Recursion & MYSQL? - sql

I got a really simple table structure like this:
Table Page Hits
id | title | parent | hits
1 | Root | | 23
2 | Child | 1 | 20
3 | ChildX | 1 | 30
4 | GChild | 2 | 40
As I don't want to have the recursion in my code I would like to do a recurisive SQL.
Is there any SELECT statement to get the sum of Root (23+20+30+40) or Child ( 20 + 40 ) ?

You are organizing your hierarchical data using the adjacency list model. The fact that such recursive operations are difficult is in fact one major drawback of this model.
Some DBMSes, such as SQL Server 2005, Postgres 8.4 and Oracle 11g, support recursive queries using common table expressions with the WITH keyword.
As for MySQL, you may be interested in checking out the following article which describes an alternative model (the nested set model), which makes recursive operations easier (possible):
Mike Hillyer: Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL

Not in 1 select statment, no.
If you knew the maximum depth of the relationshop (ie parent->child->child or parent->child->child->child) you could write a select statement which would give you a bunch of numbers that you would then have to sum up seperately (1 number per level of depth).
You could, however, do it with a mysql stored procedure which is recursive.


Does using HAVING in SQL here compute an aggregate function a second time?

I saw this query as an answer to another question on this site:
SELECT MAX(date), thread_id
FROM table
GROUP BY thread_id
HAVING MAX(date) < 1555
With this database sample:
| id | date | thread_id |
| 1 | 1111 | 4 |
| 2 | 1333 | 4 |
| 3 | 1444 | 5 |
| 4 | 1666 | 5 |
Am I correct in assuming MAX(date) is computed twice here?
If so, this would definitely reduce the efficiency of this query. Is it possible to refactor the query so that MAX(date) is only computed once, so that performance can be maximised?
A peek into the query pipeline/execution plan will answer your question. During the GROUP BY aggregation step, MySQL will compute the max date for each thread_id. Then, during the HAVING filter, the max date will already be available to use. So, I would expect MAX(date) to be computed only once.
Note that MySQL actually permits using aliases in the HAVING clause, so you could have written your query as:
SELECT thread_id, MAX(date) AS max_date
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY thread_id
HAVING max_date < 1555;
Absolutly NOT !
The letters SQL means Structured Query Language. The most important word into this name is QUERY that means it is not a procedural language. In a procedural language, you write the exact commands that you want the computer to do. In SQL, a "query" language, you do not write a program code, but only the desired answer, then the SQL algrebrizer/optimizer have to compute the program that will be executed by the query processor (known as "query execution plan").
SQL is translated into relational algebra which is a simple mathematic formula and then be simplified by the algrebrizer like the work you've done at school when the teacher gives you a complex equation to solve : factorization, substitution...
The SQL engine will do the same, by factorizing the MAX(date) that will be compute once only !

Open sums in SQL / dynamic selection of tables

Much ink has been spilled on the topic of sum types in SQL. The standard solutions are called absorption, separation, and partition; see, e.g.: .
I want to ask about how to encode open sums. Normal sums allow a field to be one of a fixed set of several different types; with open sums, this set is not fixed.
The basic setup in our program: There is a list of "triggers," where each trigger can be one of many different things. Plugins can be written defining new trigger types, although the set of trigger types can be assumed to be known at compile time.
We want a table of all triggers.
Our current best idea:
Dynamically create a materialized view of the following form:
id | id_in_plugin_table | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | plugin_name
1 | 27 | 8 | RegexTrigger
2 | 27 | 12 | RidiculouslyUnsafeCustomJSTrigger
This relation is automatically generated from the various plugin tables, each of which have their own ID and a thing_in_main_program_it_refs field.
For illustration, here's what the referenced tables may look like.
RegexTrigger table:
id | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | regex
27 | 8 | hel*o
id | thing_in_main_program_it_refs | custom_js
27 | 12 | (x) => isPrime(x.length())
Either use two roundtrips to lookup the plugin table and then query it, or combine them into a single SQL program which uses EXEC.
I'm happy with part 1, but not with part 2. Neither option sounds efficient, and the latter option uses EXEC.
So, we're looking for either (a) a better way to dynamically select a table in a query, or (b) a different approach to open sums.

Check if a value exists in the child-parent tree

I'm creating a simple directory listing page where you can specify what kind of thing you want to list in the directory e.g. a person or a company.
Each user has an UserTypeID and there is a dbo.UserType lookup table. The dbo.UserType lookup table is like this:
UserTypeID | UserTypeParentID | Name
1 NULL Person
2 NULL Company
3 2 IT
4 3 Accounting Software
In the dbo.Users table we have records like this:
UserID | UserTypeID | Name
1 1 Jenny Smith
2 1 Malcolm Brown
3 2 Wall Mart
4 3 Microsoft
5 4 Sage
My SQL (so far) is very simple: (excuse the pseudo-code style)
DECLARE #UserTypeID int
dbo.Users u
dbo.UserType ut
ut.UserTypeID = #UserTypeID
The problem is here is that when people want to search for companies they will enter in '2' as the UserTypeID. But both Microsoft and Sage won't show up because their UserTypeIDs are 3 and 4 respectively. But its the final UserTypeParentID which tells me that they're both Companies.
How could I rewrite the SQL to ask it to return to return records where the UserTypeID = #UserTypeID or where its final UserTypeParentID is also equal to #UserTypeID. Or am I going about this the wrong way?
Schema Change
I would suggest you to break it down this schema a little bit more, to make your queries and life simpler, with this current schema you will end up writing a recursive query every time you want to get simplest data from your Users table, and trust me you dont want to do this to yourself.
I would break down this schema of these tables as follow:
UserID | UserName
1 | Jenny
2 | Microsoft
3 | Sage
TypeID | TypeName
1 | Person
2 | IT
3 | Compnay
4 | Accounting Software
UserID | TypeID
1 | 1
2 | 2
2 | 3
3 | 2
3 | 3
3 | 4
You say that you are "creating" this - excellent because you have the opportunity to reconsider your whole approach.
Dealing with hierarchical data in a relational database is problematic because it is not designed for it - the model you choose to represent it will have a huge impact on the performance and ease of construction of your queries.
You have opted for an Adjacently List model which is great for inserts (and deletes) but a bugger for selects because the query has to effectively reconstruct the hierarchy path. By the way an Adjacency List is the model almost everyone goes for on their first attempt.
Everything is a trade off so you should decide what queries will be most common - selects (and updates) or inserts (and deletes). See this question for starters. Also, since SQL Server 2008, there is a native HeirachyID datatype (see this) which may be of assistance.
Of course, you could store your data in an XML file (in SQL Server or not) which is designed for hierarchical data.

Creating a list tree with SQLite

I'm trying to make a hierarchical list with PHP and an SQLite table setup like this:
| itemid | parentid | name |
| 1 | null | Item1 |
| 2 | null | Item2 |
| 3 | 1 | Item3 |
| 4 | 1 | Item4 |
| 5 | 2 | Item5 |
| 6 | 5 | Item6 |
The lists would be built with unordered lists and allow for this type of tree structure:
I've seen this done with directories and flat arrays, but I can't seem to make it work right with this structure and without a depth limit.
You're using a textbook design for storing hierarchical data in an SQL database. This design is called Adjacency List, i.e. each node in the hierarchy has a parentid foreign key to its immediate parent.
With this design, you can't generate a tree like you describe and support arbitrary depth for the tree. You've already figured this out.
Most other SQL databases (PostgreSQL, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM DB2) support recursive queries, which solve this problem.
MySQL supports recursive CTE queries from version 8.0.1 (2017-04-10). See
SQLite supports recursive CTE queries from version 3.34.0 (2020-12-01). See
If you use an older version, you need another solution to store the hierarchy. There are several solutions for this. See my presentation Models for Hierarchical Data with PHP and MySQL for descriptions and examples.
I usually prefer a design I call Closure Table, but each design has strength and weaknesses. Which one is best for your project depends on what kinds of queries you need to do efficiently with your data. So you should go study the solutions and choose one for yourself.
I know this was asked log time ago, but with current SQLite version it is trivial to do and no need level depth as #Bill-Karwin says. So the correct answer should be reconsidered :)
My table has columns MCTMPLID and REF_TMPLID and my structure starting node is called ROOT
`TMPLID` text,
('Root', NULL),
('Item1', 'Root'),
('Item2', 'Root'),
('Item3', 'Item1'),
('Item4', 'Item1'),
('Item5', 'Item2'),
('Item6', 'Item5');
And here is the main query, that builds tree structure
under_root(name,level) AS (
SELECT tmpl.TMPLID, under_root.level+1
FROM MyStruct as tmpl JOIN under_root ON
SELECT substr('....................',1,level*3) || name as TreeStructure FROM under_root
And here is result
I'm sure this can be modified to work tik OP's table structure, so let this sample be starting point
Documentation and some samples

cloning hierarchical data

let's assume i have a self referencing hierarchical table build the classical way like this one:
(name text,id serial primary key,parent_id integer
references test);
insert into test (name,id,parent_id) values
testdb=# select * from test;
name | id | parent_id
root1 | 1 |
root2 | 2 |
root1sub1 | 3 | 1
root1sub2 | 4 | 1
root2sub1 | 5 | 2
root2sub2 | 6 | 2
What i need now is a function (preferrably in plain sql) that would take the id of a test record and
clone all attached records (including the given one). The cloned records need to have new ids of course. The desired result
would like this for example:
Select * from cloningfunction(2);
name | id | parent_id
root2 | 7 |
root2sub1 | 8 | 7
root2sub2 | 9 | 7
Any pointers? Im using PostgreSQL 8.3.
Pulling this result in recursively is tricky (although possible). However, it's typically not very efficient and there is a much better way to solve this problem.
Basically, you augment the table with an extra column which traces the tree to the top - I'll call it the "Upchain". It's just a long string that looks something like this:
name | id | parent_id | upchain
root1 | 1 | NULL | 1:
root2 | 2 | NULL | 2:
root1sub1 | 3 | 1 | 1:3:
root1sub2 | 4 | 1 | 1:4:
root2sub1 | 5 | 2 | 2:5:
root2sub2 | 6 | 2 | 2:6:
root1sub1sub1 | 7 | 3 | 1:3:7:
It's very easy to keep this field updated by using a trigger on the table. (Apologies for terminology but I have always done this with SQL Server). Every time you add or delete a record, or update the parent_id field, you just need to update the upchain field on that part of the tree. That's a trivial job because you just take the upchain of the parent record and append the id of the current record. All child records are easily identified using LIKE to check for records with the starting string in their upchain.
What you're doing effectively is trading a bit of extra write activity for a big saving when you come to read the data.
When you want to select a complete branch in the tree it's trivial. Suppose you want the branch under node 1. Node 1 has an upchain '1:' so you know that any node in the branch of the tree under that node must have an upchain starting '1:...'. So you just do this:
FROM table
WHERE upchain LIKE '1:%'
This is extremely fast (index the upchain field of course). As a bonus it also makes a lot of activities extremely simple, such as finding partial trees, level within the tree, etc.
I've used this in applications that track large employee reporting hierarchies but you can use it for pretty much any tree structure (parts breakdown, etc.)
Notes (for anyone who's interested):
I haven't given a step-by-step of the SQL code but once you get the principle, it's pretty simple to implement. I'm not a great programmer so I'm speaking from experience.
If you already have data in the table you need to do a one time update to get the upchains synchronised initially. Again, this isn't difficult as the code is very similar to the UPDATE code in the triggers.
This technique is also a good way to identify circular references which can otherwise be tricky to spot.
The Joe Celko's method which is similar to the njreed's answer but is more generic can be found here:
Nested-Set Model of Trees (at the middle of the article)
Nested-Set Model of Trees, part 2
Trees in SQL -- Part III
#Maximilian: You are right, we forgot your actual requirement. How about a recursive stored procedure? I am not sure if this is possible in PostgreSQL, but here is a working SQL Server version:
#to_clone_id int, #parent_id int
DECLARE #new_node_id int, #child_id int
INSERT INTO test (name, parent_id)
SELECT name, #parent_id FROM test WHERE id = #to_clone_id
SET #new_node_id = ##IDENTITY
DECLARE #children_cursor CURSOR
SET #children_cursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT id FROM test WHERE parent_id = #to_clone_id
OPEN #children_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM #children_cursor INTO #child_id
EXECUTE CloneNode #child_id, #new_node_id
FETCH NEXT FROM #children_cursor INTO #child_id
CLOSE #children_cursor
DEALLOCATE #children_cursor
Your example is accomplished by EXECUTE CloneNode 2, null (the second parameter is the new parent node).
This sounds like an exercise from "SQL For Smarties" by Joe Celko...
I don't have my copy handy, but I think it's a book that'll help you quite a bit if this is the kind of problems you need to solve.