When to commit NHibernate transactions in ASP.NET MVC 2 application? - nhibernate

First, some background: I'm new to ASP.NET MVC 2 and NHibernate. I'm starting my first application and I want to use NHibernate, because I come from JSP + Struts 1 + Hibernate web applications.
No one seems to be talking about this, so I guess it must be pretty obvious. Still I scratch my head because I can't find a solution that accomplish the following things:
1) I want to use the "session per request" strategy. So, everytime a user makes a request, he gets an Nhibernate session, starts a transaction, and when the request is over, the transaction commits, and the NHibernate session closes (and returns to the pool if there is one). This guarantees that my transactions are atomic.
2) When a database exception occurs (PK violation, unique violation, whatever) I want to capture that exception, rollback my transaction and give the user a explicit message: if it was PK violation, then that message, and the same with all integrity errors.
So, what is my problem? I come from the Java World, where I used a Filter to open the session, start the transaction, process the request, then commit the transaction and close the session. This works, except when an DB exception occurs, and by the time you are in the filter there's no way to change the destination page because the response is already committed.
So the user sees the success page when in reality the transaction was rollbacked. To avoid this I have to write a lot of data integrity checks in Java in order to prevent all integrity exceptions, because I could not handle them correctly. This is bad because I'm doing the work instead of leaving it to the database (or maybe I'm wrong and I always have to write all this data integrity code in my app?).
So I've found the IHttpModule interface which I'm guessing is pretty much the same concept as a javax.servlet.Filter (correct me if I'm wrong), so I'm guessing I could have the same problem again.
Where should I put my commits in order to make sure that my transactions are atomic, and when they throw exceptions I can capture them and change my destination page and give the user a comprehensive message?
So far the only possible solution I've come up with is to keep my IHttpModule to start and close the transaction, and put the commit calls in the last line of my controllers methods, thus being able to capture exceptions there and then return an appropiate view with the message. Now I would have to copy those commit and exception handling lines into all my controller methods that require commits. And there is the separation of concerns issue, that my controllers have to know about DB, which I don't like at all.
Is there a better way?

If you're using ASP.NET MVC, you could use an ActionFilter to achieve the same effect.
Something like (this is hacked together from difference pieces of my architecture):
public class TransactionalAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter, IExceptionFilter
ITransaction transaction = NullTransaction.Instance;
public IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get; set; }
public TransactionalAttribute()
IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
transaction = NullTransaction.Instance;
catch (Exception exception)
Log.For(this).FatalFormat("Problem trying to commit transaction {0}", exception);
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (transaction == NullTransaction.Instance) transaction = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel);
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Result != null) return;
transaction = NullTransaction.Instance;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
transaction = UnitOfWork.Current.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel);
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
transaction = NullTransaction.Instance;
catch (Exception exception)
Log.For(this).FatalFormat("Problem trying to rollback transaction {0}", exception);
private class NullTransaction : ITransaction
public static ITransaction Instance { get { return Singleton<NullTransaction>.Instance; } }
public void Dispose()
public void Commit()
public void Rollback()

Well after thinking about it and discussed it with coworkers I've come up with a solution that meets almost all my requirements.
I implemented the solution with my Java projects and it worked great. I'll just pust the idea so everybody can use it within any framework.
The solution consist in putting the commit call in the last line of the controller method, inside a try-catch block. If a constraint exception occurs you can get the name of the violated constraint. With the name you can tell the user exactly what went wrong. I used a properties file to store the message to show to the user wich constraint was violated. The keys of the properties file are the constraints names and the values are the constraint violation messages.
Yo can refactor the commit-handle_exception-find_constraint_message to a method, that's what I did.
For now it solves my problem of writing code to check database integrity and I believe it's pretty elegant with the constraint violation messages in a properties file. Now, I still don't like the idea that my controllers need to call the commit, but that's way better than writing integrity checks that the database already does.
I will continue to use a filter just like David Kemp said, just that the filter will only open the (n)hibernate session and the transaction, and then, at the end of the request, close the session.
Comments are more than welcome. Thanks.


handle separate transaction in java batch (JSR-352)

I'm using jberet implementation of JSR 352 java batch specs.
Actually I need a separate transaction for doing a singular update, something like this:
class MyItemWriter implements ItemWriter
UserTransaction transaction
void resetLastProductsUpdateDate(String uidCli) throws BusinessException {
try {
if (transaction.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
final Customer customer = dao.findById(id);
} catch (RollbackException | HeuristicMixedException | HeuristicRollbackException | SystemException | NotSupportedException e) {
logger.error("error while updating user products last update");
throw new BusinessException();
I first tried marking resetLastProductsUpdateDate methoad as #Transactional(REQUIRES_NEW), however it didn't worked.
My question is:
Is there any more elegant way to achieve this singular transaction without manually handle of transaction?
While does UserTransation works, EntityManager.transaction doesn't. I don't get it why.
Class below, which is injected from a Batchlet, works properly; Why I can't get to make work the #Transactional annotation on resetLastProductsUpdateDate method instead?
public class DynamicQueryDAO {
EntityManager entityManager;
private Logger logger;
public void executeQuery(String query) {
logger.info("executing query: {}", query);
final int output = entityManager.createNativeQuery(query).executeUpdate();
logger.info("rows updated: {}", output);
Actually I guess neither usertransaction is a good solution, because it affects entire itemwriter transaction management. Still Don't know how to deal with transaction isolation :(
In general the batch application should avoid directly handling transaction. You can have your batch component to throw some business exceptions upon certain conditions, and configure your job.xml to trigger retry upon this business exception. During retry, each individual data will be processed and committed in its own chunk.

How to rollback nHibernate transaction when an exception occurs during request having Ninject for managing sessions?

I use nHibernate for ORM and Ninject for IoC.
I create nHibernate sessions per some custom scope (which you can assume is per request).
I begin the transaction onActivation.
I commit the transaction onDeactivation.
The problem is that if an exception happens during the request I want to rollback the transaction rather than committing it. Any idea how to detect (in a clean way, most probably using Ninject Context) that an exception has happened?
Note: I am not concerned about the exceptions that can happen on commit which I can catch in the following code and role back easily.
protected void BindWithSessionWrapper<T>(Func<IContext, T> creationFunc) where T : ISessionWrapper
.InScope(x => new NinjectCustomScope()) // work in progress !!!
.OnActivation(t => t.Session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted))
.OnDeactivation((c, t) =>
I followed the suggestion by #BatteryBackupUnit.
So I added the following to the Error EventHandler:
Error += (s, e) =>
HttpContext.Current.Items["ErrorRaised"] = true;
And I modified the OnDeactivation to look like this:
OnDeactivation(t =>
if ((bool?)HttpContext.Current.Items["ErrorRaised"] == true)
It works fine, but that would be better if Ninject would take care of this by setting a flag in the Context if an exception happened :)
How about implementing an IHTTPModule and subscribing to the Error event?
Like described here
In the Error event handler, use System.Web.Mvc.DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof (ISession)) to retrieve the current session and rollback the transaction.
Note, however, that in case the request did not use a session, this will create one, which is quite superfluous.
You might do something like checking whether a transaction was started and only then rolling it back. But you'd still create a session unnecessarily.
You could further improve that by using the Error event handler to set a flag on HttpContext.Current.Items, like
HttpContext.Current.Items["RollbackTransaction"] = true;
and then use it in the OnDeactivation of the session like:
.OnDeactivation((c, t) =>
Please note that HttpContext is thread local, that means when you switch threads it may be null or -worst case - it might even be another HttpContext.
Please also note that i was unable to try it out so it may not work. Feedback appreciated.
Passing the state through HttpContext is not acceptable to me for 2 reasons.
HttpContext issue: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12219078/656430)
Passing state seems like passing a global state (https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/148108/why-is-global-state-so-evil)
After a lot of trial and error, I think this should be one solution:
Assuming we are working on WebApi project, having rollback transaction for all actions once hit exception, with Ninject:
install Ninject.Extension.Factory (https://www.nuget.org/packages/Ninject.Extensions.Factory/), this is very important step as to inject ISession in request scope into filters.
use the following configuration for binding ISessionFactory and ISession (I made use of this example: Need a simple example of using nhibernate + unit of work + repository pattern + service layer + ninject), plus ISessionInRequestScopeFactory
.ToMethod(context => context.Kernel.Get<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession())
.InRequestScope(); // notice that we don't need to call `BeginTransaction` at this moment
Bind<ISessionInRequestScopeFactory>().ToFactory(); // you don't need to make your implementation, the Ninject.Extension.Factory extension will help you so.
the code for interface ISessionInRequestScopeFactory:
public interface ISessionInRequestScopeFactory
ISession CreateSessionInRequestScope(); // return ISession in the request scope
Make use of ninject filter injection to add Transaction behaviour to every action (https://github.com/ninject/Ninject.Web.WebApi/wiki/Dependency-injection-for-filters):
add [ApiTransaction] attribute into controller:
public class YourApiController{ /* ... */}
So we are now binding the ApiTransactionFilter into YourApiController which are having [ApiTransaction] Attribute
Inside ApiTransactionFilter, you should extends AbstractActionFilter and inject the factory ISessionInRequestScopeFactory for getting the correct request scope session:
public class ApiTransactionFilter : AbstractActionFilter{
private readonly ISessionInRequestScopeFactory factory;
public ApiTransactionFilter(ISessionInRequestScopeFactory factory){
this.factory = factory;
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
ISession session = factory.CreateSessionInRequestScope(); // get the request scope session through factory
session.BeginTransaction(); // session can begin transaction here ...
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
ISession session = factory.CreateSessionInRequestScope(); // get the request scope session through factory
if (actionExecutedContext.Exception == null) // NO EXCEPTION!
session.Transaction.Commit();// session commit here ... may be you like to have try catch here
session.Transaction.Rollback(); // session rollback here ...

EF4/WCF SaveChanges() Best Practice

This is how we implement a generic Save() service in WCF for our EF entities. A TT does the work for us. Even though we don't have any problems with it, I hate to assume this is the best approach (even if it might be). You guys seem pretty darn bright and helpful, so I thought I would pose the question:
Is there a better way?
public User SaveUser(User entity)
bool _IsDeleted = false;
using (DatabaseEntities _Context = new DatabaseEntities())
switch (entity.ChangeTracker.State)
case ObjectState.Deleted:
_IsDeleted = true;
//everything else
// now, to the database
// try to save changes, which may cause a conflict.
catch (System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException)
// resolve the concurrency conflict by refreshing
_Context.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.ClientWins, entity);
// Save changes.
// return
if (_IsDeleted)
return null;
return entity;
Why are you doing this with Self tracking entities? What was wrong with this:
public User SaveUser(User entity)
bool isDeleted = false;
using (DatabaseEntities context = new DatabaseEntities())
isDeleted = entity.ChangeTracker.State == ObjectState.Deleted;
context.Users.ApplyChanges(entity); // It deletes entities marked for deletion as well
// no need to postpone accepting changes, they will not be accepted if exception happens
catch (System.Data.OptimisticConcurrencyException)
context.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.ClientWins, entity);
return isDeleted ? null : entity;
If I'm not mistaken, people typically don't expose their Entity Framework objects directly in a WCF service. Entity Framework is typically thought of as a data-access layer, and WCF is more of a front-end layer, so they are put on different tiers.
A Data-Transfer Object (DTO) is used in the WCF methods. This is typically a POCO which doesn't have any state-tracking on it whatsoever. The DTO is then mapped to an Entity either by hand or via a framework like AutoMapper.
Typically clients should know whether they are "adding" or "updating" an object, and I would personally prefer these to be two separate operations on the service interface. Also, I would definitely require them to use a separate method for deleting an object. However, if you absolutely need a generic "Save", you should be able to tell whether the object you've been given is "new" or not based on the presence (or absence) of a primary key value.
A lot of the code can be put into a generic utility. For example, supposing your T4 template produces attributes on the key values of your entities, you could automatically determine whether the key values are present and perform an Insert/Update accordingly. Also, the try SaveChanges catch retry block you're using--while probably unnecessary--could easily be put into a simple utility method to be more DRY.

Is it a better practice to explicitly call transaction rollback or let an exception trigger an implicit rollback?

In the below code if any exception is thrown while executing the the SQL statements we should expect an implicit rollback on the transaction as the transaction was not committed, it goes out of scope and it gets disposed:
using (DbTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
// Execute SQL statements here...
Is the above an acceptable practice, or should one catch the exception and explicitly make a call to tran.Rollback() as shown below:
using (DbTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
// Execute SQL statements here...
Former. If you look up MSDN samples on similar topics, like TransactionScope, they all favor the implicit rollback. There are various reasons for that, but I'll just give you a very simple one: by the time you catch the exception, the transaction may had already rolled back. Many errors rollback the pending transaction and then they return control to the client, where the ADO.Net raises the CLR SqlException after the transaction was already rolled back on the server (1205 DEADLOCK is the typical example of such an error), so the explicit Rollback() call is, at best, a no-op, and at worse an error. The provider of the DbTransaction (eg. SqlTransaction) should know how to handle this case, eg. because there is explicit chat between the server and the client notifying of the fact that the transaction rolled back already, and the Dispose() method does the right thing.
A second reason is that transactions can be nested, but the semantics of ROLLBACK are that one rollback rolls back all transactions, so you only need to call it once (unlike Commit() which commits only the inner most transaction and has to be called paired up for each begin). Again, Dispose() does the right thing.
The MSDN sample for SqlConnection.BeginTransaction() actually favors the second form and does an explicit Rollback() in the catch block. I suspect the technical writer simply intended to show in one single sample both Rollback() and Commit(), notice how he needed to add a second try/catch block around the Rollback to circumvent exactly some of the problems I mentioned originally.
You can go either way, the former being more concise, the latter being more intent revealing.
A caveat with the first approach would be that calling RollBack on disposal of transaction is dependent on the driver specific implementation. Hopefully almost all the .NET connectors do that. SqlTransaction does:
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
Bid.PoolerTrace("<sc.SqlInteralTransaction.Dispose|RES|CPOOL> %d#, Disposing\n", this.ObjectID);
if (disposing && (this._innerConnection != null))
this._disposing = true;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if ((conn != null && conn.State == ConnectionState.Open || conn.SoftClosed) && open)
A caveat with second approach is it's not safe to call RollBack without another try-catch. This is explicitly stated in the documentation.
In short as to which is better: it depends on the driver, but it's typically better to go for the first, for the reasons mentioned by Remus.
Additionally see What happens to an uncommitted transaction when the connection is closed? for as to how connection disposal treat commits and rollbacks.
I tend to agree with "Implicit" rollback based on exception pathways. But, obviously, that depends on where you are in the stack and what you're trying to get done (i.e. is the DBTranscation class catching the exception and performing cleanup, or is it passively not "committing"?).
Here's a case where implicit handling makes sense (maybe):
static T WithTranaction<T>(this SqlConnection con, Func<T> do) {
using (var txn = con.BeginTransaction()) {
return do();
But, if the API is different, the handling of commit might be, too (granted, this :
static T WithTranaction<T>(this SqlConnection con, Func<T> do,
Action<SqlTransaction> success = null, Action<SqlTransaction> failure = null)
using (var txn = con.BeginTransaction()) {
try {
T t = do();
success(txn); // does it matter if the callback commits?
return t;
} catch (Exception e) {
failure(txn); // does it matter if the callback rolls-back or commits?
// throw new Exception("Doh!", e); // kills the transaction for certain
// return default(T); // if not throwing, we need to do something (bogus)
I can't think of too many cases where explicitly rolling-back is the right approach except where there is a strict change control policy to be enforced. But then again, I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

NHibernate Session per Call in WCF - How to Rollback

I've implemented some components to use WCF with both an IoC Container (StructureMap) and the Session per Call pattern. The NHibernate stuff is most taken from here: http://realfiction.net/Content/Entry/133.
It seems to be OK, but I want to open a transaction with each call and commit at the end, rather than just Flush() which how its being done in the article.
Here's where I am running into some problems and could use some advice. I haven't figured out a good way to rollback. I realize I can check the CommunicationState and if there's an exception, rollback, like so:
public void Detach(InstanceContext owner)
if (Session != null)
if(owner.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
void CommitTransaction()
if(Session.Transaction != null && Session.Transaction.IsActive)
void RollbackTransaction()
if (Session.Transaction != null && Session.Transaction.IsActive)
However, I almost never return a faulted state from a service call. I would typically handle the exception and return an appropriate indicator on my response object and rollback the transaction myself.
The only way I can think of handling this would be to inject not only repositories into my WCF services, but also an ISession so I can rollback and handle the way I want. That doesn't sit well with me and seems kind of leaky.
Anyone else handling the same problem?
After further consideration, it seems like the only way to handle this is to inject the ISession into my service. The session is the same one injected to all my repositories and since a WCF service is an Application Service, I've decided it's not really leaky or bad to allow my service to manage the transactions. In fact, that's the whole purpose of an application service - coordinate between infrastructure and domain.
I still get many benefits from using the techniques in this article http://realfiction.net/Content/Entry/133, I'm just not going to implement the automatic transaction start/commit/rollback.