What open source software can I use to develop interior design software? [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to develop an interior designing software :)
Much like a virtual room designing software.
There will be pre-designed 3D objects and they can dragged on to the room. You can change the room size etc... Much like a conventional home designing software :) After the room is designed i should be able to to make the user walk through it...
I know that is a lot of requirements...
But are there any open source IDE's/API's/Engines that can i use to achieve similar results?

What you need to use depends on the level of realism you want to achieve.
For a simple(ish) start, try Google Sketchup - there is a vast array of samples online: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/
For something more powerful (and complicated to use), try Blender
You'll then need to use an API to render and allow user movement - for this, take a look at JMonkeyEngine
FYI - There is a more complete list of modeling apps on the jMonkeyEngine site.

It's not really programming related, but look at Google SketchUp. It also has a powerful SDK which you can use.

For SDK search for '3d scenegraph' in google. Some good ones are Ogre3d, Irrlicht and OpenSceneGraph. If you are planning on a web based solution you can look at several WebGL based scenegraphs, SceneJS and Google O3D are easy to get started with.


Can I replace my development PC displays with a VR headset (part-time) yet? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for a VR solution (presumably software for an Oculus or Vive device) that presents 2 to 4 high-resolution development displays. The main requirement is that it provides all the functionality a software developer needs for part-time use.
Although I welcome you to include your favorite solution and note its benefits, as StackOverflow is not for product comparison any solution will answer my question.
It's OK if this isn't suitable for full work-week use, such as concerns about eyestrain from 8 hours of straight use (although severe eyestrain after short use would make it unusable), but it's not OK if I lose key currently-standard functionality commonly used by most developers, such as ability to run multiple displays and snap an IDE to fill one and a browser to fill another, ability to have a high resolution or high virtual resolution, poor text quality, or ability to use a debugger.
I'd prefer one that I can use with a laptop as a mobile solution outside (yes, I know, the headset ruins the beach), but it isn't required.
Does something like that exist?
Check out Virtual Desktop. The resolution of the Rift & Vive is still a bit low to use this for coding & development but it's got a lot of potential!

API for a real life like 3D avatar that could read given text. Ulta HAL for Mac/Linux? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking to build a voice based interactive automation system. To make the experience more realistic I am looking for 3D avatars that could read a given text(response) in real time.
The closest I found something on the net is Ultra HAL for windows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEtgfXbpCqI). I need something similar, expressive, programmable through an API and preferable for a MAC or Linux. TTS is not that mandatory.
Thanks for the help.
Sadly there is nothing comparable to the (15 year old) Haptek avatar technology (the underlying tech Ultra HAL uses). Even on the Windows platform. We use Haptek for Cassandra for all the reasons you want such a package. To my knowledge nothing else supports such high quality, 3D, emotively & verbally autonomous characters. Note: In-game 3D avatars are all carefully scripted and acted scenes and not actually interactive.
I would like to extend the question/request to the Android platform. Many developers could make great use of that. Cassandra certainly would.

OpenGEO GPS questions [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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For the last two weeks I have been researching the GIS world for a project I have been tasked with. The end goal is to have thousands of GPS points with information bubbles when you click on the point. This was a pretty simple task and now I'm moving onto the next part of this and I need some help to point me in the correct direction for me to research. What I'm trying to accomplish is to have an Alarm go off when I'm within a certain proximity to these points. I know the OpenGEO suite along with QGis has some GPS functions but what I'm looking for is something that can be used by someone either VIA web or a PC or mobile Application that will alarm on proximity. I have also been looking into Leaflet and OpenLayers in hopes I can do it through these map library's or in junction with them.
What are some ways I could do this? Please do not give me any code because I like to research things to learn. I just need some guidance. Thanks in advance!
Have a look at ifttt.com (if this then that). Here, is a recipe that lights a philips hue light bulb when someone enters an area with android gps app. Best part, you don't have to code anything.
If your solution has to be more inhouse developed, you definitely have to read about the new mysql gis functions. IIRC, you have to use mysql 5.6 or newer.

Free UML Drawing Tools [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are the best free uml drawing tools?
All the ones I have found require membership payments and only offer limited functionality based to public users on a trial basis...rubbish!
For my (very simple) needs I used ArgoUML. I'm not an expert about, but I found it enough easy to use. It's open source and, on the web page, you can find a good user guide.
Have a look at StarUML ( http://staruml.sourceforge.net/en/ )
It's free, open source, and incredibly fully featured.
For a full list, check out the ones marked as Open Source here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unified_Modeling_Language_tools
But I'd really recommend StarUML!
For my first two software engineering courses, I used the stand alone version of UMLet, but it is just for diagrams. It exports to standard graphics, or pdf. They also have an eclipse plugin version, but I never used it.
For a no frill drawing tool, I find Google Docs (drawings) pretty good. Note that printing works better under Mozilla than Chrome, strangely enough. In Chrome, I cannot get dashed lines to print.
Try UMLet. Supports Eclipse IDE.

Dynamic Collapsable Flow Chart Online [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Been looking through a number of other related posts relating to flowchart software.
I have been asked to put together a document outlining some of the typical problems our users encounter with our software product.
What I would like to do, is create an interactive/online flowchart that lets users choose from 4-5 overall headings on whats wrong. Then for this to dynamically expand more choices on pinpointing the problem, and so on and so on, until they can get a resolution to their problem.
The key thing that I have not been able to find in some of the flowchart software out there, is having the click + expand element.
- I dont want all options to appear to the end-user in a huge flow chart as it will distract away from their specific issue.
- I want them to be able to click away and go down a specific avenue that will end up giving them some good things to try, based on their decisions/clicks.
I was originally thinking of perhaps putting something in Flex or Silverlight (ideally someone would have a template out there) but am now thinking of taking advantage of 3rd party (ideally free) software.
This will need to be hosted in a browser.
Any ideas?
Check out FreeMind. It's mind mapping software, so not necessarily a flowcharting tool, but you can use it for what you describe.