Breaking Down Native Memory Usage Within a JVM Process on SLES - jvm

I have a WebSphere Portal application running four instances on a single box and after about 7 days of runtime there is only 130-150mb of address space free in native memory (using PMAP). Somewhere in another 7-10 days the figure drops well below 100mb (which we deem dangerous and we start to recycle the JVM). If we don't do the recycle, the JVM will eventually crash with a SIGSEGV signal.
We've done some initial investigation into class counts and the size of JIT code. Class counts grow, but slowly from 50k onwards...about a couple hundred per day. JITC sizes get to about 210 MB after 7 days and grow about 1 MB per day after that so. In our previous experience we don't find these to be sinister values.
What we need to to be able to break down what is in the native heap, whether it is threads (all thread counts appear normal and we have fixed thread pools), String pools, constant pools, bytecode, or whatever else.
One lead we are trying now is reducing the reflection threshold to 0 (shutting off the bytecode accessors for reflectively created classes). This app uses a lot of pointcutting and a lot of reflection, so we're hoping there's a good chance this helps.
Any advice is welcome.

Might be a bit of back-and-forth, but have you GC logged and ensured it's not growing Java heap over time? Looked at your perm space? The SIGSEGV is an interesting one though, I'd expect a more JVM-ish crash for any in-Java mem issues.

After lengthy investigation, this ended up being a WebSphere bug: PK72252: CALLS TO CLASSLOADER.GETRESOURCEASSTREAM ARE SLOW. Fixed in


How to properly assign huge heap space for JVM

Im trying to work around an issue which has been bugging me for a while. In a nutshell: on which basis should one assign a max heap space for resource-hogging application and is there a downside for tit being too large?
I have an application used to visualize huge medical datas, which can eat up to several gigabytes of memory if several imaging volumes are opened size by side. Caching the data to be viewed is essential for fluent workflow. The software is supported with windows workstations and is started with a bootloader, which assigns the heap size and launches the main application. The actual memory needed by main application is directly proportional to the data being viewed and cannot be determined by the bootloader, because it would require reading the data, which would, ultimately, consume too much time.
So, to ensure that the JVM has enough memory during launch we set up xmx as large as we dare based, by current design, on the max physical memory of the workstation. However, is there any downside to this? I've read (from a post from 2008) that it is possible for native processes to hog up excess heap space, which can lead to memory errors during runtime. Should I maybe also sniff for free virtualmemory or paging file size prior to assigning heap space? How would you deal with this situation?
Oh, and this is my first post to these forums. Nice to meet you all and be gentle! :)
Thanks for all the answers. I'm not sure if I put my words right, but my problem rose from the fact that I have zero knowledge of the hardware this software will be run on but would, nevertheless, like to assign as much heap space for the software as possible.
I came to a solution of assigning a heap of 70% of physical memory IF there is sufficient amount of virtual memory available - less otherwise.
You can have heap sizes of around 28 GB with little impact on performance esp if you have large objects. (lots of small objects can impact GC pause times)
Heap sizes of 100 GB are possible but have down sides, mostly because they can have high pause times. If you use Azul Zing, it can handle much larger heap sizes significantly more gracefully.
The main limitation is the size of your memory. If you heap exceeds that, your application and your computer will run very slower/be unusable.
A standard way around these issues with mapping software (which has to be able to map the whole world for example) is it break your images into tiles. This way you only display the image which is one the screen (or portions which are on the screen) If you need to be able to zoom in and out you might need to store data at two to four levels of scale. Using this approach you can view a map of the whole world on your phone.
Best to not set JVM max memory to greater than 60-70% of workstation memory, in some cases even lower, for two main reasons. First, what the JVM consumes on the physical machine can be 20% or more greater than heap, due to GC mechanics. Second, the representation of a particular data entity in the JVM heap may not be the only physical copy of that entity in the machine's RAM, as the OS has caches and buffers and so forth around the various IO devices from which it grabs these objects.

JAVA GC - Top classes collected after minor GC

We have been monitoring an application of our laboratory these days. We found that minor GCs occur frequently and the total GC time is about 15 secs in 20 minutes.
Compared with the similar product of another company, we measured that the total GC time is about 8 secs.
We want to know which part of our code leads to the frequent allocation and reclaim of objects, so that we can optimize our code and try to catch up with others as much as we can.
We've tried to use jvisualvm to create heap dump and see the difference between two heap dump. However, the timing of creating heap dump is hard to handle and the creation is also very slow.
Is there any tool or method to know which classes are collected most during each minor GC?
Thank you!
java profilers such as jmc, jprofiler or yourkit provide allocation recording or class histogram diffing which should tell you which classes are frequently allocated. Some can even tell you the allocation sites.
Alternatively you could try tweaking the GC to collect the young generation less often (by making it larger or relaxing pause time goals) which might increase efficiency.
total GC time occupies a relatively large proportion of the running time
This is odd. It would normally trigger a GC overhead limit exceeded OOME, at least for the parallel collector, which is the default.

Java 8: Why does Metaspace size increase but number of loaded classes stay the same?

In our app running on Jdk 8 we use VisualVM to track the usage of loaded classes and the usage of the metaspace.
At some point in time while our app is running we see that the number of loaded classes don't increase any more but the metaspace still increases in it's size while our program is running. So what else apart from classes is stored in metaspace, that could cause that?
While your program is running, some parts of your code may be determined as "hot" by HotSpot's JIT compiler. This will cause those parts to be transformed/compiled to native code, and also some other code may be inlined into it. This native code representation has to go somewhere, and it goes into the same place as other class metadata - the Metaspace.
It explains continuous growth you're seeing: hot parts are determined over time using a simple metric of how much times did that piece of code got executed. Over time more and more code pieces will be JIT'ed as they'll hit threshold set by -XX:CompileThreshold (defaults to 10000)
i am not sure but hier ( i fund this
Garbage collection of the dead classes and classloaders is triggered once the class metadata usage reaches the “MaxMetaspaceSize”.
maybe is this the cause for increasing metaspace size.

is there a limit for running multiple 32 bit JVMs?

I am working on a remote server with 64G of ram, I am using a platform which is using 32bit JVM and what I have to do is to create multiple JVMs (around 500). what happens is that after creating 190 or so I get the OOM error from java which says unable to create new native thread. Each JVM occupies around 20M of RAM so 20*190 is around 4G.
So is there any limit on the memory used by all the JVMs together? BTW my process limit in Linux is around 10000 and the limit in /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max is 65000, and also I don't get this lack of resources with other processes. Another point, changing the heap size doesn't help either. Any thoughts?
Your problem is not related to heap size. It is related to the number of threads you are able to create.
When you run a JVM, you have a lot of threads that are created (and active). I can count at least 25 of them. For instance, there are threads for Timer tasks, compiler threads, Finalizer threads and of course GC threads.
Apart from SerialGC, every garbage collector creates a number of thread proportional to the number of cores you have, so it can have a huge impact on the number of threads per JVM.
Some things to do :
Increase your process limit
Set a maximum number of threads (-XX:ConcGCThreads=N, -XX:ParallelGCThreads=N)
Do some thread dumps to check the number of threads in a JVM and deduce the right number for your platform
More JVM options :
Hope that helps !

Memoryusage drops after a week

I have this app written in VB.Net with winforms that shows some stats and pictures on a bigscreen monitor. I also monitor the memory usage of sad app by using this.
I know windows does not always report the correct usage but I just wanted to know if I didn't have any little memory leaks which I had but are solved now. But the first week the memory usage was around 100MB and the second week the memory usage showed around 50MB.
So why did it all of a sudden drop while still running the exact same code?
I can hardly imagine that the garbage collector kicked in this late since the app refreshes every 10 seconds and it has ample time in between those periods to do it's thing.
Or perhaps there is just better way to get memory usage for a process that is more reliable.
Process.WrokingSet64 doesn't report the memory usage, it omits the memory that is swapped to disk:
The value returned by this property represents the current size of working set memory used by the process. The working set of a process is the set of memory pages currently visible to the process in physical RAM memory. These pages are resident and available for an application to use without triggering a page fault. (MSDN)
Even if your system was never low on free memory, you may have minimized the application window, which caused Windows to trim its working set.
If you want to look for memory leaks you should probably use Process.PrivateMemorySize64 instead. Your shared memory is going to contain just executable code and it's going to remain more or less constant throughout the life of the process, so you should focus on the private memory.