declaring integer array in objective c without NSArray.n - objective-c

(Question updated after first comment)
int max_size = 20;
int h[max_size];
Debugging gives a value of [-1] for h when using max_size to initialize;
If instead I initialize using an integer. So the code is:int h[20] , it works fine.
This was with GCC 4.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.

I just compiled and ran the following program incorporating your code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main() {
int max_size = 20;
int h[max_size];
h[0] = 5;
NSLog(#"It is %d", h[0]);
return 0;
It worked fine. The problem is something besides simply declaring an array.
This was with GCC 4.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.4.

If I recall correctly, some compilers need to know the size of stack-allocated arrays explicitly at compile-time. This (possibly) being the case, you could make your max_size variable const or an #define macro (or an integer literal, as you've done.) Alternatively, you could dynamically allocate the array and then the size could be any-old variable
int *array = calloc(max_size, sizeof(int));


How to return a C-style array of integers in Objective-C?

How to return a C-style array of integers from an Objective-C method? This is what my code looks like so far:
Function call:
maze = [amaze getMaze];
-(int*) getMaze{
return maze;
I just started writing in Objective-C today so this is all new to me.
In C if you need to return an array from a function, you need to allocate memory for it using malloc and then return the pointer pointing to the newly allocated memory.
Once you're done working with this memory you need to free it.
Something like:
#include <stdlib.h> /* need this include at top for malloc and free */
int* foo(int size)
int* out = malloc(sizeof(int) * size); /* need to get the size of the int type and multiply it
* by the number of integers we would like to return */
return out; /* returning pointer to the function calling foo().
* Don't forget to free the memory allocated with malloc */
int main()
... /* some code here */
int* int_ptr = foo(25); /* int_ptr now points to the memory allocated in foo */
... /* some more code */
free(int_ptr); /* we're done with this, let's free it */
return 0;
This is as C style as it gets :) There are probably other (arguably more suitable) ways to do this in Objective C. However, as Objective C is considered a strict superset of C, this would also work.
If I may further expand on the need to do this by pointers. C-style arrays allocated in a function are considered local, once the function is out of scope they are automatically cleaned up.
As pointed out by another poster, returning a standard array (e.g. int arr[10];) from a function is a bad idea as by the time the array is returned it no longer exists.
In C we get around this problem by allocating memory dynamically using malloc and having a pointer that points to that memory returned.
However unless you free this memory adequately, you may introduce a memory leak or some other nasty behavior (e.g. free-ing a malloc-ed pointer twice will produce unwanted results).
Given you explicitly ask about C-style arrays no suggestions here that you should use NSArray etc.
You cannot return a C-style array directly (see below) as a value in Objective-C (or C or C++), you can return a reference to such an array.
Types such as int, double and struct x can all be passed by value - that is the actual bits representing the value are passed around. Other things; such as C-style arrays, dynamically allocated memory, Objective-C style objects, etc.; are all passed by reference - that is a reference to a location in memory that contains the actual bits the represent the value is passed around.
So to return a C-style array from a function/method you can:
Dynamically (malloc et al) an array and return the reference to the allocated memory;
Pass in a reference to an already existing array and have the function fill it up; or
Wrap the array up as a struct...
The normal choices are (1) or (2) - note you cannot return a reference to a stack allocated array, as in:
int *thisIsInvalid()
int myValues[5];
return myValues; // will not work, the type is correct but once function
// returns myValues no longer exists.
If you really want to return a (small) array by value you can actually do it using (3). Remember that struct values are passed by value. So the following will work:
typedef struct
int array[5];
} fiveInts;
fiveInts thisIsValid()
fiveInts myValues;
myValues.array[3] = ...; // etc.
return myValues;
(Note that there is no overhead from wrapping the array inside a struct when it comes to reading/writing the array - the cost in the above is copying all the values back - hence only advised for small arrays!)
- (NSArray *)toArray:(int *)maze {
NSMutableArray *retVal = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int c = 0; maze[c] != NULL; c++) {
[retVal addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:maze[c]]];
return [retVal array];
I've never been comfortable passing mutable data in and out of methods and not sure why. If you need to change the values later, send the array a mutableCopy message.
you can do it in this way
- (void)getArray:(int *)array withLength:(NSUInteger)length{
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = i;
int array[3];
[object getArray:array withLength:3];
NSLog(#"%d %d %d", array[0], array[1], array[2]); // 1 2 3

pointer to int conversion compiler trouble?

So I'm using Xcode to write a few tiny Objective-C apps and I have the line of code:
int * foo;
foo = 5;
NSLog(#"does it work... %i", foo);
Now it compiles and runs just fine, but I was wondering, why does it give me the warning, "Incompatible integer to pointer assigning..."? I thought the code above tells it to set whatever foo is pointing to to 5, not to set the pointer itself to 5. Can anyone help me out with this?
This piece of code works by accident: the int pointer happens to have sufficient space to hold an integer value, and NSLog reinterprets the pointer as an integer, but the program is still incorrect.
A pointer to int should be assigned an address of an integer variable, like this:
int *foo;
int var;
foo = &var;
Now you can assign the variable through the pointer:
*foo = 5;
You can also read the value through the pointer or through the variable:
NSLog(#"%d %d", *foo, var);

How to check if a variable is an object?

Is there any way to do the following at compile-time?
int anInteger = 0;
__if_object(anInteger) {
// send object some messages
__if_primitive(anInteger) {
// do something else
An dummy situation where this could be used is to define the __add_macro below.
#define __add_macro(var, val) __something_goes_here__
int i = 1;
MyInteger* num = [[MyNumber alloc] initWithValue:1]
__add_macro(i, 4);
__add_macro(num, 4);
// both should now hold 5
I guess there is no way to do this with one macro. But I still need it to warn if the macro is being used on the wrong datatype. Those two types are: object and non-object).
To check if it is an object, this works:
#define __warn_if_not_object(var) if(0){[(var) class];}
What I need:
#define _warn_if_object(var) if(0){__something_here__}
Again, I need this to happen at compile-time. And it can either throw an error or warning.
When you declare an int variable you can really only put an int value in it.
While this is Objective-C, and hence C, so you can bypass just about every type protection mechanism that exists, this is not to be advised. Indeed there is no guarantee whatsoever that a, say, NSNumber reference will even fit into an int variable - and more than enough chance that if you try, and bypass any warnings, some bits will just get tossed making the reference invalid.
So, no, while you can tell what class an object reference refers to, you cannot in general tell whether a variable has an integer value or an object reference in it - you shouldn't even try to put these two very different things into the same variable.
Answer 2
Patrick, your comments and clarification seem to suggest you are not trying to do what the question starts out by asking (how do you determine if the value in an int is an object - answered above, you don't), but something rather different...
I think what you're after is function overloading, and as you seem to be trying to use macros, maybe inline functions as well. Clang supports function overloading, here is program fragment which may show you how to solve your problem:
// Clang likes prototypes so let's give it some
// The following declares two overloaded inline functions:
NS_INLINE void __attribute__((overloadable)) byType(int x);
NS_INLINE void __attribute__((overloadable)) byType(NSNumber *x);
// now some simple definitions:
NS_INLINE void __attribute__((overloadable)) byType(int x)
NSLog(#"int version called: %d", x);
NS_INLINE void __attribute__((overloadable)) byType(NSNumber *x)
NSLog(#"NSNumber version called: %#", x);
// now call them, automatically selecting the right function
// based on the argument type
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
int x = 5;
NSNumber *y = [NSNumber numberWithInt:42];
The above code when run outputs:
int version called: 5
NSNumber version called: 42
Clang 3 compiles the above code inlining the two calls, so you get the same code as using macros.
please don't mix between scalar values and pointers to objects... it will not end well.
if you insist you can do something with Objective-C++
something like
int sum(int,int);
NSNumber * sum(NSNumber *, NSNumber *);

Dynamic allocating an array (dynamic size of the vector implementation)

In the obj-c, we can create vector objects as follows:
SomeClass* example[100];
int count[7000];
But what if we know the size of the vector only at the time init the class?
(Maybe we need example[756] or count[15])
First of all, those aren't vector objects, they're compile-time arrays. One of the features of compile time arrays is automatic memory management; that is, you don't have to worry about allocation and deallocation of these arrays.
If you want to create an array whose size you don't know until runtime, you'll need to use new[] and delete[]:
int size = somenumber;
int* arr = new int[size];
// use arr
arr[0] = 4;
// print the first value of arr which is 4
cout << arr[0];
The catch is that after you're done with this array, you have to deallocate it:
delete[] arr;
If you forget to deallocate something created by new with a corresponding delete1, you'll create a memory leak.
You are probably better off using std::vector though because it manages memory for you automatically:
// include the header
#include <vector>
using namespace std; // so we don't have std:: everywhere
vector<int> vec; // create a vector for ints
vec.push_back(4); // add some data
// vec now holds 4, 5, and 6
cout << vec[0]; // print the first element of vec which is 4
// we can add as many elements to vec as we want without having to use any
// deallocation functions on it like delete[] or anything
// when vec goes out of scope, it will clean up after itself and you won't have any leaks
1 Make sure you use delete on pointers that you created with new and delete[] on pointers you make with new[x]. Do not mix and match them. Again, if you use std::vector, you don't have to worry about this.
Why not just use an std::vector
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> count;
std::vector<SomeClass*> example;
count.push_back(10); // add 10 to the array;
count.resize(20); // make count hold 20 objects
count[10] = 5; //set object at index of 10 to the value of 5
Then you do something like:
SomeClass **example = calloc(numClasses, sizeof(SomeClass *));
int *count = malloc(num_of_counts * sizeof(int));
Note that you should:
#include <stdlib.h>
C++ cannot make global/local arrays of a variable size, only dynamic arrays on the heap.
int main() {
int variable = 100;
SomeClass* example = new SomeClass[variable];
//do stuff
delete [] example; //DO NOT FORGET THIS. Better yet, use a std::vector
return 0;
I don't know anything about objective-C, but your question is probably only one or the other.

Objective-C error: initializer element is not constant

Why does the compiler give me the following error message on the provided code: "initializer element is not constant". The corresponding C/C++ code compiles perfectly under gcc.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
const float a = 1;
const float b = a + a; // <- error here
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// insert code here...
NSLog(#"Hello, World!");
[pool drain];
return 0;
That code will only compile correctly if the const float statements appear somewhere other than the file scope.
It is part of the standard, apparently. It is important that all file-scope declared variables are initialised with constant expressions, not expressions involving constant variables.
You are initialising the float 'b' with the value of another object. The value of any object, even if it is a const qualified, is not a constant expression in C.
#dreamlax is correct, you can't have a const declaration whose initialization depends upon another (const) variable. If you need one to depend on the other, I suggest creating a variable that you can treat as a constant and initialize it only once. See these SO questions for details:
Defining a constant in objective-c
Constants in Objective C
I don't have Xcode on my machine here so I can't try my example,
But can you try
#define A (1)
#define B (A + A)
const float a = A;
const float b = B;