flex 4 swfloader: SWFLoader.content.stage.width and height returns the main stage width and height - swfloader

When I load a flash application using SWFLoader, the Stage width and height of the loaded application becomes the stage of the main flex application. so if i created a game that uses stage width and height to calculate where to draw, it actually draws outside of the bounds of the loaded application stage because it gets the width and height of the entire screen. how can i resolve this issue?

This is a common mistake, Use stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight.


Unity Prevent game objects from resizing when resolution changes

I have a rectangle sprite that animates when a score is reached. Starts offscreen and then move onscreen before moving off-screen again. Works fine. Problem is when I change the resolution for different devices the sprite resizes and doesn't display as intended. The text fields inside the rectangle move outside on some of the resolutions. How can i keep the sprite at the original size regardless of resolution. I have tried Preserve Aspect, Set Native Size, moving anchors but it still resizes. I also tried using a panel.Any Ideas?

React Native Image resizeMode: difference between 'center' and 'contain'?

If you specify dimensions in the style prop of an <Image> component in React Native, adding resizeMode={'contain'} causes the image to preserve its aspect ration and fit entirely in the box whose dimensions you've specified in style. It will also center the image horizontally and vertically within that box.
However, as far as I can tell, center does the same thing as contain. What's the difference?
The difference is how the image fits in the Image container.
Center: the image will be centered in the image container according to the size of the container. It will have uniform space on left, right and top, bottom sides because the image is centered.
Contain: the image is fitted inside the image container keeping the aspect ratio of the image. This means the image will touch the container walls from either width or height or both depending on which side is larger or smaller.
Container is the Image component itself.
In order to see the differences in action, give background color to the Image component.
See the expo slack to better understand it: https://snack.expo.io/#saadqbal/resizemode
From the official document it says:
Center the image in the view along both dimensions. If the
image is larger than the view, scale it down uniformly so that it is
contained in the view.
Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be
equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus
To get the clear idea about it I would suggest a small trick.
Take a view of 50*50 and put image inside it. Now take rectangle(with more height) and square image. See the difference.
When you use contain it satisfies the following condition
Scale Image Width ≤ Image View Dimension Width
Scale Image Height ≤ Image View Dimension Height
When you use center if image is smaller than the view it will have empty spaces in both x and y directions depending on the image size.
If it is larger then ( unless if you specified the scale ) by default it scales down to contain in it ( this is the situation where it appears to be acting similar to contain )
If the image is larger than the view, scale it down uniformly so that it is contained in the view. Documetation
Check this explanation Understanding “resizeMode” in React Native by Mehran Khan

Titanium: How to determine the screen width when using SplitView?

I'm used to using Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth all over my app to get the width of the window.
But with SplitView on the iPad Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth still returns the total screen size of the iPad (as it probably should).
How can I determine the actual available screen width for the app while using SplitView?
I don't mean SplitWindow BTW. This is in regards to SplitView where you can line up two different apps next to each other on the iPad
Thank you!
you can get the width your uiElement using postLayout event
var uiWidth;
myElement.addEventListener('postlayout', postlayout);
function postlayout(e){
uiWidth = e.source.rect.height;
myElement.removeEventListener('postlayout', postlayout);
An easy way to determine how wide a certain view is, is to use toImage() on the UI element, and then get the size.
So... when you do
You should get the width of the window. Which should be the width allocated to your app.

Set Size for Images from Remote URL relative to parent in react native

Within my react native app I have a simple ScrollView with containers which should stretch horizontally to 100% width. Each of these containers should display an image. I receive the image for each container from a web API (but I could send the actual image as byte64 string too if it makes any difference).
Now the problem I have is that the Image component needs me to set the height and width style attributes in order to display the image. I understand the reasoning for that, since the actual dimensions of the image are only available at runtime and it would cause the UI to behave strange when the images are loaded.
However I would like to set the width of the image to 100% of the parent container, eventhough that means that the the containers height will change when each image are loaded.
Any advice on how to solve this issue?
Not sure if I'm completely understanding the scenario you're describing, so this idea may not work. But if you know the width of the container, you can use that to scale the image's height based on the ratio of the container's width to the image's original width.
I've actually answered a recent question about this by providing a component I coded up for a similar purpose:
Auto scale image height with React Native
Hope this helps.
You can do something like
with this the image will stretch in the whole container irrespective of the size of the image

Appcelerator Studio - Don't stretch Image

I have a 405x720 image that it is to cover the background image. I've noticed that it stretches the image if the device's screen is smaller than the image. (I'm using a Galaxy S4 to test my apps).
Here's what I have so far:
var fullView = Ti.UI.createImageView({
layout: 'vertical',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
image: '/images/background.png'
I've heard about the clipping technique, however that is only available for iOS and I'd like to have it for both platforms. Is there a way to do this? Or should I try to resize it appropriately? Tips/Suggestions are appreciated!
You should use proper images according to the aspect ratio of screen you are going to run your app on.
You can do this by calculating the width-height ratio of device and then you can decide which image to show on.
But putting a single resolution image directly to cover up the whole screen
is never going to work.
To resize an image, you can use Ti.Blob class' methods after fetching your image using Ti.Filesystem
Also remember that putting an image on whole background takes lot of memory especially in Android. That's why most of the apps do not use complete image to cover up background, rather they use small images wherever necessary and fills up other areas by colors or gradients as required.
But if your requirement is only to use image in background then unload it as soon as you move to different screen and load it again as you are back on it.
Further points to keep note of:
If you set bg image on a View, then it will be fit to cover the dimension of a View. So, if you have a view of width/height to 100%, then image will be fit into it. It means that image size will depend on View's dimension, not the View dimension will depend on image size.
If you set image on ImageView, and suppose you have:
ImageView width = FILL to screen size of 720, then the image height will be automatically decided to keep the aspect ratio. It means that if you have an image of size width=720 and height=400, then the ImageView will be of width=FILL & height=400
Image of size width=1000 and height=800 & ImageView height = 400, then the ImageView will be of width=500 & height=400
The problem is that you're actually telling the image control to load the image on an object that is stretched to the entire width and height of the screen - and when the screen aspect ratio is different than the one you have cropped your image by then you get bad aspect ratio and image looks screwed up.
If you remove either the width or the height, than the aspect ratio of the image will be loaded.
When I want a background image what I found the best way is to make a square image, and then set my ImageView height to Ti.UI.FILL and my width to Ti.UI.SIZE - That way it shows good aspect ratio and side that dont "fit" the screen (width or height) are not shown.