Distinct mixing rows values? - sql

I'm getting the result with mixed dates values, instead get the last revision for each title i get them mixed.
I'm using MySQL.
The general idea is retireve all rows for each entry, the last revision of each entry.
My current sql query:
u.name AS updater
FROM wiki_pages AS w
JOIN users AS u ON w.owner_id = u.id
GROUP BY title

SELECT wp.owner_id,
u.name AS updater
JOIN USERS u ON u.id = wp.owner_id
JOIN (SELECT t.title,
MAX(t.revision) AS max_rev
GROUP BY t.title) x ON x.title = wp.title
AND x.max_rev = wp.revision
In your query, the only thing you can guarantee is the title & the revision value is the highest. The other rows aren't necessarily related, hence the join to a derived table...


Remove duplicates from result in sql

i have following sql in java project:
select distinct * from drivers inner join licenses on drivers.user_id=licenses.issuer_id
inner join users on drivers.user_id=users.id
where (licenses.state='ISSUED' or drivers.status='WAITING')
and users.is_deleted=false
And result i database looks like this:
And i would like to get only one result instead of two duplicated results.
How can i do that?
Solution 1 - That's Because one of data has duplicate value write distinct keyword with only column you want like this
Select distinct id, distinct creation_date, distinct modification_date from
Solution 2 - apply distinct only on ID and once you get id you can get all data using in query
select * from yourtable where id in (select distinct id from drivers inner join
on drivers.user_id=licenses.issuer_id
inner join users on drivers.user_id=users.id
where (licenses.state='ISSUED' or drivers.status='WAITING')
and users.is_deleted=false )
Enum fields name on select, using COALESCE for fields which value is null.
usually you dont query distinct with * (all columns), because it means if one column has the same value but the rest isn't, it will be treated as a different rows. so you have to distinct only the column you want to, then get the data
I suspect that you want left joins like this:
select *
from users u left join
drivers d
on d.user_id = u.id and d.status = 'WAITING' left join
licenses l
on d.user_id = l.issuer_id and l.state = 'ISSUED'
where u.is_deleted = false and
(d.user_id is not null or l.issuer_id is not null);

Include 0 in count(*) SQL query

I have two entities, User and MaBase. MaBase contains user_id and status. I want to get the count of status by user, I also want to show a 0 for any status values where the user doesn't have a record.
I created the below query using count, but it only returns non-null values. How I can solve this:
SELECT status, COUNT(*)
FROM ma_base
WHERE ma_base.user_id = 5
GROUP BY status
I have 5 types of status values. If a user only has ma_base records for 4 of them, I still want to see a 0 value for the 5th status.
It's not every day I get to write a CROSS JOIN:
SELECT u.ID, s.status,
coalesce((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ma_base m WHERE m.User_Id = u.ID and m.status = s.Status),0) As Status_Count
FROM User u
WHERE u.ID = 5
SELECT u.ID, s.status, COALESCE(COUNT(m.status), 0) AS Status_Count
FROM User u
LEFT JOIN MA_Base m ON m.User_Id = u.ID AND m.status = s.status
WHERE u.ID = 5
GROUP BY u.ID, s.status
In a nutshell, we first need to create a projection for the user with every possible status value, to anchor the result records for your "missing" statuses. Then we can JOIN or do a correlated subquery to get your desired results.
For the JOIN option, note the expression in the COUNT() function. It's important; COUNT(*) won't do what you want. For both options, note the use of COALESCE() to put the expected result in for NULL.
If you have a separate table defining your status values, use that instead of deriving them from ma_base.

Too much Data using DISTINCT MAX

I want to see the last activity each individual handset and the user that used that handset. I have a table UserSessions that stores the last activity of a particular user as well as what handset they used in that activity. There are roughly 40 handsets, yet I always get back way too many records, like 10,000 rows when I only want the last activity of each handset. What am I doing wrong?
SELECT DISTINCT MAX(UserSessions.LastActivity), Handsets.Name,Users.Username
FROM UserSessions
INNER JOIN Handsets on Handsets.HandsetId = UserSessions.HandsetId
INNER JOIN Users on Users.UserId = UserSessions.UserId
Handsets.Name in (1000,1001.1002,1003,1004....)
AND Handsets.Deleted = 0
GROUP BY UserSessions.LastActivity, Handsets.Name,Users.Username
I expect to get one record per handset of the users last activity with that handset. What I get is multiple records on all handsets and dates over 10000 rows
You typically GROUP BY the same columns as you SELECT, except those who are arguments to set functions.
This GROUP BY returns no duplicates, so SELECT DISTINCT isn't needed.
SELECT MAX(UserSessions.LastActivity), Handsets.Name, Users.Username
FROM UserSessions
INNER JOIN Handsets on Handsets.HandsetId = UserSessions.HandsetId
INNER JOIN Users on Users.UserId = UserSessions.UserId
WHERE Handsets.Name in (1000,1001.1002,1003,1004....)
AND Handsets.Deleted = 0
GROUP BY Handsets.Name, Users.Username
There is no such thing as DISTINCT MAX. You have SELECT DISTINCT which ensures that all columns referenced in the SELECT are not duplicated (as a group) across multiple rows. And there is MAX() an aggregation function.
As a note: SELECT DISTINCT is almost never appropriate with GROUP BY.
You seem to want:
FROM (SELECT h.Name, u.Username, MAX(us.LastActivity) as last_activity,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY h.Name ORDER BY MAX(us.LastActivity) desc) as seqnum
FROM UserSessions us JOIN
Handsets h
ON h.HandsetId = us.HandsetId INNER JOIN
Users u
ON u.UserId = us.UserId
WHERE h.Name in (1000,1001.1002,1003,1004....) AND
h.Deleted = 0
GROUP BY h.Name, u.Username
) h
WHERE seqnum = 1

Select last record out of grouped records

i have this code and i want someone to help me to change it to a grouped query which orders froms below.
FROM dbo.users_pics INNER JOIN profile
ON users_pics.email = profile.email
Left Join photo_comment
On users_pics.u_pic_id = photo_comment.pic_id
WHERE users_pics.wardrobe = MMColParam
ORDER BY u_pic_id asc
what i mean is i have grouped of records which i want to select one per record only from beneath. for example if i have 10 records of the name "John" i want to select the last "John" out of the 10 and then the rest also follows
I'm going to presume that your users table contains a single user, and each user has a single profile, and your photo_comment table can contain multiple comments.
Depending on your RDBMS, you can do this a number of ways. Row_Number can often be a quick way of doing this if you're using a database which supports window functions such as SQL Server or Oracle.
A generic solution to this is to join the table back to itself using the MAX aggregate. This is dependent on having a field to determine which record is the max. Generally speaking, that would be an identity/auto number field or a time stamp field.
Here is the basic concept using photo_comment_id as your determining column:
FROM dbo.users_pics INNER JOIN profile
ON users_pics.email = profile.email
LEFT Join (
SELECT pic_id, MAX(photo_comment_id) max_photo_comment_id
FROM max_photo_comment
GROUP BY pic_id
) max_photo_comment On users_pics.u_pic_id = max_photo_comment.pic_id
LEFT Join photo_comment On
max_photo_comment.pic_id = photo_comment.pic_id AND
max_photo_comment.max_photo_comment_id = photo_comment.photo_comment_id
WHERE users_pics.wardrobe = MMColParam
ORDER BY u_pic_id asc
If your database supports ROW_NUMBER, then you can do this as well (still using the photo_comment_id field):
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY photo_comment.pic_id
ORDER BY photo_comment.photo_comment_id DESC) rn
FROM dbo.users_pics INNER JOIN profile
ON users_pics.email = profile.email
LEFT JOIN photo_comment
ON users_pics.u_pic_id = photo_comment.pic_id
WHERE users_pics.wardrobe = MMColParam
) t
WHERE rn = 1
ORDER BY u_pic_id asc

i want to modify this SQL statement to return only distinct rows of a column

categories.`name` as cname,
options.`name` as oname,
left join categories
on (categories.`id` = picks.`cid`)
left join options
on (options.`id` = picks.oid)
left join users
on (users.fbid = picks.`fbid`)
order by
time desc
that query returns a result that like:
my question is.... I would like to modify the query to select only DISTINCT fbid's. (perhaps the first row only sorted by time)
can someone help with this?
c.`name` as cname,
o.`name` as oname,
( select p1.fbid,
min( p1.time ) FirstTimePerID
from picks p1
group by p1.fbid ) as FirstPerID
JOIN Picks p2
on FirstPerID.fbid = p2.fbid
AND FirstPerID.FirstTimePerID = p2.time
LEFT JOIN Categories c
on p2.cid = c.id
LEFT JOIN Options o
on p2.oid = o.id
on p2.fbid = u.fbid
order by
time desc
I don't know why you originally had LEFT JOINs, as it appears that all picks must be associated with a valid category, option and user... I would then remove the left, and change them to INNER joins instead.
The first inner query grabs for each fbid, the FIRST entry time which will result in a single entity for the FBID. From that, it re-joins to the picks table for the same ID and timeslot... then continues for the rest of the category, options, users join criteria of that single entry.
2 options, you could write a group by clause.
Or you could write a nested query joined back to itself to get pertinent info.
Nested aliased table:
MyTable t
FROM MyTable) n
ON n.ID = t.ID
Or group by option
SELECT fBId from MyTable
select picks.`fbid`, picks.`time`, categories.`name` as cname,
options.`name` as oname, users.`name` from picks left join categories
on (categories.`id` = picks.`cid`) left join options on (options.`id` = picks.oid)
left join users on (users.fbid = picks.`fbid`)
order by time desc GROUP BY picks.`fbid`
MIN(picks.time) as first_time,
MAX(picks.time) as last_time
group by
order by
MIN(picks.time) desc
However, if you want only distinct fbid's you cannot display cname and other columns at the same time.