Remove a workspace in Accurev - accurev

Is there any command which can let me remove a workspace from Accurev? I tried accurev rmws WorkspaceName, and it says its removed the workspace, but when I try recreating the workspace it gives me the message that the workspace already exists.
I'd appreciate any help.

It is not possible at all in AccuRev to remove a workspace/stream/snapshot name once it's been created.
Deleting a workspace is just marking it as deleted - for later revival if that should be necessary.
This is clearly stated in the docs (CLI.pdf):
The rmws command makes the specified workspace inactive. More precisely, it deactivates the workspace stream in the depot; [...] Note: after performing an rmws command, you cannot then create a new workspace with the same name. The name remains irrevocably associated with the inactive workspace.
You can change other parameters of the workspace though: You can give it a new name. You can move it to a new machine. You can move it to a new backing stream.

Since you're trying to create a new workspace with the same name....
At a higher level you want to think of a workspace as mapping the current backing configuration to the current location on disk. With this in mind, you'll likely find yourself removing workspaces less. For example, I have a single 'mainline_dev' named workspace that gets moved around to many active project streams over the course of the month. Once I'm done on a given activity (say for the week), I'll promote my work (assign to my story/task/bugfix), and then reparent/move my workspace to the next stream to work. Upon 'update', my local disk fully mirror's the new stream location (hierarchy).
Thus, if you more generically name your workspace, you'll find a pattern of reusing them rather than removing and recreating.


Accurev: Restore workspace to older version

I'm a brand new to Accurev and I'm having many troubles with it. One of the developers I'm working with has promoted bad code (things are now broken that weren't before) for 2 months on a stream, and I'm wanting to get a copy of the original code before any changes were made to it.
I currently have a workspace, and whenever the other developer creates code, I pull his changes into this workspace attempting to fix the bugs. These changes are promoted to an existing issue within Accurev.
Is there any way I can perhaps create a second workspace and obtain a copy of the original code (before any changes were made)? My target date is March 14th.
I would suggest you revert or demote the bad code that was promoted into the stream (Depending on what version of AccuRev you are using). This would put the stream back into the state it was before the promotion occurred.
Below are some suggested readings on the related topics.
Best way to "un-promote" files in Accurev?
As an alternative, you could create a time-based stream below the one with the bad code. Set a time basis that predates the bad promote.
To do this, I right-clicked the stream >> New Snapshot.
I select "Specified" and enter the date (with a relative time).
From the Snapshot, I created a New Workspace which was then populated with previous code.
Hope this helps!

Who can check in and deliver to the stream in a repo workspace? Only the owner?

In the RTC only owner of the Repository work space can check in the code ?
Other members can only take updates by changing the flow target.
Can I provide access for more than one user in a repository work space (Multiple owners) to deliver the code.
If i create a scoped work space , other members can only view the changes and take updates from it. Is it correct?
In the RTC only owner of the Repository work space can check in the code ?
Yes, the idea is for an owner to not have the surprise, when coming in the morning, to discover his/her own repo workspace with new checkins or having done new deliver without his/her knowledge.
Can I provide access for more than one user in a repository work space (Multiple owners) to deliver the code.
Not to deliver: you need to accept change set from that repo workspace, and publish said change sets from your very own repo workspace (that I recommend to be a scoped one, not a private one)
If i create a scoped work space , other members can only view the changes and take updates from it. Is it correct.
Yes, but the natural flow is to deliver to the stream, or to accept change set from the stream (only one source).
You change that flow target to a colleague repo workspace only if you need it (ie, not every morning, but in the rare occurrence when that colleague has committed some interesting change set but has not deliver them to the stream yet).
The rest of the time, you sync your own (scoped) repo workspace only from the Stream.

Move file in one AccuRev workspace that has been edited in another workspace

We have a need to refactor a code base. The thing is that this will be done by one person and it would be desirable to avoid having the rest of the development team sitting idle while this job takes place.
We therefore tried the following scenario to see if it is possible to work in parallel.
Created file test.txt in directory first in developer A's workspace.
Promoted this file.
Updated developer B's workspace, thereby getting file test.txt
In A's workspace moved file test.txt to directory second.
Promoted this move.
In B's workspace edited file test.txt while it still resides in directory first (no update is made thereby emulating that work is done while refactoring is taking place).
Tried to promote and got a message saying that file test.txt had been modified (correct, file has been moved).
Tried to merge but got an error message saying that AccuRev can't merge since the file is missing in directory second (where it has been moved).
Tried to update B's workspace but that is not allowed since there is a modified file that needs to be merged first.
We are now stuck in a catch 22 situation.
We did try to place a fake file in directory second but that is not being recognized since this file does not belong to the workspace.
Has anyone out there tried something like this and gotten it to work?
It is of course possible to copy files but if there is a better way we would be grateful to hear about this. Or if this is a known bug or limitation in the tool.
We will contact also contact AccuRev support but I thought that I might be able to get some useful tips from the community.
Currently we are using AccuRev client 5.5.0.
Thanks for any suggestions on how to make the tool support this operation.
Referring to your steps 6 & 7: In AccuRev 5.5 after a file is edited and has a (modified) status you first have to keep before you can promote.
At step 8 you could try doing the merge from the Browse Versions view of the file. That way you can select any node to merge with, including the one that has been moved.
Step 9. An AccuRev update will not run successfully if one of the files to be updated is (modified). This is by design. You can keep the file so it has (kept)(member) status then run the update.
David Howland
After contact with AccuRev support the answer is that the only option available is to copy the file to some temp directory, revert the changes, update the workspace and copy the file into the new location in the workspace.
AccuRev will at least tell you which files you have to copy since they will be marked as modified.
I could experimentally verify David's remark to step 9 using AccuRev 5.5.
Let's assume that in the workspace of user A the file was moved and the move was promoted, while in the workspace of user B the file was modified and user B is about to promote his/her change.
Before the file is kept, it will not be possible for user B neither to merge nor to update. But after keeping the modified file the update is possible. The file is first marked as overlap, then the merge succeeds in the new location. Basically, this avoids creating a copy of the file, reverting it and restoring it in the new location after an update, which can be quite cumbersome, as AccuRev does not reveal easily where the move goes.
If user B promotes the modification before user A promotes the move, all goes smoothly, i.e. on update the moved file appears as overlap, but easily merges into the moved file in the new location.
Similar results are obtained when the two users have workspaces connected to different streams and the overlap occurs on a common parent stream. Only if the file is unkept, an error can occur (i.e. only if the move is promoted before the change). Then a simple keep allows to proceed as usual (update, merge, then promote).

Script to find absolute path / Location of Analysis Services Database?

Whenever I restore an AS Database, the DB files are created in a new folder by name DBName_[1-n] wherethe number is incremented by 1 after every restore. I am currently looking for a script to copy the files[or this ASDBName_[n]] dynamically to another server.
Is there a way to find the file path of the ASDatabase through DMVs/ AMO or any other manner?
The numbering is used by AS to handle transactions: Each write operation creates a new copy with a new number, while the old version can still be used for read access. If, finally, the write operation - be it a restore or a processing or a structural change - succeeds, AS switches all users to the new version, and can then delete the old version in the background. If anything goes wrong during the write operation, the new version can just be deleted by AS without affecting anybody using the previous version. This can happen on database level, and as well at sub-object level (if you e. g. process only a dimension, or add a measure to a measure group).
This also means that in order to be sure you copy the database, you have to detach it - which makes sure that it is in a consistent state, and not a half written rest stays around. Then you could copy it to a new server, and attach it there. And, as long as the database is detached, there should be only one version, so you could just take the one and only folder of name "DBName.<n>.db".
I do not think there is a documented possibility to find the exact name. At least, Microsoft does not document one at They just state "Use any operating system mechanism or your standard method for moving files to move the database folder to the new location."

AccuRev: Some files from the backing stream aren't in my workspace and aren't Missing

3 files present in the backing stream in AccuRev aren't in my workspace after Updating it.
Some things I've tried:
Checked the Missing search. They don't show, with or without timestamp optimization.
Recursively populated the parent of the directories where the missing files are(n't). Got nothing.
Manually copied them from another workspace under the same stream, where they do show. Those copies appeared as External in my workspace, so I deleted them.
As per this question, did accurev show -fx wspaces. Target_trans for that workspace is the same as Trans.
Ran accurev update -9 anyway. AccuRev says everything's up to date, nothing to do.
Other possibly-relevant info:
Two coworkers with workspaces off that same backing stream have the files I'm missing.
All 3 "missing" files are in one of 2 directories that were renamed fairly recently.
The stream hierarchy is shallow, only one parent between the backing stream and the root. However, that parent stream wasn't always there. It was recently inserted, and all changes from our prior release change paletted into it, so the issues list for the backing stream would reflect only changes since the prior release, not since the beginning of time. It has had that effect, with no other anomalies I'm aware of.
I could abandon this workspace and create a new one, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. Any further suggestions would be appreciated.
Could they be excluded?
Check your include/exclude rules.
If they are not, create a new workspace. If they appear in the new workspace, just remove the old one. I have seen this issue before in the past.