codeSourcery G++ Lite Edition is a freeware? - g++

codeSourcery G++ Lite Edition is a freeware or Sharware? any help please? please
see the link ""

Neither of these - it's actually open source


Can I install cudnn for cuda version 11.2?

There is no install that says cudnn for cuda 11.2 so I was wondering if that was even possible.
cuDNN Release 8.1.0 has just been made available, in case you are still interested.
Yes, you can. Follow the installation instructions as per the guide here:, but ignore the version suggestion in the guide. Use any of the libcudnn versions as listed here that's compatible with CUDA v11.2:

How to get cmake to enable cuda when compiling yolo (darknet)?

I am currently using the cmake-gui to compile yolo darknet at However, it will not enable cuda and I am having a few other odd issues. These include when I run darknet.exe from the Release folder after building it using VS2017, it states that it cannot find pthreadVC2.dll or opencv_world410.dll.
To fix the other issues, I copied the exe and those files and put them all in the root folder of the project. This seems to work but I am not sure why it wouldn't work otherwise.
For cuda, I am not sure what to try. I have these system variables and path:
Here is my cmake-gui:
It can be seen that CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER is NOTFOUND. Which I am thinking is the problem, but I am not sure why it cannot be found. If I run nvcc -V in the command prompt, it returns:
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2018 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Sat_Aug_25_21:08:04_Central_Daylight_Time_2018
Cuda compilation tools, release 10.0, V10.0.130
Also here is the output for cmake configuration:
Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.17134.
OpenCV ARCH: x64
OpenCV RUNTIME: vc15
Found OpenCV 4.1.0 in C:/opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib
You might need to add C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin to your PATH to be able to run your applications.
ZED SDK not enabled, since it requires CUDA
Configuring done
If you have any tips for any of these problems, please let me know. Just an FYI, currently darknet does work and if I test it on dog.jpg, it successfully detects the classes. However, this is of course without Cuda or cudnn and I would like to use these eventually. Thank you! If you need anything else from me please let me know!
Unlike above said, i didn't reinstall CUDA, i just copy 4 files from
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\extras\visual_studio_integration\MSBuildExtensions
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations
The answer was given by #Andropogon: CUDA has to be reinstalled after Visual Studio.
This is what we found when I dug into it a bit with my colleague:
Similar to OP, all compilation steps seemed to run without error and generate an executable.
Taking a closer look at cmake, under CMAKE/CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER it said NOT FOUND, despite nvcc.exe being on the Path. (nvcc --version runs fine in Powershell.) We manually entered the location of nvcc.exe to this option, and now configure comes up with a more helpful error message: No CUDA toolset found. with reference to line numbers in various cmake files. Among those lines was this message, which seems to confirm that Visual Studio (VS) is part of the problem,
message(FATAL_ERROR "No CUDA toolset found.")
So after reinstalling CUDA the compilation looked more like I would expect - but I still get an executable which doesn't appear to do anything (no output on the command line, no prediction.jpg generated). Anyway, hopefully that can shed a bit of light on the CUDA/VS/cmake issue.
I had the same problem, I tried many ways to make GPU available for transe, and finally cmake started to see CUDA when I reinstalled VS2019 (from disk D to disk C) and reinstalled CUDA in version v.10.1. After this, cmake began to find CUDA, and after compiling the project in VS2019, everything start to work correctly.
Important thing to install Visual Studio firstly and later CUDA.

Install Mono in red hat 5

I have been looking in the mono-project website the dependencies to install mono and the sources but I haven't found anything.
Does anyone know how to install mono udner a red hat linux 5 32-bit environment? Maybe the sources are deprecated.
Thank you in advance.
I have found how to do it. All the mono repository is in:
And then you follow this guideline:
Install Mono and Monodevelop on CentOS 5.x/6.x

How do I download, install, and configure VTK 5.0.4 for OSX Maverick 10.9.4?

My University course will be using VTK 5.0.4 for Data Visualization. The Professor did not provide any guide on how to install VTK on OSX. Prof says to check the website , but I don't see any versions for 5.0.4.
Is it possible to install this version of VTK on Mac Maverick operating system? The textbook to be used is .
The Prof hinted that the VTK maintainer Kitware probably does not have any VTK binary installation file for OSX Maverick and I may need to install VTK starting from the source code. How do I do this?
I seriously doubt 5.0.4 will build on Mavericks. I'd suggest using the latest version instead. You can also use homebrew to install the latest VTK.
Probably this helps you to go on

Which compiler (Sun Studio or gcc ) to choose while porting from Solaris Sparc to Linux x86

We have decide to port our application that currently runs on solaris sparc to linux x86 system. Which compiler, Sun Studio or GNU gcc would be more beneficial to use on linux? Which one would produce at a good level of optimized binaries?
Any help or directions would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Now, Sun Studio is owned by Oracle, and there is lots of incertitude about where it's going next. Many people would advise GCC, which is the de facto standard compiler on Linux, and has a much bigger user community.