SQL: break up one row into many (normalization) - sql

I am in middle of upgrading from a poorly designed legacy database to a new database. In the old database there is tableA with fields Id and Commodities. Id is the primary key and contains an int and Commodities contains a comma delimited list.
id | commodities
1135 | fish,eggs,meat
1127 | flour,oil
In the new database, I want tableB to be in the form id, commodity where each commodity is a single item from the comma delimited list in tableA.
id | commodity
1135 | fish
1135 | eggs
1135 | meat
1127 | flour
1127 | oil
I have a function, functionA, that when given an id, a list, and a delimiter, returns a table with an id and item field. How can I use this function to turn the two fields from tableA into tableB?
(Note: I had trouble figuring out what to title this question. Please feel free to edit the title to make it more accurately reflect the question!)
Here is the function code:
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.functionA
#id int,
#List VARCHAR(6000),
#Delim varchar(5)
#ParsedList TABLE
id int,
item VARCHAR(6000)
DECLARE #item VARCHAR(6000), #Pos INT
SET #List = LTRIM(RTRIM(#List))+ #Delim
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX(#Delim, #List, 1)
WHILE #Pos > 0
SET #item = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(#List, #Pos - 1)))
IF #item <> ''
INSERT INTO #ParsedList (id, item)
VALUES (#id, CAST(#item AS VARCHAR(6000)))
SET #List = RIGHT(#List, LEN(#List) - #Pos)
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX(#Delim, #List, 1)

Here's the link I posted as a comment:

You need a way to split and process the string in TSQL, there are many ways to do this. This article covers the PROs and CONs of just about every method:
Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2000 and Earlier
You need to create a split function. This is how a split function can be used:
FROM YourTable y
INNER JOIN dbo.yourSplitFunction(#Parameter) s ON y.ID=s.Value
[I prefer the number table approach to split a string in TSQL](Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2000 and Earlier) but there are numerous ways to split strings in SQL Server, see the previous link, which explains the PROs and CONs of each.
For the Numbers Table method to work, you need to do this one time table setup, which will create a table Numbers that contains rows from 1 to 10,000:
SELECT TOP 10000 IDENTITY(int,1,1) AS Number
INTO Numbers
FROM sys.objects s1
CROSS JOIN sys.objects s2
Once the Numbers table is set up, create this split function:
CREATE FUNCTION inline_split_me (#SplitOn char(1),#param varchar(7998)) RETURNS TABLE AS
RETURN(SELECT substring(#SplitOn + #param + ',', Number + 1,
charindex(#SplitOn, #SplitOn + #param + #SplitOn, Number + 1) - Number - 1)
AS Value
FROM Numbers
WHERE Number <= len(#SplitOn + #param + #SplitOn) - 1
AND substring(#SplitOn + #param + #SplitOn, Number, 1) = #SplitOn)
You can now easily split a CSV string into a table and join on it:
select * from dbo.inline_split_me(';','1;22;333;4444;;') where LEN(Value)>0
(4 row(s) affected)
to make you new table use this:
--set up tables:
create table TableA (id int, commodities varchar(8000))
INSERT TableA VALUES (1135,'fish,eggs,meat')
INSERT TableA VALUES (1127,'flour,oil')
Create table TableB (id int, commodities varchar(8000))
--populate TableB
(id, commodities)
FROM TableA a
CROSS APPLY dbo.inline_split_me(',',a.commodities) c
--show tableB contents:
select * from TableB
id commodities
----------- -------------
1135 fish
1135 eggs
1135 meat
1127 flour
1127 oil
(5 row(s) affected)
EDIT after Conrad Frix comment about SQL Server 2000 not supporting CROSS APPLY
this will do the same:
(id, commodities)
a.id,NullIf(SubString(',' + a.commodities + ',' , number , CharIndex(',' , ',' + a.commodities + ',' , number) - number) , '')
FROM TableA a
INNER JOIN Numbers n ON 1=1
WHERE SubString(',' + a.commodities + ',' , number - 1, 1) = ','
AND CharIndex(',' , ',' + a.commodities + ',' , number) - number > 0
AND number <= Len(',' + a.commodities + ',')
and is based on the code from the link in the answer by #Rup. It basically removes the function call and does the split in the main query (using a similar Numbers table split), so no need for a CROSS APPLY.

You write a SQL batch that loops through table A and inserts into table b the results of your function call.

Call me lazy, but I'd pull the combined rows out of the database, split them, then reinsert the split rows. This kind of thing seems kind of unnatural for SQL...

SSIS has a pretty handy Unpivot transform if that's available to you.

create table Project (ProjectId int, Description varchar(50));
insert into Project values (1, 'Chase tail, change directions');
insert into Project values (2, 'ping-pong ball in clothes dryer');
create table ProjectResource (ProjectId int, ResourceId int, Name varchar(15));
insert into ProjectResource values (1, 1, 'Adam');
insert into ProjectResource values (1, 2, 'Kerry');
insert into ProjectResource values (1, 3, 'Tom');
insert into ProjectResource values (2, 4, 'David');
insert into ProjectResource values (2, 5, 'Jeff');
-- a bit of SQL magic involving XML and voila
(SELECT Name + ' ' AS [text()]
FROM ProjectResource pr
WHERE pr.ProjectId = p.ProjectId
FOR XML PATH ('')) AS ResourceList
FROM Project p
The output of this will be :
ProjectId Description ResourceList
1 Chase tail, change directions Adam Kerry Tom
2 ping-pong ball in clothes dryer David Jeff


Using data within an extracted text string for an inner join

Newbie so please be easy on me.
I have a select statement which returns a text string
select [column name]from [table] where [column name] like '%dog%'
simple enough, returns a result much like below
random text dog '123' more random text
random text dog '345' more random text
random text dog '723' more random text ...
I am looking to extract the 123, 345, 723 part of the text string which I can kind of do through using
Declare #Text Varchar(100);
Set #Text = 'random text dog ''123'' more random text';
Select Left(Substring(#Text, Patindex('%''%', #Text) + 1, Len(#Text) - Patindex('%''%', #Text))
,Patindex('%''%', Substring(#Text, Patindex('%''%', #Text) + 1, Len(#Text) - Patindex('%''%', #Text)))- 1) 'Lookup Index'
I am then wanting to use the result as part of inner join to another table to return a result along the lines of
Lookup Index Colour
123 Blue
345 Green
723 Orange
I just cant seem to tie it all together so any help much appreciated.
Thanking you all in advance.
Here's an option for you.
Load the parsed data into a temp table, then join that back to your lookup table. I would be easier and would probably perform better.
Have a look at this. There's an example with some test data all using temp tables. You'd obviously need to adjust for your specific tables and requirements:
--This will be our table that has the data you want to parse
TextColumn nvarchar(1000)
--lookup table for colours
LookUpIndex INT
,Colour NVARCHAR(100)
--Use a temp table to load the parsed data from #TestData
CREATE TABLE #TestDataParse (
LookUpIndex INT
,TextColumn NVARCHAR(1000)
--Load our test data
INSERT INTO [#TestData] ([TextColumn])
VALUES('random text dog ''123'' more random text')
,('random text dog ''345'' more random text')
,('random text dog ''723'' more random text')
--populate our lookup table
, [Colour]
VALUES(123, 'Blue')
,(345, 'Green')
,(723 , 'Orange')
--Now parse the LookUp number out and load that to our temp table
INSERT INTO [#TestDataParse] (
, [TextColumn]
Left(Substring(TextColumn, Patindex('%''%', TextColumn) + 1, Len(TextColumn) - Patindex('%''%', TextColumn))
,Patindex('%''%', Substring(TextColumn, Patindex('%''%', TextColumn) + 1, Len(TextColumn) - Patindex('%''%', TextColumn)))- 1) AS LookUpIndex
FROM [#TestData]
--Now we can join that back to the lookup table
FROM [#TestDataParse] [a]
INNER JOIN [#LookUp] [b]
ON [b].[LookUpIndex] = [a].[LookUpIndex];
--Example done
--Drop our #temp tables
DROP TABLE [#TestData]
DROP TABLE [#TestDataParse]
or you could skip loading into a temp table and use a sub query to simplify the join back to your lookup table, something like:
Left(Substring(TextColumn, Patindex('%''%', TextColumn) + 1, Len(TextColumn) - Patindex('%''%', TextColumn))
,Patindex('%''%', Substring(TextColumn, Patindex('%''%', TextColumn) + 1, Len(TextColumn) - Patindex('%''%', TextColumn)))- 1) AS LookUpIndex
FROM [#TestData] a
) AS tb
INNER JOIN [#LookUp] b ON [b].[LookUpIndex] = [tb].[LookUpIndex]
I'd test each one and see which performs the best for you.
This is a pain but you can do:
select t.col, left(v.dogv, charindex('''', v.dogv) - 1)
from (values ('random text dog ''123'' more random text')) t(col) cross apply
(values (stuff(col, 1, charindex('dog', col) + 4, ''))
) v(dogv)
where col like '%dog%';

Split string and display below other column data using SQL Server [duplicate]

I have a table that looks like this:
ProductId, Color
"1", "red, blue, green"
"2", null
"3", "purple, green"
And I want to expand it to this:
ProductId, Color
1, red
1, blue
1, green
2, null
3, purple
3, green
Whats the easiest way to accomplish this? Is it possible without a loop in a proc?
Take a look at this function. I've done similar tricks to split and transpose data in Oracle. Loop over the data inserting the decoded values into a temp table. The convent thing is that MS will let you do this on the fly, while Oracle requires an explicit temp table.
MS SQL Split Function
Better Split Function
Edit by author:
This worked great. Final code looked like this (after creating the split function):
select pv.productid, colortable.items as color
from product p
cross apply split(p.color, ',') as colortable
based on your tables:
create table test_table
ProductId int
,Color varchar(100)
insert into test_table values (1, 'red, blue, green')
insert into test_table values (2, null)
insert into test_table values (3, 'purple, green')
create a new table like this:
Number int not null primary key
that has rows containing values 1 to 8000 or so.
this will return what you want:
here is a much better query, slightly modified from the great answer from #Christopher Klein:
I added the "LTRIM()" so the spaces in the color list, would be handled properly: "red, blue, green". His solution requires no spaces "red,blue,green". Also, I prefer to use my own Number table and not use master.dbo.spt_values, this allows the removal of one derived table too.
ProductId, LEFT(PartialColor, CHARINDEX(',', PartialColor + ',')-1) as SplitColor
t.ProductId, LTRIM(SUBSTRING(t.Color, n.Number, 200)) AS PartialColor
FROM test_table t
LEFT OUTER JOIN Numbers n ON n.Number<=LEN(t.Color) AND SUBSTRING(',' + t.Color, n.Number, 1) = ','
) t
ProductId, Color --,number
WHEN LEN(List2)>0 THEN LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(List2, number+1, CHARINDEX(',', List2, number+1)-number - 1)))
END AS Color
SELECT ProductId,',' + Color + ',' AS List2
FROM test_table
) AS dt
LEFT OUTER JOIN Numbers n ON (n.Number < LEN(dt.List2)) OR (n.Number=1 AND dt.List2 IS NULL)
WHERE SUBSTRING(List2, number, 1) = ',' OR List2 IS NULL
) dt2
ORDER BY ProductId, Number, Color
here is my result set:
ProductId Color
----------- --------------
1 red
1 blue
1 green
3 purple
3 green
(6 row(s) affected)
which is the same order you want...
You can try this out, doesnt require any additional functions:
declare #t table (col1 varchar(10), col2 varchar(200))
insert #t
select '1', 'red,blue,green'
union all select '2', NULL
union all select '3', 'green,purple'
select col1, left(d, charindex(',', d + ',')-1) as e from (
select *, substring(col2, number, 200) as d from #t col1 left join
(select distinct number from master.dbo.spt_values where number between 1 and 200) col2
on substring(',' + col2, number, 1) = ',') t
I arrived this question 10 years after the post.
SQL server 2016 added STRING_SPLIT function.
By using that, this can be written as below.
declare #product table
ProductId int,
Color varchar(max)
insert into #product values (1, 'red, blue, green');
insert into #product values (2, null);
insert into #product values (3, 'purple, green');
p.ProductId as ProductId,
ltrim(split_table.value) as Color
from #product p
outer apply string_split(p.Color, ',') as split_table;
Fix your database if at all possible. Comma delimited lists in database cells indicate a flawed schema 99% of the time or more.
I would create a CLR table-defined function for this:
The reason for this is that CLR code is going to be much better at parsing apart the strings (computational work) and can pass that information back as a set, which is what SQL Server is really good at (set management).
The CLR function would return a series of records based on the parsed values (and the input id value).
You would then use a CROSS APPLY on each element in your table.
Just convert your columns into xml and query it. Here's an example.
a.value('.', 'varchar(42)') c
from (select cast('<r><a>' + replace(#CSV, ',', '</a><a>') + '</a></r>' as xml) x) t1
cross apply x.nodes('//r/a') t2(a)
Why not use dynamic SQL for this purpose, something like this(adapt to your needs):
SET #dynSQL = 'insert into DestinationTable(field) values'
select #dynSQL = #dynSQL + '('+ REPLACE(Color,',',''',''') + '),' from Table
SET #dynSql = LEFT(#dynSql,LEN(#dynSql) -1) -- delete the last comma
exec #dynSql
One advantage is that you can use it on any SQL Server version

SQL separating address into mutiple columns using spaces

I have over 7 million rows, otherwise I would use Excel.
My address column has a varying number of words. Some are as short as '123 bay street', while others can be as long as '1234 west spring hill drive apt 123'.
My goal is to put each word into its own column. I was able to get the first word, using the query below. But I can't create a query efficient enough to do the rest.
update X
set X.Address_number = Y.[address]
WHEN SUBSTRING(phy_addr1, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', phy_addr1)) = ''
THEN phy_addr1 + ' '
ELSE SUBSTRING(phy_addr1, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', phy_addr1))
END 'address'
[RD_GeoCode].[dbo].[PA_Stg_excel]) as Y
inner join
[RD_GeoCode].[dbo].[rg_ApplicationData_AllForms_20160401_address] as X on X.unique_id = Y.unique_id
X.Address_number is null
you need to have a Numbers table and one of the split strings mentioned here.once you have that ,then its simple..
-----String splitter function
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitStrings_Numbers
#Delimiter NVARCHAR(255)
SELECT Item = SUBSTRING(#List, Number,
CHARINDEX(#Delimiter, #List + #Delimiter, Number) - Number)
FROM dbo.Numbers
WHERE Number <= CONVERT(INT, LEN(#List))
AND SUBSTRING(#Delimiter + #List, Number, LEN(#Delimiter)) = #Delimiter
you can use the above function like below..
from yourtable t
cross apply
dbo.SplitStrings_Numbers(t.address,' ') b
instead of updating values into same table,i suggest create some other table which has links to above table.This requires some schema modification to your existing table
create table addressreferences
addresss varchar(300),
delimitedvalue varchar(100)
insert into addressreferences
from yourtable t
cross apply
dbo.SplitStrings_Numbers(t.address,' ') b
This is just a pseudo code to give an idea,you will have to take care of references...Updating same table will not work ,because you are not aware how many rows an address column can span
I think a trigger will be better suit for your scenario instead of references ..But you have to do an insert first on references table for existing values .here is some pseudo code..
create trigger trg_test
after insert,update,delete
on dbo.yourtable
---check for inserts
if exists(Select * from inserted)
insert into addressreferences
select address,b.* from inserted i
cross apply
dbo.splitstrings(address,' ') b
--check for deletes
if exists(select 1 from deleted)
delete * from
deleted d
adressreferences a
on a.address=d.address
if update(address)
---here i recommend doing delete first since your old address and new one may not have equal rows
delete * from
deleted d
addressreferences a
on a.address=d.address
--then do a insert
insert into addressreferences
select address,a.* from
inserted i
addressreferences a
on a.address=i.address
A sequence table is a good thing. As in Louis Davidson's 'Pro Relational database design and implementation', you can create it
CREATE TABLE tools.sequence
i int CONSTRAINT PKtools_sequence PRIMARY KEY
-- Then I will load it, up to 99999:
;WITH DIGITS (i) as(--set up a set of numbers from 0-9
FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) as digits (i))
--builds a table from 0 to 99999
,sequence (i) as (
SELECT D1.i + (10*D2.i) + (100*D3.i) + (1000*D4.i) + (10000*D5.i)
--+ (100000*D6.i)
FROM digits AS D1 CROSS JOIN digits AS D2 CROSS JOIN digits AS D3
/* CROSS JOIN digits AS D6 */)
INSERT INTO tools.sequence(i)
FROM sequence
Then split your input, again code from L. Davidson's book
DECLARE #delimitedList VARCHAR(100) = '1,2,3,4,5'
SELECT word = SUBSTRING(',' + #delimitedList + ',',i + 1,
CHARINDEX(',',',' + #delimitedList + ',',i + 1) - i - 1)
FROM tools.sequence
WHERE i >= 1
AND i < LEN(',' + #delimitedList + ',') - 1
AND SUBSTRING(',' + #delimitedList + ',', i, 1) = ','
using a space rather than a comma.
Finally, I would think of using the PIVOT operator to turn the rows into columns, but for it to work, you need to specify the maximum number of words.

Table Normalization (Parse comma separated fields into individual records)

I have a table like this:
DeviceId Parts
1 Part1, Part2, Part3
2 Part2, Part3, Part4
3 Part1
I would like to create a table 'Parts', export data from Parts column to the new table. I will drop the Parts column after that
Expected result
PartId PartName
1 Part1
2 Part2
3 Part3
4 Part4
DeviceId PartId
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 2
2 3
2 4
3 1
Can I do this in SQL Server 2008 without using cursors?
-- Setup:
declare #Device table(DeviceId int primary key, Parts varchar(1000))
declare #Part table(PartId int identity(1,1) primary key, PartName varchar(100))
declare #DevicePart table(DeviceId int, PartId int)
insert #Device
(1, 'Part1, Part2, Part3'),
(2, 'Part2, Part3, Part4'),
(3, 'Part1')
declare #DevicePartTemp table(DeviceId int, PartName varchar(100))
insert #DevicePartTemp
select DeviceId, ltrim(x.value('.', 'varchar(100)'))
select DeviceId, cast('<x>' + replace(Parts, ',', '</x><x>') + '</x>' as xml) XmlColumn
from #Device
cross apply
XmlColumn.nodes('x') as Nodes(x)
insert #Part
select distinct PartName
from #DevicePartTemp
insert #DevicePart
select tmp.DeviceId, prt.PartId
from #DevicePartTemp tmp
join #Part prt on
prt.PartName = tmp.PartName
-- Result:
select *
from #Part
PartId PartName
----------- ---------
1 Part1
2 Part2
3 Part3
4 Part4
select *
from #DevicePart
DeviceId PartId
----------- -----------
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 2
2 3
2 4
3 1
You will need a Tally table to accomplish this without a cursor.
Follow the instructions to create a tally table here: Tally Tables by Jeff Moden
This script will put the table into your Temp database, so you probably want to change the "Use DB" statement
Then you can run the script below to insert a breakdown of Devices and Parts into a temp table. You should then be able to join on your part table by the part name (to get the ID) and insert into your new DevicePart table.
select *,
--substring(d.parts, 1, t.n)
substring(d.parts, t.n, charindex(', ', d.parts + ', ',t.n) - t.n) 'Part'
into #devicesparts
from device d
cross join tally t
where t.n < (select max(len(parts))+ 1 from device)
and substring(', ' + d.parts, t.n, 1) = ', '
Have a look at using fn_Split to create a table variable from the comma separated values.
You can then use this to drive your insert.
EDIT: Actually, I think you may still need a cursor. Leaving this answer incase fn_Split helps.
If there is a maximum number of parts per device then, yes, it can be done without a cursor, but this is quite complex.
Essentially, create a table (or view or subquery) that has a DeviceID and one PartID column for each possible index in the PartID string. This can be accomplished by making the PartID columns calculated columns using fn_split or another method of your choice. From there you do a multiple self-UNION of this table, with one table in the self-UNION for each PartID column. Each table in the self-UNION has only one of the PartID columns included in the select list of the query for the table.

How do I expand comma separated values into separate rows using SQL Server 2005?

I have a table that looks like this:
ProductId, Color
"1", "red, blue, green"
"2", null
"3", "purple, green"
And I want to expand it to this:
ProductId, Color
1, red
1, blue
1, green
2, null
3, purple
3, green
Whats the easiest way to accomplish this? Is it possible without a loop in a proc?
Take a look at this function. I've done similar tricks to split and transpose data in Oracle. Loop over the data inserting the decoded values into a temp table. The convent thing is that MS will let you do this on the fly, while Oracle requires an explicit temp table.
MS SQL Split Function
Better Split Function
Edit by author:
This worked great. Final code looked like this (after creating the split function):
select pv.productid, colortable.items as color
from product p
cross apply split(p.color, ',') as colortable
based on your tables:
create table test_table
ProductId int
,Color varchar(100)
insert into test_table values (1, 'red, blue, green')
insert into test_table values (2, null)
insert into test_table values (3, 'purple, green')
create a new table like this:
Number int not null primary key
that has rows containing values 1 to 8000 or so.
this will return what you want:
here is a much better query, slightly modified from the great answer from #Christopher Klein:
I added the "LTRIM()" so the spaces in the color list, would be handled properly: "red, blue, green". His solution requires no spaces "red,blue,green". Also, I prefer to use my own Number table and not use master.dbo.spt_values, this allows the removal of one derived table too.
ProductId, LEFT(PartialColor, CHARINDEX(',', PartialColor + ',')-1) as SplitColor
t.ProductId, LTRIM(SUBSTRING(t.Color, n.Number, 200)) AS PartialColor
FROM test_table t
LEFT OUTER JOIN Numbers n ON n.Number<=LEN(t.Color) AND SUBSTRING(',' + t.Color, n.Number, 1) = ','
) t
ProductId, Color --,number
WHEN LEN(List2)>0 THEN LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(List2, number+1, CHARINDEX(',', List2, number+1)-number - 1)))
END AS Color
SELECT ProductId,',' + Color + ',' AS List2
FROM test_table
) AS dt
LEFT OUTER JOIN Numbers n ON (n.Number < LEN(dt.List2)) OR (n.Number=1 AND dt.List2 IS NULL)
WHERE SUBSTRING(List2, number, 1) = ',' OR List2 IS NULL
) dt2
ORDER BY ProductId, Number, Color
here is my result set:
ProductId Color
----------- --------------
1 red
1 blue
1 green
3 purple
3 green
(6 row(s) affected)
which is the same order you want...
You can try this out, doesnt require any additional functions:
declare #t table (col1 varchar(10), col2 varchar(200))
insert #t
select '1', 'red,blue,green'
union all select '2', NULL
union all select '3', 'green,purple'
select col1, left(d, charindex(',', d + ',')-1) as e from (
select *, substring(col2, number, 200) as d from #t col1 left join
(select distinct number from master.dbo.spt_values where number between 1 and 200) col2
on substring(',' + col2, number, 1) = ',') t
I arrived this question 10 years after the post.
SQL server 2016 added STRING_SPLIT function.
By using that, this can be written as below.
declare #product table
ProductId int,
Color varchar(max)
insert into #product values (1, 'red, blue, green');
insert into #product values (2, null);
insert into #product values (3, 'purple, green');
p.ProductId as ProductId,
ltrim(split_table.value) as Color
from #product p
outer apply string_split(p.Color, ',') as split_table;
Fix your database if at all possible. Comma delimited lists in database cells indicate a flawed schema 99% of the time or more.
I would create a CLR table-defined function for this:
The reason for this is that CLR code is going to be much better at parsing apart the strings (computational work) and can pass that information back as a set, which is what SQL Server is really good at (set management).
The CLR function would return a series of records based on the parsed values (and the input id value).
You would then use a CROSS APPLY on each element in your table.
Just convert your columns into xml and query it. Here's an example.
a.value('.', 'varchar(42)') c
from (select cast('<r><a>' + replace(#CSV, ',', '</a><a>') + '</a></r>' as xml) x) t1
cross apply x.nodes('//r/a') t2(a)
Why not use dynamic SQL for this purpose, something like this(adapt to your needs):
SET #dynSQL = 'insert into DestinationTable(field) values'
select #dynSQL = #dynSQL + '('+ REPLACE(Color,',',''',''') + '),' from Table
SET #dynSql = LEFT(#dynSql,LEN(#dynSql) -1) -- delete the last comma
exec #dynSql
One advantage is that you can use it on any SQL Server version