How to Optimize Queries in a Database - The Basics - sql

It seems that all questions regarding this topic are very specific, and while I value specific examples, I'm interested in the basics of SQL optimization. I am very comfortable working in SQL, and have a background in hardware/low level software.
What I want is the tools both tangible software, and a method to look at the mysql databases I look at on a regular basis and know what the difference between orders of join statements and where statements.
I want to know why an index helps, like, exactly why. I want to know specifically what happens differently, and I want to know how I can actually look at what is happening. I don't need a tool that will breakdown every step of my SQL, I just want to be able to poke around and if someone can't tell me what column to index, I will be able to get out a sheet of paper and within some period of time be able to come up with the answers.
Databases are complicated, but they aren't THAT complicated, and there must be some great material out there for learning the basics so that you know how to find the answers to optimization problems you encounter, even if could hunt down the exact answer on a forum.
Please recommend some reading that is concise, intuitive, and not afraid to get down to the low level nuts and bolts. I prefer online free resources, but if a book recommendation demolishes the nail head it hits I'd consider accepting it.

You have to do a look up for every where condition and for every join...on condition. The two work the same.
Suppose we write
select name
from customer
where customerid=37;
Somehow the DBMS has to find the record or records with customerid=37. If there is no index, the only way to do this is to read every record in the table comparing the customerid to 37. Even when it finds one, it has no way of knowing there is only one, so it has to keep looking for others.
If you create an index on customerid, the DBMS has ways to search the index very quickly. It's not a sequential search, but, depending on the database, a binary search or some other efficient method. Exactly how doesn't matter, accept that it's much faster than sequential. The index then takes it directly to the appropriate record or records. Furthermore, if you specify that the index is "unique", then the database knows that there can only be one so it doesn't waste time looking for a second. (And the DBMS will prevent you from adding a second.)
Now consider this query:
select name
from customer
where city='Albany' and state='NY';
Now we have two conditions. If you have an index on only one of those fields, the DBMS will use that index to find a subset of the records, then sequentially search those. For example, if you have an index on state, the DBMS will quickly find the first record for NY, then sequentially search looking for city='Albany', and stop looking when it reaches the last record for NY.
If you have an index that includes both fields, i.e. "create index on customer (state, city)", then the DBMS can immediately zoom to the right records.
If you have two separate indexes, one on each field, the DBMS will have various rules that it applies to decide which index to use. Again, exactly how this is done depends on the particular DBMS you are using, but basically it tries to keep statistics on the total number of records, the number of different values, and the distribution of values. Then it will search those records sequentially for the ones that satisfy the other condition. In this case the DBMS would probably observe that there are many more cities than there are states, so by using the city index it can quickly zoom to the 'Albany' records. Then it will sequentially search these, checking the state of each against 'NY'. If you have records for Albany, California these will be skipped.
Every join requires some sort of look-up.
Say we write
from transaction
join customer on transaction.customerid=customer.customerid
where transaction.transactiondate='2010-07-04' and customer.type='Q';
Now the DBMS has to decide which table to read first, select the appropriate records from there, and then find the matching records in the other table.
If you had an index on transaction.transactiondate and customer.customerid, the best plan would likely be to find all the transactions with this date, and then for each of those find the customer with the matching customerid, and then verify that the customer has the right type.
If you don't have an index on customer.customerid, then the DBMS could quickly find the transaction, but then for each transaction it would have to sequentially search the customer table looking for a matching customerid. (This would likely be very slow.)
Suppose instead that the only indexes you have are on transaction.customerid and customer.type. Then the DBMS would likely use a completely different plan. It would probably scan the customer table for all customers with the correct type, then for each of these find all transactions for this customer, and sequentially search them for the right date.
The most important key to optimization is to figure out what indexes will really help and create those indexes. Extra, unused indexes are a burden on the database because it takes work to maintain them, and if they're never used this is wasted effort.
You can tell what indexes the DBMS will use for any given query with the EXPLAIN command. I use this all the time to determine if my queries are being optimized well or if I should be creating additional indexes. (Read the documentation on this command for an explanation of its output.)
Caveat: Remember that I said that the DBMS keeps statistics on the number of records and the number of different values and so on in each table. EXPLAIN may give you a completely different plan today than it gave yesterday if the data has changed. For example, if you have a query that joins two tables and one of these tables is very small while the other is large, it will be biased toward reading the small table first and then finding matching records in the large table. Adding records to a table can change which is larger, and thus lead the DBMS to change its plan. Thus, you should attempt to do EXPLAINS against a database with realistic data. Running against a test database with 5 records in each table is of far less value than running against a live database.
Well, there's much more that could be said, but I don't want to write a book here.

Let's say you're looking for a friend in another city. One way would be to go from door to door and ask whether this is the house you're looking for. Another way is to look at the map.
The index is the map to a table. It can tell the DB engine exactly where the thing you're looking for is. Thus, you index every column that you think you will have to search for, and leave out the columns that you are just reading data from, and never searching for.
Good technical reading about indices and about ORDER BY optimization. And if you want to see what exactly is happening, you want the EXPLAIN statement.

Don't think about optimizing databases. Think about optimizing queries.
Generally, you optimize one case at the expense of others. You just have to decide which cases you're interested in.

I don't know about MySql tools but in MS SqlServer you have a tool that shows all of the operations a query would take and how much of the processing time of the entire query would take.
Using this tool helped me to understand how queries are optimized by the query optimizer much more than I think any book could help because what the optimizer does is often not easy to understand. By tweaking the query and possibly the underlining database I could see how each change affected the query plan. There are certain key points in writing queries but to me it looks like you already have an idea of those so optimizing in your case is much more about this than any general rules. After a few years of db development I did look at a few books specifically aimed at database optimization on the SQL Server and found very little useful info.
Quick googling came up with this: which sounds like a similar tool.
This was of course on a query level, database level optimizations are again a different kettle of fish, but there you are looking at parameters such as how your database is divided on the hard drives etc. At least in SqlServer you can select to divide tables to different hdd's and even disk plates and this can have a big effect because the drives and drive heads can work in parallel. Another is how you can build your queries so that the database can run them in several threads and processors in parallel, but both of these issues again depend on the database engine and even version you are using.

[Caution: Most of this Answer does not apply to MySQL. I bring this up because the OP tagged the Question with mysql.]
"I'm interested particularly in how indices will affect joins"
As an example, I'll take the case of equijoin (SELECT FROM A,B WHERE A.x = B.y).
If there are no indexes at all (which is possible in theory but I think not in SQL), then basically the only way to compute the join is to take the entire table A and partition it over x, take the entire table y and partition it over y, then match the partitions, and finally for each pair of matching partitions compute the result rows. That's costly (or even outright impossible due to memory restrictions) for all but the smallest tables.
Same story if there do exist indexes on A and/or B, but not any of them has x resp. y as its first attribute.
If there does exist an index on x, but not on y (or conversely), then another possibility opens up : scan table B, for each row pick value y, lookup that value in the index and fetch the corresponding A rows to compute the join. Note that this still won't win you much if no other further restrictions apply (AND z = ...) - except in the case where there are only few matches between x and y values.
If ordered indexes (hash-based indexes are not ordered) exist on both x and y, then a third possibility opens up : do a matching scan on the indexes themselves (the indexes themselves are likely to be smaller than the tables themselves, so scanning the index itself will take a shorter time), and for the matching x/y values, compute the join of the corresponding rows.
That's the baseline. Variations arise for joins on x>y etc.


Oracle SQL: What is the best way to select a subset of a very large table

I have been roaming these forums for a few years and I've always found my questions had already been asked, and a fitting answer was already present.
I have a pretty generic (and maybe easy) question now though, but I haven't been able to find a thread asking the same one yet.
The situation:
I have a payment table with 10-50M records per day, a history of 10 days and hundreds of columns. About 10-20 columns are indexed. One of the indices is batch_id.
I have a batch table with considerably fewer records and columns, say 10k a day and 30 columns.
If I want to select all payments from one specific sender, I could just do this:
Select * from payments p
where p.sender_id = 'SenderA'
This runs a while, even though sender_id is also indexed. So I figure, it's better to select the batches first, then go into the payments table with the batch_id:
select * from payments p
where p.batch_id in
(select b.batch_id from batches where b.sender_id = 'SenderA')
--and p.sender_id = 'SenderA'
Now, my questions are:
In the second script, should I uncomment the Sender_id in my where clause on the payments table? It doesn't feel very efficient to filter on sender_id twice, even though it's in different tables.
Is it better if I make it an inner join instead of a nested query?
Is it better if I make it a common table expression instead of a nested query or inner join?
I suppose it could all fit into one question: What is the best way to query this?
In the worst case the two queries should run in the same time and in the best case I would expect the first query to run quicker. If it is running slower, there is some problem elsewhere. You don't need the additional condition in the second query.
The first query will retrieve index entries for a single value, so that is going to access less blocks than the second query which has to find index entries for multiple batches (as well as executing the subquery, but that is probably not significant).
But the danger as always with Oracle is that there are a lot of factors determining which query plan the optimizer chooses. I would immediately verify that the statistics on your indexed columns are up-to-date. If they are not, this might be your problem and you don't need to read any further.
The next step is to obtain a query execution plan. My guess is that this will tell you that your query is running a full-table-scan.
Whether or not Oracle choses to perform a full-table-scan on a query such as this is dependent on the number of rows returned and whether Oracle thinks it is more efficient to use the index or to simply read the whole table. The threshold for flipping between the two is not a fixed number: it depends on a lot of things, one of them being a parameter called DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT.
This is set-up by Orale and in theory it should be configured such that the transition between indexed and full-table scan queries should be smooth. In other words, at the transition point where your query is returning enough rows to just about make a full table scan more efficient, the index scan and the table scan should take roughly the same time.
Unfortunately, I have seen systems where this is way out and Oracle flips to doing full table scans far too quickly, resulting in a long query time once the number of rows gets over a certain threshold.
As I said before, first check your statistics. If that doesn't work, get a QEP and start tuning your Oracle instance.
Tuning Oracle is a very complex subject that can't be answered in full here, so I am forced to recommend links. Here is a useful page on the parameter: reducing it might help: Why Change the Oracle DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT.
Other than that, the general Oracle performance tuning guide is here: (Oracle) Configuring a Database for Performance.
If you are still having problems, you need to progress your investigation further and then come up with a more specific question.
Based on your comment where you say your query is returning 4M rows out of 10M-50M in the table. If it is 4M out of 10M there is no way an index will be of any use. Even with 4M out of 50M, it is still pretty certain that a full-table-scan would be the most efficient approach.
You say that you have a lot of columns, so probably this 4M row fetch is returning a huge amount of data.
You could perhaps consider splitting off some of the columns that are not required and putting them into a child table. In particular, if you have columns containing a lot of data (e.g., some text comments or whatever) they might be better being kept outside the main table.
Remember - small is fast, not only in terms of number of rows, but also in terms of the size of each row.
SQL is an declarative language. This means, that you specify what you like not how.
Check your indexes primary and "normal" ones...

Multiple single field indexes vs multiple-fields indexes

I know there are similar questions on StackOverflow, but after testing different indexes on my tables, I think I don't quite understand how indexes work and I'd like it if someone could explain the behavior I'm experiencing on my queries' performance.
I'm using this query as an example, I'm going to try to explain it in detail:
SELECT ss1.PlayerID, ss1.Name, ss1.Series, ss1.LanesNum, ss1.Date, ss1.LeagueName, ss1.Season FROM SeriesScores ss1
JOIN (SELECT Series, Gender, LanesNum, Bowlout, Season FROM SeriesScores
WHERE Gender = ? AND LanesNum = ? AND Series > -1 AND Bowlout = 'No' AND Season = '2011-2012'
ORDER BY Series DESC LIMIT 0,?) as ss2
USING(series, gender, lanesNum, bowlout, season)
ORDER BY ss1.Series DESC
This query is used to get the highest series bowled in a given season for each pair of lanes in a bowling center for both male and female players.
I'm joining the table on itself instead of using the MAX aggregate function because if there's a tie on a given pair of lanes, I want all the names to come up.
Basically, I join all the fields that match what the inner SELECT returns. That inner SELECT returns the top X players for a given gender and a given pair of lanes.
The USING part makes sure only the players that haven't bowled out, with the same gender, series, lanesNum and season as I'm looking for get selected. I then order them by highest series to lowest series.
This query is in a for loop, which gets run 12 times for men and 12 times for women (12 pair of lanes in the bowling center) with only the lanesNum and gender parameters changing.
I then put all the results in two different vectors in Java to display the results in an application (one vector for men, one for women).
Without any indexes whatsoever, it takes around 11 seconds to run everything including putting the results in a vector and all of that. (5.5 seconds for the 12 queries for men, same for women).
With an index on (gender, lanesNum, series), it takes 0.04 seconds for the whole thing, which is amazing, since that's a more than acceptable speed for my needs.
I used that index because those are all the most important fields I'm using in my WHERE clause, but I don't get why it speeds things up that much, because I tried other things and using some other indexes actually made my queries SLOWER by more than 100%. Also, I'm wondering if I would get an even faster query if I added "bowlout" and "season" to that index.
I wanted to try a single column index on series first and test performance. That's the index that made all of those queries take a total of 22 seconds.
I came to the conclusion that I don't understand where I should be using my indexes and when I should be using them on multiple fields, or using multiple indexes on single fields, etc. Also, I don't understand how using (the wrong) indexes can actually make performance worse.
Optimizing an index too aggresively for just one query runs the risk of slowing down other queries (and thus a real world application, or the next version of it). However, let us do exactly that as an exercise in analysing index performance.
Indexes influence query performance in multiple ways; their existence can actually completely change the algorithm that the database server will use to get to the data. A nice overview is here, but as your query is simple, and you actually have very few relevant indexes in your database (the one you see, and also automatically created indexes to support the primary keys of your tables) we can simplify the story greatly.
A good index makes it faster to cross reference the data between the tables. Ideally it contains columns in your USING and WHERE clauses, and enough of them to reference a unique row in its table most of the time. If it contains less, it may still be used by the database server, but the remaining rows will have to be visited one by one.
An great index does not only all that, but it also contains all data that you will be selecting from the table (yes, this makes sense when the two tables are actually the same physical table due to the self-join; the database server still processes as if it was two different tables, incidentally with the same data). The benefit of such a "fully covering index" is that the database server does not have to visit its table at all; all the columns are available in the index.
Order of columns in the index matters. It is especially essential that the leftmost column in the index appears in the USING clause, or WHERE clause; otherwise the index is pretty much unusable as matching data for a single lookup can appear in many locations in that index. It should also be highly selective (have many different values in the table). Do a few experiments now to see this first hand.
For this reason, the first choice index I'd suggest to you would be series, gender, lanesNum, bowlout; but yours is also a very good one for this query.
There is not much use in creating more than one index explicitly. There is basically no use for more than one of them during query execution, because your query is so simple. So the most useful one will supposedly win and all the others will be ignored.
To your last question: some people believe that superfluous indexes only slow down UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements (because these carry the overhead to update the indexes), but it is not that simple. As the database server considers multiple algorithms to compute your query (there are two logical tables to start from and automatic and explicit indexes to use, or not to use), it may choose the wrong plan: an index may look seductive without knowing the data distribution in the table, but be very counterproductive given the distribution.
There is actually a way to let the database server analyze the data and record some statistics that will greatly help it optimize your subsequent queries reasonably and probably to avoid any 22 second executions of your query (until you change your data so much that the statistics will no longer hold true). That is the ANALYZE command. Issue it every time after you change your indexes to see the subsequent sqlite performance at its best. In a production database, schedule ANALYZE to execute every night, so that your database does not gradually slow down over time, or abruptly after adding a harmless, useless index.

How to tell if a query will scale well?

What are some of the methods/techniques experienced SQL developers use to determine if a particular SQL query will scale well as load increases, rows in associated tables increase etc.
Some rules that I follow that make the most difference.
Don't use per-row functions in your queries like if, case, coalesce and so on. Work around them by putting data in the database in the format you're going to need it, even if that involves duplicate data.
For example, if you need to lookup surnames fast, store them in the entered form and in their lowercase form, and index the lowercase form. Then you don't have to worry about things like select * from tbl where lowercase(surname) = 'smith';
Yes, I know that breaks 3NF but you can still guarantee data integrity by judicious use of triggers or pre-computed columns. For example, an insert/update trigger on the table can force the lower_surname column to be set to the lowercase version of surname.
This moves the cost of conversion to the insert/update (which happens infrequently) and away from the select (which happens quite a lot more). You basically amortise the cost of conversion.
Make sure that every column used in a where clause is indexed. Not necessarily on its own but at least as the primary part of a composite key.
Always start off in 3NF and only revert if you have performance problems (in production). 3NF is often the easiest to handle and reverting should only be done when absolutely necessary.
Profile, in production (or elsewhere, as long as you have production data and schemas). Database tuning is not a set-and-forget operation unless the data in your tables never changes (very rare). You should be monitoring, and possibly tuning, periodically to avoid the possibility that changing data will bring down performance.
Don't, unless absolutely necessary, allow naked queries to your database. Try to control what queries can be run. Your job as a DBA will be much harder if some manager can come along and just run:
select * from very_big_table order by column_without_index;
on your database.
If managers want to be able to run ad-hoc queries, give them a cloned DBMS (or replica) so that your real users (the ones that need performance) aren't affected.
Don't use union when union all will suffice. If you know that there can be no duplicates between two selects of a union, there's no point letting the DBMS try to remove them.
Similarly, don't use select distinct on a table if you're retrieving all the primary key columns (or all columns in a unique constraint). There is no possibility of duplicates in those cases so, again, you're asking the DBMS to do unnecessary work.
Example: we had a customer with a view using select distinct * on one of their tables. Querying the view took 50 seconds. When we replaced it with a view starting select *, the time came down to sub-second. Needless to say, I got a good bottle of red wine out of that :-)
Try to avoid select * as much as possible. In other words, only get the columns you need. This makes little difference when you're using MySQL on your local PC but, when you have an app in California querying a database in Inner Mongolia, you want to minimise the amount of traffic being sent across the wire as much as possible.
don't make tables wide, keep them narrow as well as the indexes. Make sure that queries are fully covered by indexes and that those queries are SARGable.
Test with a ton of data before going in production, take a look at this: Your testbed has to have the same volume of data as on production in order to simulate normal usage
Pull up the execution plan and look for any of the following:
Table Scan
[Clustered] Index Scan
RID Lookup
Bookmark Lookup
Key Lookup
Nested Loops
Any of those things (in descending order from most to least scalable) mean that the database/query likely won't scale to much larger tables. An ideal query will have mostly index seeks, hash or merge joins, the occasional sort, and other low-impact operations (spools and so on).
The only way to prove that it will scale, as other answers have pointed out, is to test it on data of the desired size. The above is just a rule of thumb.
In addition (and along the same lines) to Robert's suggestion, consider the execution plan. Is it utilizing indexes? Are there any scans or such? Can you simply for the query in any way? For example, Eliminate IN in favor of EXISTS and only join to tables you need to join to.
You don't mention the technology -- keep in mind that different technologies can affect the efficiency of more complex queries.
I strongly recommend reading some reference material on this. This (hyperlink below) is probably a pretty good book to look into. Make sure to look under "Selectivity", among other topics.
SQL Tuning - Dan Tow

What indexing implementations can handle arbitrary column combinations?

I am developing a little data warehouse system with a web interface where people can do filtered searches. There are current about 50 columns that people may wish to filter on, and about 2.5 million rows. A table scan is painfully slow. The trouble is that the range of queries I'm getting have no common prefixes.
Right now I'm using sqlite3, which will only use an index if there the columns required are the leftmost columns in that index. This seems to mean I'd need a lot of indexes. A quick glance at MySQL suggests it would also require many indexes for this kind of query.
My question is what indexing implementations are available for different database systems which can handle this kind of query on arbitrary combinations of columns?
I've prototyped my own indexing scheme; I store extra tables which list integer primary keys in my big table where each value for each column occur, and I keep enough statistics to be able to first examine the values with the smallest number of matches. It works okay; much better than a table scan but still a bit on the slow side, which is unsurprising for a first version in Python doing many SQL queries.
There are column-oriented databases that store data on a per-column base, where every column is its own index. They are a very good fit for Data Warehouse as they are extremly fast to read, but fairly slow to update.
Kickfire is such an example, which is a customized MySQL engine and has held the TPC-H benchmark top crown for a number of weeks, at an impressive system cost. Note that Kickfire is an appliance, sold as a hardware box.
Infobright would be another similar example, and has a free community edition that runs on Windows and Linux.
When there's too many indexes to create for a table I usually fall back on Full Text Search. Can't say if it will fit your scenario though.
SInce data warehouses are typically optimized for reading data not writing it, I would consider simply indexing all the columns. Yes this will slow down putting data into the warehouse, but typically that happens during non-peak hours and only once a day or less often.
One should only consider introducing "home grown" index structures, based on SQL tables, as a last resort, i.e. if there still exists [business-wise plausible] query cases not properly handled with an traditional index setting. For example if the list of such indexes were to become to big etc.
A few observations
You do not necessarily need indexes that include all of the columns that may be involved in one particular query; only the [collectively] selective ones may be required.
In other words if the query uses, for example, columns a, b, c and d, but if an index with a and b exists and if that produces, statistically only a few thousand rows, it may be acceptable to not introduce indexes with a, b and c (or and d or both), if c or d are not very plausible search criteria (used infrequently), and if their width is such that is would unduly burden the a+b index (or if there were other columns with a better fit for being "tacked-on" to the a+b index).
Aside from the obvious additional demand they put on disk storage, additional indexes, while possibly helping with SELECT (read) operations may also become an impediment with CUD (Create/Update/Delete) operations. It appears the context here is akin to a datawarehouse, where few [unscheduled] CUD operations take place, but it is good to keep this in mind.
See SQLite Optimizer for valuable insight into the way SQLite determines the way a particular query is executed.
Making a list of indexes
A tentative basis for the index scheme for this application may look like this:
[A] A single column index for every column in the table (save maybe the ones which are ridiculously unselective, say a "Married" column w/ "Y/N" values in it....)
[B] A two (or three) columns index for each the likely/common use case queries
[C] Additional two/three column indexes for the cases where some non-common query case involves a set of columns none of which is individually selective.
From this basis we then can define the actual list of indexes needed by:
Adding one (or a few) extra columns at the end of (and in a well thought out order...) to the [B] indexes above. Typically such columns are choosed because of their relative small width (they do grow the index unduly) and because they have a relative chance of being used in combination with the columns cited before them in the index.
Removing the [A] indexes which are generally equivalent to one or several [B] indexes. That is: columns which start with the same column, and for which the extra columns do no burden much the index.
reviewing the TREE of all possible (or all acceptable) cases, and marking off the branches adequately served with the indexes above. Then adding yet more indexes for the odd use cases not readily covered (if only with partial index scan + main table lookup for an acceptable number of rows).
In this situation, I find a hand-written tree structure a useful tool to help manage the otherwise unmanageable lists of possible combinations. Assuming a maximum of 4 search criteria selected from the 50 columns indicated in the question, we have in excess of 230,000 combinations to consider... The tree helps prune this rather quickly.

How do you optimize tables for specific queries?

What are the patterns you use to determine the frequent queries?
How do you select the optimization factors?
What are the types of changes one can make?
This is a nice question, if rather broad (and none the worse for that).
If I understand you, then you're asking how to attack the problem of optimisation starting from scratch.
The first question to ask is: "is there a performance problem?"
If there is no problem, then you're done. This is often the case. Nice.
On the other hand...
Determine Frequent Queries
Logging will get you your frequent queries.
If you're using some kind of data access layer, then it might be simple to add code to log all queries.
It is also a good idea to log when the query was executed and how long each query takes. This can give you an idea of where the problems are.
Also, ask the users which bits annoy them. If a slow response doesn't annoy the user, then it doesn't matter.
Select the optimization factors?
(I may be misunderstanding this part of the question)
You're looking for any patterns in the queries / response times.
These will typically be queries over large tables or queries which join many tables in a single query. ... but if you log response times, you can be guided by those.
Types of changes one can make?
You're specifically asking about optimising tables.
Here are some of the things you can look for:
Denormalisation. This brings several tables together into one wider table, so in stead of your query joining several tables together, you can just read one table. This is a very common and powerful technique. NB. I advise keeping the original normalised tables and building the denormalised table in addition - this way, you're not throwing anything away. How you keep it up to date is another question. You might use triggers on the underlying tables, or run a refresh process periodically.
Normalisation. This is not often considered to be an optimisation process, but it is in 2 cases:
updates. Normalisation makes updates much faster because each update is the smallest it can be (you are updating the smallest - in terms of columns and rows - possible table. This is almost the very definition of normalisation.
Querying a denormalised table to get information which exists on a much smaller (fewer rows) table may be causing a problem. In this case, store the normalised table as well as the denormalised one (see above).
Horizontal partitionning. This means making tables smaller by putting some rows in another, identical table. A common use case is to have all of this month's rows in table ThisMonthSales, and all older rows in table OldSales, where both tables have an identical schema. If most queries are for recent data, this strategy can mean that 99% of all queries are only looking at 1% of the data - a huge performance win.
Vertical partitionning. This is Chopping fields off a table and putting them in a new table which is joinned back to the main table by the primary key. This can be useful for very wide tables (e.g. with dozens of fields), and may possibly help if tables are sparsely populated.
Indeces. I'm not sure if your quesion covers these, but there are plenty of other answers on SO concerning the use of indeces. A good way to find a case for an index is: find a slow query. look at the query plan and find a table scan. Index fields on that table so as to remove the table scan. I can write more on this if required - leave a comment.
You might also like my post on this.
That's difficult to answer without knowing which system you're talking about.
In Oracle, for example, the Enterprise Manager lets you see which queries took up the most time, lets you compare different execution profiles, and lets you analyze queries over a block of time so that you don't add an index that's going to help one query at the expense of every other one you run.
Your question is a bit vague. Which DB platform?
If we are talking about SQL Server:
Use the Dynamic Management Views. Use SQL Profiler. Install the SP2 and the performance dashboard reports.
After determining the most costly queries (i.e. number of times run x cost one one query), examine their execution plans, and look at the sizes of the tables involved, and whether they are predominately Read or Write, or a mixture of both.
If the system is under your full control (apps. and DB) you can often re-write queries that are badly formed (quite a common occurrance), such as deep correlated sub-queries which can often be re-written as derived table joins with a little thought. Otherwise, you options are to create covering non-clustered indexes and ensure that statistics are kept up to date.
For MySQL there is a feature called log slow queries
The rest is based on what kind of data you have and how it is setup.
In SQL server you can use trace to find out how your query is performing. Use ctrl + k or l
For example if u see full table scan happening in a table with large number of records then it probably is not a good query.
A more specific question will definitely fetch you better answers.
If your table is predominantly read, place a clustered index on the table.
My experience is with mainly DB2 and a smattering of Oracle in the early days.
If your DBMS is any good, it will have the ability to collect stats on specific queries and explain the plan it used for extracting the data.
For example, if you have a table (x) with two columns (date and diskusage) and only have an index on date, the query:
select diskusage from x where date = '2008-01-01'
will be very efficient since it can use the index. On the other hand, the query
select date from x where diskusage > 90
would not be so efficient. In the former case, the "explain plan" would tell you that it could use the index. In the latter, it would have said that it had to do a table scan to get the rows (that's basically looking at every row to see if it matches).
Really intelligent DBMS' may also explain what you should do to improve the performance (add an index on diskusage in this case).
As to how to see what queries are being run, you can either collect that from the DBMS (if it allows it) or force everyone to do their queries through stored procedures so that the DBA control what the queries are - that's their job, keeping the DB running efficiently.
indices on PKs and FKs and one thing that always helps PARTITIONING...
1. What are the patterns you use to determine the frequent queries?
Depends on what level you are dealing with the database. If you're a DBA or a have access to the tools, db's like Oracle allow you to run jobs and generate stats/reports over a specified period of time. If you're a developer writing an application against a db, you can just do performance profiling within your app.
2. How do you select the optimization factors?
I try and get a general feel for how the table is being used and the data it contains. I go about with the following questions.
Is it going to be updated a ton and on what fields do updates occur?
Does it have columns with low cardinality?
Is it worth indexing? (tables that are very small can be slowed down if accessed by an index)
How much maintenance/headache is it worth to have it run faster?
Ratio of updates/inserts vs queries?
3. What are the types of changes one can make?
-- If using Oracle, keep statistics up to date! =)
-- Normalization/De-Normalization either one can improve performance depending on the usage of the table. I almost always normalize and then only if I can in no other practical way make the query faster will de-normalize. A nice way to denormalize for queries and when your situation allows it is to keep the real tables normalized and create a denormalized "table" with a materialized view.
-- Index judiciously. Too many can be bad on many levels. BitMap indexes are great in Oracle as long as you're not updating the column frequently and that column has a low cardinality.
-- Using Index organized tables.
-- Partitioned and sub-partitioned tables and indexes
-- Use stored procedures to reduce round trips by applications, increase security, and enable query optimization without affecting users.
-- Pin tables in memory if appropriate (accessed a lot and fairly small)
-- Device partitioning between index and table database files.
..... the list goes on. =)
Hope this is helpful for you.