SQL Server Dynamic SQL - sql-server-2005

I am executing Dynamic SQL,
sqlQuery = " SELECT ";
sqlQuery += _Allowed + " , ";
sqlQuery += " + cast( ";
sqlQuery += " _ID as nvarchar ) ";
sqlQuery += " FROM ";
sqlQuery += " TBL_SUCCESS ";
when i execute it suppose to return common separated values like 2,4,5 in single column
instead it return values in separate column
my MyDataTable suppose to populate
but it populates
column1 column2 column3
2 4 5
How to get the output?

Need to see the value of _Allowed to know what else is happening, but you need to at least put quotes around the comma and concatenate it inside the SQL statement, like this:
sqlQuery += _Allowed + " + ' , ' ";


Do you know how to fix this UPDATE issue?

When this code runs, I get an UPDATE writing error. Does anybody know what the problem is, and how to fix it?
This is the code:
string sql2 = "UPDATE ezuser";
sql2 += " SET fname = '" + Request.Form["fname"]+ "'";
sql2 += " , lname = '" + Request.Form["lname"] + "'";
sql2 += " , fav = '" + Request.Form["fav"] + "'";
sql2 += " , pw = '" + Request.Form["pw"] + "'";
sql2 += " , order = '" + Request.Form["order"] + "'";
sql2 += " WHERE email = '" + Request.Form["email"] + "'";
MyAdoHelper.DoQuery(fileName, sql2);
Eventhough the question doesnt tell me much about the datatypes of columns, the only thing I could suspect here is the order column, which might be of integer datatype and you might be passing string to that.
Additional note: your code looks very much vulnerable to sql injections. Please take a look into that as well.
At least in SQL Server, order is a reserved keyword and needs to properly quoted if used literally as a column name. Like so:
sql2 += " , [order] = '" + Request.Form["order"] + "'";
As sabhari already mentioned, you need to learn about SQL Injection and how to properly guard against that. Research parametrized statements for the programming language you are using.

Talend - Read a SQL from .txt and pass variables to it

I need to read an Excel file and excecute a different SQL Query (Oracle) for each row of the Excel, depending on the value that a column ("tipo") of the table has. Also, I need to pass variables to the SQL query that comes from others columns of the same excel.
I have accomplished this with a tjava, creating a string that generates de query.. somthing like this (simplified):
String var1 = input_row.var1;
String var2 = input_row.var2;
String sql_query = ""
if (tipo.toString().equals(String.valueOf("Option1"))) {
query_ev = "select " + var1 + " as variable1, " + var2 + " as var 2 from dual";}
if (tipo.toString().equals(String.valueOf("Option2"))) {
query_ev = "select " + var1+ " from dual";}
context.sql = sql_query;
Nevertheless, my "problem" is that my queries are long, and this method only allows me to put them in the tjava whithout line breaks, so its very difficult to edit them since they remain a "one-row-query" in the tjava.
Is there a way to accomplish the same but having the queries formatted ?
for example, for Option1 having this
select " + var1 + " as variable1, " + var2 + " as var 2
from dual
I appreciate any clue.
Try this:
query_ev = "select "
" + var1 + " as variable1, " + var2 + " as var 2 "+
from dual";
I am without Java right now to verify but I think this approach could help formatting. Just check that you have enough spaces - don't do this
"as var 2"+"from dual"
which would result in SQL like
"as var 2from dual"

Sql query added to title?

In c# Windows Forms:
I'm having trouble adding a sql query result as text to a ToolStripMenuItem.Text.
The ToolStripMenuItem title should be, the company + how many orders there are in the sql table for this company which should update every x secounds.
Every 5 seconds it adds the query result to the text. My problem is that is "adds" it.
After the first 5 seconds it looks OK "rexton 1" but 5 seconds after it shows "rexton 1 1" and so on...
Here is my code:
//Rexton ordre klar til bestilling
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(#"Data Source=" + globalvariables.hosttxt + "," + globalvariables.porttxt + "\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ha;Persist Security Info=false; UID='" + globalvariables.user + "' ; PWD='" + globalvariables.psw + "'");
SqlCommand command = con.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) from bestillinger WHERE firma = #rexton and udlevering BETWEEN #date and #dateadd";
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bernafon", "Bernafon");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#gn_resound", "GN Resound");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#oticon", "Oticon");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#phonak", "Phonak");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#rexton", "Rexton");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#siemens", "Siemens");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#widex", "Widex");
string result = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
if (result != "0")
rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text = rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text + " " + result;
rextonToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF1919");
it is because you are setting rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text to rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text + " " + result which is appending to previous text
either set text to blank and set it again or just say
rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text = "rexton " + result

Pass a SQL condition as a OleDb parameter

I have following code:
Dim executedCmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand = m_dbMgr.GetCommand()
executedCmd.CommandText = "select * from [Parameters] where "
Dim SQLcondition As String = String.Empty
For i As Integer = 0 To ParameterName.Count - 1
executedCmd.CommandText += "ParameterName = #parametername" + i.ToString() + " and ParameterValue #ParamaterCondition" + i.ToString() + " #ParameterValue" + i.ToString()
executedCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parametername" + i.ToString(), ParameterName(i))
executedCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ParameterValue" + i.ToString(), ParameterValue(i))
executedCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ParamaterCondition" + i.ToString(), Condition(i))
ParameterName, ParameterValue, ParameterCondition all are same length ArrayList, but the code does not work properly. I have verified all the variables have values.
When I run the code it reports a syntax error: "missing operations in query expression"
The problem is that ParameterCondition has values like ('>', '<', '=',.... some logical SQL operators).
Edit: How can I include conditions in parameters?
Add 1 = 1 after where to simplify building logical expression. Notice that all conditions added by AND logical operator. You can generate parameter name from columns name.
executedCmd.CommandText = "select * from [Parameters] where 1 = 1"
executedCmd.CommandText += " AND " + ParameterName(i) + " " + Condition(i) + " #" + ParameterName(i)
executedCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#" + ParameterName(i), ParameterValue(i))
ParameterCondition must all be binary operators.
The database engine would check the syntax of the SQL statement before it replaces the parameters with values. So somethinhg like "WHERE #p1 #p2 #p3" will not be parsed correctly.
Replace your condition with a string-expression e.g.
commandtext = parameterName + condition + " #p1"

how to perform full text search using sqlite fts3

I have compiled the fts3 module for sqlite3.6.2. How to build the virtual table and perform search on some field of existent tables (like content:string in tweets)? Does ft3 support fuzzy search? (I checked the documentation but still remained horribly confused...).
You can do something as simple as this to search on 2 fields. You have to use unions.
string createSql = "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE TweetFts USING FTS3(TweetId, Title, Description)";
string insertSql = "INSERT INTO TweetFts (TweetId, Title, Description)
SELECT TweetId, Title, Description FROM Tweet";
string sql = #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Title match '" + allWords + "'";
sql += " union ";
sql += #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Description match '" + allWords + "'";
sql += " union ";
sql += #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Title match '""" + exactMatch + #"""'";
sql += " union ";
sql += #"select TweetId from TweetFts where Description match '""" + exactMatch + #"""'";
Run this query and you have a list of Tweet that match.
I don't see anything fuzzy other than the prefix search using *.
There is a soundex function.