WiX service installer and custom install events - wix

I have an existing (C# based) windows service that is derived from the Installer class and I currently use the MS supplied, command line InstallUtil to install it and uninstall it. This works fine and as part of my system I have attached event handlers to the AfterUninstallEventHandler and CommittedEventHandler events. In my case I simply use them to log messages to a custom event log - showing the install and uninstall dates and times and program versions.
At the moment I am experimenting with Wix v3.5 Beta 1 to package up a bunch of my stuff including this service and I am using the Wix ServiceInstall and ServiceControl to replace what I manually did with InstallUtil.
However it seems that Wix uses a totally different mechanism to InstallUtil for installing services. This is seen in the name and description of the service being controlled by Wix (as opposed to what was embedded in the service program) and that my events no longer fire (which, if a different install mechanism is being used I doubt that they would).
So is it possible for Wix to perform a service installation in the same manner as InstallUtil or am I just going to put up with the differences?
Christopher has suggested factoring out the service related definitions from my code and moving them into the Wix installer project. This makes me uneasy as now I either have to find a way to share information between two separate systems (which I have no idea how to share between the code and Wix projects) or put up with defining the information in two separate locations (very bad software practice).

From a windows installer perspective, InstallUtil is an evil antipattern because it injects fragile out of process code into a declarative programming model. The Windows Installer has long had the ServiceInstall and ServiceControl tables and this works really well. The same applies to Regasm and Regserver. We prefer to extract the COM data and author it into the installer and have MSI take care of applying the registry value rather then loading assemblies and calling entry points in the hope that it works. When it fails, you have no idea why and you can't roll the state of the machine back.
What kind of stuff are you doing in your events? I would either eliminate and/or refactor each of them into something MSI can do for you. If it's still not enough, write a DTF custom action and schedule it between InstallServices and StartServices.


What to put into a Windows Installer MSI directly vs. a wrapper/boostrapper?

I'm currently triaging migrating an existing non-MSI setup to a Windows Installer based solution. The current solution is written in InnoSetup and I very much like it, however, customer IT departments start to require MSI, and where they do so, it is often the case, that many/some of the prerequisites and scripts we include in our setup.exe are not needed for their automated tasks (but, then, some are).
Therefore it seems a pure MSI wrapper doesn't make too much sense here, so I'm looking at (multiple?) MSI files plus a boostrapper.
Prior knowledge
I'm good an InnoSetup, but I'm just starting to read into the Windows Installer technology.
As far as I can tell, for any multistep / "complicated" setup requirements including prerequisites and stuff, using just a bare MSI file is a no-go. (As evidenced by the existence of all the different boostrappers, including the one bundled with WiX, Burn)
Therefore, I would need to split our existing monolithic setup into several steps, some of which (mostly those that install our files) bundled into MSI databases and some of the steps just "scripted" in the bootstrapper.
And here is where I really could use some prior experience regarding setup packages: What parts of a (chained) setup go into the MSI package(s) and what part goes into the bootstrapper?
Should all the (normally visible) UI reside in the bootstrapper or do you put some of it into the MSI files?
How "dumb" should each MSI file ultimately be? That is, if using a bootstrapper and multiple MSI files anyway, should any individual MSI file contain any optional parts, or should all the options be factored out into separate MSI files (that just check for the existence of their respective prerequisites, but contain no logic to install them)?
Basically, the application (suite) needs to support a click-through average user scenario where the setup handles everything and for corporate clients needs to be able to be split up into MSI files that only contain our stuff minus dependencies like the .NET runtime, SQL Server, ... that'll be handled by the client's corporate IT and our software MSIs will be deployed by the client IT automagically.
So, should all the glue and dependency scripting go into the bootstrapper and only use very simple MSI files? Or should some "logic" go into (some) MSI files?
Short-ish answer:
When there are multiple MSI files it is normal for the UI to be handled by the Burn bootstrapper because you do want to see combined progress, not all the separate MSI UIs. You also should set up appropriate rollbacks of more than one MSI in the event of a failure of one if you are really packaging several MSIs as a product, so if one fails they all need backing out.
The bootstrapper contains detection logic that determines what needs installing, and can install prerequisites like SQL, NET etc, but must not otherwise change the system.
The MSI files contain all the files, service installation, COM registration and so on that is appropriate for the files being installed. Any custom action code you use that alters the system must be in the execute sequence, deferred, and have a corresponding rollback CA to undo whatever it does. The MSI should be capable of being run independently to install its content - I've found that to be a useful guideline. The MSI files will be installed without their UI, so ensure that they can be installed silently with parameters passed as property values on the command line, including install location.
Hard to answer this in brief. Do use Burn or a similar bootstrapper, and leave runtimes with their own deployment solution as a separate file to run - and run in silent mode by default.
For home users you should install everything without too many questions to avoid confusion.
For corporate deployment you should deploy only what is needed and make it clear what each included deployment file is for:
Write a one page PDF with deployment instructions describing what every file does and what runtime it relates to. Call it "DEPLOYMENT README.TXT" or similar. This is the best way to get your application approved for corporate deployment. It can be tiresome to analyze this.
Application packagers in the corporate environment will analyze the prerequisites and determine if your application will work well with their standard framework packages. These standard packages will be set as a prerequisite in the distribution system.
Document in particular what .NET framework version is needed and other runtime requirements in detail.
Don't install windows hotfixes, msiexec engine updates or .NET framework runtimes automatically. Document them as prerequisites in your text file. These runtimes are tightly controlled in corporate settings and they are deployed by customized corporate packages.
You can include merge modules of simple runtimes in your MSI, they can be easily removed by the application packaging team in the corporate setting.
This answer didn't get terribly good, but I am out of time. Perhaps check this answer as well:
MSI Reference Counting: Two products install the same MSIs

WiX: Reasonable way to "fix" original version uninstall issue with new version installer

I created a WiX-based installer back in the WiX 3.5 days. The documentation then was even worse than it is now. To make matters worse, it was my first installer—so I didn't do everything right.
Some background: the installer installed two applications and a driver (each of these were a separate feature consisting of one or more components). One of the applications in question is a vendor-proprietary device configuration application written in VB6. Since it's a VB6 application, it uses the libraries comctl32.ocx and tabctl32.ocx.
The crux of the problem is that I didn't see these two libraries in the %windir%\System32 folder on Windows Vista (and/or Windows XP? I don't remember, it's been years since I first wrote this installer). So I thought I needed to install these two libraries along with all of their requisite COM registry entries. (I ended up installing the COM libraries in my application's folder—as you would for a private assembly, but registered them globally in HKLM.) As much as I read about things when creating the first installer, I never once came across the fact that, as of Windows XP, COM components could be installed side-by-side. (And even so, why didn't I use the MSI tables Clsid, ProgId, etc.—which granted, today, is frowned upon, but it would at least have been more correct than what I did? But I digress; what's done is done in MSI land.) Anyway, when creating the original installer, I used the following WiX markup for creating the COM registry values:
<RegistryValue ... Action="write" />
I also should mention that at the time, I had not come across any sort of 'Component Rules 101' kind of documentation as I have this time around. So, this MSI does not follow the component rules. The MSI contained one component for each COM library and its associated registry values with the COM library being the KeyPath of its component.
The question is, if the registry keys/values existed prior to my original MSI running and installing the first version of my product, will uninstallation cause these keys/values to be removed from the system? (I assume these keys/values were created during Windows setup—so are they already reference counted?) I don't want to possibly break other applications on a users' system that relies on those libraries.
If the answer to the above is yes, then my current plan to rectify the situation is:
Author a new MSI as a <MajorUpgrade />—afterall, I am performing an upgrade.
Provide the COM registry entries that were in the original installer for the comctl32.ocx and tabctl32.ocx COM libraries—I'm guessing that I would need to do this with a CA (or multiple CA's) so that they don't get removed again on the next upgrade. I see one of two ways of accomplishing this:
Directly create the registry entries taking care to ensure the values match those of a fresh windows installation (appropriate to the version of OS on which the installer is executing)
Dynamically add the registry entries to be created to the MSI Registry table (which if I understand correctly, isn't tracked by windows installer in terms of uninstallation?)
If previously existing registry keys overwritten by MSI are removed on uninstallation, then:
Is my proposed solution acceptable?
Which of the two options for replacing the removed registry entries is best?
If neither of those two options are acceptable, does anyone have any other suggestions on how I might rectify the situation so as not to break other applications that (may) rely on the libraries in question?
It was a long read but I think this is what you are looking for:
To quote the beer commercials.... I don't always install files in the SystemFolder but when I do, I make them permanent.
First, thanks to Christopher Painter above for responding to my question; though, it's not really an answer in the sense that I'm looking for—fixing an existing installer that's "out in the wild". Though, in his last comment about a minor upgrade, that might work for some people.
Next, thanks to Aaron Stebner who responded to my e-mail requesting guidance on this same issue. His advice is to author a MSI component which has no ID. By authoring such a component into a MSI, the component is not tracked by MSI; essentially, it becomes a permanent, uninstallable component. This might work in this situation, if it were completely necessary.
However, after doing some research, I believe that there isn't much risk to damaging a user's system by removing the registry entries I outlined above.
I loaded a fresh copy of Windows XP SP3 and Windows Vista SP1 into a virtual machine. Out of the box, neither of these versions of Windows have the COM components in question registered in anyway in the Windows registry. This makes sense, since from Windows XP onward, there has been registry-free COM registration. This also continues to be the case for Windows 8.1—again, this was expected.
The worst that could happen if these registry keys are uninstalled is that some other older piece of software on a machine that relied on such registry entries could end up broken (e.g. this software is from the late-90's to early 2000's era and used a non-MSI installer and/or installed the COM libraries globally—which they shouldn't have done in the first place—just like I shouldn't have done in the first place ;) ). At that point, the user can either re-register the COM libraries using regsvr32.exe or repair/reinstall the application in question. The likelihood of such applications existing are slim to none in this day and age.

Wix 3.6 bootstrapper to just launch msi

I am working with WIX 3.6, it has some great features to create managed bootstrapper application. I have managed to create a WPF ui for that. But, I dont want to create and handle all the events for the installer, our requirement is only to get an initial parameter like language selection from the user and proceed to the MSI. MSI already handles upgrade / uninstall and install checks.
Is it possible to just launch the MSI without specifying the install / uninstall action codes?
Unfortunately, not today. The interface provided today is very powerful and you can control just about everything. That also means that you need to control a lot to get the core scenarios working. As we progress in the WiX toolset, we'll build up additional abstraction layers so that a custom BA is easier to write. The Burn functionality is still rather new and just needs time to have more code contributed.
If you want to look on the bright side, be glad that you'll be able to accomplish just about any required UI task because the interface provided is so expressive. :)

Windows Service - Creating an installer Visual studio 2012 How?

I'm developing a Windows service in VS2012 and the setup/deployment part has been removed. So I'm not able to create a setup project. I would like to hear what you guys could recommend for a good easy to use the installer. I need to take some inputs, only strings, under the installation of the service. I've been looking at WiX but that seems a bit complex, and I only got 1 or 2 days to make this installer.
So what installer should I use other than Wix?
I've had really bad experiences with InstallShield LE (the one that comes with Visual Studio 2012), especially for Windows Services. The features that you need to install a service (custom actions, etc), don't come with the light version.
What I'm planning to do for the current Windows service I'm working on is to build it with Topshelf, which (amongst other things) means installing your service is as simple as running MyServiceApp.exe install. I'm sure even InstallShield will let you run your app once it's installed, and then your app/Topshelf can install the service component.
If InstallShield doesn't work for you, I've had good results before with NSIS. Simple, powerful, free, decent documentation. It looks a bit clunky.
Here is a list of setup tools which can get you started:
If you don't have a lot of time for creating the installer, I recommend using a commercial tool like Advanced Installer or InstallShield. You need a license, but they are focused on usability (do more in less time).
You can do it with InstallShield LE... You can add custom actions "After Register Product" for install and for "After System Changes". These custom actions can run an EXE on the machine.
Make sure you run the command line tools "in system context"
After Register Product run the version of InstallUtil to your version of .NET
command=InstallUtil.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\XXX\YYY\ZZZ.exe"
replacing XXX YYY and ZZZ to match your install
After System Changes to delete your service name run
sc delete "servicename"
Note you need support for the custom actions within your own service executable (you needed this in earlier VS too).
You can find more information about SC here:
To add an installer for a service, you just need to right-click on the designer for the service and click "Add Installer".
Here's the walkthrough:

Bootstrapper: Check if msi version is installed before running

I'm trying to find a solution for the following issue:
I have numerous programs (lets call them slaves) that all rely on a single program (master). I need to distribute an installer for each slave. This installer needs to install the master.
I want to be able to version both pieces, so multiple msi's appear to be the right solution, chained with a bootstrapper.
My problem is if a slave installer installs the same version of the master that is already installed, the .msi will run in repair/remove mode.
This is unacceptable from a user standpoint and will just cause confusion.
Is there any way to check for a version of the currently installed fiels before trying to run the msi?
I am currently using WIX's setupbld.exe as a bootstrapper.
Any other solutions greatly appreciated (I have also tried merge modules with no success, since the versioning is useless)
Instead of using setupbld.exe (which I don't really know as I can't find any documentation) you can use msbuild's generatebootstrapper task. The wix documentation already covers how to use this task to generate a bootstrapper that installs the .NET framework. See How To: Install the .NET Framework Using a Bootstrapper. This makes use of the pre-defined bootstrapper packages.
However, in this case you will also have to author your own bootstrapper packages. One way to do this is to study the existing bootstrapper packages in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages\ (or the ones in the Windows SDK) and read the documentation of the Bootstrapper Manifest XML format. The bootstrapper generator tool might also be helpful.
To determine whether the package needs to be installed, you can use one of the InstallChecks to set a property, and then check the property value in a InstallCondition under the Commands element.
If you're thinking that this is all harder than it should be — I agree, but it's what I've used so far. There are some alternatives which I have not tried yet:
the poorly named dotNetInstaller
which is actually a general purpose
bootstrapper generator.
the wix 3.5 burn bootstrapper which is not yet released. I'm not sure if it is in a usable state yet.