T-SQL 2005: combine multiple create/alter procedure calls in one transaction - sql-server-2005

I want to build a T-SQL change script that rolls out database changes from dev to test to production.
I've split the script into three parts:
DDL statements
changes for stored procedures (create and alter procedure)
data creation and modification
I want all of the changes in those three scripts to be made in a transaction. Either all changes in the script are processed or - upon an error - all changes are rolled back.
I managed to do this for the steps 1 and 3 by using the try/catch and begin transaction statements.
My problem is now to do the same thing for the stored procedures.
A call to "begin transaction" directly before a "create stored procedure" statement results in a syntax error telling me that "alter/create procedure statement must be the first statement inside a query batch".
So I wonder how I could combine multiple create/alter procedure statements in one transaction.
Any help is highly appreciated ;-)

You can use dynamic SQL to create your stored procedures.
EXEC ('CREATE PROC dbo.foo AS ....`)
This will avoid the error "alter/create procedure statement must be the first statement inside a query batch"

Try this:
begin transaction
create procedure foo as begin select 1 end
commit transaction

try putting the steps in a job

-- Do your stuff here
PRINT 'Successfull.'
ERROR_NUMBER() as ErrorNumber,
ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage;


Does PL/SQL Procedure Automatically Commit When it Exits? [duplicate]

I have 3 tables in oracle DB. I am writing one procedure to delete some rows in all the 3 tables based on some conditions.
I have used all three delete statements one by one in the procedure. While executing the mentioned stored procedure, is there any auto-commit happening in the at the time of execution?
Otherwise, Should I need to manually code the commit at the end?
There is no auto-commit on the database level, but the API that you use could potentially have auto-commit functionality. From Tom Kyte.
That said, I would like to add:
Unless you are doing an autonomous transaction, you should stay away from committing directly in the procedure: From Tom Kyte.
I wish PLSQL didn't support commit/rollback. I firmly believe
transaction control MUST be done at the topmost, invoker level. That
is the only way you can take these N stored procedures and tie them
together in a transaction.
In addition, it should also be noted that for DDL (doesn't sound like you are doing any DDL in your procedure, based on your question, but just listing this as a potential gotcha), Oracle adds an implicit commit before and after the DDL.
There's no autocommit, but it's possible to set commit command into stored procedure.
Example #1: no commit
create procedure my_proc as
insert into t1(col1) values(1);
when you execute the procedure you need call commit
Example #2: commit
create procedure my_proc as
insert into t1(col1) values(1);
When you execute the procedure you don't nee call commit because procedure does this
There is no autocommit with in the scope of stored procedure. However if you are using SQL Plus or SQL Developer, depending on the settings autocommit is possible.
You should handle commit and rollback as part of the stored procedure code.

Can we use 'GO' multiple times in SQL Transaction?

Can We use GO statement mutiple times in a SQL Transaction. I am having a long T-SQL script and I want to run it in a SQL Transaction. If all goes well then I will commit otherwise will rollback.
But, While running that query I got error like 'create function must be the only statement in the batch'. As I am creating and dropping many Functions and Procedures in that.
I have not used GO anywhere in the script. My question is that - Can I use multiple times GO statement in that long script. Because, GO creates a batch and if batch executes successfully first time but fails next time then will rollback transaction statement be able to actually rollback that has been executed ?
Structure of my script looks like :
PRINT 'Transaction Started'
Drop Function
Create Function
Drop Procedure
Lots of statements
PRINT 'Transaction Succeeded'
PRINT 'Transaction Failed'
I am creating this script to migrate some changes from newDB to oldDB in a single script.
You are mixing concepts. GO is not a Transact-SQL concept, not part of the language, and not understood by SQL Server. GO is the tools batch delimiter. sqlcmd.exe and SSMS both are using, by default, GO as the batch delimiter. The batch delimiter is used to identify the individual batches inside the SQL source file. The client tool sends to the server one batch at a time (of course, omitting the delimiter).
Transactions can span batches. TRY/CATCH blocks cannot. CREATE/ALTER statements must be the only statement in a batch (comments are not statements, and statements contained in a function procedure body are,well, contained).
Something similar to what you want to do can be achieved by starting a transaction and abortign the execution on first error (-b at sqlcmd.exe start, or use :on error exit in SSMS).
But doing DDL inside long transactions is not going to work. Specially if you plan to mix it with DML. Most corruptions I had to investigate come from this combination (Xact, DDL + DML, rollback). I strongly recommend against it.
The sole way to deploy schema updates safely is to take a backup, deploy, restore from backup if something goes wrong.
Note that what Dan recommends (dynamic SQL) works because sp_executesql starts a new, inner, batch. This batch will satisfy the CREATE/ALTER restrictions.
Note that GO is not a SQL keyword. It is a client-side batch separator used by SQL Server Management Studio and other client tools.
GO has no effect on transaction scope. BEGIN TRAN will start a transaction on the current connection. COMMIT and ROLLBACK will end the transaction. You can execute as many statements as you want in-between. GO will execute the statements separately.
As specified by MSDN:
A TRY…CATCH construct cannot span multiple batches.
So BEGIN TRY, END TRY, BEGIN CATCH, and END CATCH cannot be separated into separate batches by a GO separator. They must appear in the same query.
If you do try to include a batch separator in a TRY/CATCH statement like the invalid SQL below:
begin try
end try
begin catch
end catch
This will execute 3 different queries that return syntax errors:
1) begin try
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 'begin'.
2) end try begin catch
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'try'.
3) end catch
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 6
Incorrect syntax near 'catch'.
GO is a nice keyword to use. The GO will complete the last code block and continue on to the next block. Yes you can use multiple GOs in a statement to break it up into multiple batches. But it would be better to use try/catch logic with a combination of GOs since you are doing transaction based logic. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175976.aspx this site gives you some examples on how to use it and if you run into a hitch you can output that error and continue on if you choose.

How to use transactions in multiple SQL procedures?

I would like to start a transaction through a sql procedure, run other 2 procedure, and then run the first procedure with command: 'commit'.
Do you believe that this could be possible? I tried but received an error.
Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 0, current count = 1.
This happens because SQL Server does not really support nested transactions.
If you commit or rollback in a nested stored proc (not transaction), then you'll generate error 266 because of a ##TRANCOUNT mismatch on start and entry.
You should pair up your BEGIN TRAN and COMMITs in the same SPROC.
If there is no concept of nested transaction then you need to do rollback/commit in same sproc. You can use SET XACT_ABORT ON suppresses error 266 caused by mismatched ##TRANCOUNT.
not sure about nested transactions in sql server
but you can try this one
Begin Try
Begin Transaction1
Call Proc1
Call Proc2
Call Proc3
End Transaction

Confusion with the GO statement, uncommitted transactions and alter procedure

I would like to get to the bottom of this because it's confusing me. Can anyone explain when I should use the GO statement in my scripts?
As I understand it the GO statement is not part of the T-SQL language, instead it is used to send a batch of statements to SQL server for processing.
When I run the following script in Query Analyser it appears to run fine. Then I close the window and it displays a warning:
"There are uncommitted transactions. Do you wish to commit these transactions before closing the window?"
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pvd_sp_job_xxx]
#jobNum varchar(255)
UPDATE tbl_ho_job SET delete='Y' WHERE job = #job;
However if I add a GO at the end of the ALTER statement it is OK (as below). How come?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pvd_sp_xxx]
#jobNum varchar(255)
UPDATE tbl_ho_job SET delete='Y' WHERE job = #job;
I thought about removing all of the GO's but then it complains that the alter procedure statement must be the first statement inside a query batch? Is this just a requirement that I must adhere to?
It seems odd because if I BEGIN TRANSACTION and GO....that statement is sent to the server for processing and I begin a transaction.
Next comes the ALTER procedure, a COMMIT TRANSACTION and a GO (thus sending those statements to the server for processing with a commit to complete the transaction started earlier), how come it complains when I close the window still? Surely I have satisfied that the alter procedure statement is the first in the batch. How come it complains about are uncommitted transactions.
Any help will be most appreciated!
In your first script, COMMIT is part of the stored procedure...
The BEGIN and END in the stored proc do not define the scope (start+finish of the stored proc body): the batch does, which is the next GO (or end of script)
So, changing spacing and adding comments
--start of batch. This comment is part of the stored proc too
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pvd_sp_job_xxx]
#jobNum varchar(255)
BEGIN --not needed
UPDATE tbl_ho_job SET delete='Y' WHERE job = #job;
END --not needed
--still in the stored proc
GO--end of batch and stored procedure
To check, run
Although this is a old post, the question is still in my mind after I compiled one of my procedure successfully without any begin transaction,commit transaction or GO. And the procedure can be called and produce the expected result as well.
I am working with SQL Server 2012. Does it make some change
I know this is for an answer. But words are too small to notice in comment section.

How does SQL Server treat statements inside stored procedures with respect to transactions?

Say I have a stored procedure consisting of several separate SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. There is no explicit BEGIN TRANS / COMMIT TRANS / ROLLBACK TRANS logic.
How will SQL Server handle this stored procedure transaction-wise? Will there be an implicit connection for each statement? Or will there be one transaction for the stored procedure?
Also, how could I have found this out on my own using T-SQL and / or SQL Server Management Studio?
There will only be one connection, it is what is used to run the procedure, no matter how many SQL commands within the stored procedure.
since you have no explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION in the stored procedure, each statement will run on its own with no ability to rollback any changes if there is any error.
However, if you before you call the stored procedure you issue a BEGIN TRANSACTION, then all statements are grouped within a transaction and can either be COMMITted or ROLLBACKed following stored procedure execution.
From within the stored procedure, you can determine if you are running within a transaction by checking the value of the system variable ##TRANCOUNT (Transact-SQL). A zero means there is no transaction, anything else shows how many nested level of transactions you are in. Depending on your sql server version you could use XACT_STATE (Transact-SQL) too.
If you do the following:
EXEC my_stored_procedure_with_5_statements_inside #Parma1
everything within the procedure is covered by the transaction, all 6 statements (the EXEC is a statement covered by the transaction, 1+5=6). If you do this:
EXEC my_stored_procedure_with_5_statements_inside #Parma1
EXEC my_stored_procedure_with_5_statements_inside #Parma1
everything within the two procedure calls are covered by the transaction, all 12 statements (the 2 EXECs are both statement covered by the transaction, 1+5+1+5=12).
You can find out on your own by creating a small stored procedure that does something simple, say insert a record into a test table. Then Begin Tran; run sp_test; rollback; Is the new record there? If so, then the SP ignores the outside transaction. If not, then the SP is just another statement executed inside the transaction (which I am pretty sure is the case).
You must understand that a transaction is a state of the session. The session can be in an explicit transaction state because there is at least one BEGIN TRANSACTION that have been executed in the session wherever the command "BEGIN TRANSACTION" has been throwed (before entering in a routine or inside the routine code). Otherwise, the state of the session is in an implicit transaction state. You can have multiple BEGIN TRANSACTION, but only the first one change the behavior of the session... The others only increase the ##TRANCOUNT global sesion variable.
Implicit transaction state means that all SQL orders (DDL, DML and DCL comands) wil have an invisble integrated transaction scope.