue doing what you are doing.
Another possibility would be to change that proc into a table-valued function in a way that you can specifically select the columns you need from the resultset and you add the extra parameter in the insert. Something like:
INSERT INTO contacttable(name, address, telnum,linkid)
select name, address,telnum,#linkid from fnGetContactDetails(#ContactID)

Catch/Work with/Handle multiple datasets in a Stored Procedure from another Stored Procedure

Is it possible to work with the returned datasets from a stored procedure? Basically I have a stored procedure (lets call it SP_1) and it calls another stored procedure (lets call it SP_2). SP_2 has 5 or so select statements. What I want to do is handle each select statement within SP_1. Basically to manipulate the data or whatever, but I do not know how to get it.
Let me show what im doing and that may make things clearer
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_1]
exec usp_2
//How do I store the multiple select statements results in this stored proc?
In order to work, all the SELECTs within SP_2 will need to return the same number of compatible columns. If one returns 2 columns, another returns 5, and another returns 10, then it won't work.
If each SELECT does return the same number of columns, and the datatypes are consistent then you should be good to go using this approach in SP_1
CREATE TABLE #test (Col1 VARCHAR(10), Col2 VARCHAR(10))
INSERT #test
EXECUTE SP2 -- all resultsets return 2 VARCHAR columns
-- Now use #test which should contain all the combined results from SP2
However, if they all return different columns then you can't do it. You'd need to break each individual select into it's own sproc and call each one independently. SP2 would change to call those sub sprocs too.