Should I denormalize Loans, Purchases and Sales tables into one table? - sql

Based on the information I have provided below, can you give me your opinion on whether its a good idea to denormalize separate tables into one table which holds different types of contracts?.. What are the pro's/con's?.. Has anyone attempted this before?.. Banking systems use a CIF (Customer Information File) [master] where customers may have different types of accounts, CD's, mortgages, etc. and use transaction codes[types] but do they store them in one table?
I have separate tables for Loans, Purchases & Sales transactions. Rows from each of these tables are joined to their corresponding customer in the following manner:
customer.pk_id SERIAL = loan.fk_id INTEGER;
= purchase.fk_id INTEGER;
= sale.fk_id INTEGER;
Since there are so many common properties among these tables, which revolves around the same merchandise being: pawned, bought and sold, I experimented by consolidating them into one table called "Contracts" and added the following column:
Contracts.Type char(1) {L=Loan, P=Purchase, S=Sale}
A customer initially pawns merchandise, makes a couple of interest payments, then decides he wants to sell the merchandise to the pawnshop, who then places merchandise in Inventory and eventually sells it to another customer.
I designed a generic table where for example:
Contracts.Capital DECIMAL(7,2)
in a loan contract it holds the pawn principal amount, in a purchase holds the purchase price, in a sale holds sale price.
Is this design a good idea or should I keep them separate?

Your table second design is better, and, is "normalised".
You first design was the denormalised one!
You are basiclly following a database design/modelling pattern known as "subtype/supertype"
for dealing with things like transactions where there is a lot of common data and some data specific to each tranasaction type.
There are two accepted ways to model this. If the the variable data is minimal you hold everthing in a single table with the transaction type specfic attributes held in "nullable" columns. (Which is essentially your case and you have done the correct thing!).
The other case is where the "uncommon" data varies wildly depending on transaction type in which case you have a table which holds all the "common" attributes, and a table for each type which holds the "uncommon" attributes for that "type".
However while "LOAN", "PURCHASE" and "SALE" are valid as transactions. I think Inventory is a different entity and should have a table on its own. Essentially "LOAN" wll add to inventory transaction, "PURCHASE" wll change of inventory status to Saleable and "SALE" wll remove the item from inventory (or change status to sold). Once an item is added to inventory only its status should change (its still a widget, violin or whatever).

I would argue that it's not denormalized. I see no repeating groups; all attributes depending on a unique primary key. Sounds like a good design to me.
Is there a question here? Are you just looking for confirmation that it's acceptable?
Hypothetically, what would you do if the overwhelming consensus was that you should revert back to separate tables for each type? Would you ignore the evidence from your own experience (better performance, simpler programming) and follow the advice of


SQL schema design: two tables vs adding columns to the same table

This question is about design decision, hence might be a bit opinionated:
Imagine you are designing database for a car dealer where they ONLY auction cars. Some cars are for display only, and some cars are to be sold in auction.
I have a Car entity with 10 attributes: ID, Model, Mode, YearMade, IsDisplayOnly....
Now, I want to add selling price and selling notes to those cars that are for sale (i.e. IsDisplayOnly = false)
I image that there are two ways this can be done:
Add Price and PriceNotes columns into the Car table, knowing that they are always null for IsDisplayOnly = true cars, and those that haven't been sold at auction yet.
Add a new table SaleInfo with 3 columns: CarID, Price, PriceNotes where CarID is the PK and also FK pointing to the ID column in the Car table.
Which option would align most with the best schema design practice? Why?
You should have one car for cars and the attributes of cars. You should have a separate table for the cars for auction.
Why? These are different entities. Your problem definition suggests an auction table. That auction table should have a foreign key references to the cars that are available for auction. A separate table ensures that that foreign key reference is valid.
There are some other reasons that are not apparent in your simplified example. Notes and prices might change over time, so they should be going into a history table. Display cars have other attributes, like the period of time when they are on display and how they are ultimately disposed of. This suggests that they too have particular attributes.
My advice would be to use three tables:
-The first to store all the makes and models of the cars. As well as their costs(eg Honda something or other selling for X amount of money)
-The second to store the details of the individual vehicles, containing a foreign key to the primary key of one of the Make/Model stored in the first table, as well as individual details such as the color, VIN no. etc. As well as whether they can be sold or not.
-The third table would contain the details of each individual purchases, linked to the table containing each individual vehicle, this would be linked to the table containing the details of each individual vehicle, with each purchase connected to a single instance. On the table of vehicles.
The advantages for this layout is that you are actually going to end up using less storage space in the long run, as instead of having the same three fields (The make, model and year) repeating for every vehicle, you will only have a single field to represent that data instead of multiple redundant fields. Another advantage will be searching, as if you are searching for details of individual vehicles of the same brand/type, you will be able to search using only one field, the key linked to the table containing the make and model. This would drastically decrease search times and improve the effectiveness of the system overall.

How to make an database structure with handling multiple service in a Foreign Key?

I am making a site that has many services to buy, my problem is to find the best way to make an ERD for this structure!
as I show an image I have a routine system for making a contract for a user, in another word I have a simple table to insert a contract and its related information for user and member.
I store all relation of Contract tables in Junction table. but my problem is that I have many services that have a different price that calculates with its own circumstance( FirstServicePrice, SecoundServicePrice **, **ThirthServicePrice and ...).
I decide to use a junction in name of JunctionForFindPrice for keeping each service primary for a contract. 4 example if someone buys the first service I keep just FirstServicePrice ID in JunctionForFindPrice table in FirstServicePriceId field and leave another field null, and then store Id of JunctionForFindPrice in Junction Table (Gray table in Figure).
is it the best Way for this Implementation? is it the correct way?
There are as many pricing schemas as there are applications because everyone does it a little differently, so don't worry: we've all been confused by how to do this the "right" way. One common method is to create a table like [Orders] with fields like [ClientID], [DateOrdered], and [OrderedBy], and another table,[OrderLineItems], that contains each [ServiceID] they add to the order and the price for that service stored as a number ($23.99). Instead of a price junction table, you would have a function or stored procedure that determines the client's price for that service as it's added to the OrderLineItems table.
In my primary application we have a table of "standard prices" for each service with start/stop dates: that allows us to set up price increases in the future. Then we have a table of possible discounts that allow three types of discount, set the new price, discount by x%, or discount by x$. "Discounts" can be negative where we want to charge clients more. This makes for a very flexible pricing structure but the code to figure it all out is very complicated and brittle.

Database design advice needed on custom fields

I have a table that stores general information about a customer (name, address, etc) that is common to all customers. I have a field called CustomerType (list of types) that drives what other fields I need to capture. So if they are a government customer then they will see a different set of custom fields than a non-profit customer would see. I need to create forms that each different CustomerType will be fill out. On the SQL side, I need to figure out the best way to store the data so that when I do reporting it is simple. I don't know the best way to attack this problem.
On the SQL side, I need to figure out the best way to store the data so that
when I do reporting it is simple. I don't know the best way to attack this
There are many possible approaches each with different strengths and weaknesses, here's some to think about:
Create separate customer detail tables for each of the customer types, each containing the fields specific to that customer type. Each detail table keyed on the customer Id. The customer type does not have to be an attribute of the detail table, only of the parent Customer table.
(+) The correctly normalized solution (although you may find awkward situations
where attributes are common to a subset of customer types). The tables will be fairly easy to maintain.
(-) Reports harder to write - you may find yourself using a LOT of unions or outer joins. Development against this schema is more complex, the extra logic to insert/update attributes in the correct tables for particular customer types must be encoded somewhere. This might become unmanageable if you have many customer types, or if you're adding/changing them frequently.
Expand the customer table to contain the super-set of columns required by all customer types, keyed on the customer Id.
(+) Simple, very easy to report on, simple programming logic.
(-) The customer-type specific fields are only partially dependent on the key of the customer table (customer Id) - they are really dependent on the combination of customerId/customerType.
If there are many extra fields, and if there are few fields common between customer types then this denormalization may result in a very wide table with an unmanageable number of columns. It could be a maintenance nightmare - the table must be modified every time a new customer type is added/change.
You might find this a good solution if the number of unique fields required by each customer type is small and they don't change often and if ease of programming and reporting is an overriding concern.
Store the customer specific values as name/value pairs in a generic customer Details table, keyed on customerId/customerType/key.
(+) Very simple to maintain - No data model changes are required to add a new customer type.
(-) Non-relational, makes pure SQL reporting near impossible and makes integrity constraints very difficult to add. You might see this in specialized use cases e.g. where the data will only ever consumed as JSON and direct reporting will never be a requirement, or in some corporate environments where it may be appealing if database changes are very hard to push through.
First of all, have a look at some good tutorials on database design and object relational modelling (ORM) A beginner's guide to SQL database design
My personal suggestion for your design would be to create one table to store all costumers, together with some kind of unique customer id and the CustomerType. Next create a separate table for each of the CustomerTypes and for each user that belongs to that type, store that users unique id in a column together with its customertype specific fields.

Database Design - sales from multiple sources

We currently have a SQL database with a table that holds online sales for our company, which sells products using other websites (say, Amazon). The table schema has been set up to hold specific sale data/attributes provided by the website our items are currently sold on (say, Site A).
We are expanding sales to other websites that provide different attributes than Site A uses when an item is sold (e.g. Site A might provide a unique sales id number, and site B might not provide a unique sales id number, but also provide some other info that Site A doesn't provide that we still need to capture).
The question is do I add a separate table for sales on each 'site' that we sell on, as the schema will be different, or try to combine all sales into one table, no matter the platform, leaving some columns null if it doesn't pertain to the particular platform? Or maybe a hybrid approach, separating only the attributes that aren't common among the two sites into separate tables, while a "master" sales table holds attributes that are shared (sale_price, sale_date, etc)?
There are also other tables in play that hold internal information (product Ids, costs, etc), that are linked to the sales table via a unique identifier. Whichever route I choose, I'd need come up with a unique identifier I could use across all tables (auto incremented sale_id, e.g.), and store that in a table for reference/joins.
Any suggestions are welcomed!
A sale is a sale >> same data belongs to the same table. I would definitely not recommend splitting your sales to several tables as this creates lots of difficulty for all that might follow: sales statistics and so on. Try to keep all sales in one table.
If it's a very small project, it might be the best shot to integrate the different fields into one table. Otherwise you might try to create profiles for every sale platform: In this case, use an Entity-Attribute-Value model.
Do not add a table for each site. It sounds like you have a many to many relationship between sites and attributes, so set up your database that way. Also, for any unique identifier you need, create it yourself.

Doubt regarding a database design

I have a doubt regarding a database design, suppose a finance/stock software
in the software, the user will be able to create orders,
those orders may contain company products or third-party products
typical product table:
KEY INT productcatId
KEY INT supplierId
VARCHAR(20) name
TEXT description
but i also need some more details in the company products like:
INT instock
DATETIME laststockupdate
The question is, how should i store the data?
I'm thinking in 2 options:
1 -
Have both company and third-party, products in a single table,
some columns will not be used by third-party products
identify the company products are identified by a supplier id
2 -
Have the company products and third-party in separated tables
3 - [new, thanks RibaldEddie]
Have a single product table,
company products have additional info in a separated table
Thanks in advance!
You didn't mention anything about needing to store separate bits of Vendor information, just that a type of product has extra information. So, you could have one products table and an InHouseProductDetails table that has a productId foreign key back to the products table that stores the company specific information. Then when you run your queries you can join the products table to the details table.
The benefit is that you don't have to have NULLable columns in the products table, so your data is safer from corruption and you don't have to store the products themselves in two separate tables.
Oooo go with 3! 3 is the best!
To be honest, I think the choice of #1 or #2 are completely dependent upon some other factors (I can only thing of 2 at the moment):
How much data is expected (affecting speed of queries)
Is scalability going to be a concern anywhere in the near future (I'd guess within 5 years)
If you did go with a single table for all inventory, then later decided to split them, you can. You suggested a supplier identifier of some sort. List suppliers in a table (your company included) with keys to your inventory. Then it really won't matter.
As far as UNION goes, it's been a while since I've written raw Sql - so I'm not sure if UNION is the correct syntax. However, I do know that you can pull data from multiple tables. Actually just found this: Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables with Sql Joins
I agree with RibaldEddie. Just one thing to add: put a unique constraint on that foreign key in your InHouseProductDetails table. That'll enforce that it's a one-to-one relationship between the two tables, so you don't accidently end up with two InHouseProductDetails records for one product (maybe from some dataload gone awry or something)
Constraints are like defensive driving; they help prevent the unexpected...
I would advice on using point #1. What happens when another supplier comes along? It's also more easy to extend on one product table/produst class.
Take into account the testing of your application also. Having all data in one table raises the possible requirement of testing both the 3rd Party & Company elements of your app for any change to either.
If you're happy that your Unit test would cover this off its not so much of a worry... if you're relying on a human tester then it becomes more of an issue when sizing the impact of changes.
Personally I'd go for the one products table with common details and separate tables for the 3rd party & Company specifics.
one table for products with a foreign key to the Vendor table; include your own company in the Vendor table
the Stock table can then be used to store information about stock levels for any product, not just yours
Note that you need the Stock table anyway, this just make the DB model more company-agnostic - so if you ever need to store stock level information about third-party products, there's no DB change required