I have my database built already, but I really want to print out an erd to reference while I'm building my models. Is there a utility that can generate an erd from a SQL dump or by connecting to the database directly?
Thanks in advance,
The Data Modelling component of MySQL Workbench 5.2 OSS can do what you are describing, depending on the ERD notation you are seeking.
From the Home tab, select Create EER Model from Existing Database, then simply follow the wizard that displays. It will you run you through connecting to an RDBMS, choosing the objects to model, and then create the model for you.
If you're looking for traditional Chen or Crow's Foot notation, make sure you select Classic in the Model > Object Notation menu, and Crow's Foot in the Model > Relationship Notation menu.
MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench should be able to do this.
I am trying to visualize tables and their relations using pgAdmin. I have understood that there is a query visualizer tool available for pgAdmin. However, that only is useful if you are dealing with queries. My main goal is to generate a graphical representation of all the tables available in database.
In pgAdmin 4 right click on the database and then "Generate ERD (Beta)"
For pgadmin 3
Go to Tools -> Query Tool
Graphical Query Builder is a tab in the Query Tool view.
unfortunately Pgadmin 4 does not have this option.
I have found this webpage on postgresql wiki, with various tools on utilizing a postgresql database. I have used DbWrench on Mac to generate the ERD.
try pgModeler - there is working demo (although limited by number of objects). Also only PostgreSQL 9.x is supported.
You can use JetBrains DataGrip for visualize your database schemas. Create a connection to DB, and right click on [shema name] -> Diagrams -> Show visualisation.
I am following database first approach. Please help me out how can I make models out of my database.
In sql server management studio, you can expand the database node under [server] => Databases => [database_name], and the first item should be "database diagrams". Right click, hit New Diagram, and you'll be taken to a dialog where you can import the tables you want into the diagram.
The other option is, if you're using a third party data modeling tool, go to [database_name] => Tasks => Generate Scripts, and generate a db creation script. The tools I've used, ERWin and ER Studio, can import those scripts as a model.
ErWin is a common tool, almost an industry standard. You do not HAVE to learn it but it's a nice to know.
Their community edition is free and good to learn about data modeling, both from physical to logical (what you are trying to do here, I guess) and the other way around.
I would recommend the crow's foot notation, which is now seemingly the industry standard (better than the infinity-key notation which SSMS offers). Hate to link to Wikipedia but this below article is A-OK:
I need to create a database in SQLite, but I do not want to create the tables manually.
I already have the model of the data I need in the database, and what kind of relationship is each one (many-many, one-many, ...)
I'm wondering if there is a tool that allows me to do that?
I just need the tool to generate the SQL code. Then I will take care of the queries manually using SQL
I was thinking about placing the model in Django, and see what it generates, but there should be a tool not linked to a particular language that allows me to do that. Am I wrong?
Hibernate have the ability to create a scheme from mapped classes. There is support for SQLite.
You can go for dia (see "Tools that generates something from Dia diagrams" at http://projects.gnome.org/dia/links.html).
Also there is SQL::Translator and DBIx::* that allows reading an schema from YAML, Excel, and other sources, but these are Perl specific.
Good luck
You can use Symfony + Doctrine framework. It can generate SQL queries.
Try this module on CPAN: Parse::Dia::SQL
is there some standard about how to graphically represent database schemas? Is UML a defacto standard for this?
Also, is there some free tool that can help me convert an sql file (basically bunch of CREATE TABLE queries) into some nice graph (UML or not UML)?
You are looking for ERD:
As for a tool, visual Paradigm UML can help you model (with both UML and ERD). The community edition allows you to create ERD diagrams.
UML? No. Entity/relationship diagrams are de riguer for databases.
MySQL Workbench does a nice job.
How do you create a database from an Entity Data Model.
So I created a database using the EDM Designer in VisualStudio 2008, and now I want to generate the SQL Server Schema to create storage in SQL Server.
From what I understand you are not just supposed to use EDM as a "pretty" database designer, in fact EDM does not depend on a specific storage layer. It tries to abstract that part for the developer. There are design schemas (CSDL) and storage schemas (SSDL). Anyway, don't mean to lecture you. ;)
There is EDM Generator, which you use to create models and class, etc.. For a DDL kind of export, I've never done that but what I did was map my EDM to an existing database, which was easier for me to get started.
There is a great tutorial on MSDN, which details step by step instructions on how to go about using an existing database, but also touches the how to start from scratch approach.
The Feature "Generate Database Schema from Model" is scheduled for a future release of Entity Framework. V1 does'nt support schema generatiorn based on EF models.
I believe the other answers implied this, but just to be explicit - use SSMS (or whatever equivlent if you're a brave sole and not using SQL Server provider) to design the DB layout and then suck that into EDM - and then apply application changes as necessary to the model.
I spent about an hour trying to do it your way first (leftover habit from some other Java ORM tools) - I eventually gave up and now do it the 'Right Way' (tm)
Eventually it would be nice (as JRoppert indicated) to have the generate databse schema from model feature - then you could get your DDLs for various DB flavours automagically.
Generating databases from model is a feature planned for vNext of Entity Framework.
Check out this blog post of Entity Framework Design explaining the planned features for database generation from a model.
What you must do right now is either 1) generate the database by hand, or 2) parse the CSDL file and write your own generator. I think option 1) is probably a better option.
Avilable in EF 4: