Skipping MSBuild target - msbuild

Is there a way to use MSBuild syntax to skip a specific target? I have a file consisting of a lot of properties (lines containing /property:X=Y) that I want to pass on to a recursively called instance of MSBuild, but this file also contains a /target:X line, that I do not want to have any effect. I don't have the option to modify the file.

I suppose you are able to edit .proj file. You can manage MSBuild targets executing by the Condition. Your target, which you want to exclude, could contain something like this:
SomeProperty can be passed in the calling:
MSBuild.exe build.proj /p:SomeProperty=false


override project properties on execting msbuild

I have a Visual Studio 8 2005 project generated by cmake. Is there any way to override some properties (RuntimeLibrary, WarnAsError, WarningLevel) listed in *.vcproj project file at msbuild call in command line?
Unfortunately, this doesn't work:
msbuild my_project.sln /p:Configuration=Debug,WarnAsError=false,RuntimeLibrary=1
In order to set multiple properties, you need to separate them using a semicolon (;), not commas (,). It is also possible to use multiple /p: arguments:
msbuild my_project.sln /p:Prop1=Value2;Prop2=Value2 /p:Prop3=Value3

Can MSBuild ItemGroup's be chunked?

I've got an ItemGroup that includes source files from my project:
<SourceFiles Include=".\**\*.h;.\**\*.cpp"/>
There are a few hundred source files. I want to pass them to a command line tool in an Exec task.
If I call the command line tool individually for each file:
<Exec Command="tool.exe %(SourceFiles.FullPath)" WorkingDirectory="."/>
Then, it runs very slowly.
If I call the command line tool and pass all of the files in one go:
<Exec Command="tool.exe #(SourceFiles -> '"%(FullPath)"', ' ')" WorkingDirectory="."/>
Then, I get an error if there are too many files (I'm guessing the command line length exceeds some maximum).
Is there a way I can chunk the items so that the tool can be called a number of times, each time passing up to a maximum number of source file names to the tool?
I'm not aware of any mechanism to do that with well known item metadata. What you could do is load all those paths into their own item group and write a custom task that calls the exec task. Writing a custom task is pretty simple, it can be done inline:

Pass property value from TFS Build Definition to proj file

I have a build definition set up in my TFS 2012 instance. In this Build Definition I want to pass in a custom argument and access said argument in my .csproj file. For example:
MSBuild Arguments: /p:MyFoo=1
In my .csproj file I want to do this:
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(MyFoo)' == '1' ">
Is this possible, or am I going about this incorrectly?
This is more than possible, it's very easy to do. Edit your build definition, under the process tab expand the "advanced" section and you will see a property called "MSbuild Arguments" add the argument in the format in the question. e.g. /p:MyFoo=1
You can also enter the arguments when you queue a build

Is it possible to specify a MSBuild property on the command line which references another property?

For example given a project quickie.vcxproj, to build it under c:\output\c without specifying the project name explicitly:
msbuild /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Debug /p:PlatformToolset=v100 quickie\quickie.vcxproj /p:OutDir=c:\output\c\$(MSBuildProjectName)\
The result is a directory c:\output\c\$(MSBuildProjectName)
Required result is: c:\output\c\quickie
Attemping with c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild
No. Exceeding thirty characters

msbuild -p:outputdir=c:\mydir being ignored

I'm running msbuild from the command line with the following:
msbuild mysolution.sln -p:outputdir=c:\mydir
When I run this, the outputdir is being ignored and the default specified in the csproj file is being used.
The MSDN doc for this tool says that I should be able to override the build directory using this parameter. What am I doing wrong?
You should use OutputPath and more important you should use the right syntax :
msbuild mysolution.sln /p:OutputPath=c:\mydir
Note that OutputPath is preferred over OutDir. The documentation used to be wrong about this, but I see that they've finally fixed it.
Beyond that, it's difficult to say exactly what the problem is, since you didn't show the exact path that you're passing as a parameter. There are two possible problems that I can imagine:
The OutputPath option specifies the path to the output directory relative to the project directory. That means you can't set it to a global path like C:\mydir. I assume it is unable to find the path you specified, and so it defaults to the one specified in your project file.
If the path that you're actually specifying as a parameter contains spaces, the command is likely to fail. I believe you need to wrap the path in quotes and append an extra backslash to the end of the path string.
I believe you should be using OutputPath.