Adding new fields vs creating separate table - sql

I am working on a project where there are several types of users (students and teachers). Currently to store the user's information, two tables are used. The users table stores the information that all users have in common. The teachers table stores information that only teachers have with a foreign key relating it to the users table.
users table
34 other fields
teachers table
17 other fields
In the rest of the database, there are no references to All other tables who need to relate to a user use Since a user will only have one corresponding entry in the teachers table, should I just move the fields from the teachers table into the users table and leave them blank for users who aren't teachers?
51 other fields
Is this too many fields for one table? Will this impede performance?

I think this design is fine, assuming that most of the time you only need the user data, and that you know when you need to show the teacher-specific fields.
In addition, you get only teachers just by doing a JOIN, which might come in handy.
Tomorrow you might have another kind of user who is not a teacher, and you'll be glad of the separation.
Edited to add: yes, this is an inheritance pattern, but since he didn't say what language he was using I didn't want to muddy the waters...

In the rest of the database, there are no references to All other tables who need to relate to a user
I would expect relating to the teacher_id for classes/sections...
Since a user will only have one corresponding entry in the teachers table, should I just move the fields from the teachers table into the users table and leave them blank for users who aren't teachers?
Are you modelling a system for a high school, or post-secondary? Reason I ask is because in post-secondary, a user can be both a teacher and a student... in numerous subjects.

I would think it fine provided neither you or anyone else succumbs to the temptation to reuse 'empty' columns for other purposes.
By this I mean, there will in your new table be columns that are only populated for teachers. Someone may decide that there is another value they need to store for non-teachers, and use one of the teacher's columns to hold it, because after all it'll never be needed for this non-teacher, and that way we don't need to change the table, and pretty soon your code fills up with things testing row types to find what each column holds.
I've seen this done on several systems (for instance, when loaning a library book, if the loan is a long loan the due date holds the date the book is expected back. but if it's a short loan the due date holds the time it's expected back, and woe betide anyone who doesn't somehow know that).

It's not too many fields for one table (although without any details it does seem kind of suspicious). And worrying about performance at this stage is premature.
You're probably dealing with very few rows and a very small amount of data. You concerns should be 1) getting the job done 2) designing it correctly 3) performance, in that order.
It's really not that big of a deal (at this stage/scale).

I would not stuff all fields in one table. Student to teacher ratio is high, so for 100 teachers there may be 10000 students with NULLs in those 17 fields.
Usually, a model would look close to this:
I your case, there are no specific fields for students, so you can omit the Student table, so the model would look like this
Note that for inheritance modeling, the Teacher table has UserID, same as the User table; contrast that to your example which has an Id for the Teacher table and then a separate user_id.

it won't really hurt the performance, but the other programmers might hurt you if you won't redisign it :) (55 fielded tables ??)


SQL - MS Access Form design - add data of ISA relationships

I'm taking a DBMS course and I need to design and build my own DB. I have a database for a hospital where doctors,nurses,support staff etc are in a ISA relationship to an Employee entity with the rest of the data like the name, address , salary and the rest of the employee data.
Designing a form, I want to be able to add an employee with all of their data in one form.
Is there a way to do a "conditional table" of sorts where if i select "doctor" from a drop-down i get to add to the doctor table too, and same for the rest of the entities under the ISA relationship?
As a general rule, when dealing with data, you do NOT flip or switch tables for a given form or relatonal database design.
So, for example. If I have a table of customers. Well, now if I want to mark some of the customers as plumbers, and others as doctors? I don't create two tables.
All I would do is add ONE column to that customers table and it would simply allow me to set the type of customer. The reason for this design is "many" but some significant reasons are:
For each new type of customer, you would not create a new table. Worse, all of the forms, the reports, the SQL, the code you write? Well, all of that code would have to be modified EACH time you create a new table. So, you SIMPLY cannot adopt a design in which the concept of changing a table is part of that process.
Forms are bound to ONE table. For related data, you in most cases will use a sub form.
So, think of even a accounting system. They can have huge numbers of customers, and as a result, you can "query" that table to give you all customers. Or you might ask how many accounting firms are in the customer list. Or make a report that summeries by customer type a "count" of each type of customer.
So, buidling forms, or reports? They cannot on the fly "change" the tables they are using.
So, in place of a tables called:
Well, now you can't query sales from Jan to mar, because the data is in different tables.
So, what you do is have ONE table called "sales", and you add ONE column of the date. Now, at the start of each new month, you don't have to create a new table.
Now, of course in some cases it makes sense to create a separate table. For example, a table of customers, and a table of employees in a database is just fine. It makes sense in this case to use two tables, since the information about a customer and what they can do and the kind of information is VERY different then how you would deal with employees.
So, with above? Well, if I need to print mailing labels for all customers and all employees? That would require two different reports. And very likely the table structure for the two tables is different.
Bottom line:
If you working on design or form or report? And you needing to try and change the table that the form/report/code etc is going to operate on? This is a sign that your design approach has gone complete off the rails and is the wrong design.
So, in the case of doctors, nurses etc.? Well, they are all hospital staff, and MOST of the basic information about such employees will be common, much the same, and thus a SINGLE table of "employees" makes the most sense. You would only need a nice "employee type" combo box on that one form, and thus you can add/enter/edit/search any employee in that one table.
The fact that you "want to search" for a employee show that all these people "are" employees and thus belong in one table. And the basic information about all employees is going to be the same anyway. If you find you are attempting to create a new table but with near identical structures over and over, then just like a new table for each month sales, or a new table for each new kind of employee? Simply add the "one" column that allows you to make that distinguish, and not a whole new table.
Now one COULD even attempt to put patients in the same table, but then again, dealing with patents as opposed employees is a considerable different kind of "thing".
So employees are employees - even different kinds. (manager, cleaning staff etc.).
And patients are patients - even different kinds (long term care, emergency etc.).

Setup Many-to-Many tables that share a common type

I'm preparing a legacy Microsoft SQL Server database so that I can interface with in through an ORM such as Entity Framework, and my question revolves around handling the setup of some of my many-to-many associations that share a common type. Specifically, should a common type be shared among master types or should each master type have its own linked table?
For example, here is a simple example I concocted that shows how the tables of interest are currently setup:
Notice that of there are two types, Teachers and Students, and both can contain zero, one, or many PhoneNumbers. The two tables, Teachers and Students, actually share an association table (PeoplePhoneNumbers). The field FKID is either a TeacherId or a StudentId.
The way I think it ought to be setup is like this:
This way, both the Teachers table and the Students table get its own PhoneNumbers table.
My gut tells me the second way is the proper way. Is this true? What about even if the PhoneNumbers tables contains several fields? My object oriented programmer brain is telling me that it would be wrong to have several identical tables, each containing a dozen or so fields if the only difference between these tables is which master table they are linked to? For example:
Here we have two tables that contain the same information, yet the only difference is that one table is addresses for Teachers and the other is for Students. These feels redundant to me and that they should really be one table -- but then I lose the ability for the database to constrain them (right?) and also make it messier for myself when I try to apply an ORM to this.
Should this type of common type be merged or should it stay separated for each master type?
The answers below have directed me to the following solution, which is based on subclassing tables in the database. One of my original problems was that I had a common table shared among multiple other tables because that entity type was common to both the other tables. The proper way to handle that is to subclass the shared tables and essentially descend them from a common parent AND link the common data type to this new parent. Here's an example (keep in mind my actual database has nothing to do with Teachers and Students, so this example is highly manufactured but the concepts are valid):
Since Teachers and Students both required PhoneNumbers, the solution is to create a superclass, Party, and FK PhoneNumbers to the Party table. Also note that you can still FK tables that only have to do with Teachers or only have to do with Students. In this example I also subclassed Students and PartTimeStudents one more level down and descended them from Learners.
Where this solution is very satisfactory is when I implement it in an ORM, such as Entity Framework.
The queries are easy. I can query all Teachers AND Students with a particular phone number:
var partiesWithPhoneNumber = from p in dbContext.Parties
where p.PhoneNumbers.Where(x => x.PhoneNumber1.Contains(phoneNumber)).Any()
select p;
And it's just as easy to do a similar query but only for PhoneNumbers belonging to only Teachers:
var teachersWithPhoneNumber = from t in dbContext.Teachers
where t.Party.PhoneNumbers.Where(x => x.PhoneNumber1.Contains(phoneNumber)).Any()
select t;
Teacher and Student are both subclasses of a more general concept (a Person). If you create a Person table that contains the general data that is shared for all people in your database and then create Student and Teacher tables that link to Person and contain any additional details you will find that you have an appropriate point to link in any other tables.
If there is data that is common for all people (such as zero to many phone numbers) then you can link to the Person table. When you have data that is only appropriate for a Student you link it to the Student ID. You gain the additional advantage that Student Instructors are simply a Person with both a Student and Teacher record.
Some ORMs support the concept of subclass tables directly. LLBLGen does so in the way I describe so you can make your data access code work with higher level concepts (Teacher and Student) and the Person table will be managed on your behalf in the low level data access code.
Some commentary on the current diagram (which may not be relevant in the source domain this was translated from, so a pinch of salt is advised).
Party, Teachers and Learners looks good. Salaries looks good if you add start and end dates for the rate so you can track salary history. Also keep in mind it may make sense to use PartyID (instead of TeacherID) if you end up with multiple entites that have a Salary.
PartyPhoneNumbers looks like you might be able to hang the phone number off of that directly. This would depend on if you expect to change the phone number for multiple people (n:m) at once or if a phone number is owned by each Party independently. (I would expect the latter because you might have a student who is a (real world) child of a teacher and thus they share a phone number. I wouldn't want an update to the student's phone number to impact the teacher, so the join table seems odd here.)
Learners to PaymentHistories seems right, but the Students vs PartTimeStudents difference seems artificial. (It seems like PartTimeStudents is more AttendenceDays which in turn would be a result of a LearnerClasses join).
I think you should look into the supertype/subtype pattern. Add a Party or Person table that has one row for every teacher or student. Then, use the PartyID in the Teacher and Student tables as both the PK and FK back to Party (but name them TeacherID and StudentID). This establishes a "one-to-zero-or-one" relationship between the supertype table and each of the subtype tables.
Note that if you have identity columns in the subtype tables they will need to be removed. When creating those entities going forward you will first have to insert to the supertype and then use that row's ID in either subtype.
To maintain consistency you will also have to renumber one of your subtype tables so its IDs do not conflict with the other's. You can use SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON to create the missing supertype rows after that.
The beauty of all this is that when you have a table that must allow only one type such as Student you can FK to that table, but when you need an FK that can be either--as with your Address table--you FK to the Party table instead.
A final point is to move all the common columns into the supertype table and put only columns in the subtypes that must be different between them.
Your single Phone table now is easily linked to PartyID as well.
For a much more detailed explanation, please see this answer to a similar question.
The problem that you have is an example of a "one-of" relationship. A person is a teacher or a student (or possibly both).
I think the existing structure captures this information best.
The person has a phone number. Then, some people are teachers and some are students. The additional information about each entity is stored in either the teacher or student table. Common information, such as name, is in the phone table.
Splitting the phone numbers into two separate tables is rather confusing. After all, a phone number does not know whether it is for a student or a teacher. In addition, you don't have space for other phone numbers, such as for administrative staff. You also have a challenge for students who may sometimes teach or help teach a class.
Reading your question, it looks like you are asking for a common database schema to your situation. I've seen several in the past, some easier to work with than others.
One option is having a Student_Address table and a Teacher_Address table that both use the same Address table. This way if you have entity specific fields to store, you have that capability. But this can be slightly (although not significantly) harder to query against.
Another option is how you suggested above -- I would probably just add a primary key on the table. However you'd want to add a PersonTypeId field to that table (PersonTypeId which links to a PersonType table). This way you'd know which entity was with each record.
I would not suggest having two PhoneNumber tables. I think you'll find it much easier to maintain with all in the same table. I prefer keeping same entities together, meaning Students are a single entity, Teachers are a single entity, and PhoneNumbers are the same thing.
Good luck.

What to do if 2 (or more) relationship tables would have the same name?

So I know the convention for naming M-M relationship tables in SQL is to have something like so:
For tables User and Data the relationship table would be called
or something similar (from here)
What happens then if you need to have multiple relationships between User and Data, representing each in its own table? I have a site I'm working on where I have two primary items and multiple independent M-M relationships between them. I know I could just use a single relationship table and have a field which determines the relationship type, but I'm not sure whether this is a good solution. Assuming I don't go that route, what naming convention should I follow to work around my original problem?
To make it more clear, say my site is an auction site (it isn't but the principle is similar). I have registered users and I have items, a user does not have to be registered to post an item but they do need to be to do anything else. I have table User which has info on registered users and Items which has info on posted items. Now a user can bid on an item, but they can also report a item (spam, etc.), both of these are M-M relationships. All that happens when either event occurs is that an email is generated, in my scenario I have no reason to keep track of the actual "report" or "bid" other than to know who bid/reported on what.
I think you should name tables after their function. Lets say we have Cars and People tables. Car has owners and car has assigned drivers. Driver can have more than one car. One of the tables you could call CarsDrivers, second CarsOwners.
In your situation I think you should have two tables: AuctionsBids and AuctionsReports. I believe that report requires additional dictinary (spam, illegal item,...) and bid requires other parameters like price, bid date. So having two tables is justified. You will propably be more often accessing bids than reports. Sending email will be slightly more complicated then when this data is stored in one table, but it is not really a big problem.
I don't really see this as a true M-M mapping table. Those usually are JUST a mapping. From your example most of these will have additional information as well. For example, a table of bids, which would have a User and an Item, will probably have info on what the bid was, when it was placed, etc. I would call this table... wait for it... Bids.
For reporting items you might want what was offensive about it, when it was placed, etc. Call this table OffenseReports or something.
You can name tables whatever you want. I would just name them something that makes sense. I think the convention of naming them Table1Table2 is just because sometimes the relationships don't make alot of sense to an outside observer.
There's no official or unofficial convention on relations or tables names. You can name them as you want, the way you like.
If you have multiple user_data relationships with the same keys that makes absolutely no sense. If you have different keys, name the relation in a descriptive way like: stores_products_manufacturers or stores_products_paymentMethods
I think you're only confused because the join tables are currently simple. Once you add more information, I think it will be obvious that you should append a functional suffix. For example:
Table User
Table Item
Table UserItem_SpamReport
Table UserItem_Post
UserID -- can be (NULL, -1, '', ...)
Table UserItem_Bid
Then the relation will have a Role. For instance a stock has 2 companies associated: an issuer and a buyer. The relationship is defined by the role the parent and child play to each other.
You could either put each role in a separate table that you name with the role (IE Stock_Issuer, Stock_Buyer etc, both have a relationship one - many to company - stock)
The stock example is pretty fixed, so two tables would be fine. When there are multiple types of relations possible and you can't foresee them now, normalizing it into a relationtype column would seem the better option.
This also depends on the quality of the developers having to work with your model. The column approach is a bit more abstract... but if they don't get it maybe they'd better stay away from databases altogether..
Both will work fine I guess.
Good luck, GJ

Database Design for One to One relationships

I'm trying to finalize my design of the data model for my project, and am having difficulty figuring out which way to go with it.
I have a table of users, and an undetermined number of attributes that apply to that user. The attributes are in almost every case optional, so null values are allowed. Each of these attributes are one to one for the user. Should I put them on the same table, and keep adding columns when attributes are added (making the user table quite wide), or should I put each attribute on a separate table with a foreign key to the user table.
I have decided against using the EAV model.
Properties include thing like marital status, gender, age, first and last name, occupation, etc. All are optional.
USER_PREFERENCES is a many-to-many table, connecting the USERS and USER_PREFERENCE_TYPE_CODES tables. This will allow you to normalize the preference type attribute, while still being flexible to add preferences without needing an ALTER TABLE statement.
Could you give some examples of what kind of properties you'd want to add to the user table? As long as you stay below roughly 50 columns, it shouldn't be a big deal.
How ever, one way would be to split the data:
One table (users) for username, hashed_password, last_login, last_ip, current_ip etc, another table (profiles) for display_name, birth_day etc.
You'd link them either via the same id property or you'd add an user_id column to the other tables.
It depends.
You need to Look at what percentage of users will have that attribute. If the attribute is 'WalkedOnTheMoon' then split it out, if it is 'Sex' include it on the user's table. Also consider the number of columns on the base table, a few, 10-20, won't hurt that much.
If you have several related attributes you could group them into a common table: 'MedicalSchoolId', 'MedicalSpeciality', 'ResidencyHospitalId', etc. could be combined in UserMedical table.
Personally I would decide on whether there are natural groupings of attributes. You might put the most commonly queried in the user table and the others in a separate table with a one-to-one relationship to keep the table from being too wide (we usually call that something like User_Extended). If some of the attributes fall into natural groupings, they may call for a separate table because those attributes will usually be queried together.
In looking at the attributes, examine if some can be combined into one column (for instance if a user cannot simlutaneoulsy be three differnt things (say intern, resident, attending) but only one of them at a time, it is better to have one field and put the data into it rather than three bit fields that have to be transalted. This is especially true if you will need to use a case statement with all three fileds to get the information (say title) that you want in reporting. IN other words look over your attributes and see if they are truly separate or if they can be abstracted into a more general one.

Two tables or one table?

a quick question in regards to table design..
Let's say I am designing a loan application database.
As it is right now, I will have 2 tables..
Applicant (ApplicantID, FirstName , LastName, SSN, Email... )
Co-Applicant(CoApplicantID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email.., ApplicantID)
Should I consider having just one table because all the fields are the same.. ??
Person( PersonID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email...,ParentID (This determines if it is a co-applicant))
What are the pros and cons of these two approaches ?
I suggest the following data model:
PERSON table
PERSON_ID, pk, fk
Person( PersonID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email...,ParentID (This determines if it is a co-applicant))
That works if a person will only ever exist in your system as either an applicant or a co-applicant. A person could be a co-applicant to numerous loans and/or an applicant themselves - you don't want to be re-entering their details every time.
This is the benefit of how & why things are normalized. Based on the business rules & inherent reality of usage, the tables are setup so stop redundant data being stored. This is for the following reasons:
Redundant data is a waste of space & resources to support & maintain
The action of duplicating the data means it can also be different in subtle ways - capitalizations, spaces, etc that can all lead to complications to isolate real data
Data incorrectly stored due to oversight when creating the data model
Foresight & Flexibility. Currently there isn't any option other than applicant or co-applicant for an APPLICANT_TYPE_CODE value - it could be a stored without using another table & foreign key. But this setup allows support to add different applicant codes in the future, as needed - without any harm to the data model.
There's no performance benefit when you risk bad data. What you would make, will be eaten by the hacks you have to perform to get things to work.
If the Domain Model determines that both people are applicants and that are related, then they belong in the same table with a self-referential foriegn key.
You may want to read up on database normalization.
I think you should have two tables, but not those two. Have a table "loans" which has foreign keys to an applicants table, or just have records in applicants reference the same table.
The advantages:
- Makes searching easier: If you only have a phone number or a name, you can still search, in a single table and find the corresponding person regardless of he/she being a co-applicant or a main-applicant. Otherwise you'd need to use a UNION construct. (Yet, when you know that you search for a particular type of applicant, you add a filter on the type and you only get such applicants.
- Generally easier to maintain. Say tomorrow you need to add the tweeter id of the applicant ;-), only one place to change.
- Also allows inputing persons with say an "open/undefined" type, and assign then as applicant or otherwise, at a later date.
- Allows to introduce new types of applicants (say a co-latteral warrantor... whatever)...
The disadvantages:
with really huge (multi-million person records), there could be a slight performance gain with a two table approach (depending on index and various other things
SQL queries can be bit more complicated, for example with two separate joins to the the person table, one for the applicant the other for the co-applicant . (Nothing intractable but a bit more complexity.
On the whole, the proper design is in most likelihood the one with a single table. Only possible exception is if over time the info kept for one type of applicant was starting to diverge significantly from the other type(s) of applicant. (And even then we can deal with this situation in different ways, including the introduction of a related table for these extra fields, as it may make more sense; Yes, a two table system again, but one where the extra fields may fit "naturally" together in term of their semantics, usage etc...)
Both of your variants have one disadvantage: any person can be an applicant and co-applicant twice and more. So you should use table Person( PersonID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email... ) and table Co-Applicants (PersonID as Applicant, PersonID as CoApplicant)
How about since each Applicant can have a Co-Applicant -- just go with one table in total. So you'd have Applicants, which has an optional foreign key field 'coapplicant' (or similar).
If the fields between applicant and co-applicant are identical, then I would suggest that you put them in the same table and use an "applicant type" field to indicate main or co- applicant. IF there's some information special about the co-applicant (such as relationship to main applicant, extra phone numbers, other stuff) you might want to normalize to a separate table and refer from there back to the co-applicant (by (co-)applicant ID) in the applicant table.
Keep Two table>
1ST User type code ID
In this table u can keep user type ie applicat And Co applicant
2nd table User--> here u can keep all the field with similar coloums with user type code as foregin key.
By this you can easily distingush between two user.
I know - I'm too late on this.... The Loan Application is your primary entity. You will have one or more applicants for the loan. Drop the idea of Person - you're creating something that you can't control. I've been there, done that and got the T-Shirt.