kdevelop 4.0 : No project Templates - ide

I have just installed kdevelop 4.0 on my Ubuntu machine and found that there are very few project templates (all are Qt related). I am not a qt developer and the previous versions of kdevelop had a lot of project templates. I am not sure how to get general C and C++ GTK templates.
A Screenshot from a older version of kdevelop: http://www.euclideanspace.com/software/language/cpp/kdevelop/kd2.gif

If you are using ubuntu, try installing the kapptemplate package. It doesn't contain as many templates as kdevelop 3 but many more than the predefined.

just execute this command and you will have some new templates
sudo apt-get install kapptemplate

At this time there are no general C or C++ GTK templates in KDevelop 4.


mod_auth_openidc build steps on windows 64bit

I am trying to compile mod_auth_openidc module on windows 7 64bit os
I got source code from
Source Code from github
I tried to build this module using visual studio 2015 but it was throwing an error "You must use GNU compiler".
From last few days am trying to build this in windows but ...
Could you please help me to build this module in windows or if any one done this in windows can you please share build steps.
It would be best to download the binary that is compiled for Windows from the release page but if you insist you can follow the guidelines from: http://wgsnetman.blogspot.nl/2013/04/building-apache-244-from-unix-source.html with a lot of adaptations/workarounds...
The code for mod_auth_openidc was forked to this git repository https://github.com/dematic-spe/mod_auth_openidc.
The build steps as documented on that page are:
build.cmd - the output is in the tartet folder. The output is two zip files, one for x86 and one for x64.
There were a couple of minor edits to the code so that it would also compile for win32 as well. It used the microsoft vcpkg project which is great at compiling a lot of opensource code for windows. I tested it all with VC2019.

Installing wwWidgets for Qt 5

I recently installed Qt 5.0.2 with MinGW 4.7. Previously I used Qt 4.8 and I used wwWidgets, a useful widget pack for my projects from http://www.wysota.eu.org/wwwidgets/. When I installed this pack to Qt 5.0.2 it installs without errors but its plugins are not installed in the Qt Designer. If anyone successfully installed the package for Qt 5.0.2 please provide me with instructions on how to do it.
I guess you'll have to compile Qt5, QT Creator & Plugins, wwWidgets from source, using the same options for all of them. Qt designer silently flushes plugins that are not compiled in the same manner than designer itsself.

What is the minimum software I need to install in a windows machine in order to run a mono + gtk# application?

I have developed an application with mono and I would like to know what are the minimum libraries that need to be available in a windows machine, in order to run this app.
I've heard .net will suffice, no need to install the mono package for windows. Is this true? which .net version do I have to install?
BTW, my application uses GTK# as well.
Thanks in advance.
MonoDevelop is built on GTK#, its minimal requirements on Windows are,
.NET Framework 4
GTK# runtime
as stated in http://monodevelop.com/Download
Therefore, your application should require the same.
You need the installer present in the mono project download pages for Gtk#. Take a look at this question.
Technically, you would need also mono, but since this is for Windows, it will include the .NET installed. Unless it is a really old version of Windows.
Hope this helps.

how to enable Mono.Simd

I'd like to use Simd in Mono, but the following code is highlighted as error in MonDevop
using Mono.Simd
I already installed the "Mono 2.8 for Windows", what else I need to install to enable Mono.Simd?
In this link
It talk about the tarbal, but after download it an uncompress it (mono-Mono.Simd.Math-942e804), there are many cs file and no dll file.
Did you add the Mono.Simd.dll to the build? MonoDevelop correctly highlights the error because in the assemblies you're using there isn't any Mono.Simd namespace.
Mono.Simd.dll is included in recent Mono releases.
As for the other answer, Mono.Simd works on any operating system on x86 and amd64, not only on Linux.
Mono.Simd only works when you run your programs on Mono runtime, on a supported operating system. If I'm not mistaken, it's currenly restricted to 32 & 64 bit Linux. Even if you manage to compile it on Windows, you won't get any speed benefit from it.
MonoDevelop for Windows runs on the .Net runtime, while the Mono.Simd.dll that comes with Mono 2.8 is installed in Mono's GAC.
You will need to Add Reference in your project to the Mono.Simd.dll that came with Mono 2.8.
It should be roughly in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono-2.8\lib\mono\2.0\Mono.Simd.dll.

How to compile Mono with vb.net support

I've downloaded latest source from mono project, compiled it and everything works (c# projects, mod_mono, xsp) except vb.net. Vbnc, mono's vb.net compiler does not exist after compiling mono from source.
This is on CentOS 5, on Ubuntu 10.04 I installed mono packages via apt-get and vb.net just works.
What am I missing, or how to get vb.net support?
Mono's VB.Net support is in a separate module.
Either download the 'mono-basic' tarball:
or get it directly from SVN:
or you can simply copy over what you need from a working system, like vbnc.exe and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.
All information about VB.NET on Mono is available at http://www.mono-project.com/Language_BASIC
Precompiled VB.NET assemblies can just be run with Mono.
The Mono VB.NET compiler is called vbnc.
If you need further help, can you please specify what exactly doesn't work? Does the compiler executable not exist, will VB.NET programs not run, or are you referring to MonoDevelop support?
(If the latter, make sure you have the latest MonoDevelop...)