Debugging WCF service hosted in IIS 6.0 using Visual Studio 2005 - wcf

I've created a WCF service selecting 'WCF Service' in installed web site templates in VS2005. I've added a ASP.Net client for the service in the SAME solution. I published the WCF service in IIS 6.0 and configured it to run in .Net Framework 2.0.
I did an IISAPP in command prompt and identified the PID of the w3wp.exe process of my service application in IIS. I attached the debugger in VS to that process and started a new instance of the client project.
But i'm not able to step in to the service and the breakpoint is not enabled at all showing 'No symbols have been loaded'.
Any insights on this? Can i debug a WCF service hosted in IIS 6.0 using VS 2005 where the service and client resides under SAME solution?
Thank you


WCF 4.5 Web service hosted on IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2012 gives an exception

I am getting a ProtocolException when using a WCF Service targeting .NET framework 4.5 on IIS7.5 on a Windows Server 2012 box.
The remote server returned an unexpected response: (405) Method Not Allowed.
Any pointers to the problem would help as it works okay in Development env.
I can browse to the service's svc file in the browser but when invoked from a website on the same box, it gives this error.

Installing Silverlight 4 in Windows server 2012, Ria service applications not working

I have the flowing setup
Windows server 2012 Standard
Ria services 1.0 sp1
Silverlight 4
I need to make this applications work but I tried about anything to make this setup work. Any one know What i need to install to make Ria services work in this environment.
Already tried to install ria service on the server and using the option SERVER=true
I just keep getting the 404 when trying to connect to the server on web-config. I tried to include the wcf tracing on the web-config but the trace doesn't register anything.
Anyone have a step by step installation guild from a just installed server to a server that cans run ria service application of silverlight 4?
already tried everything here WCF RIA Service deployment issue
You also need the HTTP Activation feature installed for your IIS.

Error Hosting WCF 3.5 Under IIS Express

I'm trying to run WCF Service based on 3.5 Framewor on Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2012 and IIS Express.
Service hosting fails with error "HTTP Error 404.17".
I'm trying with default Visual Studio WCF template setting framework 3.5.
Works fine if I select frameworks 4.0 or 4.5.
Is there a way to make 3.5 services works fine with IIS Express?
Http activation is enabled in Windows Features.
Tried install, re-install, remove and install Service Model via:
Framework64\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation> .\ServiceModelReg.exe -i
Still not working.

WCF Data Services (OData) deployment on IIS 5.1

I have developed a WCF Data service using VS 2010, I am able to run it and get the data as feed by running using VS 2010.
I published the service on IIS 5.1 but I m getting http: 404 error.
Can anyone help to deploy the service on IIS 5.1 step by step?
I found a bit on it here.

Visual Studio .NET has detected that ASP.NET applications and services are locked down in IIS

Getting this error when try to compile a .net 1.1 website:
Visual Studio .NET has detected that ASP.NET applications and services are locked down in IIS. You can run the IIS Security Lockdown Wizard to change lockdown status
How I "unlockdown" it in IIS6, where is this fabled IIS Lockdown wizard?
Found this answer, it's located on msdn here in short
Open IIS6
Click "Web Service Extensions"
Change ASP.NET v1.1.4322 from prohibited to allowed