Reorganizing named fields with AWK - awk

I have to deal with various input files with a number of fields, arbitrarily arranged, but all consistently named and labelled with a header line. These files need to be reformatted such that all the desired fields are in a particular order, with irrelevant fields stripped and missing fields accounted for. I was hoping to use AWK to handle this, since it has done me so well when dealing with field-related dilemmata in the past.
After a bit of mucking around, I ended up with something much like the following (writing from memory, untested):
# imagine a perfectly-functional BEGIN {} block here
NR==1 {
fldname[1] = "first_name"
fldname[2] = "last_name"
fldname[3] = "middle_name"
maxflds = 3
# this is just a sample -- my real script went through forty-odd fields
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) for (j=1;j<=maxflds;j++) if ($i == fldname[j]) fldpos[j]=i
NR!=1 {
for (j=1;j<=maxflds;j++) {
if (fldpos[j]) printf "%s",$fldpos[j]
printf "%s","/t"
print ""
Now this solution works fine. I run it, I get my output exactly how I want it. No complaints there. However, for anything longer than three fields or so (such as the forty-odd fields I had to work with), it's a lot of painfully redundant code which always has and always will bother me. And the thought of having to insert a field somewhere else into that mess makes me shudder.
I die a little inside each time I look at it.
I'm sure there must be a more elegant solution out there. Or, if not, perhaps there is a tool better suited for this sort of task. AWK is awesome in it's own domain, but I fear I may be stretching it's limits some with this.
Any insight?

The only suggestion that I can think of is to move the initial array setup into the BEGIN block and read the ordered field names from a separate template file in a loop. Then your awk program consists only of loops with no embedded data. Your external template file would be a simple newline-separated list.
BEGIN {while ((getline < "fieldfile") > 0) fldname[++maxflds] = $0}
You would still read the header line in the same way you are now, of course. However, it occurs to me that you could use an associative array and reduce the nested for loops to a single for loop. Something like (untested):
BEGIN {while ((getline < "fieldfile") > 0) fldname[$0] = ++maxflds}
NR==1 {
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) fldpos[i] = fldname[$i]


awk replace string with another with new lines ( one time ) after finding another string

I wanted replace ___SIGNATURE___ with an HTML code signature after the first occurrence of "text/html" and only one replacement string ___SIGNATURE___. Any remaining ___SIGNATURE___ tags should simply be removed.
I am processing an email message where the header has a multipart boundary so there are two body parts, one with text/plain and another with text/html and the ___SIGNATURE___ tag exists in both.
So my part of my script looks like this:
awk -v signature="$(cat $disclaimer_file)" '/text\/html/ {html=1;} html==1 && !swap(swap=sub(/___SIGNATURE___/, signature);}1 in.$$ > temp.mail && mv temp.mail in.$$
sed -i "s/charset=us-ascii/charset=utf-8/1;s/___SIGNATURE___//" in.$$
It works, but is that optimal solution?
I have used altermime before but it was not good solution for my case.
Without access to sample messages, it's hard to predict what exactly will work, and whether we need to properly parse the MIME structures or if we can just blindly treat the message as text.
In the latter case, refactoring to something like
awk 'NR==FNR { signature = signature ORS $0; next }
{ sub(/charset="?[Uu][Ss]-[Aa][Ss][Cc][Ii][Ii]"?/, "charset=\"utf-8\"") }
/text\/html/ { html = 1 }
/text\/plain/ { html = 0 }
/___SIGNATURE___/ {
if (html && signature) {
# substr because there is a ORS before the text
sub(/___SIGNATURE___/, substr(signature, 2))
signature = ""
} else
sub(/___SIGNATURE___/, "")
} 1' "$disclaimer_file" "in.$$"
would avoid invoking both Awk and sed (and cat, and the quite pesky temporary file), where just Awk can reasonably and quite comfortably do all the work.
If you need a proper MIME parser, I would look into writing a simple Python script. The email library in Python 3.6+ is quite easy to use and flexible (but avoid copy/pasting old code which uses raw MIMEMultipart etc; you want to use the (no longer very) new EmailMessage class).

Parsing and creating new arguments with getline AWK code

I am writing a pretty long AWK program (NOT terminal script) to parse through a network trace file. I have a situation where the next line in the trace file is ALWAYS a certain type of 'receive' (3 possible types) - however, I only want AWK to handle/print on one type. In short, I want to tell AWK if the next line contains a certain receive type, do not include it. It is my understanding that getline is the best way to go about this.
I have tried a couple different variations of getline and getline VAR via the manual, I still cannot seem to search through and reference fields in the next line like I want. Updated from edit:
if ((event=="r") && (hopSource == hopDest)) {
getline x
if ((x $31 =="arp") || (x $35 =="AODV")) {
#printf("Badline %s %s \n", $31, $35)
else {
#printf("MAC Link Recieved from HEAD - %d to MEMBER %d \n", messageSource, messageDest)
I am using the print(badline) as just a marker to see what is going on. I fully understand how to restructure the code once I get the search and reference correct. I am also able to print the correct 'next' lines. However, I would expect to be able to search through the next line and create new arguments based on what is contained in the next line. How do I search a 'next line' based on an argument in AWK? How do I reference fields in that line to create new arguments?
Final note, the 'next line' number of fields (NF) varies, but I feel that the $35 field reference should handle any problems there.

Mark duplicate headers in a fasta file

I have a big Fasta file which I want to modify. It basically consists of many sequences with headers that start ">". My Problem is, that some of the Headers are not unique, even though the Sequences are unique.
Now I want to find all duplicates in my big Fasta File and append numbers to the duplicates, so that I know which duplicate it is (1,2,3,...,x). When a new duplicate is found (one with another header), the counter should start from the beginning.
The output should be something like this:
I would prefer a method with awk or sed, so that I can easily modify the code to run on all files in a directory.
I have to admit, that I am just starting to learn programming and parsing, but I hope this is not a stupid question.
THX in advance for the help.
An awk script:
name = $1;
$1 = "";
suffix = names[name] ? "-" names[name] : "";
print name suffix $0, "\n";
The above uses the ">" as a record separator, and checks the first field (which is the header name that can be duplicated). For each line it prints, it adds a suffix after the header name for each additional time the field appears (i.e. '-1' for the first dup, '-2' for the second...)

Is a /start/,/end/ range expression ever useful in awk?

I've always contended that you should never use a range expression like:
in awk because although it makes the trivial case where you only want to print matching text including the start and end lines slightly briefer than the alternative*:
/start/{f=1} f{print; if (/end/) f=0}
when you want to tweak it even slightly to do anything else, it requires a complete re-write or results in duplicated or otherwise undesirable code. e.g. if you want to print the matching text excluding the range delimiters using the second form above you'd just tweak it to move the components around:
f{if (/end/) f=0; else print} /start/{f=1}
but if you started with /start/,/end/ you'd need to abandon that approach in favor of what I just posted or you'd have to write something like:
/start/,/end/{ if (!/start|end/) print }
i.e. duplicate the conditions which is undesirable.
Then I saw a question posted that required identifying the LAST end in a file and where a range expression was used in the solution and I thought it seemed like that might have some value (see
Now, though, I'm back to thinking that it's just not worth bothering with range expressions at all and a solution that doesn't use range expressions would have worked just as well for that case.
So - does anyone have an example where a range expression actually adds noticeable value to a solution?
*I used to use:
/start/{f=1} f; /end/{f=0}
but too many times I found I had to do something additional when f is true and /end/ is found (or to put it another way ONLY do something when /end/ is found IF f were true) so now I just try to stick to the slightly less brief but much more robust and extensible:
/start/{f=1} f{print; if (/end/) f=0}
Interesting. I also often start with a range expression and then later on switch to using a variable..
I think a situation where this could be useful, aside from the pure range-only situations is if you want to print a match, but only if it lies in a certain range. Also because it is immediately obvious what it does. For example:
awk '/start/,/end/{if(/ppp/)print}' file
with this input:
dfgd gd
ppp 1
fd gfd
ppp 2
ppp 3
ppp 4
ppp 5
ppp 6
ppp 7
will produce:
ppp 1
ppp 4
ppp 5
One could of course also use:
awk '/start/{f=1} /ppp/ && f; /end/{f=0}' file
But it is longer and somewhat less readable..
While you are right that the /start/,/end/ range expression can easily be reimplemented with a conditional, it has many interesting use-cases where it is used on its own. As you observe it, it might have little value for processing of tabular data, the main but not only use case of awk.
So - does anyone have an example where a range expression actually adds noticeable value to a solution?
In the mentioned use-cases, the range expression improves legibility. Here are a few examples, where the range expression accurately selects the text to be processed. These are only a hand of examples, but there is countlessly similar applications, demonstrating the incredible versatility of awk.
Filter logs within a time range
Assuming each log line starts with an ISO timestamp, the filter below selects all events in a given range of 1 hour:
awk '/^2015-06-30T12:00:00Z/,/^2015-06-30T13:00:00Z/'
Extract a document from a file
awk '/---- begin ----/,/---- end ----/'
This can be used to bundle resources with shell scripts (with cat), to extract parts of GPG-signed messages (prepared with --clearsign) or more generally of MIME-messages.
Process LaTeX files
The range pattern can be used to match LaTeX environments, so for instance we can select the abstracts of all articles in our directory:
awk '/begin{abstract}/,/end{abstract}/' *.tex
or all the theorems, to prepare a theorem database!
awk '/begin{theorem}/,/end{theorem}/' *.tex
or write a linter ensuring that theorems do not contain citations (if we regard this as bad style):
awk '
/begin{theorem}/,/end{theorem}/ { if(/\\cite{/) { c+= 1 } }
END { printf("There were %d bad-style citations.\n", c) }
or preprocess tables, etc.

GAWK Script using special characters

I am having an issue using special characters. I am parsing a text file separated by tabs. I want to have the program add a "*" to the first word in the line if a certain parameter is true.
if ($Var < $3) $1 = \*$1
Now every time I run it I get the error that it is not the end of the line.
2 things, but without more context to test with we really can't help you much.
$Var will only have meaning if you have set it above like Var=3. Then I don't think gawk will evaluate your $3 to the value of $3. The other side of that expression < $3 WILL expand to the value of the 3rd field. If you're getting $Var from the shell environment, you need to let the gawk script 'see' that value, i.e.
awk '{ ..... if ('"$Var"' < $3) $1= "*" $1 .....}
If you want the string literal '*' pre-pended, you're better off doing $1 = "*" $1
Without sample inputs, sample expected output, actual output and error messages, we'll be playing 20 questions here. If these comments don't solve your problem, please edit your question above to include these items.
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